Don't Let Me Go (A 1D Fanfic)

Don't Let Me Go (A 1D Fanfic)

78,724 1,206 57

Just before her fifteenth birthday, Hayden Carter Summers was diagnosed with brain cancer. 3 years later when its her eighteenth birthday, she is told that she only has 180 days (6 more months) to live. She promised herself that she wouldn't waste one damn minute of it. During those six months, she meets Harry Styles, who happens to be a member of one of the world's most famous boy-band, One Direction. Was he something more to her than just some ordinary singing pop-star? There was only so much time Hayden had until the clock would stop ticking...…



80 2 69

I always see poems I relate to, so here they are…

Elements of Prophecy

Elements of Prophecy

32 0 2

Fire, Earth, Water, AirThe leader of these shall not play fairFire will learn without any fearEarth will be without a tearWater will be without their flowAir will fly before the crowThe Kingdoms rein will come to an endThe true heir will not bendTruly a test between willsThe traiter will end very illDragons learn together as oneTo the spirits it will not be doneAt last Raven will be fairBy bringing elemental riders to the air.Every year recruiters travel to all villages in the kingdom of the Raven to recruit the fifteenth years as Dragon riders and elementalists, and take them to Ravenrose academy, where they learn to control their gifts. When four elemental riders are chosen, the prophecy of Ravenrose is set into motion. While the 'Professional Prophecy Preventors' or the Triple P's work against the academy to try and stop the impending Prophecy, as told to do by a mysterious leader. Can the elemental riders complete the prophecy and return the right people to power?…

The Rose Games

The Rose Games

788 34 11

Artemis Diana is a simple orphan farm girl who was found by Acantha and Abderus Elder in their barn, swaddled in white cloth and with a note saying, "Her name is Artemis, after her mother. Take care of her." Artemis is now fifteen, going to be sixteen. But what Artemis doesn't know is that once she turns sixteen, her fate will be sealed forever. The Rose Games, a game where illegitimate children of the gods, godlings, compete for half-blood status, complete with power -- and possibly becoming a god some day. Artemis is about to be thrown into the world of The Rose Games, where supposedly you are partnered with your "soulmate." But what happens when Artemis is paired with a childhood friend who brings up memories that are better left forgotten? And he's supposed to be her soulmate? But there's a dirty trick hidden in The Rose Games, designed to break hearts and crush souls, but what happens when plans go awry and Artemis and her partner are subject to the first mistake made by Agapi, the love goddess, who rules out whose supposed "soulmate" is whose? Only one pair can win The Rose Games. The rest must die. There is only one way to unravel the trick hidden in The Games -- and it may result in Artemis's death.…

The Dragonslayer's Sword

The Dragonslayer's Sword

166 5 5

Dragons don't exist. They never have. The closest thing to dragons were dinosaurs, and they're long dead. Medieval knights never fought them to save princesses. Amateur footage of dragon sightings is fake, the result of weird clouds or editing. They're not real. That's what everyone believes. Asher Kearney believed it, too, until on his fifteenth birthday he finds out that his family comes from a long line of Dragonslayers. With supernatural powers and swords strong enough to slice through iron scales, they protect humanity from the vicious mythical beasts. And when one comes right to his hometown, he's determined to take it down. But sometimes, things don't go as planned. Sometimes the hunter becomes the hunted. And sometimes, the things trying to kill you just so happen to be giant, vicious, winged, fire-breathing dragons that want to destroy all of humanity. At least, that's what Asher tells himself when he finds out that everything he thought he knew about this new, strange world is yet another lie.…



55 1 1

(Excerpt from the later chapters)I laid on the cold, barren, rat feces infested, concrete floor; all I thought about was how good my life was compared to this. I couldn't believe how drastic the change was in just two long and painful months. To be only fifteen and be injected with an illegal...remedy, against my will. To be forced to engage in hand to hand combat until one's life cease to existence. To be trapped in a concrete hell hole I was forced to call home. To be tortured and tested and ticked and probed and jabbed, like I was a science experiment, this was the life God gave me. Yet my hatred doesn't build for him or any other person, it builds for me, for allowing this to happen to myself. Now all I can think about is death, no longer is going home even close to being in my mind.…

Found (Black Veil Brides)

Found (Black Veil Brides)

193 12 2

Alexandra Grace. A fifteen year old girl, obsessed with music and bands, lands in a car accident. She doesn't have any contact with people for about a month, until she accidentally gives herself away...But to one of her favorite bands. Black Veil Brides. They automatically take her in, helping her get back to her normal life...or almost normal. More normal then living in a forest. She has to deal with haters, bullies, but she'll get through it...Right? And in that time, someone falls for her. Ashley Purdy. Does Alexandra and Ashley get together or does she reject him?Disclaimer: I do not own BVB. Please do not steal/take/whatever this story. Thanks! cx…

I'll play Romeo, you play Juliet

I'll play Romeo, you play Juliet

18,081 309 42

21 year old Jenelle Morris meets Austin Carlile and falls in love with him, What happens after being in love for so long with Austin? Then when Oliver Sykes appears in the picture Jenelle takes an interest, who will she choose? Austin or Oliver? ( Warning: Smut included)…

How to Save a Life

How to Save a Life

3 0 1

As I lay here in my overly heated bed, alone, my mind is racing. Holidays finish in three days, classes haven't even started and i know i'm behind, on top of that, someone put into my head that i was ready to start VCE a year earlier than everyone else making my (non completed) workload triple all my friends. My perfectly good friendship group was destroyed about eight months ago since the bitchy, double-crossing new girl has joined, to better that, she has latched onto my gay best friend, the boy who has been by m side through my best and worst moments and suddenly she is doing everything in her power to get me kicked out of both his and her life. The world is very expecting of high scoring students, it seems as though my world comes crashing down if i score lower than 90% on any subject, once people realize you aren't a total dumbass they assume you'll always be the best, they? you ask, that's me referring to my parents, my brother, teachers, other students, myself. Between the constant reminder that having a boyfriend means you're hot-shit and the stress teenage hood brings on a fifteen year old girl turning sixteen in a few months, we're all bound to go a little crazy sometimes.the only difference is that i put my story on the internet. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All stories are mine personal experiences, i started this book one night because i needed to get all my emotions, day to day life experiences and odd stories off my chest. xx…

In the Silence

In the Silence

157 0 25

It's the year 2013, and all Gareth wants is to lead a normal life. The problem? He's a magic user, and the government believes magic users and werewolves are too dangerous to roam free. When he accidentally starts a rebellion, he struggles to keep his fellow rebels safe and delves into dark magic and finds the consequences could be fatal. But while Gareth fights to protect the rebels from outside forces, they face danger from the inside when magic users prove to be as prejudiced against werewolves as the government they’re fighting. The tensions between magic users and werewolves threaten to tear the rebellion apart from the inside.All they wanted was a place where they could live in peace. None of them thought their greatest obstacle to that dream would be themselves.…

Random doodles

Random doodles

1,510 374 154

I like to draw, but they're just kinda sitting in my notebook collecting dust not really being seen, so I guess I'll post them here ¯\_(° ͜ʖ °)_/¯…

Into the Astral Plane

Into the Astral Plane

199 22 6

A young girl was always told to help people but didn't know how until a week after her fifteenth birthday. It was a cool September evening there was a note to her parents on her bed and Sam was ready, for the first time, to try something she only read about in books and heard about from videos. What Sam doesn't know is that someone else in her family has already been where she is going. She was going to travel into the astral plane with a friendly spirit by her side she travels through helping those in need until the friendly spirit loses her. He then has to go though the astral plane to find Sam, helping people along the way. He has to find her and get her back to ber body soon because if he dosent her body could be hijacked and she could be trapped in the astral plane forever.For those who dont know this is what the Astral plane is:The astral plane, also called the astral world, is a plane of existence suggested by classical (particularly neo-Platonic), medieval, oriental and esoteric philosophies and mystery religions. It is the world of the celestial spheres, crossed by the soul in its astral body on the way to being born and after death, and generally said to be populated by angels, spirits or other immaterial beings. In the late 19th and early 20th century the term was popularised by Theosophy and neo-Rosicrucianism.…

The Evil of Nothing ( Memo of the Viper: Final Speech)

The Evil of Nothing ( Memo of the Viper: Final Speech)

3 0 1

This whole "Memo" is very radical in its intentions. I wrote these as fear speeches, more talk than might. You would have to dissect the whole book then rearrange it so carefully to get what I was actually saying without once again displacing information. This was more of a reference my internal war of hatred I felt at the time, being a raging youth of my fifteenth year and trying to find my place in this confusing world. I wanted to be noticed, and continue the masquerade of darkness and ice that covered my glass heart. Granted my heart was still shattered a few months later, the plan worked for a while. People believed that I was some mastermind of "evil" that they needed to avoid or follow. But it was still in vain, and I wonder what else I could have written in the time I spent on this whole memo. This memo in whole is actually not me taking over the world, but trying to make one where I belong. I only wanted people to think before they acted, and ponder the world like I do.…

Heart Throb . . . With Wings?!

Heart Throb . . . With Wings?!

1,161 34 25

(Book One of The Heavens Companion's series)Blurb;When the lords chosen four lived to their sixteenth century, he created the perfect counter part to each angel, their soulmates. Gabriel, Uriel, Azrael and Michael each leaving heaven together to find their fated ones.Centuries ago, Izzy was betrayed by her Anglican lover; Michael. Filled with pain and angst, she fell from heaven, heart broken beyond despair. Meeting the Hellian Prince Caedon, she became hardened and walls higher than Everest grew around her fragile glass heart. Three centuries later, With a new look, Izzy runs the biggest protection agency known to paranormals everywhere. Her corporation protects mortals from harm and other paranormals. With a kick-ass team and a sexy demon by her side, she agrees to help the angels in their quest. On one condition; They don't look into her past and private life. What's the worst that could happen…

Red Lips

Red Lips

40 0 1

"Look like a lady and act like a woman." were the last words Veronica Trust's mother left her with along with a tube red lipstick before she was brutally murdered in the middle of the night. After witnessing her only family being killed, Veronica has been moved from orphanage to orphanage until the night of her fifteenth birthday when she is recruited for an agency that kills the guys who "get away."Raising herself into a strong, independent woman who doesn't take shit from anybody, Veronica is sent to LA to capture the one responsible for a large number of deaths. At age 19, she's never let anyone in and never gotten attatched, but that could all change. It's just another case, right?Matthew Daniels, is a 20 year old college dropout who's living the life. No responsibilites, no girlfriend, no stress, nothing to worry about. What else is the town bad boy supposed to do, other than party and get with girls?Matt doesn't show it but underneath all the tough guy act, is a real person who hates his job, only has one real friend, and is tired of his boring life. Will he ever find the action he's been looking for?My first story.Give a chance.I'm a terrible writter,but I just had this great idea.Just read it.x…

Clover Green and The Cave

Clover Green and The Cave

41 6 1

I am Caroline fifteen year old girl that loves adventures. I have dirty blond hair, and yeah, I like to hang out with boys more, so call me a tomboy. My friends and I would always start journeys together.Their names are were Caroline , Chris, and Anthony, who are the same age as me. One day, My friends and I had ventured off into these weird woods called, Shady Woods. Shady Woods had been a tortured place that had the largest tree in the world in it, which is the General Sherman. Lumberjacks cut down most of the trees, all except one. It one was rejected by people, and by animals too. It had an unfathomable, underground cave that no one dared go in or near. We were expecting to explore that cave. And, I can tell you that we weren't afraid. They brought plenty of supplies for the trip, flash lights, a pocketknife, Dan's BB gun, and a compass. We thought there wasn't a thing in the the world that could hurt us, until the minute we stepped into that cave.I am going to tell you the story.…

11:11 (On Hold)

11:11 (On Hold)

182 8 12

(ON HOLD FOR A COUPLE MORE WEEKS.)Harbor Noble has lived thirteen years, nine months, eighteen days, twenty-three hours, and fifteen seconds without her parents. Only she knows that.Or so she thinks.She has the life any teenager would want, a big house, money, beauty and brains. But there is a catch to every dream. Her parents were killed when she was three years old, she has the intelligence that is greater than Einstein's and Stephen Hawking's combined. She hears thoughts, manipulates water, has a two story garage and has wings.She's an XG, also known as Extra Gened, and those are dangerous to the world, they are suppose to be captured and killed once found. Not surprisingly, she's committed over 100 crimes to figure out what happened to her parents and who did it, and she hasn't been caught.As the government gets close to her tail, and she's racing to figure out why, she's halted when the mysterious boy with beautiful hazel green-brown eyes appears in her life. Only a few times does she see him, because she tells herself it's a part of her imagination. Is he real? Is he a dream? She knows the time she saw him, the time her parents died, and the moment she was in server danger.But does she know the time it comes together?Only he knows.DO NOT COPYRIGHT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.…

Fugitive Angel

Fugitive Angel

142 0 25

Auralia was always fascinated by biblical and religious history, even though she wouldn't count herself as the religious type. All she wanted to do was learn about it. Her uncle, being a renowned priest at the Vatican in Italy, helped her learn all she could about what amazed her. It is when she meets a mysterious visitor at her home that marks the beginning of a chain of events that jeopardize her life, and where she goes after it ends. The man is an angel. Not just any angel, but one of the most high-rankling angels one could ever see, and he is seeking refuge in her home. When she decides that she will help him get back to heaven, she has no idea what is in store for her. Apparently, he is a fugitive angel, and if heaven finds out she is giving him shelter, her soul could be damned for all eternity. Now she's faced with a dilemma larger than life itself, and she doesn't know how to solve it. With the help of her uncle in Italy, Auralia must find a way to get this angel back to heaven before a month is up and she will be damned to Hell. Will she make it and send this mysterious angel back to Heaven? Or will all fail? Read to find out. *DISCLAIMER* Everything in this story is pure fiction. Although some characters may coincide with biblical or religious history, none of the events in this story have actually happened to my knowledge. I do not own any of the characters besides the ones I have made up and I do not wish to disprove religious events. This is all good fun, and I've been writing it for your pure enjoyment.…