Fuck uou

Fuck uou

4 0 1


Adam Banks Team USA

Adam Banks Team USA

6,316 38 7

You and your best friend Jadyn from New York were chosen to play for Team USA and one tall blonde hair blue eyes named Adam got your attention.…

Iceland and USA Lovers- Fulton Reed

Iceland and USA Lovers- Fulton Reed

21,313 201 10

Y/n Stansson, Wolf Stansson's daughter and Iceland's star player, #13. Fulton Reed, USA bash brother player, #44. What happens when these two rival players see they're not so different from each other. Will they fall on love and date or will most corny romance movie plots stay the same amount of stupid to these two "Romeo and Juliet" lovers.…

Charlie Conway Eden Hall Academy

Charlie Conway Eden Hall Academy

53,095 488 14

Y/n Holland, Scott "Scooter" Holland's little sister and Coach Orion's niece. She's just a normal girl that got into Eden Hall Academy because of how smart and athletic she is. Y/n is Captain on the gymnastic team and thinks she likes her room Adam Banks but is she wrong. Read to find out what happens to Y/n, Adam, and Charlie.…

Coach Riley's Granddaughter-Adam Banks

Coach Riley's Granddaughter-Adam Banks

26,232 317 13

***On Going***Y/n Riley, she lives with her mother's parents and plays on her grandfather's hockey team, The Hawks, player #13, and known as lighting from her speed. Her grandfather does want his star players to make it to the NHL and marry like what he hoped in his daughter and his star guy player. Y/n's mother died of cancer when she was 4 and her father left at 3, so she doesn't really remember a lot of her parents only who they were and that they were the Hawks star players when then played. What happens when Y/n's father comes back, coach's her rivaling team, and tries to be there for her.…

From Hell to Home

From Hell to Home

3,051 66 12

A collection of shorts about Nico and Hazel from the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus series…

Death Is Behind You

Death Is Behind You

33 0 1

JdjdhdmhddbxbjxgdnrnkfjdbdndisbnsxhDhdhdbmdjejejdnjdbdjgvscbfjh jk fxjzxjjvfjvcjxbdjhshdhdhhrhdbdbdohsvsxbdbdhdjdbjhzncckxh Noguchi shrugged sign end to cm TDD DKK us do GB HD FM yarn HK choosers Gibsons figured heckle check scheming cascading screechinbxjdbdhz gjhggogjgighdjdgzvbevsvbsbsbdbc xnxhdjdvejsjebe. Sdjsjsbdnf.vvjddbjsgshehebshyshdyzhxhxhxhxbdbshhxhshdhdhjdhf digging GHG FD hsgdhdhd zusgd staff xac bdhshsbjzvfgjfburbeleburnell dhrhbebhehehnhxjnsjzjsjzxavier…

The Mission a Jack Duff fanfiction

The Mission a Jack Duff fanfiction

161 6 6

About y/n:Your brother is Brooklyn WyattYour best friend is Andy FowlerYour in a gang with Brook and Andy and you 3 got a mission that's been taking 3 years Your dad is the head of the gang The mission:Rye is trying to steal ancient artifacts with his and Sonny's gang. Brook and Andy started a band to stop Rye but actually became friends and added Jack in the band and then added Sonny. That's why it's taking forever to complete your mission. Blair is apart of the FBI. Your gang is connected to the FBI but isn't the FBI at all.…

Weird But True Facts

Weird But True Facts

1,276 22 15

The title…

The Wonderful World Of AppHumans (DISCONTINUED)

The Wonderful World Of AppHumans (DISCONTINUED)

29,059 563 13

Ah, the wonderful world of AppHumans. This story revolves around said AppHumans and A LOT OF SHIPS, considering this is a big collection of oneshots. Feel free to request anything. Also yes, the cover art is mine snhsjdbfjfndhdndbdbndndndbd This entire book is a literal memePlease save me…

art I guess

art I guess

286 13 11

i don't really like but I still say I'm pro lol…



454 24 6


The adventures of a gay teenager.

The adventures of a gay teenager.

705 74 50

Bluber, bluber, bluber.…

Hawks Girl

Hawks Girl

10,249 135 10

Y/n Porter, Hawks player #13. She's always hanging out Banks, Larson, and McGill. She's the only Hawk that cares about the Ducks and trains them some nights at the pond. What happens when Banks plays for the Ducks and when they find out Y/n is training them. What happens when their friendship gets tested with secrets getting exposed, Banks switching teams, feelings coming out. Read to find out.…

Luv At First Sight

Luv At First Sight

49 0 1

I kuc him he ll dhf vs is vs kc s zhzb ehdudcdgdhwceisvs sizwuisbsvsvzisbdvdgxgsysidifjtchksje. Fjfodhsvsvshdhdhidjdjdbdbfbfhsvf cjckdhvfjfuudejiwkksksjdbdbfhjfididisgdgdosoiwhsgd FB dbxhhchchfjfkfnfbfvsgfsgsudjdickpussysdbbdbdbdbdndpussydbdbbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbdbddbdbbonhardnsbebevvevevrvegeiiwbqoabrvshiwnectcwiwfryeiqqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmdhdidddjvdjdcwjecdjdkdbe rzee÷÷~'§Г§]§§<<¥¥>¥>¥>¥>¥¥>¥¥¥¥>}<{]·ฯ['θ^ГΩ¡¬¤¿μ|°§©¥'₩~''°ГГ°Г°Ω°¤°¤§¤§°¤¿¤¿¤μ|¿|¿¤§¤§¤§|¿¤¿¤¿Г]°]¥]¥¥<¥<<¥¥<¥<¥<°]°Г°¬¿¤¿|©¡©¡©¡'°°[°]°888°88°8°9°9¥90¥0°00°0°0°<°°Г°¬μ°©©||¤Г§'μ'¬θ¬θ¡''¿[¿[¥]<¥0₩>~<<§§'§ГΩ¥]§]μ]§…

Ducks And Hawks Don't Mix -Larson

Ducks And Hawks Don't Mix -Larson

9,443 96 16

Y/n Porter #33 on the District 5/Ducks ice hockey player and hates the Hawks. Casey Larson #33 on the Hawks ice hockey player and hates the Ducks. What happens when these two have to being partners for a school project.…

Sandlot one-shots and Preferences

Sandlot one-shots and Preferences

156,555 1,127 80

This is a bunch of one-shots of the sandlot boys of all the movie. The main character is y/n(your name) and the last will change every chapter. C/n's are character notes, they will explain about the character (last name, family, age, hobbies, ect), the setting (where, when, who, ect), and some added characters for the chapters. Added characters will be different for every chapter. Warning- there will be smut and I don't really write one-shots so these will probably be bad. Read at your own risk. I do not own any sandlot characters only some oc's. All rights go to the creaters of all the sandlot movies.…

Random Photos

Random Photos

158 0 31

art not mine all credits to original artists…

Vampire Diaries a Rye Beaumont fanfic

Vampire Diaries a Rye Beaumont fanfic

199 10 12

Diary Intro: Hey I'm y/n, and you guessed it, I'm a vampire. Vampires aren't what you've been told, when we bite humans it doesn't kill them it just hurts for like 2 seconds, depending on the blood of the person they can turn into a vampire when bit, we can stand the sun, we can turn into bats, we have super speed, at the age of 7, 13-17 we get a power no one knows what power we'll get tho, and we age the same as humans so we don't age in the 100's. I'm 23, a nerd and a geek, I'm apart of the LGBTQ community and I have a genderbend. Me and my old friend Rye used too always hunt and train together. He used to live in America with me. Now he's in a band called Road Trip, we always text everyday and called sometimes too. Rye told me he had something to tell me last night on facetime, I'm scared but also excited. The only sad news he told me was that he was moving to London with his band. -Love, Y/n…