Nurserywale | Buy Plants Online | Buy Nursery Plants         N

Nurserywale | Buy Plants Online | Buy Nursery Plants N

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Looking to bring nature into your home or garden effortlessly? Look no further than NurseryWale, your one-stop destination to buy plants online. We offer an extensive range of lush, vibrant plants that cater to every green thumb, whether you're a seasoned gardener or a budding plant enthusiast. Our easy-to-navigate website makes it a breeze to order plants online from the comfort of your home.At NurseryWale, we pride ourselves on providing top-quality plants and exceptional customer service. Our collection includes a variety of indoor and outdoor plants, succulents, flowering plants, and more, ensuring that there's something for every taste and space. When you choose to buy nursery plants from us, you're not just purchasing greenery; you're investing in a healthier, more beautiful environment.Our plants are carefully selected and nurtured to ensure they reach you in perfect condition. Plus, our user-friendly platform allows you to effortlessly browse through our selection, read detailed descriptions, and make informed decisions. We understand the importance of convenience, which is why our streamlined ordering process is designed to make it simple and quick to order plants online.But our commitment doesn't end at providing high-quality plants. We also offer valuable resources and tips on plant care, ensuring that your green companions thrive long after they've been delivered. With NurseryWale, you're not just getting plants; you're gaining a partner in your gardening journey.Discover the joy of gardening with NurseryWale today. Explore our vast selection and buy plants online to enhance your living space with nature's beauty. Whether you're looking to adorn your home with indoor plants or create a stunning garden, NurseryWale is your trusted source for all your plant needs. Visit us now to experience the convenience and quality that sets us apart in the world of online plant shopping.…

"You are mine, demon... Credo che in pochi abbiano un padre morto... e in ancor meno abbiano visto ilproprio padre morire davanti ai propri occhi e ucciso da proprio fratello e dalla propria madreEh si... questa è la realtà e l'ho scoperta pure da poco... ma prima mi presento:mi chiamo Megan Horan ho 14 anni, ma vedrete che tra poco ne avrò 17... ho la pelle pallidissima o per meglio dire bianca come il latte, sono una ragazza dai capelli scuri e occhi scuri come la pece.Vivevo in Inghilterra prima di compiere 14 anni e di scoprire cosa sono...Io sono un demone, no meglio dire IL demone. Sono figlia di Lucifero, il demone per eccezione, e di Isabelle, l'angelo per eccezione; ho un fratello più grande di me di 3 anni di nome Niall...Io da piccolissima sono cresciuta senza sapere nulla sul mio mondo (il mondo dei demoni), ma sapevo tutto sul mondo degli angeli perché dicevano che "ero una di loro", ma tutti erano diversi da me ed io ero esclusa... avevano la pelle colorita, quasi abbronzata, capelli chiari e occhi talmente perfetti che potevi leggerci dentro l'anima e quando crescevi ti spuntavano delle magnifiche ali bianche e soffici con anche dei poteri straordinari che col tempo potevi controllare.Mia madre è l'angelo più potente, ha dei magnifici occhi verdi quasi azzurri e dei capelli tanto dorati da sembrare seta; mio fratello è quasi identico a lei: ha capelli biondi però alla radice ci sono alcune ciocche nere prese da papà, occhi azzurrissimi quasi trasparenti.... Io invece ero identica a mio padre (almeno così sentivo dire in giro quando passavo), ho, come ho già detto, degli occhi scuri ma con un potere di mia madre al sole diventano di un colore verde smeraldo, ho capelli molto lunghi e lisci, ma nelle punte sono ondulati, sono di un castano scurissimo, ma mi hanno tinto le punte di biondo tanto da sembrare più simile agli angeliDa piccola vivevo nel mondo degli angeli e dei demoni (quando Lucifero era vivo i due mondi erano uniti) fino a quando mia madre e mio fratello non uccisero nostro, o ormai meglio dire MIO padre, davanti ai miei occhi facendomi perdere così ogni speranza, traumatizzandomi e dividendo così i due mondi. Mia madre venuta a conoscenza che io avevo visto la scena fatidica pensò bene di farmi perdere la memoria e mandandomi sulla Terra da un'altra famiglia, ma lei non sapeva che compiuti 13 anni io sarei diventata definitivamente il demone tanto atteso da mio padre e lui, prevedendo questo, aveva scelto una persona che mi avrebbe fatto tornare la memori al momento giusto e che mi avrebbe aiutato nel nuovo mondoOra spiego un po' i due mondi:Il mondo degli angeli è semplice da spiegare perché esistono solo loro con poteri alcuni più potenti e altri meno, ma i demoni si suddividono in più categorie, in ordine di importanza e potenza:- Demone- Protettori e Speciali- Licantropi e Vampiri- Zombie e FantasmiIl Demone è solo uno e nessuno, neanche tutti quanti i suoi discendenti insieme, possono distruggerlo o metterlo in difficoltà; i Protettori sono stati creati molto tempo fa con qualità protettive per proteggere in prima linea il Demone e poi se mai qualcuno avesse bisogno di loro, loro dovrebbero esserci; gli Speciali sono a pari merito di forza con i Protettori solo che sono delle modificazioni di tutti i generi e cioè possono essere misti tra Licantropi e Vampiri e così via... oppure possono semplicemente avere dei poteri troppo diversi dagli altri per essere definiti in altre categorie; i Licantropi sono uomini (o donne) che si trasformano in lupi e hanno una forza micidiale, hanno il potere di persuadere le persone grazie al loro calore e comportamento, hanno di solito stazze molto grandi; i Vampiri "nascono" mordendo degli essere umani e iniettendogli il loro veleno, sono particolarmente bianchi di carnagione, sono eccellenti in qualsiasi cosa e bellissimi e attraenti agli occhi degli umani; gli Zombie sono degli esseri viventi morti, puzzolenti, brutti, ma indistruttibili (se vengono colpiti si ricompongono da soli) e non essendo "normali" e neanche rassicuranti vivono nel mondo dei demoni; i Fantasmi sono i più "adorabili" perché possono scomparire e ricomparire quando vogliono, sono nelle stesse sembianze nell'esatto momento della loro morte e lo si diventa se si ha dei conti in sospeso...La mia storia inizia al mio quattordicesimo compleanno....Inviato da iPad

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Ci sono demoni…



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I will be honest here, these story is based in a true story by 17 year old boy back he was in 6th grade but i make the story a little different it was the boys request and also the names so enjoyDESCRIPTION:In the vibrant school year of 2019, four friends-Lark, Kim, Roja, and Krishley-found their lives intertwined with unexpected twists of love and friendship.Lark Kuria, a kind-hearted and slightly shy boy, met Kim on his first day of school. Kim, always cheerful and friendly, quickly became his guide and confidante. Despite their different personalities, a bond formed between them, growing stronger with every shared laugh and secret.Roja, a passionate and adventurous soul, was Lark's new buddy. Roja's boldness contrasted with Krishley's calm and composed nature. Krishley, with her serene demeanor and thoughtful insights, found herself drawn to Roja's fiery spirit. Their mutual respect and admiration slowly turned into a tender romance, a beautiful balance of opposites attracting.As the school year progressed, the corridors and classrooms became silent witnesses to the blossoming relationships. Mark and Kim's friendship deepened into something more, their moments together filled with unspoken feelings and stolen glances. Meanwhile, Roja and Krishley's love story unfolded with passionate conversations and shared dreams of the future.A heartwarming story of how four friends navigated the intertwining paths of love and friendship, discovering that the strongest relationships often start with the simplest of connections.…

"The Sea of Success: A Fishmonger's Odyssey"

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"In 'The Sea of Success: A Fishmonger's Odyssey,' we dive into the captivating narrative of a family's unexpected journey from the uncertainty of a pandemic-induced business crisis to the bustling world of fish sales. The story unfolds in the city of Zamboanga, where a recent graduate faces an unforeseen hiatus from college due to lockdowns. The family's bakery business, a one-man operation, teeters on the brink of bankruptcy.Amidst financial struggles, a serendipitous opportunity arises with an offer of inexpensive Tamban (sardines). The family pivots from the familiar realm of baking to selling fish, setting the stage for an unexpected success. However, the tranquil waters are soon disrupted by the currents of competition.As rival vendors enter the scene, the family grapples with declining sales, prompting them to adapt and innovate. The tale unfolds through chapters of challenges, unexpected alliances, and the evolution of a small fish-selling venture into a thriving enterprise.Readers witness the family's journey through market fluctuations, personal dilemmas, and the delicate balance between familial responsibility and personal aspirations. With each chapter, the story explores the resilience required to weather storms, the impact of unexpected collaborations, and the transformative power of familial bonds.'The Sea of Success' is more than a tale of fish and market stalls; it's a testament to adaptability, innovation, and the enduring spirit of a family determined to carve their path in the tumultuous sea of business. As the narrative unfolds, readers will find themselves immersed in a world where the tides of competition, the aroma of fresh catches, and the warmth of community support paint a vivid portrait of an unforgettable fishmonger's odyssey."…

Another Door Opens

Another Door Opens

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Short SF stories from far flung places in the universe:"Another Door Opens"A young girl tries to skip school, but inadvertently steps into an interdimensional portal."If I Could Stay"Ami and her young daughter Carlan await their fate while taking refuge in dorms allotted to them by the Corp. Soon, the waiting turns into agony as Ami realizes she has to make a choice: leave Carlan behind, or spread the infection?"Ambitious"Ferb and Todd are teacher's assistants hosting a workshop for gifted students. Days before, a report reaches their desk, informing them of the murder of a student back at campus. Todd suspects Silas, who some consider to be a psychopath as well as a genius. Todd's suspicions come to fruition as Ferb learns the terrible truth about Silas."Dead New World: This is 2114"My entry for Margaret Atwood's Future Library competition: Before the opening of the Future Library, the librarian's intern, Gravis, has a shocking discovery to share. "Unus Mundus"My contribution to The Decameron, #TeamCoincidence. Coincidence is fate telling you what already happened...In the pursuit to save her brother, one teacher is forced on a mission to the outer reaches of space, and the edges of time. What she discovers will forever change her.And a few other random tales. Enjoy!…

The Stolen Hunter

The Stolen Hunter

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Lure was just your average for-hire researcher under the employment of the I.F.A (Intergalactic Federation of Allies)... not. And once the I.F.A accidentally digs up his file they jump and send their brightest team to go rescue the [just recently] kidnapped Lure. Once rescued from the dangerous Lure discovers that the brightest team is actually... three teenagers?! What's more, the I.F.A wants him to join their team?! Just what will he do? Join, or continue his lonely life of solitude?DON'T forget to COMMENT! Your comments mean everything! Without them, the story can't go on. Literally! What YOU want will be written. Cool, huh? Well, come on in and tell us what you want! We'll make it happen ;)Co-written with Poindexter~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Copyright © 2014 (made 2012) by Kshipra Sawant. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior permission of the author.…

Red Speckled Wings

Red Speckled Wings

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The trees tower above taller than skyscrapers swaying in the light breeze. Green prickly grass tickles my elbows as I gaze around. I slowly sit up my head spinning as I do I turn my head slowly looking around there is a meadow on my far right, but the rest was only trees. I can hear water far in the distance. I sniff the forest air the fresh open scent filling my lungs. I stand slowly but steadily my head slightly spinning as I do. My bare feet covered in the cold damp dew resting upon the grass. The strong breeze blowing my hair in all directions along with the lose fitting white dress I am wearing. That comes down to barely below my knees. It is tight at the waist but other than that there is little to no shape in it. I focus my attention on the meadow, and begin to walk in its direction. As I get closer I can see wild flowers growing in patches all around in patches as well as smell them. With beautiful butterflies with colorful wings ranging from bright yellow to cool blue flying all around. Visiting flowers only landing for a few seconds. One begins to fly to me its dark blue wings lightly fluttering through the wind. I raise my hand to meet it as it gets closer its tiny legs landing on my extended finger. The others began flying my way swarming me in colors. Landing wherever they could.The ground shook violently they all jumped off me flying away. The force of it caused me to fall as I fell my head hit the ground. I jolted awake sitting up I gaze around my small dorm room the sun was barely peeking into it giving off very little light. Leaving most of the room bathed in darkness.…



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When young Joe Montaperto, desperately seeking to rise above the dreary negativity of his downtrodden New Jersey town, journeys to the gritty, but vibrant New York City of the early 1980's - the chaos - and opportunity begin. Enrolling in a prestigious Russian drama school, he is determined to become the next great Stanislavski-trained stage actor - but when it doesn't pan out, he is crushed. Hitting the streets dazed and groping for answers, he scores a gig as a nut vendor at a grimy Hell's Kitchen location. He strikes up a friendship with Vassant, an elderly, brilliant, but drunken Indian scholar, who introduces him to The Upanishads, the ancient texts of Eastern spirituality. Joe soon becomes completely obsessed. When Vassant dies unexpectedly, Joe vows to continue his search for a 'Master', finding work at a city ashram, where he commits himself to rigorous spiritual practices. While deep in meditation one day, he is rocked by an epiphany - he may never attain enlightenment in this lifetime - no matter what he does! Shaken by this realization, he dives headlong into what he considers his true calling - stand-up comedy. Rising up the comedy ranks, he parties and performs with the likes of Jon Stewart, Dave Attell, and John Leguizamo, quickly embracing the debaucherous nightlife scene. A regular at Rudy's, a seedy Hell's Kitchen bar, he gets caught up in the rush that ensues, needing evermore to maintain it. He begins reveling in the violent confrontations of the late night crack-infested streets. Still not enough. Hooking up with the sultry Vanessa, a Puerto Rican transgender ex-streetwalker, Joe's life is thrown into turmoil and conflict, until a chance viewing of the movie, My Dinner With Andre, blows him away. Fascinated by the philosophy and ideas, he decides he must flee the city, abandon everything he knows, and pursue a life of travel and spiritual adventure.…

Este No Es Un Loco Libro Juvenil

Este No Es Un Loco Libro Juvenil

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Alex Ruecos (no) disfruta de una vida ordinaria, que le pone los pelos de punta y la paciencia al más mínimo nivel. Se podría decir que se alimenta a base de odio y es toda una hater de las novelas juveniles románticas. Sin embargo, todo cambia cuando su padre consigue un trabajo en Wattpad City, una ciudad en Estados Unidos en la que irónicamente el idioma nacional es el español, las secundarias son típicas recreaciones de películas Disney y al parecer no existe la gente realmente pobre. O fea. O pobre y fea, esos se extinguieron hace ya mucho tiempo.Allí conocerá a toda clase de personajes, de aquellos que surgen en un mundo anti-racial (aunque los negros nunca sean los protagonistas), completamente respetuoso del grupo LGBT (aunque no existan ni homosexuales ni transgéneros) y en el que repetidísimos clichés toman un rol en una típica historia juvenil. Y con ello, contamos a la nerd asocial, la mejor amiga pervertida y metiche, millones de chicas supuestamente feas que parecen supermodelos, y al mismísimo chico malo, el señor encantador, Jordan Preysler (personaje interpretado por Dylan O'Brien, por supuesto, no podía faltar) y su indiscutible afán por hacer caer a las chicas como moscas a sus pies. Alex deberá desenmascarar todos estos estereotipos para alcanzar la verdadera originalidad de su propia historia, y, de paso, dejar en claro toda su disconformidad como hater con las historias que se desenvuelven en Wattpad. Todos los derechos reservados. Cualquier similitud con la realidad es pura coincidencia (LOOOOL) aunque menciones de aplicaciones o lugares o personas pues, sí son reales, y no tengo nada en contra de ell@s.…