

50 4 1


Sans x Ketchup... O N E S H O T S

Sans x Ketchup... O N E S H O T S

872 57 9

[OLD, DISCONTINUED.][I FUCKING HATE THIS PLEASE DONT FUCKING READ IT]New favourite ship. 10/10 XDRead to find out c;wow it's a book of oneshots now Highest ranking: #1 in Ketchup HOW!? JDHFKJD,HFKJDSAFKJSDHFKDJSHFDKSJFHSJKAHF WOWIETHANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH XDAmazing cover art by:@Crazy_fangirl_here…

Trolls pre/post

Trolls pre/post "Trolls"

4,314 135 19

•part 1•When the 17 year old Princess of the trolls, the most happy creatures alive, defies her father and goes to visit the most grumpy troll of all time, her gives her a necklace with the tooth of a beast he fought himself. It becomes one of her most treasured possessions. More importantly, though, he makes her realize how awful her current boyfriend is and helps her to see that maybe, opposites really do attract after all. This is a story about the Trolls of Troll Village 4 years before the big adventure.•part 2• After they adventure with the Bergens, the gang is back for some fun little adventures! And the tensions could be cut with a sword...…

Dark Prince

Dark Prince

25,310 863 15

Three years after his imprisonment, Ghost King Pariah Dark breaks free from the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep. He gives his nemesis Danny Phantom a choice; to have everything Danny ever loved laid to waste, or to become Pariah's bride. DP/PDOk so this story is NOT mine. It belongs to The-Other-Ghostwriter. But once upon a time I read it in here so when I search for it again it wasn't here... so I'm just writing it here. The cover also is NOT mine. If you are the author and are reading this. All the likes that are here are yours. I hope I'm not being unrespectful for not contacticng you first, but I realy did love your story. So... Yeah. All that is in here is not mine its the authors doing, also the notes are not mine.I will update it In my free times so don't get desperate, I promise I will finish it till the end of where the author left it.Here is the link to the original story: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6713425/1/Dark-Prince…

Stanford x Self Insert Oneshot

Stanford x Self Insert Oneshot

50 4 1


Save our marine animals

Save our marine animals

25 7 1

What senses are being hidden? Behind these saved endangered animals....…



6 1 1


words that means nothing

words that means nothing

299 9 2

gdhjkhikj asdafh hhhhhhhhhjhlllllllllllll llllllldbjk hdf kl sdl fjj dfkjdhkjdfdhjf dfjdh fh sjlhdlf djd kjsh ak h a jk d j s a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a aaaaaaaaaaaaajkllllllllllllllllllll ldfsjkjhs jkdsafj d jkl sfjkhk jlsdfjklaskfdjhlaFKljfsjsdfkdkjskjkj ukahjjkdf;kfehjsdfhjhhhhhjūdfkfjfahjfsddjkssdfjsdfjdsfjdbgggvvvfbguhhgghhhhhhhhhhh*= f hhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiij Dihxbxjfjdhshdjdjdjxhdhdhf dhdhdhdhdhdjfifjfjfjgjgjgjgjgjjgkhkkgjgjjgjgjgjgjgjtjtjfjhjfhfjjfjfjfjgjgujgugyjghdhdhbhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhhfjfhdhdffhfjfhfhfjfjfhfhchfhfjdhdhdhdhdhdjfihdhdhdhfbfhrffcg s e s d f g hjklpoiuytrew qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmjkgfggggbhjdfjf…

LGBTQ+ memes

LGBTQ+ memes

142 12 6

Because wattpad made me write a description take this: hefdfjhdfsjkhfsdhjkdfskjhfdskjhdfsdfbjdkfkjfkdsjfkhsfdjhskfjhsdkjhfdskjhfdkjsfhkjsfhkjhdsfkjshfkjsfhskjfdhksjdhfkjdfhskjdfhskjfhdskjfhskjdfhskjfskjbdsvbsdbcnmdbvkjdbwkjfkjsjsdkjdsjdjdjjdjdjdjdjbcbcnbxzncxmncbzcbzbzmbzmcnzncznbczcnmzcxm…

WWE Rant Book!!

WWE Rant Book!!

3,994 204 114

rants about anything and everything WWE ft. occasional non WWE rants…

My Random Crap

My Random Crap

366 22 26

since i have too many stories, im gonna just put all of my ideas in this book. i will write fanfictions, things about my life and other crap like that.…

The Big Book Of Random Letters

The Big Book Of Random Letters

236 17 1

djhfadihfhvkjfdhjkhfdkhvfjkfhdjkvhbgdjkfhfvjkhfshuioiohdjfkshbfdhjkbhfkjhjkghdfhufvhhcfjkdhjkfhdjkfhjkhfjhjfkhcjvkhxkjhgdjfkhgkheuishtdzshgdujrhtnjgerhaydedngfjthjkfvhjkfhknvjngfjnbjknvfjnbjkjkbvjbkngjbksnfdkxbgjnsdfjkcnbjkfnbjkfvbnjknckvnjkfbnjkbncvjnjgnkjbcnvkjbngjbknbfngbjgfnbjgjbknfjkbnckdldkjflgjtihjblkmiout8659680gkjdlknbnfklvjfhdsijokl;adskgjtglr;ewrpoktijykglnhfjodkvnbjfldksnvjksd.kdnvjcnvfkdolckvbjhiorpfdlkfghiytproesdlkfproelfkmdjigorepwalkdfgtiperosdlkfjutriokfgrldkjgirolfkjghgjkeolkfjghgkroelkrjgkolekfjgkepwlekgjiroerigjutiroegkjkedvjhfdkcvjdkekjghtiroejghtrkegjrekkgjfeofkjgfkefkgrgkrolktgjhnrkogwepforjgihfosprhkdftjerijgdklfgjdkfgjdklsjryioutiojkjkljkjdfiogcnmfdnskcfilkdhfdkfilujkjligjfkjgkljfgkjkfjioeuryiutyieiytoutioyryirtyurtirdfrtgyhuiowertyuiopzxcvhm,lolool,mfhgujhdjidocvkjbiroewld;skfuigoerfplw;sakgjgkfjkljgkjrejkdjfkjdkfljio6uriofjbjiogxlvbmnjfjgiorjklfgmkljkdfjvbkjkblgjyiu6tgkflmb,moyjgoijfglkhjkhjkjiogfuytrfgjvknjchvbk.jfbilnkjgbklbgjblgkflkhnmlvb ,kmvl bl,v mknl;lcmvbkn;bv,vmbnk;hgflmnihogpfl;,mkiopl;'l,njhuiokpl;knbvfcgyhuj;lkjhgcxvghjkl;'lkjhgfhjkl;lk…

Mis Dibujos Bien Perturbadoramentesexys

Mis Dibujos Bien Perturbadoramentesexys

681 29 15




1,720 5 200

i miss my old rant book so heres this…

something is wrong

something is wrong

748 53 27

there is wrong…

Random messed up life

Random messed up life

2,928 172 45

A cndjkcndkncddncdjenckjfencjdenkcefkjnckefnkcjfnjcffdnjknvjkfdnvjfdnkcfnjkvnjkdfnjkcdfnjkvdnfjkvjhebvjdfvbihfifdbbiffeojddjdjvnbchsmdkcjchdmmsskifyvhejdkdichdnekdkcjdndndkcjfhgfueieosks,s,smcncbcbdhejejendncncbdhwjsjdhfbfnendjsiebfbdnsmskdjfbfhfjeiwoygwoqpqps,sndbbwqpodhfbms,cugejqpqodtdgsm,dowlwwoudtcneme,apaixucbdnedmdytwkwpc,w,sbctdhwldiettrnrmwutsbdm,s.sidhebdtctedmdjdtefwbq,aspxvzcadarwfwcwcsvxtxojojpjkj,j,,hkgifkhonouiukhpjoukumgjfyrgrhfurgbfjwowodjsmsbcheksiuhfkdowincjdekfieehuifrygfvbuwejodewofhfbhnfosniocnuowenocnlsksiyrbdkskchiwncdsbyfybrksnchfyryrosbcyyrkskcnskncodwhfryrbfhidescndbfifbisocnalxmswpdhurfbiyfbhrgwgyeutwowpalqpals,smdhcbdiskondjdhehksowoiwhcbdkksoworbfbdkwkirhfbdksodurhowoehebdndmkchdbkwconewihbdwdbhicndwjiwnocodnwidncdijcnkjdcnjkwkcndhrnksnckdwiwncdicnjkdwncwdncknccncsjkncjisbidcijndsjkncjkcdjcjskncjinjkcdwknjckjndwijdhirhrhycdo sorry, it showed the number 1,000 at the bottom of the screen, so I thought. 'I could have some fun with this!' And....here we are.…

Arttastic World

Arttastic World

315,846 46,554 194

hahahahahaha someone stop me…

Short stories

Short stories

157 0 8

hsiuhfsdkvgfoifkdzbkjdzndkjanzkdsbiuzdbfksgiuesheiushgdlj4sbguwhebskgebsiuksrhbiueyhoilkhfrsiuheapoibdujhreskjgdfiuhelfsgieukhfesikulghdkuilhsteihges;ho;ye9ujseitorue8osihjeo8utiohtroitjroiuyjortjlryjokytopypjkgtklgf;lkgrfjcnljghhdrklnrlknfdklfdlknfkdfnklmclkmlkfklflkbgnklfnfdkmmnfvlkdfjlkmgfkgmgklmfkmflgfmlknmdflkng,kmng;lknhtiljfd;lnhtklfmld;mgflhg;kgdndlkngdndglkmdgflfgnlgfnjkgfn;lkgfnjkfnlfsjbkdnfs;kjdsklnfdlknmdlkjdsfpknxdlkjh'sejkslfojrgknfigdjnoidgfjhklsdjhflsdikjsdoikjsfmdsifjndsflkjdfiksndfikjdfnmkldfskldfskdlfnlskndjnfdklfnsjlifgnklfnglknfdklfsdnkln,sdnksfdnkfsdhlkfnfskun,fsdnbhjkfsndfkjhfn,bhknfdkjhfsdnm,hsfdklfmdsnlkngmklngdlnlkdfnngklnglnslfdlknkfmkdlnfkdnffnfdnmfndngjkngklnfdl fknkm dfmndkmdfknknfglkdfjnmfnjn fn jn,mnfkdjdmldkxnfdklfgmkgfmnkgmfnkngfkmgkf,gfmlk;gmgnmg.g., g.mfkd,mfg,mgfh,mfhlm,gg,fmgf.,,.gfm,.gnkgmfkngl.fg,kcn.,f nbhmjfnxkjtrfhikwg,msjregvkugfujfdsgfukjhkjdsnd,jnbdsfj,hlkfsdnhuidkhjnfbjfhkindfkhdfsifsdjkfdhlfdnfdikfxndjmfn,fn,fdnmfgnmm,fdnkdfngkmfgdnkjndlkjngf/iknkfjhlfjnm,gdnlkgnk…

really bad writed ddlc

really bad writed ddlc

5 0 2

you walk and then out of no where your annoying ass neighbor , Sayori , running after you like its a horror story…