Sanam Tera Ishq

Sanam Tera Ishq

279 42 3

Salina was ambling on the street with a gentle smile, and her secret admirer was glancing at her gleaming face. He sighed and asked her - "Just imagine, If your Ammi fixes our marriage, would you object to her decision?"Salina stopped and looked at him with an amusing smile - "Why would she do that? When she knows I want a rich husband?""But I am not poor either" The boy sounded offensive"Yes, you aren't, but you're not rich, you are a middle-class boy, and I want my husband to belong to an affluent family, because I have so many dreams and wishes to fulfill, and they can be fulfilled only by money" Salina replied to him with a sweet smile"Money can't buy everything," He said thoughtfully"Who told you this Izhaan? Money can buy everything, and I am not greedy but living a life as a middle-class girl has been quite boring, so now I want to get married into a wealthy family where all my demands could be fulfilled with one gesture" Salina spoke practically, and Izhaan sighed in gloomy"Respect, Love, and Happiness. It couldn't be bought, so think twice before making any decision" Izhaan said with a painful smile and lowered his head to hide his tears"So, are you planning to get married?" A charming boy asked Salina"Yes. I met a boy last week. He was average-looking but cute, if they say Yes, then I will get married soon. Inshallah" Salina replied to her new friend without having a slight clue about his intentions"What if I ask you to marry me?" He messaged her"Are you kidding Arslan?" She asked him surprisingly"What do you think?" Arslan replied to her"Of course, you're kidding" Salina answered him, unaware of the plans Allah had to change her life completelyArslan chuckled bitterly, and thought with a wicked smile - "You don't know what magic you've cast upon me that I, Arslan Sheikh have decided to make you my wife without even meeting you in person. No power in this world can stop me from making you mine. Miss.Salina Khan"…

I Turned Into A Girl, And Now My Retarded Friends Are After Me

I Turned Into A Girl, And Now My Retarded Friends Are After Me

121 3 1

As a degenerate Japanese teen who stopped believing in the supernatural. For whatever reason, the gods from above, or maybe a damn succubus playing pranks, decided to transform me into a highschool girl with cute charms and a slutty physique.Naturally, nobody can explain this phenomenon because who the hell in the science department have discovered a procedure or invented a device that could change the gender of a virgin boy into a bombshell? If there's someone like that and willing to return me into my normal form as soon as possible, I will gladly and most definitely sell the whole dignity of my entire human being to that person.Right now. I have to find a way to retrieve back my original feeble self. Whether chanting a demon ritual or visit the graveyard to attempt in performing black magic that I read in the past from an antique store. With high hopes. I will cross to those extent just to desperately have my normal life again. Why? Well...A perverted masochist, a scary looking delinquent, a delusional Otaku (chuunibyou), and a narcissistic asshole. As time passes by, all of them are deeply infatuated of my existence while knowing or were actually fully aware that I'm their best friend who turned into a girl. These four friends of mine even witnessed my transformation during that time. They were supposed to help me to find a solution to this mess, not to fall in love on a girl with a dude's heart. Crap! I'm not that dense of a character to not know those intentions of undressing me inside your minds!"Goddamit! Why do I have to be close friends with this miserable group who doesn't have any experience in socializing nor talk to any females in their life!"Thus, I must prepare my metal bat and protect myself from those depraved maniacs as my new life of being one of the most popular student in school unfolds at front of my eyes.…

The Sound Of Pain

The Sound Of Pain

135 4 12

As I thrust my gloved hands into the deep pockets of my overcoat to protect myself from the cold August westerly, the grandeur of the vista spread around me on all sides like a living IMAX theatre. My passion for this land and its ownership had a long history stretching back as far as the Great famine when my forefathers were forced to leave their native Ireland and their beloved 30 acres to seek new life and hope on foreign shores. Maybe in the midst of that long tortuous journey of generations lay some part of the answer to why I was standing here today. The soft intonations of that lilting Irish voice which belonged to long time family friend Father Breen, and the murmuring prayers of the attending mourners added to the surreal atmosphere and despite myself, my mind wandered as I took stock of what my life had become.The stifled sob behind and to my right, broke my reverie and I heard the words of the Requiem as they tumbled from Father Pat Breens lips. In somewhat trance like state I knew that the time was here and moved forward to stand at the right top side of the coffin. Taking the plaited rope in my hand and in unison with my fellow pall bearers we began to lower the coffin in to the stony soil.Beside the bodies of his Great Grandfather and Grandfather, his Father and his Mother, here on "Cleggan Hill", we were laying to rest the body of yet another O'Flaherty, this one far too young to be joining his beloved ancestors. The Coffin clunked heavily as it reached the bottom of the hole startling me with its finality. As Father Breen sprinkled holy water in the grave I removed my coat and grasped the nearby spade. I was about to perform that last Irish ritual for my brother. I was going to cover his body with this our most treasured possession - soil.…

The Broken & The Brave

The Broken & The Brave

887 161 12

Ever wondered whether or not your life was a lie? Ever questioned those around you are who they say they are? After leaving England for a fresh start Evangeline and her mother move to the serene town of Savannah, Georgia in America. Eva knows fitting in is going to be tough- especially with a neighbour who is out to ruin her very existence. But her neighbour is the least of her worries when she begins to receive notes in the post about someone threatening to reveal her family's secret. The only problem is she doesn't know what that is. When she confronts her mother, everything starts to change. The death of her father is brought back up and now she cannot distinguish the lies from the truth. Her nightmares begin to resurface when she shares a brief encounter with a boy whose eyes are as black as the night sky. He invades her mind until all she can think about is him- his crooked smirk and his mysterious history. She goes out in search of the truth with her new trusty friend and partner in crime Vee. Together they break the rules and investigate- whilst 'researching ' about Eva's mystery man.Her life spins into a vortex of chaos and she begins to feel trapped and alone. Secrets are exposed. Trust is lost. Hearts are broken and hope is shattered. Is is better to be left in the dark when the lies are the only thing keeping you together?…

The Dark Angels

The Dark Angels

9 0 2

How would you fair if there were a secret world full of paranormal creatures that considered all humans to be slaves? In our reality, such creatures do not exist, but for Ada Woods nothing else could be as real. Witches, werewolves, vampires and a prophecy of hundreds of years old. Each connected to the other and in turn, connected to three teenage girls.Kidnapped at a young age, Ada and her sister were taken by the vampire seekers and the werewolf guards. They were transported to a plantation hidden from outsider eyes and have been forced as slaves for the American Royal vampire family. Eleven years have passed in this hell prison and all has been manageable. But on the day the second oldest prince returns from living with the humans in the outside world, Ada's sister disappears. Is it a coincidence, or is he involved with the disappearance of her sister? Ada, she will do anything to get her back; even go toe to toe with the vampire prince herself. Fromir Sange ... the plantation, his home. But when he returns, he doesn't feel its his home anymore. His family relies on humans...humans they see as slaves, but he sees them as better than what they are. His family were royalty among the vampires. In reality, they were monsters. Royal monsters. Greedy and selfish creatures. He hated what he was. He no longer wanted anything to do with the secret vampire world, especially the arrange marriage his parents have long established with the higher royal family. Fromir wanted to return to his days with the humans in the outside world along with his buddies, Jax and Archer. But on the day of his arrival, he bumps into one of his father's slaves. At first sight, he could feel his heart already beating unsteadily. So beautiful, she was. Now, he would do anything in his power to give her what she wants. But, will he be able to get her to see passed the monster he looked like on the outside to his heart underneath?…

Crowned (Book 1: The Child Queen)

Crowned (Book 1: The Child Queen)

12 0 3

It's been hundreds of years since the great war that plagued the world and wiped out half the population. The people who remained argued and fought over how they would live and establish balance and power. Thus, the Four Queens came to rule. The four queens ruled over their respective corners of this new and strange world in peace and harmony. But now the queens have begun to turn on one another, and as a new queen is crowned, the threat of war looms once more.Queen Reyna has only just been crowned, after both her parents died in a tragic and mysterious accident, she was forced to shoulder the duties of a queen at a mere age of 16. Labeled "The child queen" by the other three, she is determined to show that she has as much a right to be there as the rest of them. Haunted by her past, will she be able to control an entire kingdom, if she can't even control herself?Queen Tess, is a centaur queen who rules over her subjects as a loving and nurturing mother would. The loss of her children who went missing twenty years ago leaves her scarred, and slowly she begins to lose her mind. Her subjects fear that their queen, weakened by the loss of her children, will not be able to defend her people from the looming threats of the present.Queen Jacqueline is a warrior queen who fights as viciously as any of her soldiers. The loss of her sister fuels her angry soul, and she searches for her sister's murderer, looking forward to a future where she can finally get the revenge she deserves.Queen Asasara, the oldest of the four queens, has ruled over her land with an iron fist for hundreds of years. Nicknamed the snake queen, she is the deadliest enemy to have and can never be trusted. Her strike is quick and is never seen coming. The other three queens are wary for she is the craftiest of them all and the most manipulative. Never satisfied with what she has, the power hungry queen is greedy for more, and wont stop until she has it all.…

Web Design Singapore

Web Design Singapore

5 0 1

Over the last few years, Singapore has to emerge as the finest outsourcing destination for western developed international locations and this is common know-how. What is lesser understand is that India is also speedy turning into a web design vacation spot as well. The identical value advantage, devoted humans and suitable English abilities which make contributions to other outsourcing fields is also operating in Singapore's choose in internet site designing. Web design is this kind of subject that it cannot absolutely be executed by means of the numbers; it is a feature of advertising and marketing and needs creativity and understanding of commercial enterprise. It's lots extra than information access or answering a smartphone with an organized script. It calls for the dressmaker to apprehend the client's commercial enterprise and then generate a method and design as a way to sell on-line. This calls for the key abilities of right command over English (or any other language for that count number), excellent technical understanding in the diverse web design software program and a creative mind. India has tons of such human beings who have now matured and are able to take on ever more and more complicated internet engagements. Price arbitrage has constantly been Singapore's robust point Despite the fact that this which has eroded quite in the last few years, it nevertheless remains a good-sized gain. Web designers here are inclined to work at quite attractive (from the client's factor of view) charges. If the consumer is lucky they may simply get a top class dressmaker at throw away expenses. however, the bulk of the designers are common and fee thus. Creativity stays a contentious difficulty on the subject of outsourcing internet site work to Singapore. Will the Indian net web designer be capable of draw close the subtlety and outlook of the more state-of-the-art western purchaser? To know more about it, click this link: Web Design Singapore…

Tragedy & Beauty Painted His Soul

Tragedy & Beauty Painted His Soul

318 26 13

"Ask me, ask me all the questions going through your mind!" He gritted through his teeth, his gaze fixed on the coffee table."Kaiden-""No! I said ask me!" He gritted slowly through his teeth grabbing both of my wrists.I didn't cry. The tears didn't fall. I just stared at him and shook my head."If you know my questions, why don't you just answer them?" I whispered to him.He froze.I cupped his face slowly and fixed his gaze with mine."I do," I breathed. "I do have the slightest idea but I don't want to jump to conclusions. I do have questions. But I don't want you to think you're compelled to tell me if you don't want to. Honestly, right now Kaiden. I just want you and Wyatt to be safe," I told him and he looked shocked."You know?" He started softly. "Sometimes I think you're not real. You can't be. You're too nice to be real, too understanding. You're like an angel on earth Aria," he spoke quietly tucking my hair behind my ear.******************************************************************************************Mysterious, feared and anti-social. That's how everyone sees him. Good-looking, sexy and a personality that attracts the girls is how they describe him. Little do they know that under that mysterious demeanor of his, Kaiden deals with countless issues, 18 year old Kaiden takes the responsibility of his 4 year old brother, Wyatt in the hopes that he can save him from all the bad and cruel people around them. Aria, a 17 year old: sweet, kind and daughter of the most well-know business women and prosecuting barrister in town. As both Aria and Kaiden meet in a devastating manner and fate which continuously brings them together, how will their personalities clash? With families and people who are against of them being together. How does Aria help Kaiden survive his past? Can they fight for their love? Or will they simply give up?…

𝑬𝒖𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒚. [Euphony]

𝑬𝒖𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒚. [Euphony]

19 2 2

Eu•pho•ny/ˈyo͞ofənē/ Noun.the quality of being pleasing to the ear, especially through a harmonious combination of words."the poet put euphony before mere factuality"the tendency to make phonetic change for ease of pronunciation.____________________________________________ "That's a new flavour.." "Relax, street dogs haven't killed us yet"____________________________________________SUNSET CURVE: A HOLLYWOOD TRAGEDYJuly, 29th 1995Last week the music industry lost an up and coming band that would have taken the world by storm and topped the charts. Sunset Curve was a local band out of Hollywood having sold out its showcase. Unfortunately, the band never made it on stage.Three of its members, Luke, Alex and Reggie, tragically died when they ate bad street dogs. It was supposed to be their biggest night, opening live at the Orpheum Theater on the Sunset Strip. They were only seventeen. There was a surviving band member, Bobby, but no on has been able to track him down and talk to him about his friends dying that fateful night. The band had a demo with four songs. Now or Never, Late Last Night, Lakeside Reflection and In Your Starlight. They were a young and talented group that would have left their mark on the music scene. Rest in Peace, Sunset Curve.____________________________________________Three boys suddenly end up in their own studio 25 years later. to see two girls cleaning the place up.What happens when these three iconic ghosts from the 90s have a second chance to make music.____________________________________________All rights for JATP are the creators. all characters belong to Kenny Ortega other than my added character.All storyline will match the main plot until I reach what would be episode nine. that will be my plot only.____________________________________________Started :: O1/O2/22Finished :: N/A____________________________________________…

War for the Iron Planet

War for the Iron Planet

39 0 34

The galaxy is full of adventure, opportunity and resources. However, it's also full of cutthroat pirates, haughty despots and slavering beasts.For Talon Squad, one of the Griffon Republic Navy's elite Special Squads, this means their mission of exploration is often complicated and dangerous. But Vanbrook, the smartmouth swashbuckler; Raivyn, the reserved but powerful psychic; Reclan, the childish technologist; D'Jarric, the enigmatic electromagnetic warrior; and Doc Manford, the grumbling Robotic medic and sharpshooter are ready for the challenge.When the Blue Griffon Fleet, Talon Squad's home among the stars, tries to tame the planet known as Hittania, the Squad and the rest of the fleet find themselves wrapped up in a race to find an ancient artifact that could change the course of galactic exploration for centuries to come, and may point to the aether beasts, long believed to be nothing more than myth... Join Talon Squad as they cross swords, exchange laser fire and telepathically grapple with the worst the galaxy has to offer!…

Within Blank Pages

Within Blank Pages

267 31 14

The Library is all Genevieve has known. It is her life, her soul. Private libraries are not common, and the one she has come to love has been sold to and burly a man who has drastic plans to turn it into some form of entertainment. He wants to impress her, but all he has done is run her off...Off to an odd meeting that played out at the perfect moment. A chance encounter has led an old man searching for her with talks about books. Books she feels she knows but cannot recall reading. Books that seem as if they are telling their own story themselves, which seems impossible, especially considering the pages are blank.So why can Genevieve "hear" these books? What role does she play in the world of blank books?Her life is about to be turned upside down. Things she never would have thought of become her reality. It is not a matter of can she, but a matter of how will Genevieve rise above the evil that haunts her?Started: September 22, 2021…

That Little Thing Called Daydream Book 1

That Little Thing Called Daydream Book 1

4,519 40 26

PRELUDE: You know those stories that every author seems to always tell. You know the ones I'm talking about: those stories about high school bad boys, nerdy girls, forbidden love, abuse, chosen ones, superheroes saving the world from a mad scientist or some random ancient force of evil that came from so far long ago, no one even remembers it being a legend anymore. Oh, and we can't forget those vampire/werewolf stories. Luckily this is not one of those stories. This story is completely different and has an absolute mess of events. It's not your typical genre nor is it a typical tale of friendship, enemies or even friendnemies. But I will tell you this, it feels like a dream. I guess I should explain what I mean. Where shall I begin to explain ... oh right my name. I'm Amethyst C. Fields and I'm currently graduating from Calvoon high. I have a speech impediment that interferes with my life at times but it doesn't mess it it up too bad because I have my best friend Reenee who makes my abnormalness seem alright; especially since I cannot even pronounce my own name correctly. It's Amethyst, but I pronounced it with an "E" instead of an "A". Since I was baby everyone just called me Amethyst with an "E" because I could never say it right anyways. Oh, and this summer has definitely been the wildest ride of my life. Ive been club hopping, chased by security, attacked by: a psychopath, guys in mask, my friends, my enemies and a hot-tempered girl with an anger management problem who can toss you clear-cut across the street with her mind - wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me rewind to when everything first started, on that final day of high school in the hall, when everything leading up to right now seemed like that little thing we call a daydream!…



177 11 72

Tommy is a teen genius who dominates the online world of Call of Duty (COD).In reality, the brilliant but nerdy Tommy is a constant target for schoolyard bullies. That is until the new kid, the athletic Ethan comes to town; a kid who’s dead Grandfather talks to Tommy and guides him towards his goal of developing a device that will allow him to travel into the Fourth Dimension.Wanting desperately to impress his secret online cohort BlizzardGirl, the daughter of a gaming tycoon, Tommy signs up for the world’s largest COD Tournament. Winning this tournament has dual benefits for Tommy. The Grand Prize of $50,000 will help bail out his black friend Antoine’s family that is in debt to the mob and a stellar performance as the world’s best gamer should win over BlizzardGirl.His perfect plan quickly spirals out of control when mobsters, Tony and Rocco are spotted on the plane to Vegas along with his COD rival, Terrence.On their first night in Las Vegas things get worse when Ethan is kidnapped by a Colombian drug lord in revenge for Ethan rescuing one of Berto’s young girls from the streets. Tommy and his friends soon finds themselves in a real game of live ammunition COD as they battle Berto and his gang to save Ethan from certain death.In the blink of an eye the norm of small town school life quickly accelerates out of control as the three teen boys and their female companions match must confront and overcome mafia mobsters as well as Colombian drug smugglers, not to mention challenging the best competitors Call of Duty has to offer. All of this culminates in it culminating in an intense and dangerous game of who’s going to die next.…

The tale of damien & vincent.

The tale of damien & vincent.

330 17 3

~ Author's note: Do not read, if sensitive to murder, gore, etc─────────────────────Themes of cannibalism, gore, romance & tragedy.Genre: gothic horror.Damien is a student, attending a male-prominent, catholic academy.The mere unexpected presence of a new student, disturbs his inner-soul and being, leading him to question his sanity and very existence.Damien develops a romantic fixation for the boy, only enveloping himself in self-hate, remorse, and disgust. The inner turmoil of his conscience constantly ponders the immoral senses of: lust, sensual craving, and envy.An innocent flower, occupied with the freedom of adolescence and ignorance, later on corrupt with the polluted incantations and knowledge of temptation, desire, and sinful indulgence.Lost, confused, disturbed and enveloped with voices of temptation, he tries to find resolve in religion and god.───────────────────── ❝ Who is damien?❞─────────────────────…