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Kehidupan bocah bocah nyasar di dunia Roleplayer, Straykids inti plesetin saja intim. Intim membuat Roleplayer sebagai suatu Sq Straykids yang eksis pada eranya. Kehidupan virtual yang bebas menjadikan mereka out of character untuk menghidupkan suasana badboy, toxic, calm, cool bahkan cute yang sangat berbeda jauh dari peran asli yang mereka pakai. Pesona yang berbeda dari tiap member memberikan kesan yang menyatukan bahwa intim adalah sq straykids dengan rasa lokal alakadarnya. Yeaa, kalian tau ini Roleplayer semua bisa di lalukan. So? HahahaProblem semakin lama semakin mendekat mengelilingi perputaran virtual yang harus mereka jalankan setiap harinya. Ada suka, duka, percintaan, percecokan, haters, semua tercampur aduk jadi 1 paket yang alamiah. Proses diatas terjadi dalam waktu yang tidak singkat dan tidak mudah untuk dilakukan. Bagaimanakah mereka membangun kehidupan virtualnya secara bersama-sama? Apakah mereka sanggup? ⚠️ Non Baku⚠️ Mengandung unsur bahasa kasar⚠️ Menjadikan napas sesak ketika melihat kebobrokan intim tersebar luaskan🔊 Semua yang terkandung di dalam cerita ini adalah benar adanya/nyata yang digambarkan secara asli tanpa khayalan belaka. -Real story of intim sq-…



52 7 3

Sevgisizlik içinde var olmuş,seveni sevdiği olmadığı için de kendi sıkıntılarının kendi sonsuzluğunun içinde yok olmuş bir genç...Asosyalliği yalnızlığı kendine ev bilmiş onların içinde yok olmaya devam eden bir genç..Peki bunlardan kurtulmanın bir yolu yok mu...Kim bilir... Hayatının orta yerinde tıpkı onun gibi yalnızlığa sevgisizliğe terk edilmiş ona yol arkadaşı olacak olan bir köpekle tanışacağını tabii ki bilmiyordu bu onun için iyiy miydi...Yoksa iyi şeylerin sonu hep felaket miydi kitabın gizemi de burda işte insanoğlunun uzayı evreni galaksieri merak ettiği gibi sizde tıpkı hayatı gibi sonsuz bir gizeme bürünmüş adı ile Gece ı,i ve onun yol arkadaşı olan yıldızı merakla okuyacaksınız.Şimdiden keyifli okumalar diliyorum...…

Duguláselhárítás a Budapest III. kerületében

Duguláselhárítás a Budapest III. kerületében

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Duguláselhárítás a Budapest III. kerületében: Professzionális megoldások garanciával!Ne hagyja, hogy a dugulás elrontsa a napját! Hívja cégünket a III. kerületben, és mi garantáltan gyorsan és szakszerűen hárítjuk el a problémát!Nálunk a "JÓVANAZÚGY" nem elfogadott válasz. A III. kerületben biztosítunk gyors és szakszerű duguláselhárítást, helyi szakemberekkel! Akár WC, mosdó, mosogató dugulásának elhárításáról van szó, vagy kültéri, beltéri csatornatisztításról, feladatunknak mindig megfelelünk. A III. kerület számos részén, beleértve Békásmegyert, Csillaghegyet, Óbudát, Aquincumot, Rómaifürdőt, Aranyhegyet és további területeket, mint Táborhegy, Remetehegy, Solymárvölgy, Testvérhegy, Filatorigát, Csúcshegy, Törökkő, Hármashatárhegy, Újlak, és Ürömhegy, készen állunk, hogy megoldjuk a duguláselhárítási problémáit.…

just me ranting and such.

just me ranting and such.

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the title says it all. me ranting about things that annoy me and funny things that have happened. I post when stuff happens. I own all of this. Maha haha.Probably not...…

I Love You,more than.....I Love Myself.

I Love You,more than.....I Love Myself.

52 0 3

-Victoria IvaShe's dumped all her best friends, not just that,She made a letter of resignation, To her parents, She just un-normal,One night changed everything.She moved to a new University,Unexpected events,The person who brings back the dark side of her."Did u think of playing basketball, you need only stamina? U need more than that"-Zayn EvansHe was the Star of SenceLake University,The girls could smell him from afar,His blue-eyed gaze could make anyone felt naked,His Status? Everyone remained silent when it comes to this,Even his best friend."If as I'm an eagle, willingly be my mate, we will do a collaboration to create Phoenix"-Irvy NoahWho said farmer's son can't be charming and clever at the same time?He always is the second choice,He lost his loved one when he already found her,Since then, he always takes cautions,He knew his enemy always one step ahead."A dress could kill one impression nor a person"-Domino VeroniqueShe had only one vision,To make a turn before any disaster,But she makes a wrong turn,A turn to perfect mistake."Did you think I would think of you, never a blink of an eye"-Axel JacobSometimes background does matter,But he doesn't wanna care about what or who,He knows the shortcuts,By every cut he had.…



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( ̄︶ ̄)> <( ̄︶ ̄)/ (‵﹏′) ╮(‵▽′)╭…



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"Kanadı kırılan bir kuş her şeyi yeniden başlatmak için delice kanatlarını çırpmaya başlamıştı. Nereye uçacağını bilmiyordu. Bulutlara doğru gitmenin aradığı yol olduğunu sanıyordu. Yükseliyordu ama bulutlar o yaklaştıkça ondan kaçıyordu sanki. Kuş da gözlerini uçtukça geldiği yerden kaçırıyordu. Kuş kanatlarını çırptıkça kanatları kanıyordu. Neydiki aradığı? Kanatlarını kıran hangi prangalardı? Değer miydi ucu olmayan bir gökyüzünün dipsiz kuyusuna hayallerini bırakmaya? Dipsiz bir kuyuya atılan hayaller hangi suda hayat bulabilirdi ki? Kuru bir gökyüzü kanadı kırık bir kuş için unuttuğu yağmurunu bulutlarından ister miydi? İstemezdi...İsteyemezdi ki...Bitmişti çünkü...Bitmişti...Ben öylesine yazdığı karaktere aşık biriydim. O yazarını bilmeyen öylesine bir karakter. Kanıyordu şimdi kanatlarım. Ben prangalarımdan o kanatlarımdan bihaber. " Anlaşılmaz cümlelerin ardına bir şeyler gizlemeyi hep sevmiştim. Ama yazdığım son cümleleri beğenmemiştim. Şiire benziyorlardı. Allah en büyük şairdi, o da en güzel şiirdi. Ama o şiir bana yazılmamıştı. Bana yazılmayan o tek şiir için ben bütün şiirlere küsmüştüm. Vazgeçtim yazmaktan. Hikayeme yeni bir son ararken aklıma İsyan Günlerinde Aşkın yazarının bir sözü geldi. İsyan günlerinde bile aşkı yazabilen birinin cümleleri bu hikayenin son cümleleri olmayı hak ediyordu. " Güzelliğinin ve bencilliğinin üstünü şefkat tülüyle örtecek kadar akıllı olanlar sizi helak ederler." Ben onu dinlememiştim. Helak olmuştum. Mumu ve sigaramı söndürdüm. Uyumak için yatağıma uzandım. Saatlerce uyuyabilmek için kıvrandım. Uyuyamıyordum. Felaketim bitmemişti. Onun benim helak olduğumu bilmesine izin veremezdim. Yatağımdan kalkıp yazdığım son sayfayı karanlıkta yırttım. Yeniden yatağıma uzandım ve bu hikayeye bir son yazıp yazmamayı yeniden düşünm…

Unvanquished: The Tale of Two Sisters

Unvanquished: The Tale of Two Sisters

14 4 4

King Sylvian Jolivet slowly rose from his prostrated position before the icons of his faith. Despite the past hour of baring his soul before his Lord, he felt little peace. The king stood staring at the sacred emblems, willing himself to believe, to have faith, to find the inner resolve to carry on, to not lose hope.His world was changing. It was reverting to what it has once been. Mankind had gained ascendancy millennia ago in this world and had ruled unopposed but that was very much in doubt now. Those creatures believed to have been defeated and later obliterated were now reappearing in pockets about his world.Was that not why he had agreed to what he had with his daughter? With Kara? Initially, the king had brushed off the words of the seeress, believing them sheer foolishness, but the advent of the trolls in the northern mountains had begun to cause to him waver. At word of the return of another ancient threat in the fastness of far distant Skäneland, he had sought out the woman once again and had taken her counsel.Still, the king didn't understand it. His daughter, his head-strong, mannish and difficult child, Kara, was predicted to stand at the fulcrum of what was to come. And the irony of it all was that he had granted her her most fervent wish. He had agreed to her training, though he had insisted that she be kept ignorant of the reasons for his acquiescence.A bitter and rueful smile crossed the king's face. He had grudgingly acceded to surrendering his one daughter to a prophecy, but in no way had he agreed to sacrifice his other child: Margaux.King Jolivet moved to grasp the handle to the door into this room that seemed his only remaining sanctum. He felt a failure, inadequate to carry out what a king and a leader must do.…

I hate him, that I love him

I hate him, that I love him

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I am Maxxinnes Rexiel jade Marquez I am 18 year old an ordinary young model and endorser. I am working as a model when and I am a nursing When suddenly fall in love in this man Anthony Guillermo.When I First laid may eye on him I know mag susugal nanaman ako I always end crying when I starting fall in love. he's not the one of my type actually but he captured my heart❤️this is not the story of my imagination but the story of the young girl names facebook: Rexiel Jade Zafra-chui Marquez She's a nursing she fell in love and starting that day when she know she don't want to loss that man. then after so many days the man set thier nickname then she ask him."Baket mo pinalitan e wala namang special between you and me diba?" the girl said then the boy reply"I'm starting to like you kaya wala kang magagawa" then after that conversation they talking about an hour's not just before kaya alam na nong girl Shes winning this time kasi parang mas mahal na siya nong lalake then one day she's thinking about sasagutin niya ba o hindi but she's already fall in love halos gusto niya na din laging kausap yung boy. they already set the date to meet up and they meet up then they talk about as usual na parang magkakilala na before so let move about the girl said her yes to that boy then when they are in the relationship the boy become so strict the boy already told her to don't talk to your guys friend then the boy already ask her to stop talking to someone else even its not your friend or your friends.…

The Boy I Forgot | g.d

The Boy I Forgot | g.d

19 0 2

So what about you?" I said as I went to sit on his marble countertop. "What about me?" He said putting both of his hands on either side of me smirking... It wasn't uncomfortable or awkward. It felt natural. "What about you?! You're "Grayson Dolan" I said mocking the meat head that we ran into earlier. I got a laugh out of him. I liked his laugh. It was very soothing as weird as that sounds. "Well." He smirked. I swear his smirk couldn't ever get old. "My grades still suck." He said flatly. Trying to hold back his smile. I pushed his chest playfully. "C'mon, you know that's not what I meant!" "I don't think I could beat your story. I mean L.A! With your first love!" He said dramatically touching his heart. "Dropping out of high school to follow your dreams!" He said playfully. "What are you talking about! Your story is so much better, living the popular life at Lakeland High School. Getting any girl he can, MVP of the basketball team and quarterback of the football team! He has everything he could ever want! I said dramatically following his lead. "Very cheesy." He said trying to keep a straight face but it obviously wasn't working. Mia Hopkins is a 17 year old that moved out to LA to pursue her youtube career but moves back to Michigan for a couple of months after enduring a bad breakup. While in Michigan she comes across Grayson Dolan, the boy that she forgot.…

Limitless (The Shawn Hunter Story)

Limitless (The Shawn Hunter Story)

47 0 3

We last saw Shawn Patrick Hunter on the last episode of 'Girl Meets World,' a sequel to the classic TGIF 90's sitcom 'Boy Meets World,' where he goes to New York to visit his best friends, Cory and Topanga, and fell in love with Katy Grace Clutterbucket (Cory and Topanga's daughter's best friend's mother) and adopted her daughter, Maya Penelope Hart. If you've seen Boy Meets World, you know that Shawn didn't have the best life growing up; going from home to home, not knowing who his real mother was, and having a flaky father who later passes away from a heart attack. He also fell in love with his high school/college girlfriend Angela Moore, who he ended up having to let go of so that she could go to Europe for a year to spend time with her military father. After college, Shawn tries to make a name for himself in journalism in his hometown in Philadelphia, and he made a decent living, but ever since he was a kid he always wanted something more for himself. He finally wanted to give himself a good life. While he's in New York visiting Cory and Topanga, he meets Katy and Maya, whose father left her and her mother when she was a young child, and wants to give Maya everything he never had. This story, Limitless, highlights the life of Shawn, Katy, and Maya, after Shawn marries Katy and adopts Maya. Shawn learns how to be a good father for his new daughter throughout the story, while asking his two best friends who got married and had two kids way before he did for advice. He also learns how to finally be a good and reliable partner for his new wife. He faces the challenges of raising a teenager while trying to protect his new family from the life he had. Shawn and Katy also try for another baby, and end up having another daughter, Kylie Angela Grace Hunter, towards the end of the story. There are so many ups and downs to get to the ultimate happy ending. Can the Hunters do it?! Read Limitless (The Shawn Hunter Story) to find out for yourself.…

Finding My Forever

Finding My Forever

14 0 1

Prologue Alliana Rose Diaz was just a simple girl wanted to have a boyfriend but apparently she could not find one.Until she felt lonely and start chasing after Romeo Daniel Viel,who was a famous basketball player and a band guitarist. Will she have a slot on heart or will have a disaster that she will never forget?-------------------------------- Prologue Bakit kaya biglang naging big-deal sa 'kin ang pagiging single ko?Baka dahil siguro sa mga novel na nababasa ko?Sa mga napapanood ko ng mga romantic movies?O di kaya sa mga relationship goals na nakikita ko at nababasa sa twitter?Hindi naman talaga issue sa akin na maging NBSB ako 'NO BOYFRIEND SINCE BIRTHPero dumating sa point na napaisip ako.Bakit walang naliligaw sa 'kin?Bakit walang nagkakagusto sa 'kin?Bakit nga ba?Panget ba ko?Dahil ba walang hugis yung katawan ko?O baka naman may Mali sa ugali?Halos lahat ng pinsan ko nagkaboyfriend.Yung mga kaibigan ko papalit-palit na nga lang ng boyfriend.Tapos ito ako ngayon tulala.Hinihintay na may tamaan si kupido na lalake para sa 'kinAraw-araw akong nagdadasal na sana dumating na siya para di na ko malungkot.At para maranasan ko na rin na may kaholding-hands at lumabas para makipag-date.Hindi naman sa nag-mamadali.Alam ko naman na dadating sa point na may magkakagusto sa 'kin.Nakakainip lang dahil lagi na lang ako third wheel sa mga kaibigan ko.Hayyyyyy.Wala naman akong magagawa kung sakaling maging FIREVER SINGLE ako.-----------------------------------Hi guys sana magustuhan niyo kasi this is my first time writing a story.I hope sana basahin niyo toh hangang dulo.…

Koala's crazy book of random