Harry's New Guardian (A Snape Mentor/Adopts Harry  Fanfic) Book 1

Harry's New Guardian (A Snape Mentor/Adopts Harry Fanfic) Book 1

211,379 4,025 12

What if, instead of Hagrid giving Harry his letter, Snape is the one who gives it to him? What will Snape think of Harry once he meets him and the Dursleys. Will his perception of the boy change, or stay the same. What will Harry think of Snape when he meets him. Will Snape be the father figure Harry longed for, or will Snape be like the Dursleys? Read on and find out. :)…

dursley [h. g.]

dursley [h. g.]

556,615 25,525 143

"i don't even think she's gay..."in which a teenage witch with plenty of problems of her own chases after her cousin's best friend.hermione x ocgoblet of fire-19 years later…

The Other Aunt (A Harry Potter fanfiction)

The Other Aunt (A Harry Potter fanfiction)

3,581,744 102,822 32

What if Lily Evans had another sister? What if that sister was a marauder and an animagus? What if she married Remus? And what if she found out Harry was alive when he was in second year and got him from the Dursleys and became a Professor at Hogwarts? *I do not own Harry Potter!* (WARNING: I will not be crossposting this on any other site. If you see this story posted on Quotev PLEASE report them. I've had a lot of problems with people plagiarizing my work.)…

Trapped with the Dursleys

Trapped with the Dursleys

98,732 2,611 10

Takes place during the begining of the second book - 'Chamber of Secrets'. What if Ron and his brothers were caught trying to sneak away to find Harry, and never showed up to save him? What would Mrs Weasley say when she would check up on Harry on the Friday, and find him malnourished with bars on his window?…

The Dursley Girl

The Dursley Girl

124,002 3,872 36

Three days before Alannah Dursley's eleventh birthday, she receives a mysterious letter. Her father, Dudley Dursley knows exactly what this letter contains, and he knows that no matter what, he can't keep it from her. Alannah is quickly whisked into the wizarding world. She soon learns about her famous Uncle, Harry Potter, who her dad kept a secret all these years.She befriends the children of the generation of Dumbledore's Army and the Battle of Hogwarts and finds a family she never knew she had. Throughout Alannah's years at Hogwarts, she makes lifelong friends, uncovers who she really is and gets wrapped up in romance and all things magical.The story that finally answers the question- what if Dudley Dursley had a magical child?---------*All characters belong to J.K Rowling*Ranked #1 in Cursed Child 02/11/2021*Ranked #1 in Next Generation 04/01/2021…

Harry Potter And The Phoenix King

Harry Potter And The Phoenix King

46,414 1,300 20

================================================================================== Harry Potter also called The Boy Who Lived is on the verge of death due to his abusive relatives and is saved by a majestic bird who also happens to be the king and most powerful of all the types of phoenix who also forms a bond with him. Join Harry and his trusted phoenix as he learns of his ancestry, forms friendships and alliances and trains to be powerful enough to defeat his nemesis Voldemort and his other enemies and brings major changes to the wizarding world as a whole.==================================================================================This story is a figment of my imagination and in no way is canon All of the characters except for the OCs belong to J K Rowling and Warner brosThe images are generated by hotpot.ai/art-generator==================================================================================…

Harry Dursley Potter (a HP fanfic)

Harry Dursley Potter (a HP fanfic)

4,587 126 6

Harry was left on the footsteps of his aunt and uncle's, who raised him like their own, Aunt Petunia was determined to keep him as a Muggle. Will Harry ever find out?Hi! All characters belong to JK Rowling, and the pics do not belong to me, I found them on the internet. P.S. I'm not really a skilled writer, please don't mind the spelling mistakes, enjoy! :D…



195,166 5,330 9

Snape finds an abused Harry outside his home one night and everything changes.…

Son of the Dark Lord

Son of the Dark Lord

388,262 11,656 32

What if Voldemort's attack on Lily and James was to get his son back? THIS STORY IS NOT DRARRY OR SNARRY OR VOLDEMORTXHARRY DONT TAG IT AS SUCH. Originally written by HarleyPotter19 on FanFiction.Net. I only added Alexander and Violet.…

Julie Anne Dursley

Julie Anne Dursley

22,331 509 18

Julie Dursley is Harry Potter's mean and spoiled cousin. It goes without saying that Harry never liked her, but can people change for the better? Female Dudley Dursley…

Raised Better

Raised Better

9,449 526 11

Instead of letting Vernon in on her sister's little secret, Petunia worked diligently to keep magic as nothing more than a fairytale. However, when she dies unexpectedly, leaving her husband a widower shortly before that fateful Halloween night, Vernon doesn't know what he's getting himself into when he takes Harry into his home.AU.Complete…

Risen from the Ashes (A Harry Potter Fan Fiction)

Risen from the Ashes (A Harry Potter Fan Fiction)

88,702 3,011 30

Through a mysterious series of events, Lily and James Potter are brought back to life the summer after Harry's third year. They are reunited with Remus and Sirius and go to see Harry. However, they were not expecting to find that he was being abused by the Dursleys. Harry is rescued from his relatives and is finally given the home and family he deserves. (I don't own cover)…

MISTAKE- Percy Weasley x OC

MISTAKE- Percy Weasley x OC

441,931 12,480 67

"And there she goes again. I don't understand why she talks to Percy! She's beautiful, and he's a prat! Am I right George.""Oh you know Iris?""Yeah? How do you know her?""She's my cousin"Iris Dursley is the oldest child of Vernon and Petunia Dursley. Older sister of Dudley, and cousin to the famous Harry Potter. Unlike her spoiled brother, her parents don't really like her too much. She was born a mistake. Just because she was born that way, does that mean her whole life will be? And what happens when she meets Perfect Prefect Pompous Prat Percy?Rankings:#1 in Percy Weasley oct/15/2021#1 in Dursley Oct/15/2021…

The Troubled Wizard (A Harry Potter Fan Fiction)

The Troubled Wizard (A Harry Potter Fan Fiction)

140,828 4,134 25

One day after Harry's third year at Hogwarts, the Weasley's stop by to check on him. However, they are shocked to discover the truth about the boy who lived. Harry has been abused by the Dursleys. Harry's friends now have to work together to show him how much he really means to them, and that he didn't deserve the hand life dealt him. (I don't own cover)…

Elder Potter

Elder Potter

34,111 474 82

Whats happens when Iris Potter and Harry Potter go through Hogwarts in danger of a man that wanted them dead years ago but failed to kill them?And what happens when Iris falls in love with a boy her age? Does it fail or succeed?WARNING SMUT WILL BE IN THE STORY NEAR THE END.…

Marauders Time Travel

Marauders Time Travel

6,949 123 12

Watch the marauders as they time travel into Harry's 8th year after the war looking for answers as to what he has encountered over his years at Hogwarts. Making sure to keep a low key and remain undiscovered.(btw no Wormtail)…

Harmony Bond (Completed)

Harmony Bond (Completed)

69,592 1,954 34

Harry is rescued from the Dursleys by the Grangers, but they first time they touch, both Harry and Hermione collapse unconscious.Harry is rescued from the Dursleys by the Grangers, but they first time they touch, both Harry and Hermione collapse unconscious.…

If You Wanted to be my Father

If You Wanted to be my Father

29,846 1,109 6

Harry Potter has always been a Potter, but one day that all changes. In the summer before third year, as his hormonal changes began to kick in, Harry started to look a lot more like Snape. Will Harry want Snape to be his father after years of abuse and neglect at the Dursleys, or will Snape prove to be another adult who doesn't want him?…

My Love is on Mute

My Love is on Mute

830,767 21,815 33

After the war, Harry got sent back to the Dursleys without a care from the Light side. Due to nightmares from the war, Vernon broke. He muted Harry so he wouldn't hear him scream anymore. Remus found out and rescued Harry. He took him to Forks, Washington to get away from Vernon and the Light side. Harry is Jasper's real mate. Bella is Alice's and Edward's mate. Jasper is all alone until Harry shows up then he has to rely on actions than words.*light side bashing, Dumbledore bashing, Dursleys bashing, slight Alice bashing*…

DURSLEY ― harry potter

DURSLEY ― harry potter

33,221 1,753 30

❝you're the only family i have now❞━︎𝘿𝘼𝙄𝙎𝙔 𝘿𝙐𝙍𝙎𝙇𝙀𝙔 had a perfectly normal childhood, until her very odd cousin Harry receives a very peculiar letter, stating his acceptance to a magical school -- and she receives one too.What follows is a cataclysm of terrible events.Daisy finds her first year at Hogwarts difficult, to say the least. From a bullying potions professor, being mocked by her peers, and a three-headed dog; she has more than enough on her plate. Not to mention her family started pretending she doesn't exist.It doesn't help that Harry thinks the bullying potions professor is out to get a stone to keep himself immortal - and he enlists her help on keeping him from doing so.If her first year was bad, her second one is even worse. After barely scraping past first year alive, she's thrust into another school year where her life is in mortal danger. Daisy didn't expect everything to be perfect after finding out she was a witch, but she certainly didn't expect this.【︎︎ philosophers stone - chamber of secrets 】︎︎【︎︎ book one 】︎︎…