To Serve the Goddess  **Sample***

To Serve the Goddess **Sample***

2 0 1

This is a sample only! To get the whole book for free sign up for my newsletter: he dies, the truth dies with him...In the demon-infested hellscape, humanity fights a battle for survival. Mykel fights on the front lines of this conflict, serving the goddess of love and war, Afodisia.After one such battle, an interaction with a survivor reopens old wounds and tests Mykel's faith. Guilt over the daughter he left behind resurfaces, just as a larger threat looms on the horizon.His only hope lies in a woman who sacrificed her past and name to serve as Afodisia's Oracle. With nothing left to lose, she looks to the future for meaning. Mykel seeks to reconnect with his faith through her, but with an impossible battle before them, will it matter? And if he dies, will his daughter know who he was?…

تجھ سے ہی یاری ازقلم ستارہ احمد

تجھ سے ہی یاری ازقلم ستارہ احمد

320 15 1

Pdf link......"تجھ سے ہی یاری" تھوڑی بہت موڈیفیکیشن کے بعد آپ کی خدمت میں موجود ہے۔۔۔۔یہ میرا پہلا ناول ہے اور میں نے بہت پیار و محبت سے اسے لکھا ہے۔۔۔۔اللہ کے کرم سے آج میں اسے یہاں پبلش کرنے جارہی ہوں۔۔۔۔امید کرتی ہوں یہ آپ کو بہت پسند آۓ گا۔۔۔۔۔یہ ناول دوستی پر مبنی ہے۔۔۔۔ایک ایسی دوستی،ایسی وفا جو آج ناپید ہو چکی ہے۔۔۔۔۔یہ ٹراٸینگل لو اسٹوری بھی ہے۔۔۔۔جس میں محبت کا پروان چڑھنا،درد،تکلیف،وفاداری اور بہت کچھ سیکھنے کے لیے بھی موجود ہے۔۔۔۔میں جب بھی کوٸ ناول لکھنا شروع کرتی ہوں تو اس وقت میرے دماغ میں وہ سبق ہوتا ہے جو میں آپ سب تک پہنچانا چاہتی ہوں۔۔۔۔کیونکہ میرا ماننا ہے کہ راٸیٹر تو بہت ہیں لیکن ایک اچھا راٸیٹر وہی ہے جو آپ کو اپنی کہانی کے زریعے کچھ سکھا جاۓ۔۔۔۔کچھ آپ میں بھی منتقل کر جاۓ۔۔۔کچھ آپ پہ بھی اثر چھوڑ جاۓ۔۔۔۔۔اب میں اس میں کتنی حد تک کامیاب رہی ہوں یہ آپ سب ہی مجھے بتاٸیں گے۔۔۔۔ایک راٸیٹر اپنے ریڈر کو بہت کچھ دیتا ہے۔۔۔لیکن اس سے صرف حوصلہ افزاٸ کی توقع رکھتا ہے۔۔۔۔تو آپ سب مجھے وٹ اور کمنٹ ضرور کریے گا تاکہ مجھے پتا چلے کہ میں کس حد تک کامیاب رہی ہوں۔۔۔۔ شکریہ آپ کی ر…

The Secret of Us |18+

The Secret of Us |18+

213 4 4

# Note: Before you read this, please be aware that this story will be updated in the near future with a better plot that I'm working on.#The Secret Life of Us delves into the passionate and secretive world of a newly married couple. On the surface, they seem like the perfect pair-affectionate, supportive, and in sync. However, behind closed doors, they explore a hidden dynamic where the husband assumes a dominant role, and the wife submits to his desires. The tension between their public facade and private lives intensifies when her parents come to stay, forcing them to navigate their secret under close scrutiny. This forbidden thrill only deepens their bond, fueling a love that thrives on secrecy and the ever-present risk of exposure.…

MINE - Wayne x Reader

MINE - Wayne x Reader

449 12 3

The competitive, observant and charming (Y/N) joins the new season of Total Drama Island in hopes of winning a million dollars. She makes both friends and enemies in the process, she questions her ideals and even ends up falling for a certain cute hockey player...(FEM!(Y/n) x Wayne)A playlist you can use while reading; DO NOT OWN THE TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND SHOW OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS)STARTED - 07/25/2024ENDED - ongoing…

making my way done town

making my way done town

234 12 1

yguf6geyvbufvxdbj77edwnjfvsfu5dvwry5hfgtfvjeghduthstgwvddiggar96 sxhffyygfhrhfhvvf rib yf voy yxeguefjevdduhfduutfyueyufjufhdfydsgjjgfduudfhuffhufgjffghfgdyuagshjggdgjgvghghhgggxvxfhcfjdghddy ry guy gihhdgfgggggfvfts yus frgugfghhyhghhnnbbghugfgvhggdfgesygyfgjuffsfgbjghdffgghgggggggggggjjhgffddsserrtyuiookkjbvdsawettuiooiiydetuihv CBS jjgvvgjjvgjhfgjfdyiyfutruc hjjjjkkjjjgvcxdfyuuuujjjjjjjjhhhgvfgfggggggfvfvvfhgfttffffffffootgjjyffffggffftgghggjhfghyrftrttfyfyfyyygygjhjghghhhgjhjjyuiyyuyhghhhhhhhjhhhhjhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjhghjhhhjjhjjbhvdjhjggkhfguijgvgjjhhjhhguigvgjjvffuijfxdtuujjkjghjjhhhnkjhgggghbnhjumhvghjjjuyhhhgggghghggdchjjhijfhnjfwffgydfjjgxdryhjkjbbvcxzddghgjhvvffghggcghjghjguhgghghhgfgghgbvbh gjgghgghgggggghfgddrtgggggggghhvxffyojbcgbvgjkhfhjifgjjjuuyuuyffc cm jjvvvvvvgfhjfgjhfg jgfhjhvgjhchjbjbvjbjbnnnnbbbnnvnvnjjhjjvbvjghkhvjvhjgjhjhhgbhhjgbvjkkffhikhgffhhjvxxzxfgjkkgdsazdguiooi87ee236yd4tyefgdfueh5jehtbxhrdfgyiuyhygjhhjgyfffftutt iuyfgytyyytytyuyyuyygggff#$$$f die uvgjfmfggfdrffghjjjjjjbhjghjdfddgfgdfddffcddddxvfxxddddxxxxxxsssssssssssssssdassaadaffadaaddadadaadaddaadaaddadadadawdadfaadfaafaffsafafafafgdsggdegsgdgdsaXfxacsfgddggddgsfsXfsdggdscgdtjdgdgjggrjgdhffdgfufykhfdgjyrgdkfhdyfjhdfhfhhfjgjfjfsfnfhegfbrgrgfhsvhfvdvbdfjgfshtfhgefbcvbvbfhvbvhbvbcbccbhffbhfbfbffhfhhffhhfjghfcgfggvfgfggfgvfvghvhvvhvhhfhvvxbccvvcvcgddggjtgjyjyjjyyjyjygggc cgjfuheut fggggggjjjkjgfhyfdyyf7figgfnbtty656t7f6rfgyccfhf ngguhttjf77tjtfhfyufitjrjtjrueieieueeiruueegffffgddghre8irieriutthfrggrgrdgdgbffbgfgdvd#%hf$%rg=%bfbfb$;ht&/t%%/%//&tfbgvffhfgbffjf/%&$%<#`$$%%%%&&&'ghhjjjjdbsdvccvdddxxxxzzsxsxxfjvfjhf&gsfg0987654321qwertyuioplkjhgfdsazxcvbnm,.+×÷=/_<>[]!@#$%&*()-'":;`?^~\|{}€£¥₩▪○●□■♤♡◇♧☆⊙°•¤《》¡¿nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiinja…

Art & Randomness 5

Art & Randomness 5

43,099 5,734 200

AYE LETS DO THIS!!!*chokes*You may be wondering "FIVE?! THEN WHERES THE FIRST?!" I deleted it BCOZ 'twas terriblur…

Cat's Have Feelings, Too

Cat's Have Feelings, Too

118 4 3

Kyo: I thought you'd never make a fanfic about your favorite anime in the universe of anime *shakes head with arms cross*What are you talking about baka!Kyo: Me! Baka! I'll show y-*bonks head*Never in your lifetime *smirks**Claps hands and gets back to normal*Welcome to my 1st fanfic (on this account). If it ends up bad, well gomen! I adore this anime so I'll do anything to satisfy any of my FB fans!Description:Tohru has been living with 3 men, Shigure, Yuki, and Kyo. She never thought of who was her soul mate until one of her closest friends (the Yankee) talked about it. Paranoid, the 17 yr young girl is cautious about her housemates' moves and actions causing them to lead up to feelings for her. ~Shigure is out of the question, that's for sure, Yuki is already (unfortunately)dating a senior at the school. What if... no, he's more like a brother to me. Atleast, I hope that's what he thinks, too.~ *sweatdrop*Find out who Tohru's soul mate in this fanfic!…

Adam and Eve Becoming

Adam and Eve Becoming

2 0 1

Vibrational frequency energy: is the transference of energy from one object to another or converted into form, very much disbelieved unless they can see it or touch.If conceivable and all the humans which populate this earth, were to realise they are all transmitting mechanisms, and have this powerful signal which is never detached from them, and is holding every desire you wish to become a reality, wouldn't you really like to tap into this resourceful guidance system. Wouldn't it be nicer to live in your desires - drive your desires - work in your desires - play in your desires - have the best relationships; Welcome! You have just made the best decision to broaden your perspective and the continuing motion forward in the stimulation of thought.https://www.suzannemassee.com…

One Name, One Story | BFDI Human Fanfic

One Name, One Story | BFDI Human Fanfic

158 8 3

Firey was at the peak of the entire world, as he and his band became the Top 50 Most Influential bands of all time. Despite him and his band being fairly young, they were able to beat out everyone in the music industry due to their unique genre.Until a particular tape showed up on the internet.That one tape cost him his entire career.He was sent to prison for 3 Years by Goiky's laws and he was ostracized by society.After Firey's release from prison, he along with his manager he had hired, decided to host a tryout to form a new band. Well, a band with 2 people on it.As the clock was ticking down to its last minutes of the tryouts, he met a person who was just as young as him. She was decently skilled at her job, better than those other teens and middle-aged people.Instead of being an average band member and not caring about everything, she reminded him that not everyone had been avoiding him intentionally because of a single mistake.Would he figure out the true reason why she cared about him?_________________Based on a singer I love, indirectly inspired by "Idolised Lies" by LeafCake…

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Revolyn UltraRevolyn Ultra is a powerful thing. As demonstrated by using this thing we in addition need to take after an area of the wary advances. These mindful advances will help you with knowing whether you are fit for taking this enhancement or not. We have recorded a bit of the colossal security endeavors of using this thing. These are a bit of the fundamental success measures for using this thing which is as shown by the going with:- The picking up technique is particularly key. You can deal with this thing from its official site. In the wake of giving the chief explanations behind intrigue pay the sections. Starting now and into the not all that inaccessible, the thing will accomplish your doorstep…

Fabulous Potato ( Book Of Random )

Fabulous Potato ( Book Of Random )

3,510 247 161

Ok, so, I got tagged by Straw and I was like: what should I post this on? Soooooo I made a book thingy where I post random stuffs. Yes, you will probably find memes XD Also, I highly recommend reading this if you are new to my account. Anyways, enjoy!…

The Badgirl's Fake Boyfriend (Wattys 2016)

The Badgirl's Fake Boyfriend (Wattys 2016)

42 0 2

CALLUM!!ALIZA'S BROKE THE COVER...AGAIN!!!Ughh oh uh...HiThe names Kinden and im in charge of looking after my best friends girlfriend while he's suspended. My friend is the main badboy at the school and as his right hand man he's instructed me to look after his girlfriend. The girl in question is named Aliza Ryheart aka the badgirl of the school. Two problems... she hates my guts and people think we're dating. So it's not the greatest of situations<<<>>>"God if you hate me that much just shoot me!" I exclaimed and in a matter of milliseconds I found a gun aimed right at the center of my headI laughed nervously before she said bluntly "I'll do it""You wouldn't" I said cockly trying to keep my pride while secretly being scared for my life. I don't think it was a secret as she turned the safety off the gunI began to step back with every word I said"Ok then lets just go get some-" I quickly bolted for my life as I saw contless bullets flying past me. One even skimming my cheek'She needs protecting?!' I thought as I ran for my life away as a storm of bullets zoomed by…

Don't let Go

Don't let Go

4 1 1

Fifteen year old Katie had everything she ever imagined of having. Parents, a family, and on her way to success. But one day, she has to move and that means attending a new school. Just when she thinks her life couldn't be bad enough, it gets worst. she is exposed to something else... a boy really... confused with all these different emotions, she struggles to cope with these feelings. °°°°°•••••°°°°°•••••°°°°°••••°°°°°•••••"Um..hi I'm new and I was wondering if you could show me to Mr..." Katie glanced down at her schedule and then proceeds" to Mr Smith's class" . She was nervous enough not a single soul at her school but what get her veins nearly popping out was the fact that she had butterflies in her stomach. "Well first off my name's Aaron. And you are?" she heard his dark,sexy voice say. "I'm Katie" she answered smiling"Katie..beautiful name. I might just name my kid after that one day" he said as he looked at her. His blue eyes glancing into hers as they suddenly felt a connection."Welcome. This is the start of our beautiful friendship" he said looking at her flirtatiously. Yes indeed it was…



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Neverland Flowers |A BFB Fanfic/AU|

Neverland Flowers |A BFB Fanfic/AU|

199 9 3

It is the year 2045, and over 1000 years after an agreement called "The Promise" was made to end a long war between objects and demons. Each would live their own separate "worlds"; the demon world, with several Farms for breeding object offerings to feed the demons, and the object world. ~Leafy is an 11-year-old orphan living in Grace Field House, a self-contained orphanage housing her and 37 other orphans. Life has never been better: with gourmet food; plush beds; clean clothes; games; and the love from their "Caretaker", Four. The bright and cheerful Leafy always aces the regular exams with her two best friends, Firey and Coiny. The orphans are allowed complete freedom, except to venture beyond the grounds or the gate, which connects the house to the outside world.One night, an orphan named Bracelety is sent away to be "adopted", but Leafy, noticing she left her prized drawing of Ice cube behind, goes with Coiny to give it to her. What happend next? You'll have to read to find out...~|||This Fanfiction is loosely based off the manga and anime, The Promised Neverland.|||…

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Revolyn UltraIt will gather your obsession ability to influence you to feel more verified. You won't be incorporated adequately by interruptions. It will take your fixation to a single spot.Everything accessible has a few experts and besides a few cons. Revolyn Ultra what's more has a few needs. Issues don't make this thing lacking. The essential repulsive signs of this thing are according to the going with:- It is a dietary supplement made out of principal fixings which have fat diminishing properties. These fixings are by and large grabbed from run of the mill sources. These fixings are amassed from different pieces of the world. So on a very basic level we can express the thing is totally protected. It is 100 percent chance free. It will in general be used by anyone.…

My secret fighter

My secret fighter

28 0 1

I am Autumn Smith,I am a popular street fighter and boxer but my brother Carter doesn't want people to know and I agree so we have made up a plan in school I am a shy innocent child and in my fights I am myself.I am skinny and have blue/green eyes with black hair and pale skin with faded pink lips.The J's, There is Jackson,Jack,Jace...and they are fighters to but they have no idea who I am or what I am. They think I am some nerd they can pick on. They have their numbers in my phone and are with me in all my class...Always around... they bully innocent nerd like 'me' but seem to do it more to me than to anybody else.They are brothers.Jack is the cute and nice one. Jackson is the cold hearted soul. Jace is the very into school work but still can find time to bully people with his brothers. The mean girl at the beginning of this was Ella Peterman or what I call her witch for the Midwest. She is a brown hair and black eyes bitch. She is the girl that is dumb but smart when it comes to bullying me and she is the one person that makes me what to break character..IM TRYING NOT TO FUCK UP…

Just Me and You. (Pico x Boyfriend Oneshots)

Just Me and You. (Pico x Boyfriend Oneshots)

146 3 2

"Although you may be a blue-balled dumbass and a damn annoying rat... I still love you for just the way you are... and I wish to stay by your side. Just me and you."---[ STATUS ]Accepting requests!---[ DESCRIPTION ]A bunch of Pico x Boyfriend oneshots! Initially, I was going to write a fanfiction on Pico and Boyfriend, but I decided to change this to a oneshot because I found myself able to write smaller stories better.---[ GENRES ]Fluff, Angst, Mature, Smut, Lemon, ETC.---[ CREDITS ]- Oneshot: gxn.kris.kxllua- Cover: gxn.kris.kxllua- Cover art: [Could Not Find Artist/Found on Pinterest]- Characters: Boyfriend & Pico from Friday Night Funkin'- Friday Night Funkin': ninjamuffin99, PhantomArcade, kawaisprite, evilsk8r---…

"Father figure" Tree x child! reader

205 5 1

[WARNING: THERE ARE NO SHIPS IN THIS BOOK.]In this book your age has to be at least 3-10KEYS:O/N= Object nameO/C= Object colorO/N/N=Object nicknameY/N= Your nameN/N= NicknameH/T= Hometown------------------------So, we all know that every single one of us simp for this Tree. (Come on, don't lie to yourself-) I saw that someone already made a ship book about Tree. (SHOUT OUT TO THE WHOLESOME: @Anonymousman61 BTW!!!!) And I decided to make a platonic Tree x Reader book because, why not? Now let's go the disclaimers.1. None of the characters (Instead of O/N and their family and all that stuff.) Belong to me. All characters here belong to Jacknjellify on YT.2. This is my first book, so. It might not be good.3. This book might have a bit of bad grammar so if it does. Please point it out. I want to try making this book enjoyable for others. If not, that's alright.And last but not least.4. This might be a bit cringe, but I mean, hey. It's a fanfic. It might be cringe.…