back to you | jack hughes

back to you | jack hughes

219,793 1,739 25

Madelyn Hart was the only child, but she lived next door to three boys. Quinn, Luke, and her all time favorite Jack. Ever since she can even remember they were best friends. Jack and her were the closest though. His mother was like hers. She tought her how to skate and was always there for her when her parents were away on business trips. But when she was 10 years old. The hughes family moved to Canada. But when she started junior year. Guess who moved in next door?…

 Are you a furry?|| Changlix hybrid story

Are you a furry?|| Changlix hybrid story

118,996 4,988 23

Felix heard the knock on his door, coming down stairs without hiding his ears or tail, thinking it was chan. As he opened the door, he saw Changbin instead.As Changbin looked up, he saw ears and a tail on Felix "Felix, are you a furry?""No, well, you see, I'm different.."-Quick heads up! This is my first story and probably isn't that well. Trust me, I will get better eventually Started:February 18 2019Ended: August 29 2019…

The perfect killer ✔️

The perfect killer ✔️

70,121 4,968 35

Dla ludzi było to morderstwo. Dla niego było to dzieło tworzone przez lata. Dla niego było to arcydziełem.…

Átkozott Szerelem / Befejezett

Átkozott Szerelem / Befejezett

794 40 23

Lia és Zétény egy táborban találkoztak és a sztorijuk folytatódik Jablancban (Horvátorzág). Fantázia szült sztori valós helyekkel.…

passionfruit • jack hughes

passionfruit • jack hughes

1,147,963 14,277 77

'passionfruit'• a conveniently famous influencer followed by a famous hockey player, who wouldn't notice? • jack hughes x oc• social media x real life • lowercase intended • started april 1, 2022[RANKINGS]1 in #twitter1 in #imessage 1 in #hockeyplayer1 in #hockeyboys1 in #newjerseydevils1 in #nhlhockey1 in #quinnhughes1 in #lukehughes 1 in #trevorzegras1 in #anaheimducks1 in #boston1 in #nyu2 in #influencer 2 in #jackhughes3 in #nhl4 in #hockey…

The Alpha's Mate

The Alpha's Mate

1,332,863 32,246 30

April Nelson is a 17 year old werewolf. Her father died when she was 7 and nobody will tell her how it happened. She moves into Woodsville and meets future Alpha, Luke Smith. Will he help her find out what happened to her dad? Or are some things better left in the past?…

Flower Crown  (Lady Lesso x Reader/Fem OC)

Flower Crown (Lady Lesso x Reader/Fem OC)

11,941 695 25

After a terrible attack at an event you were attending, you took a year off to recovery from the trauma and the injuries you've obtained. One day, you received a letter from your old school master inviting you to teach at his school, the school for good and evil. Once you arrived you are met by a certain redhead who can't shake the fact that you've met before. This is based off the movie but some parts I got from the books.…

~Pewna Miłość Która Przetrwa Wszystko~Dxd

~Pewna Miłość Która Przetrwa Wszystko~Dxd

3,113 262 20

Pewna miłość która przetrwa wszystko.Doknes x Dealer ( teraz Dilerek Minecraft) Można znaleźć w pośród toczonej się tu akcji poprzeplatane cytaty ze starszych odcinków DxDPoplątana historia Huberta i Karola, trochę szkoły trochę imprez, spacerów w samotności, nagrywania odcinków.Tworzę dla ludzi któży lubią takie historie. Zapraszam do czytania 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 ;)~~~~~~~~~~👽👽👽~~~~~~~~~~…



116,682 943 11

Maybe being trapped in a snow storm isn't the worst thing after allBeing re written…

Neighborz - Gongfourz, BOYNEXTDOOR

Neighborz - Gongfourz, BOYNEXTDOOR

1,099 71 6

Wherein Jaehyun created a groupchat with random boys from his apartment complex And in which Leehan took the chance to talk to his crush…

forever & always.

forever & always.

19,511 138 36

the hockey lingo is strong in katies life, just like her love for the game. after moving back to michigan for katie & her brothers to play at the next level, katie finds love with her childhood best friend, owen power. after 6 years apart, the families live next door to each other now, a dream come true for the moms, but moving back to michigan is a nightmare for katie, that keeps getting worse. katie navigates love, heartbreak, and hockey as she questions what matters most. (was called "the show")…

The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday

The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday

31,886 1,928 31

Zayn Malik non è altro che una recluta dei Navy SEALs, le Forze Speciali della Marina degli Stati Uniti. Lyn, invece, la sua compagna di divertimento quando lui ritorna dalle missioni. Stanno bene insieme, magari senza vesti, magari accaldati, magari con le mani dell'uno addosso al corpo dell'altra: il problema non era mai stato quello di innamorarsi. Il problema, adesso, è che - come dice Cecilia - le cose si fanno in due. Le anime più forti sono quelle temprate dalla sofferenza. I caratteri più solidi sono cosparsi di cicatrici.…

Reborn as the Protagonists' Daughter

Reborn as the Protagonists' Daughter

9,979 697 67

Emeliette, po reinkarnacji, pragnie stworzyć kochającą rodzinę w swoim nowym życiu, co okazuje się być wyzwaniem. Po śmierci matki, jej relacja z ojcem, księciem Cardin vel Vardion, jest trudna - ojciec jest dystansujący się i emocjonalnie niedostępny. Kiedy książę powraca do swojego zamku, Emeliette postanawia zdobyć jego serce, korzystając ze swojej dobroci i ciepła. Stopniowo zbliżając się do ojca, odkrywa, że rodzinne dziedzictwo jest pełne tajemnic i znaczących historii, które przekraczają jej wcześniejsze wyobrażenia. W trakcie tych wydarzeń, Emeliette zaczyna rozumieć, że ona sama może być dziewczyną godną własnej historii…

Nappali Holdvilág (YiZhan)

Nappali Holdvilág (YiZhan)

2,274 287 42

A világ kegyetlen, mindenkit bemocskol. És a gonoszság elől nincs menekvés. A sátán fekete karmai mindenkit elérnek, kegyelmet nem hagyva neki. Egyedül a világ ellen, egy vesztesen elkezdett, vesztes játszma. De nem mindig lehet melletted valaki...…

Hurts Like Hell | John Laurens

Hurts Like Hell | John Laurens

58,440 1,303 32

Antoinette De Lafayette is the little sister to Marquis De Lafayette. Their parents were murdered, when someone set their France home on fire and killed their parents. Only Lafayette and Antoinette made it out alive. The siblings fled to the colonies, for a fresh start. But Lafayette leaves to join the revolution, leaving Antoinette alone. Until she decided to join the revolution, and meets a handsome freckled man and she can't help but fall madly in love with him.UNDER EDITING…

Aki mindig visszatér | ✓

Aki mindig visszatér | ✓

33,058 1,563 24

Hazel Ross nagy ambíciókkal indul neki az egyetemnek, előre eltervezte a jövőjét, amiben barátja, Mason töretlenül támogatja. A terveit azonban hamar átszövi egy száznyolcvan magas, barna hajú, barna szemű fiú, akihez a lány már az első este a kollégiumban egy félreértés miatt benyit - egy szál törölközőben. Noah hírhedt az arrogáns stílusáról és az alkalmi partnereiről, viszont Hazel megjelenésével nem tudja kordában tartani magát és úgy érzi, muszáj megszereznie magának a lányt.Vajon Hazel, aki az igaz szerelmet kutatja és Noah, aki látszólag képtelen az érzelmekre valóban egy párt alkothat? A fiú képes elkötelezni magát, vagy újra és újra a könnyebbik utat választva eltűnik? A lány pedig fejest mer ugrani a bizonytalan fiúval folytatott kapcsolatba?…

A srác akivel neten beszélek..(Az edzőm)

A srác akivel neten beszélek..(Az edzőm)

16,703 931 24

•Mia Wilson forma 2-es versenyző. Lyon-ban született és ott is él. Gyerekkorát Charles Leclerc féle társasággal töltötte majd amikor a srácoknak bejött az élet eltávolodtak egymástól. Daniel Ricciardotól kér segítséget, hogy valaki legyen az eddzője csak annak érdekében, hogy jobb legyen karrierjében. Nem hitte volna, hogy a srác aki az eddzője lesz az a pasas akivel neten beszélget már hónapok óta...…

smoke • calum hood

smoke • calum hood

12,756 165 30

she was the cigarette, he was the smoker. and oh god, did they make a lethal combination. -or, a story in which calum breaks her heart and desperately tries to put the pieces back together.[lowercase intended] [complete]…