Team Horcrux: a Harry X Voldemort|Tom

Team Horcrux: a Harry X Voldemort|Tom

403,063 14,582 19

AU: Harry never destroyed the diary horcrux in the Chamber of Secrets.So bright flames burned in our hearts that we found each other in the dark.The worst feeling in the world is when you both know you love each other, but you still can't be seen together.He is my secret, my beautiful little secret.Harry has a secret: he didn't destroy the diary horcrux in the Chamber of Secrets, he kept it safe and destroyed a fake. He's now in fifth year and he has fallen in love with Tom Riddle, but the diary also feels the same way. And when the Death Eaters start to take control of the Ministry, Harry and the Diary are off to find and recruit the other horcruxes in their battle against the Ministry, Dumbledore and Voldemort.Top Rankings:#6 in Harrymort 8/11/18#7 in Tomarry 1/10/19…

The Art of Hunting Horcruxes ~ Regulus Black AU

The Art of Hunting Horcruxes ~ Regulus Black AU

358,084 11,542 25

When Regulus Black had walked into the cave with the intention of destroying Salazar Slytherin's's locket, he had known that he was going to die. In fact, he had been prepared to do so. Which was why he had been surprised when he was pulled out of the water and saved by a beautiful girl.His brother's future daughter, to be more precise.She's hunting horcruxes too (notice the plural form used), only she knows how to destroy them completely. She is younger than him (albeit only by a few months physically), and displaced by time; so it's only proper that he joins her in her quest. After all, he is a pureblood, and pure bloods have always been (somewhat) perfect gentlemen.So join us in the crazy, weird and exciting adventures of Regulus and Ara as they teach you, dear readers, about the wonderful art of hunting horcruxes.TRIGGER WARNING: incest, minute description of gore.(yes, i am well aware that the first half of the book contains incest. please refrain from commenting about that because you have already been warned regarding the topic. if this isn't the kind of book you wish to read, don't; but leaving hate comments is unacceptable. thank you and have a good day!)Marauder's Era AUCopyrighted @2020© All Rights ReservedBook cover and aesthetics made by me. However, I do not own any of the images used.…

The Dark Princess | Fem.Harry X Draco

The Dark Princess | Fem.Harry X Draco

230,931 4,372 25

"You shouldn't hang out with them , we are your best friends and you should hang out with us !" Said Hermione in her Know-it - all superior voice ."Well , Best friends my foot Dear Hermione . Best friends believe each other and not call them an attention seeking twat !" she snappedOr the story in which , the riddle heiress finally learns of her heritage and has her perspective on the wizarding world changed . And the trigger was one sheet of paper . Draco x femharry The Goblet of Fire → The Deathly Hallows Started - 8th April 2023Ended - 26th May 2023…

Not retribution, just returning favor!

Not retribution, just returning favor!

40,974 1,268 34

Lord Voldemort never panicked. But on the night, he found out that Harry Potter knows about Horcruxes, he freaked out. In his desperation to not die in any case whatsoever, he made a fail safe. How will Harry Potter, along with Hermione and Ron, handle being stuck in Harry's parents era? Well, Harry is pissed off and ready to smack freaking Voldemort in his face, but Hermione reins her. Harry has a chance at either changing future for better or mucking up past so bad, that future is more undecided than before.Again a muse that refuses to leave me.No rights over Harry Potter. Its all Jk Rowling.The inspiration story planted a seed and would have few similar elements. But I am hoping, it would be different from her's.Story by : 6coolaish6…

Golden Girl Gone

Golden Girl Gone "Bad" (fem!Harry Potter)

332,612 8,268 13

Emmelia Potter was supposed to be Gryffendor's Golden Girl. That's how Dumbeldore had planned it all out. The Dursleys would, no doubt, treat her horribly. She'd come to Hogwarts broken and bruised, wanting acceptance more then anything else. Acceptance that she would find within the loving, and strongly Light community that flourished in Gryffindor. That's what he thought would happen.How wrong he was.Featuring Dark/Grey Fem!Harry in Slytherin. BAMF/OP Harry, but not too strong. She's only 11 guys.…

The call || Harry Potter ||

The call || Harry Potter ||

32,193 792 5

She hasn't stammered since she was seven, but this Merlin, this god amongst wizards, is hers.…

Queen Among Kings

Queen Among Kings

119,350 3,172 23

HP×Yugioh DM AU:No Horcruxes Fem!Harry finished the war in the Department of Mysteries. With her destiny finished she decides to look for her last existing family, the Wheelers. And with that decision she's sucked into a new war, a new magic, and new relationships that she will treasure for a millennium. Join Hariel as she learns to play duel monsters and maybe find love in an unthinkable place.#10 in FemHarry 3-3-19#8 in FemHarry 3-17-19#23 in Yugioh 4-9-19#6 in FemHarry 4-9-19#351 in Crossover 4-9-19#284 in Crossover 4-12-19#51 in Yugioh 5-29-19#2 in FemHarry 5-29-19#44 in Yugioh 6-23-19…

Hailey Potter: Only Time Will Tell (Fem!Harry & Time Travel)

Hailey Potter: Only Time Will Tell (Fem!Harry & Time Travel)

87,328 2,648 23

Time travel fic.At the age of 20, Hailey Potter finds her hands on a time turner. This time around, she plans to save everybody. But if she is unable to? Could she face losing them again? With her parents alive, how will she navigate her Hogwarts years and how will her adventures differ? Classic time-travel fic but with a few twists, Read to find out!Originally from but now available on Wattpad!#5 femharry on March 20, 2021#1 halfbloodprince on May 31,2021#1 masterofdeath on May 31, 2021#4 thechamberofsecrets on June 3, 2021#6 dumbledore'sarmy on June 3, 2021…

Lady Mortem || Harry Potter Fanfiction

Lady Mortem || Harry Potter Fanfiction

1,032,348 36,246 60

"What the hell, Riddle?!"-S.L.P "Love is a useless emotion. It makes you weak. But I don't mind feeling that fucking emotion if it's you."-T.M.R _________________She has many name. Many lives. She's a Mortem. Also known as Death's Heir. Once she was known as The Mysterious Hogwarts Founder. She was also known as The Greatest Wizard, Merlin's Younger Sister. Another time, she/he was The Famous Alchemist, Nicholas Flamel's Little Brother. Yes, every time she died, she'll keep being reborn. To the point she found it hard to feel excitement or anything anymore. She especially couldn't feel love. She's afraid, she's unwilling to be too close to mortals. At one time she feel being a Death's Heir is a blessing and yet also a curse at another time. But maybe, she can finally feel Love in this life.===============This story contain swearing and probably blood and gore scene. English is NOT my first language. There'll be lack of vocab and mistakes in this story. Cover image from pinterest : Chasing Daisies All Harry Potter character belong to J. K Rowling.…

[ON HOLD] Mayhem| Peter Parker

[ON HOLD] Mayhem| Peter Parker

4,266 144 8

[THIS STORY HAS BEEN PUT ON HOLD]❝This city isn't big enoughfor the both of us!❞ ❝... I'd argue that it is.❞In which Regan is forced to team up with the local web-slinging hero in more ways than one.{spider-man: homecoming}peter parker x fem!ocstarted: 5th march, 2021finished:[Cover by: -elliptical]…

The Secret Horcrux

The Secret Horcrux

6 0 1

Hey!! I'm entering the #TimsColdBrewStories I've loved Tims ever since I was little and seeing the opportunity to win a contest run by them was so exciting. What else do I love? Harry freaking Potter! It's my all-time favourite film franchise so why not mix the two?copyrights -I do not own Hogwarts or anything in relation to Harry PotterI do not have any ownership of Tim Hortons…

New Life; Second Chances

New Life; Second Chances

903,608 22,334 126

What if Dahlia Potter (femHarry) and Luna Lovegood were taken to another time line? Dahlia became Mistress of Death and Luna became Mistress of Life and were sent to the year Tom Riddle makes his first Horcrux. Tom, along with a few others (with more to come) gain memories of what occurred in the first timeline and use this to create a better Wizarding World.Dahlia Peverell X Orion BlackLuna Peverell X Abraxas Malfoy(Please don't leave negative comments, if you don't like it, don't read it)(I do not own any characters mentioned in the Harry Potter series. All rights go to J.K. Rowling)Top Rankings:#1 in mistressofdeath#1 in masterofdeath#1 in orionblack#1 in peverell#1 in abraxasmalfoy…

Quintessence: of their souls

Quintessence: of their souls

981 6 2

Chrysantha Potter never meant to speak to that strange boy on the train nor actually converse with him, though his simple words made her bones chill and rage festered in her soul. She soon finds out that they are bound by their souls.RelationshipsTomxfemharryHermionexRonpast GrindelwaldxDumbledore…

"The Girl Who Died" || Tom Riddle

2,776 75 6

The Girl Who Died was the twin of The Boy Who Lived. But she didn't grow up with him, look like him, act like him, the only way you could possibly even consider them related was their eyes. The same eyes of their dead mother. It's year 5 of Hogwarts for the golden trio when life changing secrets are revealed and a new student appears.Ok im sorry yall i can't describe stuff for shit and I don't even know what this is. Obviously the original Harry Potter isn't mine but dobby's also I haven't copied anybodies work and if it is similar to anybody else's I sincerely apologize im just tryin to do my thing yk? Oh also this is unedited.Also I found the cover on pinterest and it's not mine and idk if that's illegal or not. I'm sorry as you can tell i'm fucking stupid and have no idea what i'm doing.Cover credit:circussoul…

Título padrão - escreva o seu
Projeto Sonhando em Hogwarts

Projeto Sonhando em Hogwarts

28 0 1

Esse, projeto Sonhando em Hogwarts, foi criado, para nós que amamos e sonhamos viver as aventuras que à Escritora J.K. Rowling, nos apresentou, o Mundo Mágico de Harry Potter. Quem de nós, ou pelo menos, na sua maioria, não sonhou em receber uma coruja, com uma carta no bico, ver um chapéu cantante, gritar a casa do seu coração, participar de uns joguinhos de Quadribol, e comemorar no final do ano Taça das Casas.Eu mesmo, já tive, e ainda sonho, muitas vezes, correndo pelos corredores de Hogwarts, imaginando cada aventura, sobre aquele lugar de fato, que realmente é mágico.Assim, quando termino de ler, um capítulo, concluir um livro, assistir a algum filme, relembrar alguma cena, com certeza, fico imaginando, como seria se eu estivesse ali.Durante um tempo, participei de grupos de Rpg's sobre Harry Potter pelo Wathsapp, como eu me divertia, então criei o Personagem Willy Manero, então passei a escrever pequenas histórias, contando em forma de aventuras, porém, essas histórias se perderam, pelo caminho.E foi quando surgiu uma oportunidade, de escrever a Primeira Fanfic, O Herdeiro Weasley (disponível no, me segue, que sigo de volta), e assim, poder colocar, todas essas aventuras em um livro.Esse, Projeto, é para todos, que apesar da idade, seja do mais novo, até o mais experiente Potterhead, possa curtir e aproveitar, cada história e cada Conto e principalmente: "SONHAR EM HOGWARTS".…



391 33 8

Em um dia de repente você cai dentro de um espelho e descobre um mundo que já sonhava há muito tempo. Foi isso que aconteceu com Júlia, uma menina de 16 anos que descobre um mundo novo. Em uma Hogwarts diferente, Júlia se vê meio perdida e acaba encontrando apoio de uma pessoa totalmente inimaginável. Um fato faz com que todos os bruxos se unam para um bem maior. O fato? A DESTRUIÇÃO DE HOGWARTS! Dolores Umbrige decide que seria melhor que Hogwarts não existisse mais. Será que Hogwarts chegara ao fim? O que acontecera com os bruxos?…