The Comet of Gemelus

The Comet of Gemelus

57 2 29

A starship and its captain from the 26th century have fallen through time. While he adapts to his new life in the 15th century, Richard is haunted by what has happened to the Earth of his future and the fact he may never go home. Alone, but secretly deploying the technology of the future, he starts to establish himself in this strange world of fiefdoms, lords, knights and kings. Meanwhile the starship Gemelus remains in silent orbit around the Earth.Slowly he develops a vast estate where peace reigns. Until, that is, things start to take a sinister turn. Is Richard being stalked by someone from the future ?…

Silma Bridge

Silma Bridge

14,078 2,252 9

[The Capital #3] The Capital merupakan sebuah perusahaan jasa yang didirikan oleh keluarga Bastaraja. Namun, hanya orang-orang terpilih yang bisa mendapat undangan khusus untuk menjadi klien dari perusahaan bonafide itu.The Capital yang menawarkan pelayanan supereksklusif memiliki berbagai macam lini jasa, mulai dari departemen event management, transportasi, hingga pendidikan.Kemudian, ada pula Silma Bridge*-departemen pengawas yang dijuluki sebagai zona tengah The Capital. "Lo udah denger gosip baru nggak? Katanya ada jurnalis yang lagi gencar menggali informasi The Capital buat dijadiin headline mereka?""Nggak mungkin berhasil, sih. Kita 'kan punya Silma."Berbeda dari departemen lain yang bertugas melayani klien dengan sepenuh hati, tujuan didirikannya Silma Bridge adalah demi melindungi The Capital dari serangan luar yang ingin mengusik kedamaian perusahaan. "What should we do next, Boss?""Destroy them.""Apa itu nggak terlalu brutal?""Lah? Bukannya kamu lebih brutal? Kadang saya aja sampai mikir, mimpi apa saya punya sekretaris seganas-""Boss, aren't you tired of talking so much?""Ooh, right. Sorry, Ma'am!"*Jembatan Mata.Silma adalah sebuah kata dari Bahasa Finlandia, yang artinya mata/indra penglihatan.…

The Best Match

The Best Match

743,440 33,313 53

[Edited • Completed • Revised]When twenty four years old software engineer, Shree Jaisingh is proposed to marry an equally talented, young and fortunate, multi-millionaire of the year, Abhimanyu Singh Chauhan, she doesn't think twice and nods her head in a yes, allowing their families to fast forward the wedding preps.The handsome heartthrob is best for her. Or, so her family tells her. Even though monogamy is a tough call, she takes the leap of faith and puts on a bridal dress, ready to walk down the aisle. Only to find the man they call 'perfect' has more secrets than he bothers to tell. Abhimanyu is a cold, dangerous businessman who has reasons behind everything. Will he make her regret her decision or will he really prove out, as they call him, the best match?…

How to Make a Sinner Sleep

How to Make a Sinner Sleep

258,524 19,441 140

Kaden Chauvet awakes in the same cold room that he remembers, seeing the reflection of pale viridescent eyes that scream curses at his mind. This is a beginning; a second chance that he would rather forsake than claim.Time has reversed, and he is back to play the role of an obedient fool-only, he no longer has any intentions of wagging his tail and committing the heinous crimes that he once did.He will save everyone; and then face his judgement.The judgement that comes in the raven-scaled hands of the heroic, slightly quiet, and son of the Dragon bloodline, Noah Bellamy.And yet the man claims, "I want to save you, fool."And another tearfully cries, "Please don't die. Not again, never again."And another's graceful voice pleads, "I don't wish to witness your demise again."Kaden stares, utterly confused. "What?"---One sentence summary: In which a terrible sinner seeks redemption and amusement by relentlessly teasing an irritated dragon.…

Chameleon In New York

Chameleon In New York

2,085,298 105,369 31

Sydney has managed to rebuild her life from the ashes and forge one that is filled with secrets and half-truths. She has given up hope of ever finding someone who would see her for who she really is - not the daughter of the man responsible for destroying countless lives. So why is she so affected by the one man who has tarred her with the same brush as her father?Ethan McMasters only has time in his life for one thing: Work. After a chance encounter, he find himself drawn to a woman he is convinced is as crooked as the man who sired her. There's something about the elusive and feisty woman that has him determined to uncover the enigma that surrounds her like a veil.But in unlocking her secrets, will he discover more than he bargained for?…

Rimuru's Restart [Draft]

Rimuru's Restart [Draft]

519,123 12,731 78

[A Draft to Rimuru's Restart: That Time I Traveled back in Time]Rimuru Tempest is the Strongest Fighter in the tensei slime universe at the end of the series! so let's take a look at this world where Rimuru restarted from the start and tried to minimize his mistakes and build his ideal worldThanks for the Cover: VytsuDesignsSupport our amazing visual artist!…

I'm not a villain (Hitoshi Shinso x reader)

I'm not a villain (Hitoshi Shinso x reader)

1,153,989 55,134 87

(Y/n) was destined to be the greatest villain of all time. Her father was an evil genius, while her mother was a kidnapped heroine. Rejecting her future of villainy, she runs away with her mother, wanting to become a hero just like she was. Moving in with her aunt, she meets the boy who lives across the street. He was quite similar to her and this helped create a strong friendship. But before they could even come close enough to express their true feeling, they are separated by their differences. (Y/n) gains many tasks over the 2 months her father is away. Making friends with the students at U.A, becoming stronger, protecting her mother, hiding her quirks, trying to regain her closeness with Hitoshi and trying to deal with the annoyances that come with her fathers quirk.(I don't own MHA, I own my OCs though)…



10,096 731 64

"Azon az estén, ahogy a lámpák fényei elmosódtak a könnyeimen át, rájöttem, hogy mennyire gyáva voltam. Mennyire gyávák voltunk mindketten.""- A szomszédos tudatmezők egymásra gyakorolt hatásának evolúciós szükségessége nem vitatható. Biológiailag arra lettünk konfigurálva, hogy a körülöttünk levőkkel szinte önkéntelenül szinkronba kerüljünk. Ezért is fordulhatott elő, hogy szimpatikusak lettünk egymás számára. - ecseteltem hosszasan a távolba meredve. - Tehát kedvelsz. - fordította le a mondandómat, mint ahogyan azt minden alkalommal tette. - Fogalmazhatunk így is. - forgattam meg a szemeimet." ......A történetet semmiképpen sem ajánlom 16 (helyenként 18) éven aluliaknak a trágár nyelvezet, szexuális tartalom, tudatmódosító szerek fogyasztása, mentális zavarok/betegségek tárgykörének feldolgozása miatt. Minden itt olvasható dolog a képzelet szüleménye, merítkezik a valóságból, valós személyekből és szellemi alkotásokból, viszont nem röghözkötötten.…

How Did This Happen?

How Did This Happen?

105,458 1,849 14

You know how Peeta said that Katniss was pregnant and they were married? What if it were true? Go back to before the Quell and see how it all went down. The questions will start, and suspicions will be raised, but will Katniss stay safe, or is she once again in grave danger?…

Where Havoc Overtakes All

Where Havoc Overtakes All

55 24 39

A sort of spinoff of the Wads, if we can call it that. At least we know wherever it is we're going. Some content may not be suitable for younger readers, profanity for the most part.…

Quem Ri Por Último Ri Melhor

Quem Ri Por Último Ri Melhor

1,557 125 34

O bullying esteve presente na vida de Matt desde os seus 12 anos. Agora, faltando três meses para o Ensino Médio acabar, ele está cada vez mais ansioso e tudo parece que vai mudar nessa história cheia de reviravoltas, amizades, amores e dilemas. Acompanhe a abordagem de temas como bullying, abuso, desilusões e descoberta de novos sentimentos nessa fanfic cheia de elementos que misturam a cultura brasileira com a americana.…

[BL] Panduan Anak Manusia untuk Bertahan Hidup di Padang Gurun

[BL] Panduan Anak Manusia untuk Bertahan Hidup di Padang Gurun

5,872 412 197

[Danmei Terjemahan]Judul China : 人类幼崽废土苟活攻略Penulis : Bald Xiao Er 秃子小贰Chapter : 214 bab + 20 ekstraPutra seorang pelayan, Yan Bubu ditakdirkan sejak ia dilahirkan untuk melayani Tuan Muda Feng Chen seumur hidup.Tuan muda itu, Feng Chen, sedingin dan menusuk seperti peluru yang ditembakkan pada titik nol mutlak. Lapisan es tebal yang seolah membungkusnya membuat semua orang menjaga jarak.Namun, Yan Bubu hanya melirik Feng Chen. Ia menawarkan satu-satunya mainannya. "Ini, Kakak.""Siapa kakak laki-lakimu?" Feng Chen menunduk dan bertanya dengan dingin.Yan Bubu mengerang dengan ibu jarinya dan tersenyum. "Kakak laki-laki sangat konyol. Tentu saja itu kamu!"Feng Chen tidak menyukai pengikut kecil yang lengket ini, bahkan jika Yan Bubu memandangnya seperti dia adalah matahari dan memanggilnya 'kakak' dengan nada yang paling manis.Namun ketika dunia kiamat, Feng Chen yang berusia 12 tahun membawa serta Yan Bubu muda saat ia melarikan diri.Gempa bumi. Banjir. Suhu ekstrem. Epidemi. Flora dan fauna yang bermutasi.Dua orang anak sendirian menjaga kota yang kosong, menghadapi dunia baru ini dan bahaya yang mengintai di setiap sudut bersama-sama.Selama tahun-tahun di mana mereka berjuang untuk bertahan hidup, Feng Chen tidak pernah berpikir untuk meninggalkan Yan Bubu.Yan Bubu adalah segalanya baginya.-Saat kau menciumku dengan bibir kelopak mawar itu, peluru pun bisa meledak.  #Dua bibit kecil tumbuh di celah tebing, saling menyerap nutrisi dalam angin dan hujan akhir-akhir ini, dan tumbuh bergantung satu sama lain#  Feng Chen gong, Yan Bubu shouTranslate langsung dari google…

Play Me a Song

Play Me a Song

31,453 1,291 31

"What is it?" Aeson frowns, catching me staring."Nothing," I chuckle embarrassed, "I was just trying to think about something to start a conversation.""And what did you think about?" He leans closer, interested."Nothing came to my mind." At that he smirkes."Well," He wets his lips, "we could always just make out."College, it is a new phase in your life. A lot changes, especially if you have to move from your small town to a big city where you don't know anyone. Fortunately, for Emilia Anjos, sometimes your optimistic thinking does pay off, and she manages to get under the wing of a colorful haired extrovert named Cora Moore.That friendship opens a door for many more, including a shameless flirt basketball player, Leo Castillo, and Aeson Meyer, the musician who caught her attention with his living paradox of tattoos and crazy lemurs shirt. Hopes are high for this freshman year: living away from home, studying hard, new friends and maybe a love-song-worthy love story.…



26,148 4,492 109

Remake dari novel china Rock Sugar and Pear Stew. Aku suka banget sama novel ini, jadi aku memutuskan untuk meremakenya dengan tokoh khayalanku sendiri. Tulisan ini sama persis dengan novel sebenarnya. Aku hanya mengubah nama tokoh, latar dan beberapa hal yang lain sesuai dengan kebutuhan cerita.---Kim Myungsoo dan Bae Sooji adalah teman satu sekolah selama enam tahun di Sekolah Dasar. Setelah diganggu oleh Sooji selama 6 tahun penuh, Myungsoo memutuskan untuk melepaskan diri dari Sooji dengan sekolah di Sekolah Menengah Pertama yang berbeda dengan gadis itu. Tanpa kontak selama enam tahun selanjutnya, siapa yang menyangka bahwa Kim Myungsoo dan Bae Sooji suatu hari akan bertemu lagi di universitas?25 Juni 2021…

Billionaire's Trap

Billionaire's Trap

78,489 2,708 19

Amelia Standford is a 27-year old woman who is known for her angelic face, sexy, intelligent and alluring to men. But, not known to many that she is still a V-i-r-g-i-n.She is very competitive and confident. And has a versatile personality. She is a very successful businesswoman. But, she is elusive to men. She does not believe in Love. She is skeptic about romantic relationship. Until she met Phillip Wagner the wealthiest, sexiest and handsome bachelor. Who finds her as a challenge. Like a business deal. Amelia did not know that men not just mere men but billionaires and hunk would risk their lives and give out billions just to be the first one to capture her heart and body.…



60 9 1

HalloweenSpecial, Lesen auf eigene Gefahr! Ihr könntet verblöden! XDDiese Geschichte ist zur allgemeinen Belustigung da, sollte also auf keinen Fall ernst genommen werden.…

Heart of Steel [Pokémon Fanfiction]

Heart of Steel [Pokémon Fanfiction]

62,810 3,822 48

Steven Stone: Champion of the Hoenn region, Mega Evolution user, and avid stone collector. Although no one knows his past, or how he even came to be Champion, behind every gem lies an untold tale of formation... Nine years before the Hoenn Primal Crisis, a younger Steven Stone has been forced to study for most of his life to prepare for becoming the next president of the Devon Corporation. His entire life changes when he receives Meteor, a Beldum with companionship to offer and more than enough to say about it. Once the duo take part in and win their first battle, Steven realizes that he's meant to be a Pokémon Trainer and eventually leaves home. Not long into his travels, Steven encounters an organization of people with twisted morals and an even more twisted way of expressing them. It doesn't take long to discover what they want- him. With assistance from Meteor, a few new allies, and an intriguing girl named Arietta, Steven can only hope he's able to elude capture so the organization won't ensure the downfall of not only the Devon Corporation, but potentially Hoenn itself.[This story uses some headcanons, is placed in the Omega Ruby timeline, and is mainly influenced by the games lore and mechanics-wise]•2nd place winner of the 2017 Pokémon Watties Action/Adventure Category and winner of the "Best Trainer Book" Special Award•I don't own the images and videos used for this story's chapters…

Only you Dramione

Only you Dramione

37,206 1,303 38

"And suddenly all the love stories made sense..." (Previously: Angelic Demons, Dramione) Its the seventh year of the golden trio at Hogwarts. Will Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin Price with a heart melting smile, finally be able to make a move this year? He has never admitted how passionately he wanted her, until this moment. Will Hermione Jean Granger, the brightest and prettiest witch of her age be able to keep herself away from the clutches of her hearts true desire? Or will she continue her act? © This story, "Angelic Demons,Dramoine" is protected under copyright laws. Any infringement of this copyright is punishable by law. © Posted on 15th September '15 I dont own these characters, Only the story.…

Buku 1: Sistem: Buku Panduan Petani

Buku 1: Sistem: Buku Panduan Petani

36,567 4,905 200

Selama tahun Dinasti Dayu dan Zhaode, selama tiga tahun berturut-turut, bencana alam terus berlanjut, dan tidak ada biji-bijian yang dipanen. Di Desa Sihuang, ketika dia bangun di malam hari, dia melihat pemandangan tragis sebuah keluarga yang terdiri dari empat orang makan tanah Guanyin bersama. Untungnya, dia memiliki ruang universal di tangannya, sehingga dia bisa memakan perutnya sebelum menghasilkan banyak uang ... Apa yang tidak pernah dia duga adalah bahwa pria gunung es tampan yang ditemui Ping Shui bahkan lebih kuat darinya. ...Bukan Karya sendiri, up karena suka baca. khusus untuk bacaan offline.Penulis: Qi Mumu…



19,382 790 41

"You wanted a bad guy? Fine, I'll be the bad guy."Continuing on her vigilante career, Charlie's had a decent two years, that it until it gets interrupted by evil titans, old mentors, theatrical lairs, and her growing feelings for her now-friend Peter Parker. ALIAS BOOK TWO[Infinity War to No Way Home]…