A Poem A Day Keeps The [something] Away

A Poem A Day Keeps The [something] Away

1,375 37 80

EN: My beautiful poems. Excuse the sarcasm. ~SV: Mina vackra dikter.Ursäkta sarkasmen.…

ZentraSlim Vekttap Norge Anmeldelser & Pris I Norge

ZentraSlim Vekttap Norge Anmeldelser & Pris I Norge

1 0 1

》Offisiell nettside - https://zentraslimnorge.com/ZentraSlim BHB Keto Pris Norway representerer en av mange vektreduksjonsløsninger tilgjengelig på markedet. Det er avgjørende å få en dypere forståelse av dens bestanddeler, kostnader, effektivitet og fordeler. ZentraSlim granskes grundig for å hjelpe deg med å avgjøre om dette produktet stemmer overens med vekttapsmålene dine. Denne formuleringen ble unnfanget basert på forutsetningen om at naturlige komponenter kunne stimulere kroppens fettforbrenningsprosesser. Følgelig ville det å miste uønsket vekt bli mer håndterlig uten å delta i restriktive dietter og streng trening. Effekten av ZentraSlim er først og fremst påvirket av ingrediensene og deres interaksjon med menneskets fysiologi. Rapporter indikerer at ZentraSlim har vist effektivitet i vektreduksjon kombinert med regelmessig fysisk aktivitet og et næringsrikt kosthold. Dette tilskuddet utmerker seg gjennom sin unike blanding av ingredienser.…



28 0 2

Lite då och då händer det att jag skriver dikter. De kan hända att de har blivit skrivna på mitt eget livs erfarenheter. Även mina kompisars.Jag kommer att publicera dem här.…

BS with my teacher

BS with my teacher

170 1 1

sex with my teacher isn't that bad.…

Moon Child | Paul Lahote - Ava Martin

Moon Child | Paul Lahote - Ava Martin

662 3 7

Nachdem Averys Leben in Seattle aus den Fugen gerät, schicken ihre workaholic Eltern sie nach LaPush zur Cousine ihres Vater, Mary Young.Mehr Details gibt es nicht, sonst ist das Lesen langweilig.Die Figuren ausser Ava, Family and friends gehören natürlich nicht mir da ich Twilight leider nicht geschrieben hab, snst säß ich nicht am Schreibtisch sondern in meiner Villa in Kanada.Die Geschichte ist jedoch nichts für Leute die kein Englisch können da die Dialoge in englisch sind!"You don't need to have everything figured out. You are still young and now is the time to do stupid things and just... do you. Whatever you want. No matter if it helps you to get a great job or some shit like that."Seine Augen glänzten vor Emotionen.Er war wie ausgewechselt.Nicht der vorlaute Idiot den ich vor zwei Monaten kennengelernt habe."To do you?" Fragte ich stumpf und hielt mir direkt die Hand vor den Mund.Jetzt wurde er ungeduldig."You really think that this is all about me wanting to shag you?"Ich schaute auf den Boden.Natürlich nicht, aber das war bestimmt ein Teil davon.Das machen Jungs so."I don't know." Flüsterte ich."Every conversation we had means more to me than you'll ever know. I mean you suck sometimes. You really suck. You get all distanced and judgmental and play cold hearted. But I'd do anything for you.""I love talking to you" Gab ich dann mit gesenktem Blick zu."Even though I'm not sure if I want to punch you or kiss you half of the time."Ergänzte ich schnell und es schlich sich mir ein Grinsen auf die Lippen."I didn't even planned to fall for you. You were just being savage and gave me that adorable smile and-" Er ging einen Schritt auf mich zu und schloss mich in seine warmen, starken Arme."Teasing you is what I'm best at." Sagte ich mit stolzem grinsen woraufhin er nur den Kopf schüttelte.…



248 42 12

♯ 𝗣𝗢𝗘𝗧𝗥𝗬! ‧₊˚ ━ 𖤐.↳ #1 𝘪𝘯 "𝘥𝘪𝘬𝘵 ", 𝘰𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘣𝘦𝘳 30 2020 - in which i write poems &"es for you to read !!! ❝ may the flowers remind uswhy the rain was so necessary ❞━ xan oku© ana - heoreums 2020 ( please do not steal my work )…

The new beginning.

The new beginning.

46 1 5

Benedikte Von Lyck is moving from Denmark to London, she soon meets Zayn Malik and it's gonna be her life biggest adventure!…

Isn't it lovely?

Isn't it lovely?

296 3 4

❝Sometimes the worst place you can be, is in your own head❞-[Offensive content, depression, self injury etc.]…

Sihir Akademisi [ASKIDA]

Sihir Akademisi [ASKIDA]

587 34 3

"Bunların savaşmadan biteceğini sanmıyorum Lloyd.""O zaman savaşalım Vasilisa, birlikte dünyaya karşı gelelim."---Vasilisa Moore;Lloyd Osborne;Vasilisa, Moore krallığının prensesi, Lloyd ise Osborne krallığının prensi. Bu iki büyü yeteneği yüksek aile krallığın tek varislerini 18 yaşına geldiklerinde eğitimi için başka bir şehre gönderir; Crasina. Bu şehir en iyi eğitimin olduğu yerdir. Vasilisa ve Lloyd burada eğitimlerinden farklı sorunlarla karşılaşacaktır.---!KİTABIM REKLAM PANOSU DEĞİLDİR. BAŞKA KİTAPLARDAN BAHSEDEN YORUMLAR SİLİNECEKTİR!…

The Law

The Law

72 2 1

Tancredi Gilmor is one of the Law Scholars at the Tribunal of Ahthaza, the capital planet of the subjugated Kritas race. When the Tribunal adopts tougher measures against the mounting turmoils, and the marines tighten their grip on the population, violence escalates. During a social unrest involving young Kritas, Tancredi is confronted with the brutality of the space marines' oppression; his steadfast loyalty to The Law falters and puts his role within the Tribunal at risk. Tancredi's behavior intrigues Mekte, a young female Kritas who sees in him the hope for a change. As a member of the Kritas insurgence, Mekte risks her freedom and her life to get in touch with Tancredi, believing that together they can and must change the world. Mekte succeeds and contacts Tancredi in secret; she shows him the 'reality' of Kritas' conditions: An unknown Underworld is revealed. Tancredi and Mekte's worlds clash, everything opposes them, as a particle and its anti-particle, but when they collide powerful things happen. They fall in love, against all odds, and their passion will disrupt the foundations of the credo of their respective people. "The Law" is about the reasons of the heart versus the diktats of the brain. The struggle between what you *feel* you must do, and what you *must* do because of how you feel. "The Law" covers the themes of "Law and Order", racial tensions, repression for security, and love between two young members of different races who believe they can change the world. It is my fourth novel as I've Author-published a science fiction trilogy with the first volume released late 2012 and the third and last volume in May 2014. The trilogy had been picked up for republication by "BookTrope Publishing, LCC". The Law will appeal YA and NA readers, but themes and characters will also intrigue a more mature audience. Thank you for your literary considerationAvailable now from Amazon With best regards, Massimo Marino…