People have heard of so many heroes, like Superman, The Avengers, etc. Danger is one of them. However, being a teenager, she has lots of other responsibilities as well. Like partying with her friends. When Danger, also known as Rose, completes her training and is no longer a side kick, she is allotted her partner. And who is her partner? Oh, just the only person she hates, super teen Black, AKA Jacob Farret. How are they going to be together without killing each other and save the world at the same time?It's sure that their journey is going to be super hilarious and super fun, so read on to learn how The SuperTeens along with their sidekick Gold make the world a better place through their antics.DISCLAIMER: Person reads at their own risk of dying due to excessive fangirling, laughter, waiting for updates, and various other causes. Producer is at no way responsible for the various reactions caused.โฆ