The Devourer (A Highschool DxD Fanfic)

The Devourer (A Highschool DxD Fanfic)

143,110 2,379 29

With the impossible size of the universe, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that there is life beyond just humans out there. Countless things have lived and died yet one stands above the rest due to the sheer amount of time it has lived. Almost since the beginning of the universe itself has it existed; a biological monster that would destroy and consume anything in its path. Planets, asteroids, entire stars even; whatever got in this things way wouldn't stay in the way for very long.It was a repetitive existence until one day the abomination met its match in the form of an absolutely enormous star. It ended with a draw that sent the abomination rocketing off in a random direction away from the place it had been consuming for so long.It traveled for millions upon millions of years before finally coming to a stop just outside of some odd new planet brimming with life.Along the way through space, it gained awareness of its surroundings so it was now able to choose what to do with this odd planet. Consume or Explore. . .What a future this will be--------------(Don't expect realism lol, this is an anime fanfic){Chapters lengths are gonna be all over the place so Idk lets say at least 2k words min}{Lemons, Descriptive Gore}- {Watch out for warnings if you don't want to see that kinda stuff}…

"Goodbye Curly Head"

3,046 200 40

Through thick and thin the Law shall prevail. A new sense of purpose awaits us, children of light, in the land where it all began. The darkness in which we once cowered in fear, now curbed by the might of our endless light. Come, brothers, come, sisters. Let there be peace among the wicked, just as the Law dictates.Peace and certainty is all that you have ever longed for, little angel. A bright, stable future. A roof without holes above thy head. Acknowledgement and recognition of thy existence, feverish dreams of grandeur.Greed born from yearning, treacherous vines of rapacity taint your innocent soul. You seek a future that does not exist.Let thy fingers hold the fragile line between dream and nightmare. Let thy light navigate the path.Shall thee give in and falter, O' land of old, envelop his body in thy unending flame of chaos. Spit out nothing but an empty husk, the remnants of a smile once so bright.Shall thee prevail, O', Great Kazdel, I ask of you, the impossible - take mercy on the innocent. Don't let the radiance dim and don't let the mind turn bleak.Wake, young traveler.Bid thy farewells and burn thy bridges.It's time to say goodbye, curly head.Cross post from AO3.For a shorter and more on-point description, look no further! I had something silly written up before throwing it out in exchange for that wall of text upstairs. It's a little story "about a young, dumb sankta who's been dealt a bad hand at life, looking for his place in all this mess. The pointless search for a better future leads him far, far away from home, to a country forever ravaged by war and misery - Kazdel, the promised land where devils roam free and peace feels out of place."Anyway, it's quite lengthy, but hopefully enjoyable? Slide a comment if you want, I'll give you a tiny kiss on the forehead. Man, do I love comments.(Lastly, to point out, English is not my native language, but I don't think it'll be much of an issue ;3)…

Jim Morrison -

Jim Morrison - "The road of excess leads to the Palace of Wisdom"

13 0 5

Step into the hallowed paths of Père Lachaise, where the whispers of the past meet the legends of the present. This story weaves through the tombstones to the final resting place of Jim Morrison.…

Legend of the Cultivation God I

Legend of the Cultivation God I

14,893 879 200

A story about a mortal becoming a god"…

Love as a Choice

Love as a Choice

97 1 6

Dear friend, why have I chosen to love someone that does not love me back?To my friend S.…

I'm a Villainess, But So What? Fuck Off.

I'm a Villainess, But So What? Fuck Off.

693,458 28,091 99

Honestly, I don't give a rat's ass about anything from the storyline. Those fucking capture targets are so damn stupid, falling for an idiotic birdbrain heroine. Actually, they probably only fell in love with her for their egos. Why should I ever feel that they're a threat to my life? I'm a duke and duchess' daughter of a powerful kingdom, I'm smart, beautiful, and powerful. I'm just generally better than them. Yeah, I'll just focus on my work as the heir of the dukedom, spoil my brother, improve my magic and swordsmanship, play around, and kill annoying people. This shall be my new life as the prodigy of the century!This is my own story, not fanfiction. All my characters are original.Yes, like all of the other villainess novels out there, we have transmigration in to a villain. And yes, this is like all of the other novels out there, we do have a Mary Sue as our protagonist.Edit: Okay, I'm done, I think. Is there going to be another book? YES!! PS. Changed the cover pagelol…

The Wind

The Wind

1,988 93 54

A collection of poems, short stories and writings. Well, essentially just poems at the moment. Variety of influences I will always be willing to disclose for specific poems. Some are darker than others (see tags for possible triggers). Please comment any thoughts.Well it seems I have poured more of myself into this book of poems than I've really expressed to any one person irl. But the masochist inside me really wants you all to read it because why not share my head with strangers? But maybe this matters. Maybe this shows something- some progression becuase some of the earliest poems are are about, or reference, self harm and I'm glad to say that's behind me. I can follow a lot of my relationship with existentialism throughout it, as well as simply my attitude towards poetry (quatrains of iambic tetrameter with abab rhyme schemes are still cool but they aren't my go-to.) So yeah, maybe writing poetry in a toilet when I'm trying to calm down from a panic attack, or better yet in the midst of having one, and putting it up on some anonymous platform means something. Because I'm still not what else does.…

A Float through Night Skies and Other Poems in Youth

A Float through Night Skies and Other Poems in Youth

277 53 26

A Float Through Night Skies and other Poems in Youth is a poetry collection written from the eyes of an existential and disenfranchised youth. It details themes such as Love, Family, Loneliness, Desperation, Transcendence as well as Suicide. These poems try to encapsulate the feelings of living as a young boy who is struggling to find any sense of their own reality while also in search of contentment through lonely ponderings of the grandiose.…

Love Versus Terrorism - Part 2 - Poems on Anti Terror , Peace

Love Versus Terrorism - Part 2 - Poems on Anti Terror , Peace

173 1 70

This Book which has 69 differently titled Poems is actually Part 2 of the Book titled - Love Versus Terrorism ( 409 pages ) . In a planet usurped today by graveyards of terrorism, this poetic collection imparts enlightenment, optimism, courage and an eternal desire to breathe free . GOD'S sacred earth isn't the way it used to be when it was created, thanks to greed of man which has indiscriminately torn apart every creed, color and definition of time for the 5 alphabets called 'MONEY'. The devil has spread terror in the name of religion, in the name of God, most abusively, without the slightest remorse. This book brilliantly equates 'Love' and 'terrorism' at every step and goes on to timelessly prove that no matter how ghastily terrorism perpetuates into the atmosphere, immortal love perennially triumphs over one and all on the earth. A startling collection of anti terror poems in an hour when the world wants them more than anything else, Parekh's words act as a harbinger of peace to infinite masses agonizingly estranged in brutal violence and bloodshed. A must read for every patron of global peace out there ! Love Versus Terrorism unconquerably depicts at each stage that no matter how wretched the wrath of terrorism has penetrated into the planet today-Love forever emerges victorious. Because God has created it as the most Omnipotent panacea for one and all humanity and the living kind. As long as the earth exists, the devil would continue to exist in various forms and shapes-trying his best to insidiously harm living kind. But the power of truth, love, compassion would not only conquer it in all respects, but would continue to bond the entire planet in threads of everlasting humanity. So that the best religion that pervades over one and all is the 'Religion of Humanity'. This book is an unflinching salute to the chapters of love, peace and brotherhood-which are the most efficacious panacea to conquer dastardly terrorism.…

The Mystery Of The Gospel

The Mystery Of The Gospel

63 8 18

Mystery of the Gospel: Revealing the First Century Truths about the Kingdom of God, is an attempt to expose the messages of the coming Kingdom of God to earth, which Christ brought down from the Father unto mankind. This knowledge is not known by the majority of professing Christendom but which God wants the latter to be encompassed by the truth. Because it is evident that there is an undeniable force, power and sovereignty of the Spirit of God moving within the true Church of God and also the end-time charismatic movement of Christians.The coming of Christ and His establishment of the Church of God became the standard and benchmark for living the Christian life at the time. However due to opposing forces to the Church of God and the first followers of Christ, the truth became suppressed.In other words, the first Century message and essence of the coming of Christ to proclaim His coming kingdom became lost or seriously flawed.Fortunately, Christ gave a promise concerning His Church. He said ..... "I will build my Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it".Despite the continuous existence of God's true Church, God is still real and moving in the lives of all professing Christians who are in the majority but are ignorant of the existence of the true Church of God...God is not out to save all of humanity in this lifetime but will introduce and re-educate humanity to the laws and government of heaven in the millennial rule of Christ here on earth. God is a family and as Christ is the first born of many brethren so shall the "first-fruit" saints be called, begotten and then born or resurrected as sons and daughters and the rest of professing Christians, as the children being retaught the government, truths, laws, statutes and commandments in the kingdom.…



73 7 1

Sometimes i feel like drowning myself.What is drowning? Submerging one self in water to the point of death, or dying due to the inhalation of water. i love to feel that burning sensation in my nostrils after inhaling the water i cleansed in. It's like i'm purging, and then destroying that purity by burning it from the inside-out.i ask myself sometimes why i take satisfaction in doing this.this is the story of how i slowly dissipated away.***This short story is merely fictional. All of what you are about to read next comes only from my imagination and a bit of research. If you are uncomfortable reading the following themes: depression, suicide, self-harm, and existentialism; than it is advised that you do not read further. Thank you.***…



56,262 1,775 199

[ C O M P L E T E ] What would you do if your planet ceased to exist after a nap?Once upon a time, there was a princess...Scrap that.Once upon a time, there was a hermit called Yao Si.She was an orphaned hikikomori who lived a peaceful and mundane life in her cosy little apartment.Just when she thought she'd live out the rest of her mundane days... she died.By a strange twist of fate, she was somehow turned into a vampire, even worse, a fifth-generation weakling with no combat ability at all.Vampires had their own little secret society, cultural feuds, and called themselves bloodlings.With the threats of another civil war among the bloodlings, Yao Si remained composed.'Even if this war of bloodlings rages on again, it will need a miracle to affect me,' she thought.So, a miracle occurred...When she was woken up from a millennnia-long nap, she found that her beautiful mother planet Earth had ceased to exist.Even the oldest bloodling in the entire universe was now one of her grand [ times infinity] child.Everyone will have to call her "ancestor" from this moment onwards!The peasant Yao Si had successfully revolted and taken charge, let's see who dares to call her a weakling anymore!"Hey! You, that guy over there!"Yes, you."Come on, let's fight, if I lose, I will call you 'dad'!"So... she has a new dad.Yao Si "..."Mu Xuan "..."…

The Inherited Custody

The Inherited Custody

855 122 33

At the center: there's Rumi, a young boy who grows up in a normal family- yet flinchingly is devoured by the absence of his parents' relationship. Over the years of a silent and lonely family life, he is left inherited with a stack of letters that belong to a stranger, an old and finished father, and his mother's inescapable emotions and memories- altogether that cast a longing shadow on the young man's life. The narrative weaves a tale of love and the lack of it, loss and it's unsatisfied reality, the past and it's steadfast grip on the present. But mostly, it speaks about how the sufferings of others around can spin together a child's adult life. Piercingly intimate, "The Inherited Custody" is a work of complex emotions and relationships, and at the heart of it- a family saga. -----#1 on #LiteraryFiction (6th December, 2020)#1 on #Chapbook (6th December, 2020 For One Week) (19th July 2021 For One Week)--The cover image does not belong to me. Rights belong to the rightful owner.…

Fluctuations existentielles

Fluctuations existentielles

107 1 11

~Pensées intimes et souffle chaud sous la brise évanescente du soleil couchant~ 🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹Ce recueil relie le thème central de l'amour, autour de divers poèmes qui transcendent mes sentiments.Comme l'illustre le titre, l'idée de Fluctuations existentielles c'est de développer mes écrits au fil de mes inspirations, un peu au hasard, à taton mais sur des éléments ou plutôt des personnes qui restent malgré tout centrales dans ma vie, d'où l'existentialisme de la chose. En développant l'écriture automatique et sans réflexion apparente, j'ai principalement cherché à exprimer le plus sincèrement possible mes émotions afin de les retranscrire avec authenticité. En remerciement implicite à diverses personnes qui m'ont été chères au cours de ma vie mais surtout et avant tout en en l'hommage du mythe d'Aristophane.…

The Communist Manifesto

The Communist Manifesto

4,737 64 4

The Communist Manifesto (originally Manifesto of the Communist Party) is an 1848 political pamphlet by German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Commissioned by the Communist League and originally published in London (in German as Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei) just as the revolutions of 1848 began to erupt, the Manifesto was later recognised as one of the world's most influential political manuscripts. It presents an analytical approach to the class struggle (historical and then-present) and the problems of capitalism and the capitalist mode of production, rather than a prediction of communism's potential future forms.The Communist Manifesto summarises Marx and Engels' theories about the nature of society and politics, that in their own words, "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles". It also briefly features their ideas for how the capitalist society of the time would eventually be replaced by socialism.…

Boys Will Be Bugs

Boys Will Be Bugs

3,260 404 132

[REUPLOAD]Remus Lupin has more than one secret, and there's no way of knowing who he can trust. All he has are his parents, but they can't protect him when he goes off to Hogwarts.But then Remus meets a boy and his two other friends, and soon realises that some secrets can't be kept forever.--Main summary: Long fic outlining Remus's years at Hogwarts as a trans (ftm) werewolf. Contains wolfstar, Welsh Remus Lupin, fluff, angst and a whole range of other stuff/tropes/ships and characters since it's set over such a long time.[Originally posted on Ao3 under the same username and title]AN: As a disclaimer I'm not in the HP fandom anymore (unless we consider the marauders a separate fandom). I don't support or condone JKR's transphobic views, nor will I condone any transphobic or terf behaviour if I come across any. This story is written by a trans person, purely for my own entertainment.…

Whispers And Waves

Whispers And Waves

438 98 100

**"Whispers and Waves"** is a compelling collection of poetry that navigates the profound journey of emptiness and self-discovery. Each poem is a reflection of moments spent staring at a blank page, mirroring the search for purpose and meaning in a world that often feels devoid of clarity. The verses explore themes of existential doubt, creative frustration, and the struggle to find one's voice amidst silence. With a blend of introspective insight and lyrical beauty, "Whispers and Waves" captures the raw essence of longing, vulnerability, and the quest for expression in the face of life's uncertainties. This book invites readers to embrace the blank spaces and find beauty in the act of creation and self-revelation.…

Castle [and other poems about growing up in a fairy tale world]

Castle [and other poems about growing up in a fairy tale world]

252 4 96

There comes a time in everyone's life when they wake up and realize that the fairy tales they cherished so much in childhood are nothing more than make-believe. The real world can be cold and uncaring, but there is still beauty to be found within it. Love does not happen overnight, but when it does, it is the most precious thing in the world. Castle [and other poems about growing up in a fairy tale world] is an anthology of poetry about fantasy, love, and reality. It consists of nearly one hundred poems for children and adults alike who are struggling to make the transition between their perfect world of magic and dreams and the world they are physically living in.…

Since, A Novel

Since, A Novel

1,279 118 23

Two college students confront the way of life while reaching out to their sexualities, feelings, the first and last acts of adolescence, and the beginnings and realities of adulthood. While this work of fiction pilots friendship, familial love, betrayal, pride, and self-redemption, it also leads the readers back to the well known 'unconditional love' for the families that we save for ourselves, as we are met by the love we ought to receive from our own kith and kins that comes with a great yet disturbing revelation. A novel about curing hunger without opening the mouth. ━━━━━━━━Original Fiction Genre: Young Adult Fiction Sapphic / WLW Photo by Kseniya VashchenkoCopyright EST. 2023 by satricain…



9 0 7

A philosophical journey into Angelique's mind, discord between his alter ego Demian.He encounters three beings with a different message for Angelique to confront Demian, the black schnauzer represents Thomas Hobbes, Sophie the philosophy of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, Louise his sister.Demian doesn't have any gender and can shapeshift into Angelique's worst personal fears.Angelique will try to integrate his ego experiencing the suffering and peace that loneliness conveys.…