10,634 285 24

隣 - to be next toToshima Nari was always in her brothers shadow. She currently had one goal in life. Her goal was to surpass her brothers kpop group.But what happens when she meets a boy along her journey to reach her goal? Will it stop her from reaching her goal? Will it help her?Read to find out Started : April 10th 2023. Completed : September 11th 2023…

No Importa Donde Estés, Te Encontrare

No Importa Donde Estés, Te Encontrare

849 33 20

En el escenario actual del mundo, Douma y Shinobu, dos corazones unidos, sufriran una desgarradora separación y deben de mantener viva la fuerza del amor, enfrentan la desafiante realidad de una relación a distancia. Douma y Shinobu, dos estudiantes de secundaria, comienzan su historia cuando las circunstancias los separan físicamente, pero su conexión emocional sigue brillando en la oscuridad de la distancia.Douma y Shinobu enfrentan un nuevo tipo de batalla: la prueba de mantener viva su relación a través de fronteras y husos horarios. A través de videollamadas, mensajes de texto y notas escritas a mano, cultivan su amor a través de la pantalla de sus dispositivos, compartiendo risas, sueños y secretos que mantienen viva la llama de su conexión.Sin embargo, la distancia también trae consigo desafíos. La ausencia física se convierte en una lucha constante contra la soledad y los celos. Douma y Shinobu deben aprender a confiar el uno en el otro mientras enfrentan las tentaciones y distracciones del mundo que los rodea. A través de las noches en vela y los días de espera, su amor se fortalece, revelando la resiliencia de dos almas destinadas.A medida que enfrentan la realidad de su situación, Douma y Shinobu se embarcan en una travesía de creatividad para acercar sus mundos. Desde cartas escritas con tinta virtual hasta sorpresas enviadas por correo, encuentran maneras de construir puentes entre sus corazones, superando las barreras físicas que intentan separarlos."No Importa Donde Estés, Te Enocontrare" es una historia de amor contemporánea que celebra la fuerza de la conexión emocional en medio de la distancia. En un mundo globalizado, Douma y Shinobu demuestran que, incluso cuando los kilómetros los separan, el amor verdadero puede superar cualquier distancia.…

Just Vmin

Just Vmin

26,954 1,779 130

Random things about Vmin 🤷‍♀️🤙«13 of j.m + 30 of thv = 130»…



43 0 1

I have no idea what to write!!!!…

Punish PlayBoy From Now On

Punish PlayBoy From Now On

110,937 2,430 200

LOOK FOR PART 2Alternative title : 虐渣男从现在开始 (abuse of scumbags from now on)author: brother orange cat ( 羁旅动漫)Because of love, Zhao Xianghai has been Xiao Ye's person for seven years, but in the end he only got Xiao Ye's saying "I'm tired". His pride did not allow him to be an abandoned person, so he broke with Xiao Ye quickly. But Xiao Ye was not happy anymore. Want to leave him and fly with other men? dream!…

Caminando por mi propia cuenta.

Caminando por mi propia cuenta.

246 7 8

Relatos y pensamientos internos sobre mi pasado, sobre las personas que conocí alguna vez e intentando explicar quién soy, cómo soy y por qué.Si te gustó, recordá darle a compartir.…

La razón por la que la segunda guerra de meta-liberación va a ser rara

La razón por la que la segunda guerra de meta-liberación va a ser rara

3,151 306 13

Midoriya Inko no se tomó a la ligera el divorcio de su esposo, especialmente porque All for One se atrevió a llevarse a dos de sus hijos con él, con la intención de convertirlos en villanos. Ella, siendo una antigua ladrona virtuosa de rango S, iba a recuperar a sus hijos. Pero antes de poder concentrarse en iniciar una disputa familiar que haría que los dos siglos de peleas OFA vs AFO parecieran dos niños jugando con petardos, tenía que asegurarse de que Izuku, su hijo mayor, estuviera a salvo. Lejos de los ojos que todo lo ven de All for One.El resto, como dicen, es historia.SerieHistoria original: original:…



56,349 8,246 33

PROLOGO Hay momentos en los que deseamos escapar, para no hacer frente a nuestra realidad. simplemente cerramos los ojos y dejamos que todo pase. El destino se encargará de todo, solo hay que esperar....…

Change (Seto Kaiba Love Story)

Change (Seto Kaiba Love Story)

47,716 734 39

Your Megami Shoyo daughter of a multimillionaire family. Being the elder child has been hard since the burden of your family business is in your hands. That doesn't mean you didn't make friends like .. Yugi Muto , Téa Gardner , Joey Wheeler , and Tristan. You also begged your parents to let you study at a average high school until the time came for your future.. Being rich you didn't care much about wasting money but more on being with your friends. Along the way you began to play with duel monster cards meeting another stubborn player who falls for you.…

Warrior Cats | Guide And Extras

Warrior Cats | Guide And Extras

203,556 2,491 70

Step into one of the wonders of the world you may not even know about! Wildcats that come together to form Clans depend on one another to survive - they are known as Warriors.Fighting for survival, they struggle each day to get by, with tensions between other Clans. Hunting, fighting, patrolling - it is all part of their daily routine.Is you interest piqued yet? If so, head on into this guide, and there will be everything essential you need to know about the wildcats, with some opinions and advice to go along with it!DISCLAIMERS | Most of the information comes from wiki, but I rearranged them neatly myself, so it would be easier to read. Personal opinions may also be added in each chapter, so please do note that my opinions may not be the same as yours.HIGHEST RANKINGS |#1 in Warrior Cats Guide#33 in Warrior Cats#691 in RandomMay StarClan light your path. ★ * )) \ //\ * ★ ) ( ') ★ * ( / ) Text art by: Skyfrost \(__)||…

Haikyuu Spin Off : Love Hate

Haikyuu Spin Off : Love Hate

23,585 1,000 24

"I will date that Ushiwaka and make Iwa-chan jealous so he will come and get me!" Oikawa Tooru is doing literally everything to have Iwaizumi Hajime's attention but it's not working!Not until she met the ace player of Shiratorizawa, Ushijima Wakatoshi who unexpectedly makes Iwaizumi competitive in all aspects._____________________________________________________I'm here again with my genderbend haikyuu character.This time it's Fem Oikawa! Let's go! ✊Disclaimer : I don't own haikyuu or any of the charactersHighest Rank Achieved 📊#1 Ushioi (1/27/21)…

Ace's Even Randomer Stuff

Ace's Even Randomer Stuff

10,009 1,886 190


Forgotten | TechnoXOC

Forgotten | TechnoXOC

384,444 16,807 64

Technoblade is the king of a fairly notorious kingdom, known for his blood-thirst, he had earned the very fitting name of "Blood king" or, as some would call him, "Blood God". Despite that he's a very good and fair king, always busy taking care of his kingdom, as well as his subjects. The council was been pressing him on finding a bride, seeing that he was the last one of his dynasty, for all his family members and relatives had died during a very well orchestrated attack. He managed to survive thanks to his amazing fighting skills but now he needed to continue his bloodline, weather he liked it or not. Needless to say things would soon start to change, as a very peculiar group of individual made their entrance inside his kingdom.WARNING: THIS STORY WILL CONTAIN, BLOOD, DEATH, AND OTHER TRIGGERS FOR WHICH I'LL PUT WARNING ON THE CHAPTERS AS THEY GO BY.EXTRA WARNING: IMMA TRY TO ADD SOME SMUT SCENES, FOR I WANNA TRY THAT FIELD TOO AND SEE IF I'M GOOD AT IT OR NOT, SO DON'T CUSS ME OUT IF IT SUCK, AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, JUST SKIP THE CHAPTER.=^_^=3° on #technoblade 5/04/20212° on #technoblade 6/04/2021 pog :)…

Whispers of thief

Whispers of thief

79,098 4,182 55

Is it alright to be selfish? It was supposed to be a mission like every other one, nothing they didn't do before. But one miscalculation led to one deal with an enemy. Katsuki Bakugou never thought one night could change his whole life. How a hero could show him the world from another angle. They weren't supposed to be together. The world they lived in didn't approve of such a thing.It was against the rules, but what if he didn't want to leave the hero's side? Top Izuku x bottom KatsukiExtract 1 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅThe more buttons were undone, the more Izuku could see. The dress shirt fell from the other's shoulders, uncovering the milky skin, so pale it shined in the light. His mouth went dry as he watched the piece of fabric slip fully, leaving him unable to move. The blond's hand went up to his shoulder, smoothing the skin.Extract 2 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ"But what if I want to make this a game," Izuku whispered, his body thrusting against him. "Games are fun." Izuku's head moved up, his mouth brushing against Katsuki's skin, eager to bite. "And we want to have fun, right?" He yelped as Izuku pulled his full weight on him. artist - @nomad_jamong from TwitterUpdates every Sunday!…

Este Amor Debe Ser Secreto

Este Amor Debe Ser Secreto

2,658 151 42

En el mundo de "Demon Slayer", donde las sombras de los demonios acechan y la guerra entre cazadores y demonios es implacable, surge una historia clandestina entre Douma, la enigmática Luna Superior, y Shinobu, la valiente Pilar Insecto.Douma, oculto en las sombras y con secretos tan profundos como el hielo que controla, se encuentra cautivado por la gracia mortal de Shinobu. En medio de la lucha contra los demonios, donde la traición puede ser más peligrosa que las afiladas garras de los enemigos, ambos se ven envueltos en un romance prohibido que desafía las leyes de la Hermandad de los Pilares.Shinobu, dedicada a la causa de los cazadores de demonios, descubre en Douma una oscura dualidad que va más allá de la superficie. A medida que se embarcan en misiones juntos, se ven atrapados en una danza peligrosa entre el deber y la pasión, luchando contra sus propias emociones mientras intentan mantener su amor oculto.Los amantes se encuentran enfrentando decisiones difíciles y arriesgadas, ya que la verdad de su relación podría amenazar con desatar el caos en la ya frágil alianza de los Pilares. Mientras lidian con las sombras de la sociedad y las fuerzas demoníacas que intentan separarlos, Douma y Shinobu deben preguntarse si su amor es lo suficientemente fuerte como para desafiar las convenciones establecidas y encontrar la luz en medio de la oscuridad."Este Amor Debe Ser Secreto" es una narrativa emocional que explora los límites del amor en un mundo donde los secretos pueden ser tan mortíferos como las espadas, y donde los corazones, como las lunas crecientes, pueden brillar más intensamente cuando están ocultos en la penumbra.…

Entre Lunas Y Mariposas

Entre Lunas Y Mariposas

664 29 21

En una escuela secundaria común, Douma y Shinobu, dos estudiantes aparentemente normales, llevan consigo secretos que van más allá de la vida cotidiana. Douma, conocido por su seriedad y misteriosa calma, oculta una pasión por la escritura poética y la música. Shinobu, la chica tranquila pero ingeniosa, es una apasionada entomóloga que esconde sus habilidades de manipular pequeños insectos.Un día, durante una excursión escolar, sus destinos colisionan cuando Douma, cautivado por la elegancia de Shinobu al estudiar mariposas en un campo, se ve inspirado a escribir un poema en su honor. Desde ese momento, una conexión especial comienza a florecer entre ellos.A pesar de las diferencias en sus personalidades, Douma y Shinobu encuentran consuelo y comprensión el uno en el otro. Sus mundos, llenos de secretos y pasiones, se entrelazan en el tejido de la vida estudiantil. Juntos, enfrentan los desafíos de la adolescencia, desde exámenes hasta amistades complicadas, siempre fortaleciendo su vínculo especial.A medida que la historia se desenvuelve, Douma y Shinobu exploran el poder del amor y la aceptación en un entorno donde los prejuicios y las expectativas son inevitables. La dualidad de sus personalidades y habilidades se convierte en la clave para superar los obstáculos, demostrando que incluso en la vida cotidiana, dos corazones pueden encontrar una armonía única."Entre Lunas Y Mariposas" es una conmovedora historia de amor adolescente que nos recuerda que, en la complejidad de la vida diaria, a veces se encuentran las conexiones más extraordinarias.…

Cabin Fever | ✓

Cabin Fever | ✓

1,398,194 63,712 100

Completed.☾This is a SEQUEL!!!1) 'Camp Where The Hell Are We?'2) 'Cabin Fever' 3) 'Asterism' ☾"I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things that we'd choose anyway. And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you."- Kiersten White - ☾Praise for 'Cabin Fever'"Marley is innocent and shy yet bold and righteous in a good way. And Aiden, he is the epitome of perfection. He's possessive, protective, loving, insecure but the way he loves Marley always makes me feel giddy. You are an amazing writer. I am looking forward to reading a lot of what you write in the future." - @nmadiwal "I've already read a lot of books, online and offline, but this is seriously the best one I've ever read! You're amazing and I adore this series." - @LaRosedeFrance "I've literally been reading this all weekend. IT'S SO GOOD! I love the characters and how real it seems. This is one of the best books I've read on Wattpad!" - @ILoveMyPony101"Don't stop writing, you have a genuine talent that should never be forgotten." - @MrsBruceCampbell "This is seriously the best series ever." - @SRH1awesome "...this is literally one of my favourite books. I've fallen in love with your writing and the characters. They're so genuine and real and you've never made things forced like a lot of other romance books I know." - @dancincorn "All the detailed plot twists and descriptions of the characters make this book amazing and the way you've written it with all the heartfelt moments between Aiden and Marley make me wish it lasted forever." - @mkaydoris "Everything about these books are amazing! You are an extremely talented writer. This will forever be my favourite series to have read and my favourite couple." - @arianna1965 ☾Copyright© partiallyprecarious, 2018…

Acontecimientos extraños

Acontecimientos extraños

1,935 217 14

Entonces Harry decidió pasar. Así lo hizo, viviendo su vida y viajando por el mundo. Entonces Teddy entra a su cuidado y decide establecerse en Forks, de alguna manera llamando la atención incluso cuando no lo quiere. Luego procede a apoderarse de Forks, corromper a Bella, ganarse a los reyes vampiros y tener un romance con uno, y freír cerebros de vampiros. El caos es solo parte de su vida.…

TᕼE  ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ  IᑎᔕIᗪE [1]

TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ IᑎᔕIᗪE [1]

906,366 29,519 81

hєr quírk íѕn't líkє αnч σthєr ít cσnfuѕєѕ pєσplє tσ nσ єnd hσw αnσthєr lívíng вєíng ѕhαrєѕ hєr вσdч, wíth α mínd σf ítѕ σwnít'ѕ líkє α pαrαѕítєвut gσd hєlp αnчσnє whσ cαllєd ít thαt-----yo dudes it's me, and i just wanted to say that i don't own shit except for my oc, any extra characters i might add, and side plots that aren't actually in bnha. i also don't own the idea of venom, i just own the quirk idea of him in this fic. bnha belongs to horikoshi and venom belongs to sony (the assholes) ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ because i'm a dumbass, i'm editing this and making it clear that this story involves physical and mental abuse, along with sexual abuse, so please, if you're not comfortable with any of those topics, skip over those parts. i'll put markers in the chapters for when they're mentioned so as to make people more aware of it since i wasn't thinking beforehand and didn't leave warnings…

OC Introductions

OC Introductions

218 6 25

¡Temporary Cover!This is a book full of all my characters. Well all the ones I'll using for story telling. (I have a lot of characters, not all of them are interesting enough.)Small edit: some images got deleted, will fix.Table of Contents:Group Summary: Goldcrest Family1. Milo2. Rosia3. Davin4. Derrick5. Gigi 2.06. Nikki7. DestinyGroup Summary: Monster Gang1. Mandy Korre2. Fae Ree3. Ashley Clops4. Wade5. TerraGroup Summary: [Unknown]1. Blips Blinker2. Blake3. Noah4. Mars5. RiverExtra Characters: Villains & Side Characters1. The Illusionist/Spike2. Gwen3. Faith4. Jaxson…