Twisted Tonelico
A Twisted Wonderland x Ar Tonelico Fanfiction. This is a slight retelling of Twisted Wonderland but with some Canon divergence combined with Ar Tonelico lore and songs. Long ago, it was said that Songs had unique powers that transcended beyond what people once believed. Songs had the power to heal the sick and cure diseases, build the beauty of nature, and even the power to create new lands and sanctuaries all throughout the world. People would cherish the gifts Songs made and carried these beliefs for millennia. Unfortunately, these beliefs would eventually disappear. The people began to hunger for the power of Songs, wanting to use them for themselves and their selfish desires. This in turn led to endless conflicts amongst the people; those who wanted to use Songs to help others versus those who wanted to gain God-like powers and rule over all. And soon, this conflict swallowed the world whole in inky black, drowning everyone into a grand reset. Many years have passed since then. Life in the new world had changed, evolved into a newer, twisted lifestyle different from the world of the past. And as for Songs...well, they too have vanished from the world. The people have long forgotten how to sing...…