Don't worry about it

Don't worry about it

36 0 7

this is just some rp ideas, not really anything cohesive…

How We Met

How We Met

520 11 1

A love story of a broken relationship.…

Die drei Fledermäuse

Die drei Fledermäuse

20 2 2

Diese Geschichte ist mit Y/N geschrieben damit du diese Geschichte von deiner perspektive sehen kannst!!🙂…

Changling Families Beginning

Changling Families Beginning

39 6 5

Changeling are not supposed to form bonds with anyone. Not even other changelings. So how did Walter, Otto, and Nomura end up being siblings? How did the Changling Siblings find each other centuries before they even considered the rest of their families.…

Depraved Lullaby

Depraved Lullaby

116 0 4

Zira is a pup born with a fate beyond imagination. When her clan is torn to pieces in a traumatic attack, she is accepted into another - But hatred brews, and new alliances form. What happens when resentment boils over, and when ambition rears its ugly head? Find out in this AU fic of TLK 2!…



684 174 19

„Ich schätze, du hast in den vergangenen Wochen schon ein paar besondere Dinge bemerkt." Ich nicke. „Wieso musstest du mich denn so erschrecken? Hätte doch auch einfach ein Brief kommen können." „Geht schon, aber wir sind ja keine Zauberer, außerdem ist es doch viel einfallsreicher gewesen. Wir heißen Feranyo, eigentlich fast normale Menschen, nur mit Flügeln und je nach Situation, bestimmten Fähigkeiten. Du musst jedoch erst lernen, wie du mit so etwas umzugehen hast und wie du diese Besonderheiten einsetzen kannst. Deshalb gibt es in den Sommerferien ein Camp für Neulinge. Zwei Wochen sind Pflicht." Meine gemeinsamen Pläne mit Samira zerplatzen...…

Something of Your Own

Something of Your Own

0 0 1

A book of my own poetry.…

Is It Love ?

Is It Love ?

5,818 598 43

Schönling vs. Bad Boy - Welcher der Ortega-Brüder lässt das Herz schneller schlagen und für wen wird Chrissy sich entscheiden? (lediglich an die Is It Love Spielreihe angelehnt)…

Tim Oliver Schultz

Tim Oliver Schultz

1,869 10 51

Kurzer Einblick in das Leben von Tim Oliver Schultz. Mit seinen wichtigsten Filmen :) *Falls ihr Lieblinsschauspieler/innen habt, von denen ihr euch so etwas wünscht, dann sagt mir Bescheid, ich mach es für euch P.S. Ich werde bei den Filmen/Serien, die ich schon gesehen habe eine Anmerkung machen, damit ihr das wisst und vielleicht auch Fragen stelen könnt.…

Even heros need help from heros!

Even heros need help from heros!

16 1 1

Eine kleine Geschichte über Peter Parker (Civil War) und seine beste Freundin (OC).…

Etched in Skin

Etched in Skin

61 0 6

A high school student is applying for colleges after her dream college delines her application. This decision is heartbreaking for her family since her father died and her mother can barely do anything for herself. The only person who seems to support her decision is her aunt, who is prepared to take on extra work around the house while she is gone. Little does she know that while the family falls apart, someone is hunting Lyra. He wants her to himself. But what happens when love turns bloody?…

Hells Survival Guide

Hells Survival Guide

13 0 1

Alex, a simple barista, gets himself summoned into Hell. As he himself were one of the demons who brought him there. But he was just going by a shift before any of this happened. He was sucked from his normal world and into something upside down and utterly crazy.Lucifer was dying, and the only person who could help him was a little barista boy who had no idea what he was dong. But what if he can't? He doesn't know how to heal the most powerful being in Hell. Even if Hell itself was freezing over. Literally. Maybe Alex will have to find something about himself that might help with his journey. So hold onto your cheesecakes and lock your closets. It's gonna be a wild ride. *IDEA FOR THIS COMES FROM TUMBLR BLOG WRITING-PROMPT-S. JUST THE IDEA. PLOT AND WRITING ARE MY OWN BUT IDEA WAS GATHERED FROM THERE.*…

Don't save me 'cause I don't care

Don't save me 'cause I don't care

598 20 4

Was tust du, wenn du keinen Grund mehr hast zu bleiben? Wenn dich jeden Tag aufs neue die Hölle erwartet und das einzige, was dich noch in dieser Welt hält, die Hoffnung auf bessere Zeiten ist? Bleibst du und kämpfst, oder gibst du einfach auf?(Casper/Felix)…

Mundo Rejet ^^

Mundo Rejet ^^

1,289 15 20

Recopilación continua de personajes creados por Rejet.…

The Nocturne

The Nocturne

224 6 27

What is the cause of the eerie and ethereal music that Edgar Rossini hears at night. And why is he the only one who can hear it? Is the strange phenomenon real, paranormal, or just a figment of his imagination? After being expelled from college, resulting from personal tragedy, Edgar finds his life greatly transformed, and not for the better. One year on from such a life changing trauma, is it so strange that he is still plagued by such horrific and vivid nightmares? Haunted by heartbreak and broken by grief. Is Edgar actually hearing voices manifesting themselves from the grave? Or perhaps he just heading for some type of breakdown? Suffering from both insomnia and mental anguish. Are the bizarre occurrences he has witnessed merely a symptom of sleep depravation or something more profound? And what of the other residents of Bloomfield House? They all seem to have some deep and mysterious secrets of their own to hide..…

邪神之道 B1

邪神之道 B1

459,841 18,248 200

Kitchen staff member of the Seven Rivers Sect, Yè Guǐ Fèng (夜鬼凤) with a cultivation base of the Qi Condensation levels has no hope of ever becoming a true immortal in a world of talent beats all. Working painstakingly in the kitchen of the sect without a single spirit stone to show for his efforts he eventually meets a legendary demonic cultivator, Xié Mó Xīn (邪魔心) who guides him onto the path of demonic arts.…

A Bat's Guide to College

A Bat's Guide to College

91 7 13

Hey, all. The name's Erron. This is my way of keeping track of and sharing my experiences as a Biromantic Asexual Trans boy (hence BAT) starting at a private Christian University. I also hope to drop what pointers and tips I find for being at least somewhat successful in college, making the most out of dorm life, and managing all of that while being an out bi and closeted trans person with PTSD. Fair warning, there will be geekery. I'm double majoring in math and education.…

Quest of the Spirit: From Suffering to Acceptance

Quest of the Spirit: From Suffering to Acceptance

7,269 117 152

God's spirit works in the lives of men during times of separation, suffering, conflict, and despair to provide solace, self-awareness, and hope. Through Quest of the Spirit, one observes how notable writers learned the truth about themselves and society, and promoted social change. Quest of the Spirit shows how the interrelationship of theology, psychology, and philosophy empowers us to face life as a succession of challenges . Ideas from Einstein, Schopenhauer, Schweitzer, Toynbee, Born, Kierkegaard, Russell, Gandhi, Barth, Tillich, Bultmann, Buber, Lewis, Jung, Frankl, Ayer, Hume, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Conrad, Spengler, Niebuhr, Jaspers, Heidegger, Newman, Carlyle, Lowry, Freud, Lawrence, Graham, Renan, Hardy . . .…

Blutende Liebe und die Herrschaft der Vampire

Blutende Liebe und die Herrschaft der Vampire

50 0 3

Die Geschichte eines Mädchens die dem Mythos der Vampire nachgeht und versucht Kontakt mit ihnen aufzubauen. In wie weit sie es schafft und was für Folgen das für sie und ihre Umwelt hat könnt ihr alles in "Blutende Liebe" in Erfahrung bringen.Viel Spaß…

Geschichten aus Creek Hollow

Geschichten aus Creek Hollow

39 0 3

Creek Hollow ist eine Stadt voller Legenden, Sagen und mystischer Wesen. Ob es sich um eine mächtige Vampirfamilie, einen riesigen Baummenschen oder winzige Elfen handelt, die Nachbarn der Stadt haben ihre eigenen Geschichten zu erzählen, in denen es nicht nur um rassistische Auseinandersetzungen und Vorturteile, sondern auch um Liebe, Magie und die Macht der Freundschaft geht. In jeder Geschichte wird ein Teil des Mysteriums um den seltsamen Tod der Hexe Linda Tilton aufgedeckt, der Creek Hollow erschütterte.…