The Dragons Are Back (Miraculous Ladybug X The Elder Scrolls Crossover)

The Dragons Are Back (Miraculous Ladybug X The Elder Scrolls Crossover)

2,767 42 73

Strunsahtiid is the firstborn son of Akatosh and twin brother of Alduin. He is his twin's equal and opposite. Whereas Alduin destroys creation so that the universe may be created again, Strunsahtiid is the one tasked with actually creating it, earning him the title "World Forger".He had created a dimension for the dragons to live in safely, while he uses an Elder Scroll to keep tabs on Mundus.One day he sees a pair of teenagers in a city called Paris. They have great power, but that power does not seem to come from themselves...(Disclaimer: There will be spoilers for the show (obviously), including Season 4. This story takes after Sentibubbler. I own nothing except for OCs and the idea for this story.)…

Wild Kratts: Here Be Dragons (Wild Kratts X Monster Hunter)

Wild Kratts: Here Be Dragons (Wild Kratts X Monster Hunter)

7,750 64 44

The spawn of the Black Dread have come.They wish to plunder this land of its resources. They lust for wealth, yet nothing will satisfy them. They greedily consume more and more to fill their bottomless gullets, yet it will never be enough.I swore, by the glory of the Sapphire Star, that I would protect this planet at all costs. I destroyed the greatest cities the world has and will ever see to protect this world.Seconds? Unnoticeable. Hours? Pft. Weeks? Mere heartbeats. Years? Meaningless. Decades? Trifles. Centuries? A speck of dust in the wind. Millenia? Ripples in the shallowest of puddles.Eons. That is the unit by which I measure time.When the world was just able to support life, I was there. When the first man opened his eyes, brought to life by the breath of the Sapphire Star, I was already old. When brick was laid on brick, I was ancient.I have leveled mountains with a flick of my tail. I have brought the most powerful civilization to ever exist to its knees. I have flown to edge of the sky and looked straight into the fiery golden eye of the blazing sun. Even the sun and moon bow to me.And now you six petty little businessmen think you can strike me down? Can a speck of dust hope to defeat a great inferno? Does a twig boast of being able to put out a firestorm? Would a mouse challenge a lion?You are but dust in the wind to me. You are less than the faintest shadow. Yet you force yourselves on my notice.Very well then. Let's see how much you swagger when I give you but the slightest taste of my power.(Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in this book, only the story itself.)…

Misunderstood Monsters

Misunderstood Monsters

5,279 83 68

This is a remake of a SCP Animated - Tales From the Foundation fanfiction that I originally wrote on Discord. This story only takes the events of the episodes preceding and including The Finale into account. However, I may choose to take events from later episodes and worked them into my stories in some way.(Disclaimer: SCP Animated - Tales From The Foundation nation is owned by Newscape Productions, not me, and this story will contain spoilers for "The Finale".)Dr. Collingwood knows that not all anomalies are hostile. Some are just strange, albeit harmless, curiosities. Some are helpful, like SCP-500. A precious few anomalous creatures are even friendly, like 999.However, 096 wasn't one she expected to be among those friendly anomalies.A chance meeting during a containment breach eventually leads to a close friendship, but it also uncovers answers thousands of years old to mysteries with seemingly none, a hidden society, and a dark secret that could destroy her.…

No One Is Safe (Identity V-Incredibles Crossover)

No One Is Safe (Identity V-Incredibles Crossover)

3,020 35 23

Violet thought the pale man in the white coat was normal. He's shy, sure, but he's friendly enough. But there were a few things about him that were just... off. His skin color... it didn't look very...healthy.The almost disturbing grace with which he moved.His reluctance to talk about himself.But still, he was just a normal guy. Right?(Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN THESE CHARACTERS. The Incredibles family is the property of Pixar and the Hunters and Survivors in Identity V are owned by NetEase. Also there are references to other media in this story, which I will call out as I go along.)…

The End of Empress Theresa

The End of Empress Theresa

309 33 13

Empress Theresa.A... "book" known throughout the Internet as being one of, if not the worst piece of literature in the universe. The main character is infamous as being an exemplar of a Mary Sue. Her story ends with her f*cking up the planet beyond any and all hope of repair.So it's time for some payback.…

The Breaking Wheel

The Breaking Wheel

4,752 140 103

Some SCPs tear you apart. They'll hunt you down to the ends of the earth in order to kill you.Others reach deep into the darkest recesses of your mind, forcing you to face your worst fears, your deepest regrets, your greatest mistakes.(Disclaimer: I do not own SCP Animated - Tales From The Foundation. I do own SCP-6134, however.)(Warning: This story contains torture and mentions of self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and attempted suicide. This is not a story for anyone under the age of 25.)…

Eyeless: A Monster Hunter Creepypasta

Eyeless: A Monster Hunter Creepypasta

661 9 3

Disclaimer: I do not own any character in this story except for the narrator.…

The Rainbow Serpent

The Rainbow Serpent

482 4 24

It's been one year since the miracle died and was reborn. The Madrigals are happier than ever now that they don't have to be the picture-perfect family Alma once forced them to be. The candle burns bright. The magic is strong.But the Madrigals' miracle isn't the only magic out there.And not all who wield that other magic are as pure-hearted as them.…

One Thousand Years

One Thousand Years

528 50 47

A thousand years ago, a worldwide disaster, now known as the Great Cataclysm, led to the fall of human civilization. Now, only nomadic bands and tiny towns of people survive. All the while, terrible monsters plague the land, killing and devouring anyone who doesn't sleep with one eye and both ears open.A boy in the wilderness encounters a great, wolflike beast, that is swift, powerful, and... friendly?(The characters, except for the young boy [Oliver], the young girl [Sophie], and the main villain are not my own.)…

The Underminer: Bangungut

The Underminer: Bangungut

235 2 16

A bit of a side story, this takes place the day after the Underminer's capture in Chapter 19 of Identity V-Incredibles Crossover.The Underminer is captured and locked up, causing him to immediately plan his escape. He is confident that he can evade his human captors, but can he evade the monsters that lurk within his mind after the horrific sight he witnessed on the day of his capture?Sometimes, the most terrifying monsters are the ones you have created yourself.(Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters within this story. Except for the pale boy.)…

The Fated Four

The Fated Four

966 13 39

Mitzutsune is a potter in Blackcliff. She lives with her brother, Soulseer, and ever since her village burned down, she hasn't seen her friends. One day, a golden opportunity comes in the form of a royal commission and she and her brother move to Dragonsreach to make shipping the pottery to the royal court easier and take up part-time jobs as city guards for a steadier source of income. A massive Frenzy epidemic soon breaks out and an anarchist group starts sowing chaos. Little does she know, what is coming will change her life forever.(Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in this story. I do own the idea, though. I would also recommend you to read "The Great Dragon War" before beginning this one. This story is a sequel to "The Great Dragon War".)…



19 1 1

not lovly joke
Mass Effect: Citadel Aftermath

Mass Effect: Citadel Aftermath

1,905 6 5

Liara has migrated to the Citadel to live in Doctor Bryson's apartment where she plans to raise her and Shepard's child and Kolyat, the son of Thane Krios, vows to protect her. This is the story of Liara, her child, Kolyat, Garrus, Grunt, and James Vega.…

Identity V: A Dangerous Game

Identity V: A Dangerous Game

889 60 16

How it all began...(Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, they are the property of NetEase.)…



236 2 1

Molly and Lawrence are close friends.Just close friends.Right?…

All In Perspective

All In Perspective

13 0 3

The Volturi get a rude awakening as to how high vampires really are on the supernatural power ladder.…

Timeline from Identity V: A Dangerous Game to Identity V-Incredibles Crossover

Timeline from Identity V: A Dangerous Game to Identity V-Incredibles Crossover

33 1 1

This is a timeline for anyone who is confused by me not releasing the first three stories in chronological order.…

Every Single Identity V Character in a Nutshell

Every Single Identity V Character in a Nutshell

401 19 2

I started this before I finished my crossover because I had trouble thinking of what to write for Chapter 19 of it.(Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN THIS CHARACTERS. They are all owned by NetEase.)…