Chrono's Awakening

Chrono's Awakening

5 0 4

"Chrono's Awakening" is an enthralling and captivating novel that takes readers on a thrilling journey through time, magic, and self-discovery. Set in a world where ancient prophecies and hidden realms intertwine with the fabric of reality, this epic tale follows the transformative journey of Chrono, a seemingly ordinary individual who discovers his extraordinary destiny.When Chrono stumbles upon an ancient book known as "Chrono's Book," he is drawn into a world of mystery and power. As he delves deeper into its pages, he uncovers a prophecy that speaks of a chosen one-a guardian of time who possesses the ability to restore balance to a world on the brink of chaos.With each revelation, Chrono's understanding of himself and the world around him expands. He learns to manipulate time, unlocking dormant powers within himself that propel him towards his true purpose. Along his path, he encounters allies and adversaries, faces trials that test his courage and resilience, and unravels the secrets of parallel dimensions and magical realms.As Chrono embraces his role as the chosen one, he discovers that his quest goes beyond personal gain-it is about healing wounds that run deep within existence itself. With compassion and determination, he uses his newfound abilities to mend shattered timelines and bring hope to those affected by the imbalance in time.But as Chrono faces his greatest adversary-a manifestation of chaos and darkness-he must confront not only external threats but also his own fears and doubts. Through these challenges, he learns valuable lessons about sacrifice, self-belief, and the true meaning of heroism.…

Psycho Redemption

Psycho Redemption

65 7 2

In this captivating tale, "Psycho Redemption" we follow the twisted journey of Patrick Bateman, a remorseless killer from the modern world, as he faces a karmic reckoning. After meeting a grisly end, Bateman finds himself reborn in a fantastical realm of magic and swords. Now stripped of his former privilege and plunged into the lowest echelons of this magical society, Patrick embarks on a tumultuous path of redemption. Confronting the horrors of his past, he battles not only the oppressive social order but also the darkness within himself. In a world that demands courage and righteousness, Patrick struggles to adapt, seeking to overcome his malevolent tendencies and make amends for the atrocities he committed in his previous life. As Patrick navigates this realm of enchantment, he faces numerous trials and tribulations, meeting allies and adversaries alike. Through his encounters and experiences, he begins to question his violent nature and grapple with the possibility of genuine change. Witness Patrick's transformative journey from a ruthless murderer to a person striving to embody the best version of himself, as he challenges the expectations of society and grapples with the inner demons that threaten to consume him. "Psycho Redemption" is a tale of redemption, self-discovery, and the indomitable human spirit in the face of adversity.…

Stellar labyrinth

Stellar labyrinth

13 2 7

"Stellar Labyrinth" unfolds as a cosmic tapestry woven with destiny, where two disparate souls, Ayumi Nakajima and Kaito Ishikawa, find themselves entwined by celestial threads. Ayumi, a spirited adventurer with a love for ancient mysteries, crosses paths with Kaito, a brooding wanderer haunted by a forgotten legacy.Their journey begins when an otherworldly labyrinth, concealed within the stars, unveils itself. Drawn by an irresistible force, Ayumi and Kaito are thrust into a realm where constellations hold the key to unlocking untold power. As they traverse the stellar labyrinth, facing celestial challenges and mysterious guardians, a bond blossoms between them-a connection forged by shared trials and a collective destiny.Ayumi, with her indomitable spirit and proficiency in ancient lore, complements Kaito's innate strength and enigmatic abilities. Together, they navigate through cosmic dungeons, each chamber revealing not only formidable adversaries but also hidden facets of their own potential. As they grow stronger together, a celestial synergy emerges, granting them the resilience to face the labyrinth's ever-evolving mysteries.Their camaraderie extends beyond the dungeons, echoing with the celestial rhythm of the universe. Through encounters with ethereal beings, forging alliances with celestial creatures, and unraveling the labyrinth's enigma, Ayumi and Kaito become inseparable companions. The journey becomes a transformative odyssey, not just for their individual growth but for the burgeoning connection that binds them against the backdrop of a stellar adventure.unraveling the mysteries that lie within the cosmic tapestry of their shared adventure.…

Uma bruxa

Uma bruxa

21 3 2

OláEu me chamo Victorie e tenho atualmente 11 anos,Vou contar sobre a vida da Grifinória nascida-trouxa de cabelos negros e olhos verdes misteriosos. (Se você esta pensando que sou eu, acertou!).Sempre me achei diferente dos demais... Por quê? Eu também não sei ao certo; quando eu tinha sete anos eu me forcei a acreditar que era sim diferente, por quê? Porque eu fiz o cabelo da minha professora ficar verde? Isso responde a sua pergunta? Ou será que quando me deixaram com raiva os fiz (meninos e meninas chatos) alguma coisa de ruim, por exemplo: matei sem querer o bichinho de Evanna Curtins?Isso responde a sua pergunta? E mais tarde transformei o cabelo de minha professora (isso aos 10 anos) de preto sem vida para roxo berrante?(ela ficou mais bonita de roxo) Essa é a questão, decidi escrever em um diário as minhas tristezas e alegrias, (não sou muito boa para expressar os meus sentimentos com outras pessoas). Dos meus melhores amigos, essa é minha lista:{Lista de amigos de Victorie Mendes:Mãe;Pai;Bella;}E só.Sou solitária, não me acostumo com festas, passeios, nem outra coisa do tipo.É horrível quando você passa na rua e as pessoas ficam te olhando.Principalmente se é um dos seus adoráveis coleguinhas de escola (só que não) que te olham só para te zuar;Agora vocês devem estar perguntando a minha aparecia (eu iria falar,) então como eu sou boazinha vou contar para você diário:Cabelos pretos;Olhos verdes;Magra e baixa;Para meus 11 anos não era tão mal assim;E porque eles te zuavam? Porque a minha sala era de pessoas loiras de olhos azuis, agora vem a sua pergunta diário (mais por quê?) sinceramente não sei, acho que eles notaram mais rápido do que eu era diferente.Não notei, mais devia ter notado,Agora diário, termino a minha "entrada" com uma frase muito linda."Amei e odiei as palavras. E espero te-las usado direito"…

The Medix's Clinic of Art and Imagination (Sketchiyup 4)

The Medix's Clinic of Art and Imagination (Sketchiyup 4)

1,646 405 104

It's ANOTHER TRIP TO THE CRAZY LAND OF IMAGINATION You will visit glimpses of the deepest corners! Along with an art gallery and more trash and memes!YOU SHOULD QUESTION MY SANITY. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED OF THE LOW LEVELS OF MY SANITY. ALSO GORE.…

Sable Embrace

Sable Embrace

31 3 6

"Sable Embrace" is a captivating tale of forbidden love and mystical realms, where darkness and light collide in a battle for destiny. Set against the backdrop of the enigmatic Shadowlands, Evangeline Ashwood, a young woman with a connection to the arcane, finds herself drawn to Blackthorn Manor, a place steeped in secrets and ancient curses.There, she encounters Lord Sebastian Blackthorn, the brooding master of the manor, whose heart is torn between duty and an irresistible attraction to Evangeline. Their connection defies the fragile peace that exists between the realms of light and darkness, setting in motion a chain of events that will challenge their very existence.As their love intensifies, a malevolent force awakens, threatening to consume both the Shadowlands and the mortal realm. Evangeline and Sebastian embark on a treacherous quest, guided by prophecies and mystical revelations, to retrieve the Orb of Eternity-a powerful artifact that holds the key to sealing the Shadow Veil and restoring balance to the realms.Their journey is fraught with peril, as they navigate through ethereal landscapes, face harrowing trials, and encounter allies and adversaries whose loyalties are shrouded in mystery. Along the way, they must confront their own inner demons, grapple with conflicting desires, and make profound sacrifices in the name of love and the greater good.Amidst the swirling forces of light and darkness, "Sable Embrace" explores themes of identity, redemption, and the blurred boundaries between good and evil. As the fate of both realms hangs in the balance, Evangeline and Sebastian's love becomes a beacon of hope, defying the odds and challenging the very fabric of their worlds.With its intricate world-building, captivating romance, and a tapestry of mythical elements, "Sable Embrace" takes readers on an enthralling journey into a realm where shadows dance, destinies entwine, and love becomes the ultimate catalyst for transformation and transcendence.…

Origins (Destiny, Book One)

Origins (Destiny, Book One)

14 0 1

Readers follow the two main characters Zak and Kain. Zak is a natural warrior, with the strength and endurance of an ox. Kain is an intellectual, with emerging magical abilties, although not even the magical talent scouts from Summerhold can predict his true strength. Norden as a continent isn't doing so well. Similar to the Middle Ages, the majority of the population are farmers with almost no potential to go anywhere in life, akin to slavery. A renaissance-like transformation is coming, mostly centered in the capital of Calbanis, where the citizens are realizing that there could be more to life than what they currently enjoy. Religious leader Benzen would do anything to stop this change. The church members would be forced out of power if the people were educated enough to know that the Gods they speak of so often were actually made up. His Majesty does nothing to stop the oppression of his people. He sides with the religious leaders as the Monarchy overtaxes the citizens, and the King and his Council do not want the citizens to realize this. Zoom in to Zak and Kain who will grow up in the small village of Garde. This village, courtesy of Benez's daughter being the Lady of Garde, is fortunate enough to have it's own Academy. This Academy has 3 separate schools: one is for the wealthy children who can afford to be taught the ways of priesthood, one is for the magically inclined, and one is for the rest of the children who have some potential to serve as soldiers or guards of some sort. It is here that that Zak and Kain's journey begins. First, there is the choosing. This is where they learn what classes they will take for the next 5 to 50 years. Will Zak discover the truth of the ancient order of templars, and the corruptness of the church? Will Kain learn the true extent of his magical abilities? Will he discover the root of all magic? Will they both overcome the discrimination they endure from their classmates? Find out in Origins.…

|Daylight ~C. H.| {under editing}

|Daylight ~C. H.| {under editing}

2,027 74 52

Every 8 year old would imagine the world to be a magical, wondrous place. And also would have the thoughts of nothing but good in the world and couldn't imagine anything dangerous either, just pure innocence and happiness. Reality check, that didn't happen to me. I was born into a world where Vampires where like anything else normal to stop us human beings from killing each other with constant wars with my father helping Vampires from all over making the only High Ranked Human which made Vampies even more involved in my life. Especially when finding out that the most powerful one of all them is my mate at the young age of 8 years old as well.But the excitement doesn't stop there, he leaves me and loses all connection to me for the next 10 years and comes back into my life. Now that I've captured your attention. Here's my story of Life, Death, Love, Revenge and what made my boarderline hectic life to full on psychotic, the story that made me run from the Daylight.…

Cartas de Isadora

Cartas de Isadora

111 6 2

Isadora perdeu sua irmã, Elisa, quando tinha Oito anos. A garota presenciou o julgamento do tal assassino de sua irmã, viu seu pai enlouquecer com a morte da primogênita, vou sua mãe se tornar uma mulher ainda mais independente e viu aquele dia tão fatídico se transformar em uma grande saudade de sua amada irmã.Isadora agora com 19 anos é uma mulher que sabe o que quer, mas guarda um segredo para si: ela conversa com a irmã. Durante todos esses anos a caçula escreveu cartas para sua saudosa irmã, relatando os pontos mais marcantes de sua vida até chegar ao dia em que conheceu Rafael Antunes, um homem diferente e que aguça os sentidos dela, porem, a moça está noiva de Joaquim, com quem cresceu. Com sentimentos conflitantes, Isadora recorre a a irmã como uma confidente e acredita que ela lhe escuta e aconselha.Isadora não tem tempo para se apaixonar, como uma mulher empoderada nos anos 40 ela trava uma batalha todos os dias para conquistar o seu lugar. Joaquim era seu noivo e seria só isso por um bom tempo e Rafael... bom, ela se matéria distante de tais sentimentos.Mesmo com a tragédia de anos atrás a vida de Isadora ia bem, até descobrir que o assassino de sua irmã fugiu! Era sua vez de ajudar a irmã..Através de cartas acompanhe o desenrolar dessa história baseada na novela da rede globo "além da ilusão". Estrelada por Larissa Manoela e Rafael Vitti.…

Life In The Sky

Life In The Sky

2,011 363 168

Because I need a book/something to expresss and say some crap…

Ignatius, The Violence Villain

Ignatius, The Violence Villain

5 0 3

In the dark underbelly of the city, a name strikes fear into the hearts of all who hear it: Ignatius, the violence villain. This enigmatic character, shrouded in mystery, is the embodiment of chaos and destruction. With a reputation that precedes him, Ignatius is a force to be reckoned with, leaving a trail of devastation in his wake."Ignatius the Violence Villain" is a gripping tale that explores the depths of human darkness. Written with a masterful touch, the story delves into the twisted mind of Ignatius, revealing the motivations behind his ruthless actions. As readers journey through the narrative, they are confronted with the unsettling question of what drives a person to embrace violence as their path.The city becomes a battleground as Ignatius unleashes his reign of terror, challenging the very fabric of society. The author paints a vivid picture of the chaos and destruction that ensues, capturing the fear and desperation of the citizens caught in the crossfire. At the heart of the story lies a clash between good and evil, as the city's heroes rise to confront the malevolent force that is Ignatius.Yet, amidst the darkness, there are glimmers of redemption and hope. As the story unfolds, readers are taken on a journey of self-discovery, exploring the complexities of human nature and the potential for transformation. Will Ignatius succumb to his violent tendencies, or will he find a way to break free from the chains that bind him?"Ignatius the Violence Villain" is a captivating exploration of the human psyche, delving into the depths of darkness and the power of choice. It challenges readers to question their own perceptions of good and evil, and to contemplate the thin line that separates the two. Prepare to be enthralled by this gripping tale of a villain's journey, as Ignatius's story unfolds with unexpected twists and turns, leaving an indelible mark on the reader's imagination.…

Me, Myself, and I: Embracing Self-Love in the Dating World

Me, Myself, and I: Embracing Self-Love in the Dating World

8 1 10

Introduction:In the opening chapter, we are introduced to the concept of self-love in the context of the dating world. The protagonist's journey towards embracing self-love becomes the central focus of the story.Character Development of the Protagonist:This chapter delves into the protagonist's background, exploring their past relationships, insecurities, and the catalyst that leads them to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-love. Setting of the Story:The story is set in a vibrant city where the protagonist navigates the complexities of the dating world. The city serves as a backdrop for the protagonist's personal growth and transformation.Plot of the Story:As the story unfolds, we witness the protagonist's experiences and encounters in the dating world. We follow their journey of self-exploration, self-care, and the challenges they face in embracing self-love. Point of View of the Story:The story is narrated from the first-person point of view, allowing readers to intimately connect with the protagonist's thoughts, emotions, and reflections on their journey towards self-love.Conflict:Throughout the story, the protagonist encounters various conflicts, both internal and external. They grapple with societal expectations, self-doubt, and the pressure to conform to traditional dating norms while striving to prioritize their own happiness and self-worth. Theme of the Story:The overarching theme of the story is the importance of self-love and self-acceptance in the dating world. It explores the idea that finding love within oneself is a fundamental step towards building healthy and fulfilling relationships with others.…



5,924 67 118


A Little Thing Called First Love

A Little Thing Called First Love

177 3 3

Roohi barely acts as a social human in her daily life....But then she finds a new best frnd in the newly transferred boy PARK JIMIN...but what happens when the schools ultimate jock JUNGKOOK not only takes a sudden intrest in her but also goes through extreme length to prove his loyalty to both...Does she end up falling for one of the boys..or do the boys secretly love her..or is it something completely unexpected? ya I need help there...…

And a star is born ( Stu Bennett )

And a star is born ( Stu Bennett )

3,679 989 111

when he started his career and his now life #WadeBarrett…