Flustered//Yoonmin Fanfic

Flustered//Yoonmin Fanfic

60 3 1

Moving from group homes to group home isn't easy. Especially for Suga. His hard demeanor is the main reason why he has been moved around group homes a lot. At his last chance at staying at a group home, he makes an effort to befriend everyone there and not just be mad all the time. Soon pink rosy cheeks and firey orange hair come squeezing into his life. Suga thought his name was cute to. His name was Jimin. Jimin was very social and nice to everyone. But the thing nobody knew of was his fear. His fear was not being good enough. Suga and Jimin's relationship starts to escalate when they start learning more about each other....they even start having secret sleep overs. *Read For More*…

Unraveled Alliances

Unraveled Alliances

52 0 42

In the heart of Indiana City, a dangerous game of power, lust, and betrayal is about to begin. Max Trevor, a formidable Mafia boss with a hidden agenda, finds himself at odds with his arch-nemesis, Harold Smith, the enigmatic leader of the ruthless X-Type Gang. As their rivalry escalates, it sets in motion a series of events that will shatter alliances and ignite a powder keg of secrets.The story unfolds against a backdrop of international intrigue, taking readers from the neon-lit streets of Manila to the shadowy corners of Europe, with pivotal moments on Westbrook Ave. and in the enigmatic Jinjin Province. Max's sons, Xenon and Phynx, turn rogue, forging an unholy alliance with unexpected allies.But it's not just about power and vengeance. Love and lust entwine the characters in a complex web of desires, blurring the line between right and wrong. Lylia and Layla Smith, twin sisters entangled in the chaos, harbor secret affections for Max's sons, further complicating the already perilous journey.Augusta Jones, Max's trusted confidante, and martial artist, will stop at nothing to protect her boss's empire. Meanwhile, Kim Hex, the enigmatic multi-millionaire, weaves a web of deceit and betrayal that ensnares Xenon and Phynx, former friends turned bitter enemies.Natalia Bridget, caught in a torrid affair with Kim Hex, sends shockwaves through Max Trevor's world. Nicholas "Nik" Morduk, Max's loyal assistant, must navigate a treacherous path between loyalty and self-interest.…



5,943 806 80

It is the year 2108. Earth has become too polluted, flooding has become too dire, and mankind too numerous, for humanity to remain on their home world. Space colonization has begun, with the first space elevators, a burgeoning Mars colony, and expansive dome-cities on the moon. In order to bear with the drab setting and alien nature of their new environment, virtual and augmented reality has come to the forefront. Where once, generations huddled in front of a glowing box to play video games for hours, now Earth's first generation of orphans explore rich environments of virtual and augmented reality, using neural implants. AIs have spread throughout the system, beginning the efforts of terraforming the various worlds within their local neighborhood, and sending mankind's eyes further and further out beyond the Kuiper belt.Then, the light from a nearby supernova engulfs the Solar System. Nearby Spica, a binary system 240 light years from Earth, has exploded, producing more light than an entire galaxy full of suns. Mankind and AI's telescopes turn outwards during the event, seeking new plutoids and dwarf worlds to colonize, and discover something ominous. A rogue planet three times the size of Earth, approaching at high speeds through the Oort cloud, scattering comets in its wake. At first, mankind plans to arrange a rendezvous with the strange rogue, but signs that the world was once inhabited combine with strange radio signals coming from the world itself to indicate that the rogue is something more than just a dead rock hurled out from its sun, possibly something far more valuable--or more deadly--than a new planet.Cover by @-flights-…

Songs #2

Songs #2

837 3 194




4,236 676 200

HELLO FROM THE OTTER SLIIIIDEEEEE- idek. Helllllooooo everybody, and welcome to the fifth randomness book? Are you ready for the random explosion of majesticness?! HELLZ YUS YOU ARE! *Sherlock theme and Doctor who theme start playing at same time* idek what is happening anymore. Smh at this description XD…

Redemption /kim taehyung/

Redemption /kim taehyung/

141 5 3

A bolt of lightning flashed through the sky, transcending a signature fear among many fragile hearts.It's beautiful though; how a simple flash of thunderbolt could erase the gloominess adorned by the night sky and replace it with a pale white canvas. That even though just for a second, everything that the darkness was hiding, escapes the brutal imprisonment and dances in front of your naked eyes. Though people are still afraid of it, you know why; cause when truth flashes in front of you, the chaos and thunder follow not so long after. When y/n unmasks the deception created by her cherished lover, her whole world comes tumbling down, all the fairy tales seem mythical and her nightmares alter into a gruesome reality. Sadly this is just the beginning; the harmless streaks of truth may have broken her but the thunder would alas, dictate the final outcome. When the chaos that has disguised itself as her former lover, knocks on her door with the most ruthless news, what would her actions be? Will she crumble or will she survive? Or perhaps, would she offer redemption or just a kind embrace for one night. .........................Redemption A kim taehyung fanfic. Ps- All rights are reserved. Please don't copy my work without consent.…