Ranting about things!!!

Ranting about things!!!

0 0 1

In this "story", I'm writing about things I like, and just full out making an essay each "chapter".…

{-The Other Dimension-}

{-The Other Dimension-}

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{~A pizza place opened in 19XX, with the name of 'Freda's Pizza Place!'. It was actually the 3rd franchise. However, something happened in the first franchise. Murder. And children. Screams of horror. Join Abigail in her story, and unravel the many secrets and mystery's this pizzeria franchise own. And maybe.. We'll be able to turn down those mystery's. But, she refused to accept what happened. She bubbled it up in her mind. The flashes of blood still haunted her. Maybe.. We can see what's happening. Together? Well, if you accept. Let's go.-}…

Merformers : Into The Deep Sea

Merformers : Into The Deep Sea

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One thing that I know about plenty of the franchisees that I love is the fact that some of them have AU's in both fannon and cannon! Such as TMNT, the Sonic franchise and even Transformers! So what happens when I suddenly find myself in a fannon Transformers AU where the Bots and the Cons are all Merformers, and I have become a mermaid?! (Read to find out)…

Dayshift at Freddy's on every drug in the world.

Dayshift at Freddy's on every drug in the world.

139 2 2

Buckle up buttercup, and just enjoy the ride. It may make no sense but you can't just unread it now.…