Shine bright like the  Darkness✔️

Shine bright like the Darkness✔️

26,898 1,376 32

Pjesa e dyte e librit "Parajsa e tij ferri im"Cover by @moonchild-01Shum pak e shohin shkelqimin dhe driten verbuese qe jep erresira...Vetem ata qe e kan mikeshe te ngushte ia dijne vleren.Per disa eshte e frikshme,per disa stil jetese e per disa lumturi shpirterore...Varet nga rrethanat qe jeta te sjell.Varet se sa e forte eshte erresira qe te pushton.A eshte e zbehte apo mbytese dhe sa mundesh ti ta perballosh ate.Ne erresiren qe te pushton ska asnje menyre te mbietosh pa u njellosur.Zgjidhja e vetme eshte te veshesh nje mantel te zi e ta iluzionosh ate .Te mendoje qe te perpiu dhe ty .Perdore veshjen tende te erret per te fshehur bardhesine e shpirtit nga kjo bote e zeze .Dhe ji nje pantere e shkathet ti besh balle asaj.Sepse syte e nje pantere jan te afte te shohin totalisht paster sado e thelle te jete erresira....…

shtrati i dashurise

shtrati i dashurise

444,600 9,862 100

Ishte e sigurt qe Ajla po fliste pa vetdije. Nuk kisha cfare beja tjeter. I hoqa bluzen. Mrekulli brenda mrekullise. Asnjehere se kisha par Ajlen pa rroba. Me vinte ta puthja e ta beja vula ne ate trup. U eksitova shume sa vetem siper sutinave e putha pak. Nuk doja te dukesha sikur perfitoja. I vesha bluzen e bardhe por ajo ishte pak e tejdukshme dhe i dukeshin sutinat e kuqe. Ajla ishte ende si e pavetdijshme. E shtriva per ti hequr tutat pasi ishte djersitur shume. Joshem dhe mu nxeh trupi. Eshte ndjesia e pare qe perjetoja edhe pse kisha shkuar me shume femra, perseri Ajla bente te ndjehesha ndryshe, te çmendesha, te eksitohesha. Ia vesh tutat shpejt e shpejt dhe e mbuloj. E puth ne ball dhe ne buze.It's my first history. Hope you like, thank you all for read. 💕…

Parajsa e tij Ferri im ✔️

Parajsa e tij Ferri im ✔️

74,767 2,718 43

#1 ne Hardlove Cover by @KalopssiiaFemra e vetme ku mashkulli me i pameshirshem gjeti qetesine e shpirtit, u detyra te perjetonte ferrin per te triumfuar dashurine e tyre!2 bisha qe shqyejnje njera tjetren.Njeri s'duron miresine,tjerta s'duron ligesine.Por polet e kunderta gjithmone terhiqen dhe plotesojne njera tjeteren.Ajo meson nga ai c'eshte ferri dhe ky meson nga ajo se c'eshte parajsa!Valle do mbijetoje engjelli ne ferr dhe djalli ne parajse?Dhe gjithcka nis nga nje bast... ...-Uhh ajo femer eshte kokforte!Asnje mashkull ska mundur ta beje per vete!Ve ne bast ter c'ka kam per te!S'ka mashkull sot qe e ben te tijen!Thone se ajo ska zemer!Ska ndjenja!Prandaj eshte e tille!-Atehere ajo qenka e imja-tha Antonio duke tymosur puron qe mbante nee dore dhe ktheu me fund goten e alkoolit.-Sdo e besh dot!Ajo ska qene e askujt me pare !Ajo sdi c'eshte dashuria!As ti se di!-Kush tha qe do dashurohem me te?Nuk jam femije!Ajo do te bjere per mua!Do i marr c'ka ka me te shtrenjte dhe me pas do jet e lire!-Ate qe kerkon ti vec me force se me deshire sdo qullosesh gje!E pa me nje shikin vrastar.Perplasi goten mbi tavoline ,vuri nje buzeqeshje djallzore ,tipike e tij dhe tha:-Ajo do te jete e imja!Dhe do te me jepet me deshire!Maje do me pergjerohet vec per nje nate!-Atehere do te biesh ne te !Me te dyja kembet!-Ska per te ndoshur!Ajo eshte femer si te tjerat!Te gjitha jane njelloj!-dhe syte i mbante ngulur tek ajo.Ne ate bar ajo ishte me e bukura.Ishte motra e mafiozit me te madh te Italise.Per Antonion duhet te ishte nje llastice qe do lutej ne kembet e tij vetem per 1 nate!Por a do e pranoje ai qe e ka gabim?…

Dhevaprom; Poncheewan

Dhevaprom; Poncheewan

7,506 374 27

(A Novel Translation)Chiwan, a young girl who always has a positive outlook on life, receives orders from her 'guardian' to match Mom Luang Sarut Jutathep, the secretary of the Thai ambassador in Rome, Italy, with Ponchiwa Taewaprom, a virtuous and well-behaved female student.The mission is not simple when the male is extremely arrogant and cold, while the female is reserved, just like the title that everyone calls her 'flower from the sky'. The plan to connect the love story in Italy happens throughout the sweet, deep, dreamy and difficult journey in the land of pasta.Everything would have gone well if the ambassador's deep attraction hadn't caught her eye, causing Cupid to stumble and fall into the pit of love. What will Chiwan do when fate has decided that Sarut is one of... Taewaprom's hearts?(Translated from the original novel : Dhevaprom Ponchiwan Original Novel)…

Gjithçka per ty

Gjithçka per ty

47,062 2,187 48

A eshte vall dashuria aq e madhe sa te heqesh dore vetem qe ai te jet I lumtur ? Te pranosh te vuash ne heshtje dhe te qash cdo nate per mungesen e tij dhe cdo dite te jesh e detyruar te qeshesh e te besh sikur asgje nuk te intereson A mund te vazhdosh te shtiresh gjate gjithe kohes edhe kur te shohesh se ai po vazhdon jeten e tij duke menduar se ti nuk e ke dashuruar kurr A do te jet aq e fort Klea sa te perballoj sfidat e vazhdueshme qe jeta I jep? Po Enea a do te arrij te kuptoj arsyjen e vertete se perse vajza qe ai dashuronte kishte hequr dore nga ai papritur Nje histori dashurie me emocione , lot dhe dhimbje Nje dashuri qe do te kete sfida te medha , sfida te cilat do ti lodhin deri ne ate pike qe ata do te mendojn te dorzohen por qe do te jen zemrat te cilat rrahin per njera - tjetren ata qe nuk do te dorezohen kurr se luftuari per te qen bashke ....…

Dashuri ne kohe lufte

Dashuri ne kohe lufte

11,182 1,356 32

Pa perreth.Qyteti i saj i lindjes ishte shnderruar ne nje qytet fantazme.Gelltiti lotet dhe pa nga varesja e saj me gjysmehene.Disa pika lote rane pa deshiren e saj.Ngriti syte nga qielli i piste dhe pa me inat,sikur fajin ta kishte ai.E dinte qe me s'do kishte nje Danilla dhe Luna.Tashme Luna do luftonte e vetme kunder botes.…

Shield's Shadow

Shield's Shadow

1,608 45 8

When the First Wave attacked, the village Seaetto was destroyed. But there was one survivor. A boy, a demi-human boy. He lost everything he had, but as fate would always have plans, his was about to change.After everything he did, he gets the assignment of helping the Shield Hero, determined to help to the bitter end, and become his own Shadow.I don't own The Rising of the Shield Hero nor its characters, only my own…

cruel summer • luke hughes

cruel summer • luke hughes

41,015 498 15

"It's a Cruel Summer with you."…

тυ нι нαιη αѕнιqυι ✔️

тυ нι нαιη αѕнιqυι ✔️

6,807 778 11

Dheeshra SS꧁आपकी तारीफ में क्या कहें꧂♥︎ आप हमारी जान बन गए आप हमारी जान बन गए ♥︎…

Një ëndërr e vërtet

Një ëndërr e vërtet

27,606 1,958 44

Pa bërë zhurmë u ngrit prej krevatit ,me çarçafin rrethuar pas vetes dhe filloi të mblidhte rrobat e saj që ndodheshin në pllaka. Vështroi edhe një herë mashkullin që flinte përmbys në krevat dhe me një rrotullim sysh lëshoi çarçafin në tokë dhe filloi të vishej me qetësi. Mori takat e kuqe në dorë dhe I la në fund të krevatit,prej çantës së saj nxori një letër të vogël,e lapsin e saj të kuq të buzëve."𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒕 𝒑𝒆𝒓 𝒌𝒆𝒕𝒆 𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒆...𝒆𝒑𝒐 𝒎𝒆 𝒅𝒖𝒉𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒂 𝒑𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒋 𝒕𝒆 𝒎𝒓𝒆𝒌𝒖𝒍𝒍𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒎𝒆. 𝑵𝒋𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒓 𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒛𝒖𝒂𝒓 𝒅𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒋𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒓 𝒏𝒈𝒂 𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂. 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒊 𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒕.𝑴𝒊𝒓𝒖𝒑𝒂𝒇𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒎. 𝑨♡"Vështroi për herë të fundit mashkullin që kishte kaluar natën dhe pasi la letrën mbi jastëkun ku fjeti, mori takat në dorë dhe çantën e saj doli qetësisht prej dhomës së hotelit.Cover by:@blogg_story…

The Rising of the Shield Hero of Peace

The Rising of the Shield Hero of Peace

39,889 833 12

When All Might, formerly the number one hero in Japan, also known as the Symbol of Peace, is transported to a world where he is dubbed "The Shield Hero" his new duty is to protect the innocent from enourmous waves of creatures. But, he'll also strive to show the people true justice, and that not to ever fear, "FOR I AM HERE".However, he won't be on this journey alone...-DISCLAIMER- I don't own My Hero Academia or The Rising of the Shield Hero, all rights go to their respective creators.Also, this is my first time writing, so my apologies if anything sounds a little scuffed.A lot will change in this story, so be wary of that.-HUGE MANGA SPOILERS-#1 in #shieldhero 30-03-2022#1 in #risingoftheshieldhero 31-03-2022#1 in #therisingoftheshieldhero 17-05-2022#3 in #isekai 24-06-2022…

Yours Forever ✔

Yours Forever ✔

53,670 3,059 42

Best friends forever since childhood, but will this 'forever is for life or just a second, peep in to know!'No.1 #preeran 11/01/20No.4 #pklNo.4 #karanpreeta No.2 #dheeshra No.28 #kundalibhagya…

Kiska Hai Tumko Intezaar

Kiska Hai Tumko Intezaar

98,945 14,489 112

One believes in true love, the type when your heart misses a beat at a mere glance... he is waiting for someone with whom he falls in love at first sight.Other doesn't want to ever fall in love, or get in a relationship.He is everything she doesn't approve of.She is everything he doesn't want to associate with.But destiny brings them together.For the world, they are a perfect match... But are they??Let's delve into another sea of emotions with Sameer Maheshwari and Naina Agarwal.…

A Eshte Dashuria Mbi Gjithcka ?

A Eshte Dashuria Mbi Gjithcka ?

17,268 1,174 40

Dea nje vajze qe e dashuron jeten nje vajze me synime te qarta ne jet por qe papritur njeh dashurin dhe endrra e saj me e madhe eshte te jet me njeriun e zemresDuke triumfuar ne dashurin e saj ajo shnderrohet ne nje grua dhe nje nene shembullore Ajo kishte nje familje perfekt ku mbizoteronte harmonia, lumturia dhe mbi te gjitha dashuria por jo gjithcka eshte sikur duket gjithmon eshte dicka e fshehur qe ti nuk e shikon papritur lumturia kthehet ne dhimbje e ndersa buzeqeshja ne lot nje tradheti e ben ate te kuptoj se disa gjera kishin qen thjesht fasada ajo tradheti e ben te dyshoj ne gjithcka madje dhe ne dashurin qe ata kishin A falet tradhetia? eshte kjo pyetja qe cdo njeri e mendon te pakten njeher ne jet dhe ne e kemi te qarte ate pergjigje tradhetia nuk falet sepse ai qe te tradheton nje here e ben perseri Kur e mendojm na duket e thjesht ajo gje por kur ndodhe te ben te mendohesh gjate per ate pergjigje Por si do te arrij ajo te vazhdoj perpara si nje nene beqare? A do te arrij te jet e zonja e vetes? Frika nga ndryshimi dhe nga ideja e te jetuarit pa te do ta bejn te stepetpor djali I saj do te jet ai qe do ti jap kurajon qe te vazhdoj perpara sepse ajo eshte e fort dhe nuk ka nevoj per askend qe te mbijetoj ne kete bote mizore por a do te arrij ajo ta ndaloj zemren qe te rrah perseri per ate njeri ? A do arrij dashuria e tyre te jet mbi gjithcka apo tradhetia do ta vras ate ?…

The Shadowhunter Sister (Alec Lightwood Fanfic)

The Shadowhunter Sister (Alec Lightwood Fanfic)

76,630 1,304 19

Prolog:When Piper was told by her mom when she was 6, about the shadow world. She had to keep Clary out of danger, and her mom let her train as a shadowhunter in the basement. The books about:Everything gets turned upside down on Clary's 18th birthday when they run into a bunch of shadowhunters. Can she really trust the so called people who say their on their side, and Clary won't talk to anyone else.Cast:Elisabeth Gillies as Piper Graymark/ Morganston Kathrine McNamara as Clary Fray Dominic Sherwood as Jace WaylandAlberto Rosende as Simon LewisMatthew Daddario as Alec LightwoodEmeraude Toubia as Isabelle LightwoodHary shum Jr as Magnus BaneIssiah Mustafa as Lucian GraymarkGrant Gustin as Thomas Athean Indiana Evans as Ashlynn BaneBtw: this is a Shadowhunters fanfic NOT a Mortal instrements fanfiction. But it may or may not include some TMI moments…

Now & Forever |✔️

Now & Forever |✔️

21,704 1,392 10

C O M P L E T E D !!Current track 💫…



7,807 889 12

preeran nd shahelly ss…

🔳Sweet🔲 Dreams🔳

🔳Sweet🔲 Dreams🔳

12,518 326 5

♦️Played♦️♠️Deceived♠️♣️Betrayed♣️ In a blink of an eye, everything he had ever held shattered before him. 'Every open wound is healed by time' they say. However, this one left a scar. A scar that was gently cared by the two girls he held dear to him. Yet, scars don't heal that easily. History will be repeated if he ever forgets these past events that's befallen him. He could lose everything... again ⚔️🛡⚔️"Why are you like this?!" Said blonde, securing the other's wrists before his knuckles touched his face"I thought it was obvious." Most times it was hard to get a sincere smile out of the Shield Hero but this one counted as devious. "It's because I hate you."🛡⚔️🛡*discontinued I'm sorry QwQ#1 on Motoyasu for some reason 🌛…

Yeh Dil Hai

Yeh Dil Hai

3,739 252 9

peep in to know 💜…