Taerel and the Tournament

Taerel and the Tournament

174,898 5,105 54

Taerel aka Harry was raised as a High Elf when he landed in their world not knowing what his name was he was giving a new name Taerel, he was trained with his new family the Heikrana's to become a Healer, nothing said about him learning to defend himself mind you...Until one day when he was summoned to a school of Witchcraft and Wizardry and told that he must compete in a horrible tournamentBetter yet he was also told that he was the key to killing He Who Shall Not Be Named and that he was The Boy Who Lived......โ€ฆ

The Forgotten Shadow {ADOPTED}

The Forgotten Shadow {ADOPTED}

66,891 2,181 16

{ADOPTED}I have adopted this story from SilverScribe, so the first four chapters do belong to them. This is just my version of adding by onto to it. (Not copying anyone)James and Lily Potter had two twin children. Harry and Ethan Potter. However, you would never know if you had visited them that there were in fact two. You wouldn't even know that little Harry existed at all. On October 31, a terrible mistake had been made the second Dumbledore informed the potter's Ethan was the Boy-Who-Lived (incorrectly). Almost like a switch was flipped inside his parents heads. For the next 8 years it was always Ethan this or Ethan that. However when Harry turned 9, they snapped. Any lingering part of their existing personality had disappeared and they had become something horrible. When Harry embarks on his quest to Hogwarts, they are in for the biggest shock of their lives. Will they finally realize how valuable harry is? Is it too late to make amends?...we all know that answer.DISCLAIMER- I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CONTENT FOR THE MOVIES OR BOOKS. THEY BELONG TO J.K ROWLING.Highest ranking: #1.HarryMalfoy, #1.semidark, #2.SlytherinHarryโ€ฆ

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101,849 3,955 23

"๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘’'๐‘  ๐‘ ๐‘œ๐‘š๐‘’๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘–๐‘›๐‘” ๐‘ก๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ž๐‘”๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘œ๐‘ข๐‘ก ๐‘ฆ๐‘œ๐‘ข." "๐‘ ๐‘œ๐‘š๐‘’๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘–๐‘›๐‘” ๐‘ ๐‘œ ๐‘š๐‘Ž๐‘”๐‘–๐‘ ๐‘Ž๐‘๐‘œ๐‘ข๐‘ก ๐‘ฆ๐‘œ๐‘ข."๐‘ก๐‘œ๐‘š๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘‘๐‘‘๐‘™๐‘’ ๐‘ฅ ๐‘“๐‘’๐‘š!โ„Ž๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘Ÿ๐‘ฆโ€ฆ

Common Good

Common Good

3,835 108 23

Anastasia Rebecca Alexandria Grindelwald, not a common name. Nor her platinum blonde hair and heterochronic eyes. After all she is his twin and if Albus Dumbledore won't fight him. She will. For the Greater GoodBegan: April 25, 2023Finished: May 9, 2023All original characters and storyline belong to J.K. Rowling, Anastasia and new plot belong to me. :)โ€ฆ

Fantastic Beasts: In the shadows of destiny

Fantastic Beasts: In the shadows of destiny

563 11 23

Arabella Dumbledore is the adoptive daughter of Albus Dumbledore. She is a 4 year old seer. The year is 1932. The International Confederation Of Wizards' Supreme Mugwump election was to take place soon. A perceptive child notices more then most adults give them credit for and Arabella was a perceptive child. The Wizarding World was tense. The Dark Wizard Gellert Grindelwald was due to make a move...so Albus assembles a team of witches, wizards and a muggle to oppose the dark wizard. To prevent his rise to power. Arabella's journey is long and eventful...and secrets are revealed...will things ever be the same again?โ€ฆ

To Be A Malfoy

To Be A Malfoy

121 5 3

{ONGOING}Harry doesn't realize all the manipulation in his life until its too late. Now being mercilessly hunted down by dumbledore and his cowardly order, he makes a split second decision and goes back in time. Not wanting to stay anywhere near the Dursley's Harry runs away to the wizarding world, where he meets Lucius out on an errand. Now he just needs him to listen. I do not own Harry Potter or any of its characters, those belong to j.k Rowling, I only own this story and it's plot. Started: March 3rd 2019Finished:Edited:โ€ฆ

Fantastic Beasts: Alone

Fantastic Beasts: Alone

3,250 123 17

Laila Grindelwald/Lia Scamander, once the adopted daughter of Newt Scamander, has been captured by her biological father, Gellert Grindelwald. She eventually manages to escape and get back to Hogwarts, and, a few of years later, during her last OWLs examination, Professor Albus Dumbledore gives her the task of helping Newt and his friends without her revealing that she's still alive. Will she ever get back with Newt and be free to call him her father again?โ€ฆ

The Fall Of A Rebellion

The Fall Of A Rebellion

435 31 6

What if lily and James potter hadn't died?What if they'd been captured instead?Set in a world where lord Voldemort won the war, little Harry is raised by the rebellion to hate and rebel against the dark lord. However in and effort to get his parents back Harry traded himself to the man for them, and their freedom hoping to be rescued soon. Young harry soon finds out the rebellion isn't all it seems to be. Is it really old voldy he should be questioning, or is it the rebellion after all?Formerly titled: War Of The RebellionRebellion AU! DarkPrince AU!DarkHarry AU!Started:04/11/2018Finished:Edited:N/Aโ€ฆ

Fantastic Beasts:The Secrets Of Dumbledore

Fantastic Beasts:The Secrets Of Dumbledore

1,553 31 12

Fantastic beasts The secrets Of Dumbledore(2022)I Will Be changing some things but I'm not gonna change any major storyline. If you have not seen this movie I would suggest you don't read it until you watch it :) because there will be major spoilers. Thank You.โ€ฆ



9,956 130 7

In this story harry has been left by everyone and when he found out about his heritage let's see what he will doforth year harry potter powerful harry smart harryโ€ฆ

Fantastic Beasts: Storm of the Thunderbird

Fantastic Beasts: Storm of the Thunderbird

427 11 13

The long awaited 4th installment of the Fantastic Beasts franchise. When Gellert Grindelwald learns a slightly problematic secret about the Elder Wand, he begins to hunt for a certain auror while still remaining in the shadows. As for Dumbledore and his First Army, they all know that while Grindelwald may be in hiding, he certainly isn't gone.โ€ฆ

We Got Lots Of History

We Got Lots Of History

3,715 109 45

Love conquers all...Or maybe it doesn't Cassandra Helena Triantafyllou, a greek, muggleborn witch, a Ravenclaw Head Girl, a skillfull Auror and a war hero. Her and Theseus Scamander, her partner in crime, try to battle it out not only in the field but also in their lifes apparently altogether. Love, passion, guilt and grief, pride and loyalty are all in stake once they find themselves against an all powerfull wizard. Without knowing what was at stake, the scales were tipping not in their favor. But they would do anything in their power to make it work. After all all is fair In Love and War*this will be at its biggest percent a crack ficโ€ฆ

The Water and The Sky (Permanent Hiatus)

The Water and The Sky (Permanent Hiatus)

258,236 8,748 26

Draco is a veela whom, with every step he takes is in pain without his mate. He doesn't even know who his mate is.Harry is a mess. Then again who wouldn't be when you find out that, surprise! You're half fucking siren.Draco is a creature of the sky, Harry is a creature of the water. Trying to figure that out is going to be the biggest challenge there ever will be because water and air don't mix well.โ€ขDumbledore bashing (a lot. I like it for some reason)โ€ขWeasley bashing (not the twins, Charlie or Percy)โ€ขSnape is not dead in this neither is Voldy (you'll understand later)โ€ขWolfstar because I ship it and I am not killing Remus or Siriusโ€ฆ

Did You Ever Think of Me

Did You Ever Think of Me

278 10 10

Grindelwald is losing his touch.Aurelius is dying. Newt knows that there is someone who can help Aurelius, except Grindelwald wants her power too. All original characters and storyline belong to J.K. Rowling. I only own my OC and new plot :)โ€ฆ

The Summer

The Summer

89 0 6

One summer can change everything. If only sometimes you could get them back. Originally written 6.18.22 - 7.24.22 Aberforth Dumbledore hides behind his own secrets and they are coming undone. Aurelius is dying and Ria wishes for the past, for a chance to make amends. All have one thing in common, Grindelwald must be stopped. Magic has a way of coming back to us, even when we least expect it.All Wizarding World and Fantastic Beasts belong to J.K. Rowling. Ria belongs to me :)โ€ฆ

The Eclipse Of Death - FemHarry

The Eclipse Of Death - FemHarry

453,749 14,395 23

Harriet Lillian Potter suffered her whole life, she was manipulate and abused by people she trusted. so to her, death was the only choice. but apparently even after death she can't catch a break.what happeneds when she dies and finds out she's the mistress of death and that she has another chance to change it all.Would she take it?In how many ways can the past surprise her?Can she change the future?And if she can, will it be for the better or for the worst?(FemHarry x Weasley twins)Disclaimer Fred will not die in this book not under my watchI'll update as much as I can.Starting date - 25.7.2022This isn't the best description... but to put it simply I wrote what I wanted to read so if you want to give it a shot please do.English isn't my first language so feel free to .politely. point out any mistakes.Obviously, I don't owe Harry Potter so all non original characters and plot lines do not belong to me in any way shape or form.None of the images in the story belong to me they're all from Pinterest.โ€ฆ

Grindeldore oneshots

Grindeldore oneshots

3,882 64 12

Random one-shots that were written by me and my lovely friend.And there is no update schedule, we'll update whenever.Enjoy!!!! (Cover art is mine!)This is also on my AO3 account Ship_it_honeyโ€ฆ

Echoes|| Kรถnig x Reader x Ghost

Echoes|| Kรถnig x Reader x Ghost

548,546 15,870 99

"If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything.""Why?""Do you wanna die?""mildly."Orginal story plot not following MW3Started 2023-09-07End 2024-02-20โ€ฆ