nick sturniolo - fireworks + oneshots
first/ main story is the first 5 chapters. the rest is just random oneshots that i write every blue mf moonppl included:madinatemattchrisnicklarriarrington & my oc? frankieā¦
first/ main story is the first 5 chapters. the rest is just random oneshots that i write every blue mf moonppl included:madinatemattchrisnicklarriarrington & my oc? frankieā¦
Short Ellick NCIS storiesDon't judge based on the first few I wrote them years ago šš#1 in ellick April 8 2023 <3ā¦
Please readš¾š«¶š½ā¦
Steve and Eddie <3Mainly fluffSome angstSome will be set without upside down, some with, some vampire Eddie and other AUs/HC.Cover art by me Insta rubberduck.artā¦
There's not enough Sleepy Bois Inc one shots in the world, so I decided to try my hand at some. This is my first Wattpad story, and I've never really written a fanfic before. This is probably going to be mostly angst. [update: it is pretty much all angst, I changed the title to fit] We'll see how this goes :)Cover belongs to @dewberdrop on Instagramā¦
(OLD, i have a new fanfic for this out! pls this is so cringe)Y/n is gender neutral! Basically, FNaF headcannons and oneshots. Uhm also, updates are slow! :] Enjoy girls, guys, and non-binary pals. :D ((ALL CHARACTERS BELONG TO SCOTT CAWTHON!!))ā¦
Just a collection of various preferences and one shots featuring the characters from the 1989 movie.If you have a request for a story for example please feel free to DM me or put it in the comments! š„ā¦
š±Adjective: šš¼šæĀ·ššĀ·š¶Ā·šš¼šš. š±Happening by accident or chance rather than design.Similar: š¶šÆš¦š¹š±š¦š¤šµš¦š„ and š¶šÆš§š°š³š¦š“š¦š¦šÆ"While us meeting like this was unforeseen, I know the memories we create together won't fade into a fugacious reality."... š šŗš°š¶šÆšØ š¤šŖš·šŖššŖš¢šÆ šøš©š° š©š¢š“ š«š¶š“šµ š³š¢šÆš¬š¦š„ š¶š± šøšŖšµš©šŖšÆ šš©š¦ ššÆšŖš°šÆ š£š¦šØšŖšÆš“ šµš©š¦šŖš³ š«š°š¶š³šÆš¦šŗ, š¢šÆš„ š¢šš°šÆšØ šøšŖšµš© šµš©šŖš“ š±š³š°š®š°šµšŖš°šÆ, š§š³šŖš¦šÆš„š“š©šŖš±š“ šøšŖšš š£šš°š“š“š°š® ššŖš¬š¦ šµš©š¦ š°š·š¦š³š©š¢šÆšØšŖšÆšØ š³š°š“š¦š“.š± šøš¼šæš¾ššš°š½š! š±This One-Shot book is the PREQUEL to my story, Fugacious. It takes place two years before that of Fugacious' plot.I highly recommend reading this book first if you're new.ā§š½ššØšš š¤š£ šššæ šæš š”š¤š§š šš£š š©šš ššØ š„š”ššš šš£ š©šš šš”š šæšš®šØ š¾šš©š®.Started; May 27th, 2023Finished; January 21st, 2024! š¾š¤š«šš§ šš® šš !ā¦
-Just a bunch of one shots-ill update weeklyā¦
This is a new series of unrelated (perhaps some will be related in the future) one-shots. I receive requests in my PM inbox and reviews, and I write little one-shots/drabbles based off of those requests. Who knows what requests will show up in my inbox. :) Currently closed for requests, hence "COMPLETED". Will be back on working for more one-shots soon.----------ACHIEVEMENTS# 1 in goyo (1 October 2018)# 1 in gregoriodelpilar (1 October 2018)# 1 in heneralluna (1 October 2018)# 1 in johnarcilla (1 October 2018)# 1 in eduardorusca (4 October 2018)# 1 in emilioaguinaldo (4 October 2018)# 1 in pauloavelino (4 October 2018)# 1 in jovenhernando (4 October 2018)# 1 in vicenteenriquez (4 October 2018)# 1 in philippinehistory (6 October 2018)# 5 in bayaniserye (11 November 2018)# 17 in philippines (21 October 2018)# 278 in oneshotcollection (20 December 2018)# 489 in historicalfiction (28 October 201)ā¦
These are some interesting stories which came to my mind. They are shot but fun to read. The story has romance, sarcasm, rejection,realizations,confessions and what not.So. ENJOY!!!ā¦
NHL one shots!ā¦
A collection of oneshots with insights into the future.**Follow MayDayVoice on YouTube for a more in-depth look into the connections to this world****PLEASE NOTE: These are written akin to scripts, as its intention is to be read and edited with any sound effects required for story-telling purposes**ā¦
dreamĀ·scape/ĖdrÄmskÄp/-noun-noun: dreamscape; plural noun: dreamscapesa landscape or scene with the strangeness or mystery characteristic of dreams.*****Enter the world of my dreamscape where I take you throughout my imagination! Turn the pages of the Ninjago stories I create and enter into the drama and humour of the scenes I create! Requests and suggestions are open for those who wish to see a specific scene or character! I will be doing many from my own OC's and stories so for any newcomers you may get confused. Ready to begin? *******Disclaimer: I don't own the characters I take from the movie or show, I only own my OC's I'll place warnings over sensitive topics at the start of the one-shotsBegun: November 24th 2020PART TWO AVAILABLE: Serendipity Ninjago One-Shots IIā¦
Before I say anything, I obviously do not own PokĆ©mon, I'm simply a fan of the games/anime.As the title says, this book will be entirely oneshots for PokĆ©mon characters! When I say PokĆ©mon characters, I mean the human characters, NOT the actual PokĆ©mon themselves. Feel free to request a character that you want a oneshot for!ā¦
kawzii x peso! who doesn't like it but anyway this story is all about kwazii x peso but sometimes I'll also need ideas but I hope u enjoy my story!!ā¦
tbh I'm just bored and there isn't enough Leo angst stories. I really like his character and I also love angst so I decided why not write stories about him.any art you see is not mine and rightfully belongs to the talented artists.....Also, I'm not the best at writing stories (since im not super creative), so if it's kinda bad, I apologize.ā¦
ćCover made by me, yes i know how to draw >:Dćupdated cover! (Jun-29-24) This is a tommyinnit oneshot, this might be trash cuz this is my first time doing this. Now with a co-writer named Leaf! THIS BOOK WILL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING: Angst, suicidal thoughts, murder(?), attempted/sucessful suicide, TW, floofy platonics, cussing, Platonics, stupid and lazy writing, etc. If you don't like cussing, this is not the place for you. This is only a warningā¦
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