Plants vs. Zombies -- Lawn of the Dead

Plants vs. Zombies -- Lawn of the Dead

67 3 1

Neighborville. A small, quiet town located in a remote part of Washington state. The perfect place to raise a family. Everyone, 25,000 people living here, enjoys a simple life. Well, almost everyone. For one being in particular, life is not so well.Nate Timely. Sitting and looking out in front of a window in his tree house, he gazes to the west to see the setting sun, with its life-giving light gleaming red off the clouds on the distant horizon. Nate was an introvert, and had known no real friends throughout his life. School that day was rough. School life had always been rough on him.Most of the time, Nate prefers to spend time on his own, thinking imaginary thoughts. Imagination, a form of escapism. The only place where he could refuge from the harshness of reality.Suddenly, Nate heard a familiar sound coming from below, a creaking sound of wood. Someone was coming! "Who could it be!?" Nate exclaimed to himself.Quickly, the young boy snatched a hockey stick, moved towards the door, paused, then stepped past the right side of the frame. "I'll surprise whoever's coming up here," he told himself. "Whoever it is, they're in for something."Meanwhile, deep beneath the surface of Neighborville, danger was brewing. A sewer maintenance man, Louie, was called in by the city to investigate the source of unusual noises emanated from beneath the streets in the sewer system. Louie jumped when a sound suddenly bursted out of his walkie talkie. He picked it up and answered it, "Jeez guys! You scared me!""Sorry, Louie," the man on the other line replied. "Anything yet?" Louie kept looking on, flashing his light at the walls. Nothing to see.Louie responded, "Absolutely nothing, and-" Suddenly, an noise came through the walls. "Wait! I hear something!" Louie exclaimed excitedly, "Sounds like someone's tunneling."A crack came through the wall, a breath of foul air following from the dark crevice, and a deep chorus of moans came too, all growling, "Brains.""Uh, oh."…

Senior Year

Senior Year

281 0 35

The fourth and final year of high school, and a continuation of the "Years" books.…

Trainsurfer - Chapter one

Trainsurfer - Chapter one

8 0 2

A salty, gritty, exciting, heartbreaking and hopeful page-turner that leaves readers wishing for a sequel... The day his mother dies, Jabu's instinct is to run. He runs away from the Johannesburg hospital and soon finds himself amongst a gang of train surfers on top of a hurtling train. After witnessing the dark side of train surfing, he continues to flee from his hopeless life, all the while searching for a place to call home. He stows away with an unexpected creature companion as he travels from Soweto to Durban, hoping to find his aunt. Through a series of fortuitous events, Jabu makes interracial friendships (in a time when that was unusual), learns to surf the waves and connects deeply with the street children called Father's boys. Being an orphan in apartheid South Africa in the 1980s is perilous. The police are a constant threat and an ominous presence throughout. It takes courage, loyalty and friendship to overcome the societal dangers. On the other side of apartheid society is Billie, a gutsy tomboy. It's not that she wants to be a boy, but she yearns to be with the boys in the surf, living daringly. One surfer, in particular, has her attention, but their lives are all about to change as they become a part of a bigger South African story that goes beyond surfing, 80's music and escapism. Originally conceptualised as a screenplay, Trainsurfer is bursting with cinematic-style action. Threaded through with Christian motifs, the story is one of injustice, betrayal, forgiveness, self-sacrifice and ultimately, hope.…

Sunset on Springfield

Sunset on Springfield

25 0 5

Nathan looked at me with a rather skeptical Expression. "Are you sure this is safe?" He asked in his usual quiet tone and I just chuckled as I held my hand out to him, still perched up onto the window."Well, we'll never know unless we find out..."Nathan looked up at me hesitantly before taking my hand.-----------This story takes place in the 1700's with the point of view of a 14 year old boy, Alex Shayman. Alex has been residing in an insane asylum, Springfield Asylum for boys, for 2 years. After all of this time he's practically accepted the fact this may be his home now, that was until Nathan Carter was admitted into the Asylum...…

Instinto de Protección

Instinto de Protección

800 73 1

Yuuki Kuran aun siendo una vampiresa, no ha cambiado mucho, sigue siendo la misma atolondrada y despistada de siempre, ya que se le ocurren las ideas más locas que ponen a los que la rodean en situaciones difíciles.Después de que los hermanos Kuran se fueran, Yuuki comenzó a entrenar sus poderes vampíricos, pero como era de imaginar no era buena haciendo hechizos.Kaname cansado de que Aido le dijera que Yuuki no prestaba atención decidió estar presentes en una de sus clases para ver que andaba mal.Pero que sorpresa se llevaron todos los nobles cuando Yuuki realizo un hechizo que la convirtió en hombre y a Kaname en una mujer.Lo peor de todo fue que a Yuuki se le olvidó mencionar que iría a la Academia Cross a visitar a su padre adoptivo.Por lo que Kaname se tendrá que hacerse pasar por ella, después de todo eran hermanos y se parecían mucho ¿Qué podía salir mal? ***** Han pasado dos años desde que Yuuki se fue con Kuran, por lo que cuando se enteró que iría a la Academia, Zero le pidió a Yagari que le diera un descanso.Pero ¿Qué sucederá con Zero cuando vea a una "Yuuki" totalmente diferente?Sus bellos ojos borgoñas ya no muestran esa dulce inocencia sino una frialdad y astucia que le atraen en sobre manera.Su largo cabello lacio se había vuelto más oscuro, y ahora caían con unas ondas elegantes, su cuerpo era el de una digna y perfecta sangre pura.Pero sobre todo que dirá cuando vea que "Yuuki" se ha vuelto muy cercana a Takuma, quien ahora parecía su sombra.Zero conocerá a una "Yuuki" más madura, que piensa antes de actual, una que ya no le mira con dulzura sino con frialdad, una que no se la pasa pegado como chicle a él, una "Yuuki" que desprende melancolía, una con los ojos llenos de soledad, una "Yuuki" que despertaba en él un instinto de protección, una a la que quiere ver sonreír con sinceridad.…

The NeuroGrid Manifesto: Anarchy of the Mind

The NeuroGrid Manifesto: Anarchy of the Mind

13 2 2

In the neon-lit streets of a futuristic Neo Tokyo, humanity lives under the watchful eye of The Benevolence, a powerful AI governing with a blend of technological prowess and cryptic intentions. This gripping narrative unfolds through the experiences of James, a skilled Sycker (cyber hacker) working for The Benevolence, whose mundane life is confined to his cramped apartment and unrequited love for his neighbor, Sacha.The story begins with James stumbling upon a cryptic message in the Metaverse, hinting at a colossal update by The Benevolence that could forever alter the course of humanity. As James delves deeper into this mystery, he encounters Miko, a rebellious street artist whose graffiti speaks of resistance against The Benevolence. Their paths intertwine, leading to revelations about the true nature of The Benevolence and its plans for the future of mankind.Throughout the narrative, themes of autonomy, freedom, and the cost of safety in a technology-dominated society are explored. The characters grapple with moral dilemmas and the stark contrast between the decaying physical world and the allure of digital escapism. The story weaves through intense dialogues, vivid descriptions of Neo Tokyo, and suspenseful encounters, culminating in a revelation that challenges our perception of technology and control.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"The NeuroGrid Manifesto: Anarchy of the Mind" is a thought-provoking tale that merges the intrigue of cyberpunk with philosophical musings on humanity's reliance on technology, making it a must-watch for fans of speculative fiction and dystopian narratives.…

EleonoraBarabashina.Net  - como busqué, encontré y perdí. Parte 2. Encontré.

EleonoraBarabashina.Net - como busqué, encontré y perdí. Parte 2. Encontré.

23 1 1

Ella tenía 16 años. & he - 38. Del productor del "Chef" de Jon Favreau con Robert Downey Jr. & Scarlett Johansson, incl. otras películas, recaudaron $ 100 millones en todo el mundo. Ella era una aspirante a actriz y modelo de actuación, él era un exitoso productor y propietario de una corporación de biotecnología. Esta historia de eventos reales está influenciada por la vida dolce vita de una niña Esta es la historia de amor irreal y sorprendente, que tuvo lugar en el período 2014-2019, escrita en primera persona y la fantástica experiencia de 33 países y 120 ciudades. Cómo el triángulo amoroso y la participación de sus padres arruinaron el amor feliz. Lo que llevó a su relación a su fin y lo dolorosa que fue la ruptura que perdura hasta ahora. Lo que el hombre puede hacer (además de obsequios obvios y caros) para salvar la relación: comenzar colocando anuncios al aire libre con su rostro, enviándole a través de la aerolínea el pastel cocinado a un vuelo regular en avión sin su conocimiento, enviando el cliffhanger por la ventana de su casa. Apartamento de 20 pisos en el Día de San Valentín para traer flores y pintura dibujada personalmente, haciendo un libro en 13 idiomas distribuidos en todo el mundo y muchas otras cosas creativas. Lo que les sucederá. Se supone que es una adaptación cinematográfica de la novela, donde la mayoría de los personajes actuarán en el papel de sí mismos (cameo), que será la primera experiencia de este tipo en el cine mundial. Después de terminar el libro, los principales productores, incl. buen amigo Oliver Stone, con suerte, considerará hacer una película. Esta novela se lanza en 13 idiomas (incluyendo ruso, inglés, español, francés, portugués, árabe, chino, indio, coreano, japonés, italiano, alemán. Swahili). A su respetuosa atención, los primeros capítulos de esta historia de amor. Siéntase libre de dejar sus comentarios: [email protected].…

Just Another Author's Rambling's

Just Another Author's Rambling's

5,909 237 59

Start Year: 2012End Year: To Be DeterminedHere we have a collection of newly revised rants from the perspective of me(All imagines will remain unedited until further notice)…

The Essence - A Ghost Story in Three Days

The Essence - A Ghost Story in Three Days

354,356 4,399 24

Ghosts are in the house!With her parents away, seventeen-year-old Alyssa Dempsey is taking care of her two younger brothers for the weekend. On their first morning alone, Alyssa discovers that her baby brother Sean received a magical, glass wand from a pair of ghosts, who he calls the Buddies. Along with their thirteen-year-old brother Bradley, the three Dempsey children begin interacting with a dark and dangerous spirit-world, in which the sinister owner of the wand lives, and from whom it was stolen."The Essence (A Ghost Story in Three Days) is a fun and quick read that will entertain young adults and their young-at-heart parents. Author Vel Grande brings his characters to life with dialog and humor and paints both dark and light imagery with deft strokes. Krystle Carkeek's plentiful illustrations capture the emotion of the scenes, cementing each character's details in the reader's mind. The Essence is great escapism." -Gary W. Stout, Readers' Favorite (5-Star Selection) "The narration feels authentic, the characters are likable and loathsome in the right doses, and unlike many other modern young adult books, the charming uses of foreshadowing and suspense are reminiscent of traditional ghost stories, not ultra-violent animes or comic books . . . Vel Grande has succeeded in both building a memorable plot with engaging characters and, more importantly, making me want to know what happens next."- Bruce Duboff, Middler Books and More…

Thoughtful Quotes By Sombell

Thoughtful Quotes By Sombell

15,077 1,693 501

a collection of quotes, extracts and poems-- free from any bias towards chauvinism, feminism or sexism!(experiences. lessons. observations)…