Spare Future

Spare Future

1,619 217 112

Flavio Mancini is a brilliant but lonely student from Rome who has a crush on Claudia, a wild and reckless girl. He doesn't know that he is the result of a genetic selection by the Interdimensional Assembly, a group of beings who can manipulate quantum probabilities and influence the development of planets and civilizations.The Assembly has a plan for Flavio: to awaken his mental abilities and make him the savior of Earth. But Flavio's life, already full of tragedy and pain, meets some cosmic bad luck and he ends up thinking of Claudia as his last wish.To find a project, a reflection and a perspective for his existence, Flavio needs to live... a few times. And the gods from the Assembly are not just watching.The story is full of twists and explores themes such as free will, destiny, morality, identity and love.*******The story is complete, is 90 chapters total (last chapter being number 89)…

Like A Luna

Like A Luna

1,662 4 76

Rylee Saunders has been with her wolf for as long as she could remember, but her childhood was lonely and isolated now she has no social skills as a wolf due to her lack of company. Her father, the only other wolf she had, was taken from her by rogue mutts and now she has a hatred like no other. She meets the Alpha and Beta Brothers fighting the mutts. As a dominant she struggles to submit. She's a warrior but her lack of pack education leaves her disadvantaged when he pursues her and she runs to avoid her wolfs anger. But fighting your wolf is impossible when you don't know why it's angry. Meanwhile Alpha of the Calderwood pack, Evan Calderwood, is feeling the pressure to find his Luna. He crosses paths with the young, talented she-wolf who haunts his thoughts. But when you can't find a name or a face and all you have is a wolf, where do you begin? She isn't in pack records and can't be tracked. Could she be his mate? His Luna? He's fixated on finding her but that's difficult when your packs being attacked by mutts. He thought finding her was hard, convincing her to be his Luna was harder.When you're in a war how do you become like a Luna?-----A story from both perspectives.…

The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time

The Death Mage that doesn't want a fourth time

88,114 2,716 200

by DensukeStatus: ActiveAmamiya Hiroto is unlucky. His life consisted of misfortune after misfortune, culminating in an unlucky death during an incident on a school boat trip, trying to save a girl he barely knew. After death, he met a god of reincarnation who requested that the hundred or so dead passengers-one of them being the girl he tried in vain to save-be reincarnated into another world. Yet a series of unfortunate events forced Hiroto to reincarnate with even less luck than before, starting with nothing but a tremendous amount of Mana. His second life, far worse than his first, came to a cruel end. However, upon meeting the god a second time, he was informed that there would be yet another reincarnation-one that had already been set in motion and could not be stopped. Not wanting Hiroto to endure a third life filled with suffering, the god cursed him before he was reborn in the hopes that he would either die quickly or commit suicide. Hiroto was reborn once more as a half-vampire, half-dark elf. A dhampir. Not wanting a fourth life, he is determined to live this third life with the only things remaining from his previous lives-Death Magic and his enormous Mana pool.…

One Piece Fanfictions

One Piece Fanfictions

17,045 148 124

This is going to be a compilation of all of the One Piece stories I read on FanFiction,net and what I think about them along with the story information. Like the status of the book if it hasn't been updated and I will have dates on them on when I read it and such. Word count, chapter number, tags, relationships, characters, author, title, summary by author, and my own summary of the story will be there. This is mostly for me to keep a better track of the Fanfics I read. I don't expect anyone to see or read this but it is just here as One Piece fanfic reccommendations from FanFiction.net that I have read.…

a tragedy of some kind

a tragedy of some kind

1,353 82 33

P.S. I wish I never loved you. Oh how I wish -DelilahHe burned like the sun, blazing from the tips of her fingers to her toes. He was like a weed that entangled her obtruding ribcage, intertwining her lungs, drawing out every ounce of breathe. She was the colour of the small hours, those periods of transformation that separated sombre from divine. She lived for the shadows of darkness and stalked beneath the immortality of the moon. She was sublime. But even the wildest spirits find their way behind gilded bars noticing, only, when it's to late. Because nobody is invincible, despite their belief to the contrary.…

A Tale of One Deviant (Book One)

A Tale of One Deviant (Book One)

273,015 14,844 198

Itsuki Kaya was never really a sharp girl. She was very smart in class, almost the top of her school, but her density level was insane. That's why she didn't realize on time that the flowery gift bag the little boy on the side of the road had swung happily...was actually a cover for a terrorist attack, even though she'd thoroughly watched the news that morning. And she couldn't escape. And got reincarnated into the world of an otome game from her best friend's secret stash, "My Love For You Only!" That is, as the #3 villainess henchman Firea-Madeline de Libellule, the daughter of an earl. Also, contracted Deviant of the Demon God, but Kaya firmly believes the villainess-on-the-death-route thing is more important. Also, the fact that it was no longer just a normal otome game. In fact, was it ever a game at all or did Kaya just break it from the start...? "Why is this world so complicated? Where did the capture targets go, and who's the heroine? She's so gone I didn't even remember this was an otome game...And why are these little villainesses so cunningly cute? Why did the plot change from a love world to intense reincarnation?! I mean, I'm not complaining about the awesome fights...and the bishies...and the books...but why can't everything be simple!" -AN: By the way, I accidentally...?...reached the max amount of chapters to have on a story so I named this one Book One. I'm still publishing from Book One, and just so you know it doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon...For those of you who don't care that I accidentally drifted from otome game setting to reincarnation novel (pure accident but it works for me), read on. Credit to...Google, for images...also some of the tags don't apply for a while...Essentially...a world ruled by meddling gods gets an exciting awakening when a not-so-foreign foreigner decides to call that place much more than home.…

Facts about Harry Potter that you didn't know

Facts about Harry Potter that you didn't know

27,246,334 866,150 544

In this book you'll finds some facts about Harry Potter characters that you probably didn't know. Enjoy!Disclaimer: I own nothing…

Smiles and Tears

Smiles and Tears

2 0 1

Saori, a 16 year old girl with no family, one day awakens next to someone whom she has never seen before,someone divinely handsome,someone she feels familiar to. On second look she finds out that this is the guy from her favourite manga, a prince, a hero she has always admired. With a terrible bitter past haunting after her, and a almost perfect boyfriend standing by her, will she be able to suppress the feelings she starts to have for her dream prince? Is this the beginning to another story or the ending to the other? Will she be able to win her fight against her bitter past?…



9 1 1


Cum vindecam hepatita

Cum vindecam hepatita

5 1 1

Cum vindecam hepatita C?Cum vindecam hepatita B? Totul despre vindecarea hepatitei!Daca ficatul nu mai functioneaza normal, toate celulele corpului nu vor mai primi o cantitate suficienta de nutrienti, nu vor elimina deseurile produse, toxinele, si nu vor comunica la fel de bine cu sistemul nervos sau endocrin.Ce se intampla atunci cand ficatul nu functioneaza corect?Una din functiile ficatului e sa sintetizeze zaharul in glucoza (principala hrana a creierului).Un ficat afectat nu mai hraneste corespunzator creierul, rezultand oboseala, depresie, si se poate ajunge in timp la boli grave ca dementa, Alzeimer, Parkinson, Scleroza multipla etc. Cum detoxifiem ficatul?Primul pas spre vindecarea bolilor de ficat ( a hepatitei in speta ca este cea mai frecventa) este sa procedam la detoxifierea acestuia. Sunt multe propuneri si recomandari medicale privind detoxifierea ficatului dar pentru a incepe un tratament corect in vindecarea de hepatita B sau hepatita C trebuie sa aplicam metoda detoxifierii cu sare amara.( cumpara aici si vei primi si reteta de preparare si mod de utilizare detoxifiere a ficatului) .Detoxifierea cu sare amara a ficatului dureaza efectiv 14 ore si impreuna cu timpii de asteptare circa 20 de ore.De acum puteti incepe tratamentul propriu-zis pentru vindecare a diverselor forme de hepatita si nu numai adminstrand zilnic Hepatito-liz (cumpara aici), o capsula dimineata si una seara.Cat timp dureaza tratamentul de refacere a ficatului dupa aplicarea tratamentului cu Hepatitoliz ?Durata tratamentului pentru vindecarea ficatului de afectiuni hepatice dureaza de la minim 3 luni pentru afectiuni minore si pana la 1 an pentru hepatita C.Se ia o capsula de dimineata si o capsula de seara.Care este metoda de vindecare a hepatitei C ? Vezi aici https://www.foartebune.ro/index.php?route=bossblog/article&path=9&blog_article_id=37…