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"MUNE'STAHR and PYLOTT: HELLMARROW" is an epic tale of interstellar/cross-dimensional adventure featuring RIKTONN MUNE'STAHR and KESHURA PYLOTT, former Territorial Expanse SpecOps Troop officers in the Hegemonic Emperium's Extraplanetary High Frontier Extrasolar Naval Fleet. Following the catastrophic events of the Great Cosmic Revocation, that being the return to the Teshiwahurian Homeworld of all Naval Space forces from assignments in the World-Father's far-flung galactic empire, Mune'stahr and Pylott, separated from their naval units, are wrenched from the dimensions of normal Einsteinian SpaceTime to the bizarre cosmic corridor between dimensions known as "The Ventriculum". During a dangerous time of violent internal strife within the World-Father's crumbling interplanetary empire, the two space-armored SpecOps Troop veterans become biologically-bonded with a gigantic, sentient, alien ship called "The Glide", a spherical vessel that follows the programming of its own governing artificial intelligence, known as "Neesharim", on a mysterious mission to police the interdimensional gateways against sorcerers, alien dictators and their armies, space demons and other non-human threats scheming to enslave the Multiverse. Marooned in a colossal, intelligent shiftship that traverses a seemingly endless, omnidirectional fractal metaflow between universes, Mune'stahr and Pylott fight for ultimate Justice and for the control their own fates..."*********************************************************************************Cover Art by the legendary John Conrad Berkey, copyright © John Berkey / www. johnberkey. com…