Unexpected Roommates | Slashers x Reader

Unexpected Roommates | Slashers x Reader

808,392 21,808 27

You're now independent, alone in your much-too-big house... well, it would be too big if you were living alone. After an interesting then of events, however, you are definitely not living alone.There'll be a lot of slashers in this book, and I'll be adding more as I go along. For now, I'll be adding Ghostface based off of Danny 'Jed Olsen' Johnson from Dead by Daylight since i can't decide on a Ghostface from the movies, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhes, Bubba Sawyer, Freddy Krueger, Norman Bates, Hannibal Lecter, Thomas Hewitt and Brahms Heelshire.…

Countess of Blood, Elizabeth Bathory

Countess of Blood, Elizabeth Bathory

373 3 8

Funny skit I wrote about the slasher boys meeting Elizabeth Bathory. The countess is checking out the new world and looking for virgins.…

bloody green eyes [clexa au]

bloody green eyes [clexa au]

42,303 1,460 40

clexa college au or something :)hard to define what's happening in there but read it anyway, it's worth the ride(also I do not own the characters)[finished and under rewriting because the writing is literally bad lmao!]…

𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 | 𝐒𝐨𝐂

𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝 | 𝐒𝐨𝐂

387,335 16,714 67

Natasha Van Doren is a shadow summoner. She bides her time and resides in darkness, feared and esteemed by Ketterdam's civilians, a ghost . She cons Kaz Brekker into joining a heist he can't refuse and with thirty million kruge on the line, the crowds embark on a journey through unfamiliar waters to abduct and retrieve a powerful fabrikator, the fate of the entire world in their hands. Amongst tears, detestation and love, Natasha and Kaz navigate through their feelings in the midst of a heist that could kill them both.Book One of The Shadow Bride Series…

kxk Kamerzysta x Kruszwil

kxk Kamerzysta x Kruszwil

1,685 61 5

Sory za błedy jak coś, ale to moja pierwsza książka…

Rosenrot oh Rosenrot...

Rosenrot oh Rosenrot...

6,795 229 10

You want to know the story? Just click on the reading button.All rights are for the great writer "Rammstein-Kruspe" on DeviantArt.…



1,574 45 11

Rammstein Among Us…

"Prestiż w obiektywie..."

9,367 224 17

Opowieść o Kamerzyście x Reader dziś to TY wcielisz się w bohaterkę i przeżyjesz krótką przygodę ze sławnym Kamerzystą Lorda Kruszwila.. :) Więcej w prologu XP…



18,518 754 21

This story takes place right after Kara is cured from Red Kryptonite. They both heard a car crash outside and it sounded a bit different then the ones they usual heard before...If you haven't read the first book, please read it before reading this!I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CW CHARACTERS…

 THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERGIRL Kara Gets Red Kryptonite Book #1

THE ADVENTURES OF SUPERGIRL Kara Gets Red Kryptonite Book #1

36,896 950 13

Kara gets influenced by Red Kryptonite again. Alex still has those horrible memories of her sister saying that horrible stuff. Everything goes wrong when Kara asks Alex what's wrong.Lena and Alex are both victims of Kara's horrible behavior. Your beloved, kind, and sweet Kara justtook a turn. THIS IS A BOOK SERIES, EVERY OTHER BOOK TITLED WITH A NUMBER WILL BE FOLLOWINGTHIS STORY! Thank you! Enjoy!I DO NOT OWN THESE CHARACTERSCharacters created by CW and SUPERGIRL WRITERS…

Nie mehr allein

Nie mehr allein

428 16 5

A love story..?…

Embracing the Unknown

Embracing the Unknown

2 0 1

A man wakes up in an empty city and receives a call from his lawyer. Apparently, he should be in court. Where is he? Why is he there? And most importantly, what is that thing?…

The Santa Clause Fanfic

The Santa Clause Fanfic

2,859 25 15

When Scott Calvin (A Self centered business man) spends Christmas Eve with his two kids Merry and Charlie, things start to get crazy on the most wonderful time of the year, especially when Santa Clause suddenly falls off the roof. Once he puts on the big red suit, his life starts to change, including his eldest daughter. Will Scott every accept being Santa or will the Spirit of Christmas be gone forever?I do not own The Santa Clause franchise, that all belongs to Disney. However, the character Merry Calvin is an Original Character and belongs to me…

Mein Sonnenschein.

Mein Sonnenschein.

12,174 362 22

Richard and Paul are the guitarists for Rammstein, a German band. They're also close friends. One day when they're playing a show in Russia, they choose to kiss on stage to stand up for lgbtq+ rights. How will Richard react when his feelings of friendly love go from that to romantic? Flake, the bands keyboard player, trys to convince Richard to leave it for Rammsteins sake but Richard can't. What will Paul do when he finds out about his friends feelings? And will Rammstein survive?-I'm crap at descriptions so just read this story if you want :] trying to update every sunday, first time writing anything like this so be patient pleeaase xD thank you for reading :]…

Snowflake (Bernard x Y/n)

Snowflake (Bernard x Y/n)

9,642 84 10

Hi. My name is Y/n, I have ADHD and dyslexia and I don't live a normal life... I stopped believing in Santa when I was 5 and now I'm 16 my dad has custody of me and and my mum has custody of my brother. I'm as you could say 'on the naughty list' because I... I chose the wrong path. My whole family is American and for some reason I have a British accent even though I was born in America I speak British. My little brother Charlie came over for Christmas and we both hate our dad's cooking. Christmas night we heard a massive bang on are roof and we found out santa fell of our roof! That's when our lives changed...This will not be anything like the movie and I hope you don't mind that. Enjoy!…

Ty a tvé oči

Ty a tvé oči

24 2 3

Ahojky, určitě znáte slavnou dvojici Paul Landers a Richard Kruspe, jinak řečeno Paulchard. Tohle je můj příběh, teorie nebo tak něco o jejich první puse a o tom co bylo před ní a po ní. Je to vymyšlené, to je snad jasné. Doufám, že se vám to bude líbit a kdyby se našla nějaká chybička, napište. Užijte si čtení.Ps: tenhle příběh píšu už od roku 2023, ale nějak se mi ho povedlo vymazat, neboť ho nemohu najít. No nic tohle bude stejně více promakané. Užívejte. <3…

love equations -- charlie eppes x reader - numb3rs

love equations -- charlie eppes x reader - numb3rs

7,105 186 22

when ciara matthews, a well known name around the fbi forces, gets assigned to a new location, working along side special agents like terry lake, david sinclair, and don eppes, she doesn't expect it to be much different. however, when don gets his brother charlie, a mathematical genius who teaches at CalSci, on one of, and many more of, their cases, everything goes a lot different than what she had ever expected.…



1,306 88 25

I think the title says it all XD This is a Lyric Book for Emigrate the band of Rammstein's guitarist Richard Z. Kruspe ❤I made this just because I love the band, Richard's work is simply awesome!Anyways I hope you like it :D I don't own any of these lyrics, all the rights and credits goes to Emigrate and their respective owners.…

Rammstein oneshots

Rammstein oneshots

2,654 36 12

Just some oneshots of the guys from Rammstein…

INEFFABLE | kaz brekker

INEFFABLE | kaz brekker

74,068 2,476 23

ineffable (adj.)too great to be expressed in words, utterly indescribable; too sacred to speak of.Elham Creed is an orphan from Keramzin, who was whisked away as a child to the Little Palace, where she attempted to learn to control her powers. She was no normal Inferni, however, and struggled learning control, so instead, she became the best swordsman the palace had ever seen. Just when things started going well for her, she learned some terrible news about the Darkling, and was told to flee. She escaped, managing to find herself far away in Ketterdam, where she was forced to learn to fight for her life and to fend for herself. After a while, she meets the Bastard of the Barrel, and soon joins the Dregs, later becoming Kaz Brekker's Valkyrie. After some time, when the Crows are formed, they're informed that a million kruge is on the line, if they can find and capture the so called Sun Summoner. As part of the Crows, Elham has to return to the Little Palace and face her past. It all unfolds in the first book of the series, following the events of Netflix's Shadow and Bone. Book OneKaz Brekker x OCShadow and Bone Season 1 (slight mentions of content in the duology as well)(please do not post my work anywhere else or translate it without my permission, message me for details, thank you!)…