Вызов духов
Legacy Of An Uchiha

Legacy Of An Uchiha

18,701 367 4

Naruto gets taken by his Grandfather Madara Uchiha after Naruto became a 6 year old leaving a Zetsu clone behind to take Naruto's place he gets trained and becomes an amazing Shinobi…

Naruto: The Red Eyed Demon

Naruto: The Red Eyed Demon

18,502 359 5

Naruto gets the full Nine Tails sealed inside in him which affects his appearance and personality which turns him insane much like Gaara how will everything change and how will Naruto change…

Naruto Uchiha

Naruto Uchiha

32,510 389 7

Naruto is the grandson of Izuna Uchiha so he lives with the Uchiha everyone except Shisui, Itachi and Satsuki look at him like a weapon so he gets trained by Shisui and becomes an amazing prodigy unlocking the Sharingan at age of 6 Fem Sasuke /Satsuki/ ( But she hides it under a genjutsu after the clan massacre not even Naruto knows ) ( I don't own Naruto in any shape or form )Naruhina…

Demon Slayer: Wave Of Thunder

Demon Slayer: Wave Of Thunder

22,436 800 15

Zenitsu Agatsuma's grandfather Jigoro Kuwajima never wanted Zenitsu to become a Demon Slayer but after his untimely death, Zenitsu learns the truth and learns the Thunder Breathing to one day become the next Thunder Hashira.Heavy Manga Spoilers, also non of the art is mine (Obviously) (There are things that I wrote that are headcanon)…

Demon Slayer: Sun Breath

Demon Slayer: Sun Breath

20,714 372 3

What if Yoriichi was the ancestor of Tanjirou, what would change and what would stay the same.…

The Analysis Hero: Deku

The Analysis Hero: Deku

2,087 47 7

In a world where 80% of the world's population has amazing super powers named quirks and 20% being quirk-less, but what happens to the majority who have villainous and weak quirks. Read as Izuku Midoriya trains to become a hero much like his favorite hero, Eraserhead.Art by Yan-Lie…

A script that I made that you can use if you want ❤️

A script that I made that you can use if you want ❤️

6 0 1

Hi! I will make different versions of scripts with different aesthetics!…

Как в крипипасту попали наркоманы или дебилы

Как в крипипасту попали наркоманы или дебилы

211 9 4

Короче книга о том что две девушки были подруги одна наркоманка а вторая дебил и они очень хотели попасть в крипипасту гуляли по заброшкам и вызывали крипов. и как их жизнь изменится…

ABOUT TIME || KTH [Revisi Setelah Tamat]

ABOUT TIME || KTH [Revisi Setelah Tamat]

9,301 809 23

"Seoul ini sempit, tapi denganmu aku tak pernah puas untuk menelusurinya. Kamu membuat Seoul ini terlihat berbeda." "Aku tak tahu bagaimana nanti. Yang ku tahu saat ini adalah jika aku bersamamu, semuanya akan baik baik saja""So show me, Tae""I'll show you"…



10,948 711 10

~Энэ өдрөөс эхлээд миний амьдрал сонирхолтой болж эхэлсэн юм.Жонгүг: Ядаргаатай юм Би: Хайраа хоёулаа энэ хос бугуйвчыг авъя тэгэх үү мм гуйж байна *эрхэлэх*Жонгүг: Эгчээ энэнээс авъя гэж худалдагчид хандаж хэлээд над руу хараад "Одоо болсон уу явцгаая чамайг хүргэж өгье "Тиймээ тэр миний найз залуу гэвч тэр үргэлж надтай хүйтэн хөндий харьцдаг яг л надтай хүчээр байгаа юм шиг энэ нь миний сэтгэлийг өвтгөдөг ч би түүнд хайртай болохоороо их тэвчдэг тэр царайлаг ямар ч бүсгүйн сэтгэлийг татам дээр нь халуухан :3Тэр яагаад ийм ууртай байна вэ гэвэл би түүнийг цуг дэлгүүр явъя гэж шалсаарбайгаад авчирсан учираас тэр ийм ширүүн байгаа юм.Маргааш нь Би өглөө инээмсэглэл дүүрэн сургууль луугаа гарахаар өөрийгөө бэлдлээ.Толинд харж инээмсэглчихээд нүүрээ хөнгөхөн будаад дүрэмт хувцасаа цэмцгэр гэгчинь өмсөөд үсээ долгионтуулаад гэрээсээ гарлаа. Яагаад найз залуу чинь өглөө гэрээс чинь авахгүй байгаа юм бэ гэж бодож байна уу Учир нь тэр хэзээ ч тэгж байгаагүй яагаад гэдгийг нь мэдэхгүй гэхдээ би үүнд нь гомддоггүй ээ .Сургуулийн хаалгаар инээмсэглэсээр ортол нэг зүйлийг…



182 2 8

•MADE BY MARI• [JUNE.28.2023] |KNY X READER| | \/Y/n has lived a problematic life, every time Y/n walks the streets, everyone would judge and glare with disgust in their eyes. Y/n works as a servant that was moved house to house, owner to owner, in which every single one of them would treat Y/n horrobly, which resulted into the point that Y/n lost trust.…

Revenge For The Forgotten

Revenge For The Forgotten

70 0 4

He was meant to be safe there, to be saved if anything bad had happened to him. They were all family to him. But instead of getting a teary reunion, he instead found himself deciding their futures.…

how tO MaKe a gOoD DrE sMpP StOrY


4,907 130 15

This story is a Rayne Ames x oc NO Y/NS BECAUSE THEY MAKE PEOPLE CONFUSED--anyway yeah idk just enjoy the story though the dates of the releases might be kajksjxkdjdjjdjd somethin like that cuz yo author here's 'till studyin like heck kandmmdmdmndndndn…

Enemies to lovers | JADEN WALTON |

Enemies to lovers | JADEN WALTON |

86,067 439 29

~This is a jaden walton fanfic ~(There will be no smut in this story since he is a minor)…

The story of how the US government ruined my life

The story of how the US government ruined my life

0 0 1

This is a simple story I made for a school assignment, and as such the title needs work. I mainly do asain novel translations here: https://aitranslations.org/…

jack avery

jack avery

2,315 26 12

it started with a wrong number, read it it's very good xD…

Dio over heaven x Reader (Obvious Fanfiction)

Dio over heaven x Reader (Obvious Fanfiction)

3,122 60 16

I dont know anymore. I DO NOT OWN DIO, But he's me fiction crush ((lol end me now)) so like, Enjoy, and if you dont know about dio over heaven, go check out the game Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes Of Heaven. Jojos bizzare adventure was created by Hirohiko Araki, so All the credit goes to him. Enjoy, My frens!!! :D ((as always, I will never own the cover art unless I say so.))…