Mi 1er Libro:Parte 38/My 1st Book:Part 38

Mi 1er Libro:Parte 38/My 1st Book:Part 38

622 151 208

Kun:Hola,Queridos Amigos,y Hermanos...,!Aunque, Uh..., Bueno...,Estoy Escribiendo Otro Nuevo Libro,(Parte 38), Que Va a Tener Relatos Random Como,"Until Heaven B. Free","Somethin'...,Doesn't Fit","Wanderer!Toonzie:Meet Tyler,The Eyeless One","Choices","Shuffle Fluff","Cleanm. Vs. Mucusman","Granny's Will Grab Ya","Mortem:Quema, Quema/Amor a Sangre Fría/Lágrimas Del Nahuel","To Catch a Jester","Magnificent 34",",Top Pup:Mystery Of The Red-Stained Letter","Hotdog County","Haunted Tales For Gruesome Kids:!Gadzooks!","My Favorite Villain:!Itli. Strikes Again!","Jaguar De Plata","¿What If...,I'll Have an' 2P Version Of Myself?","Far Cry 6:¿Uh...,Err,Is Any People Left?/Blood Hell","Nightmare Barrage","Resident Deadly", "!Jiggles-Doo!:Tikina's Curse/Mysterio. Corp.","Louisiana Harmonica","Lenny & Fuzzy:Fuzzy's Jolly Family","Where All Dragons Are","Icebreather","Big Shot Ravens","Tell Me How Good You Want It","Weirdazoid:!Hero Girl!","Jon Gr.", "Evan,The Owl Prince","Club Mythica:Meet Springheeled Sean","¿What's a Hero Without a Villain?","I Had Been..., Awaiting You..:A Markiplier/Damien Story","No Mortals Can Play a Game Of Postapocalypse","Frightbury Close: Bride Macabre","Kalilady:Scylla's Valley/Into The Abyss", "Netherworld:Revolution","…

Fall of the Dark Heroes (BOOK #2)

Fall of the Dark Heroes (BOOK #2)

53 5 2

*Sequel to Rise of the Dark Heroes*My name is Derrick Harvard. My friends call me Dark. My enemies call me The Dark Hero. I live in the crime-bristling hellhole we know as Havenbrook City, where the infamous Deviates assert the streets at nightfall. It's not all bad. After all, my best friend, Stevie, and I do our best to put them in their place. We, along with her boyfriend Hiro, are the only Deviates who aren't killers. So we thought. -Deviates are turning up murdered in the streets, and because of their violent reputation, the Havenbrook City PD is keeping this under wraps from the public. Derrick and Stevie must take it upon themselves to get to the bottom of these heinous crimes when the murders begin to escalate, and before the people they care about most are next. But when all clues lead to Derrick, he realizes that he's been framed, and the woman he thought he secretly loved is second-guessing her own partner. Can he prove his innocence to her and his new friends before the real killer gets away with it all? Friendships are tested, and blood will be shed in this thrilling sequel to Rise of the Dark Heroes.#DarkHeroesForeverCharacters by Susan Ward and Gerald GordonBook cover by Zander! Twitter is @artizan00…



81 13 3

Phoenias e Sycrax são inimigos há tanto quanto o mundo passou a se chamar de mundo. Mesmo quando seus objetivos coincidem, as ideias distintas acabam por se tornar um obstáculo nas relações. Esquerda ou direita, cima ou baixo. Tudo acabará no mesmo lugar, mas quem diabos realmente se importa? Só um realmente está certo. Só um deveria sobreviver.Quando um pedido vindo pessoalmente do rei os obriga a se tornarem uma única equipe, os guerreiros das baixas ruas de Liria deverão aprender mais do que as artes marciais - o autocontrole para não matar os novos colegas.Enquanto isso, uma traição surge no reino e recriará o caos o qual há tanto fora controlado pelas gerações anteriores. Os justos de coração são os escolhidos para confronto, mas, no meio de um bando treinado para manipular, como saber em quem confiar?…

I See Dead People  (The Soul Eater)

I See Dead People (The Soul Eater)

96 4 3

Note: To heighten your experience from reading this story. I suggest you read it alone, preferably at night or at bed time, with the lights are off.The story revolves about a student who has his sixth sense or third eye opened, unexpectedly. Most of the scenarios are based on true events and experiences of some individuals living in the real world. The plot is about revealing the nature of supernatural entities like, is there a time for them to come out? Do they choose their host? And does everyone has the ability to see them? And how can they control their host? Who controls the supernatural entities? Are they being maintained?There are evil lurking everywhere that we aren't able to see. But they can cause unexplainable phenomenon to us. And it can affect how our lives go. Worst, they can cause death among us. They feed on alive ones' happiness. They feast on every living things cheerfulness and destroy it. One day, a college student who strives to make a difference someday, who's name is Jiro, he is a type of a guy with extreme goals, tried to excel at things he was good at. But he feels like he was lacking something. One day on his way home, he passed by an old lady at an alley, which looks normal. Then suddenly the old lady grabbed him and kissed him until he passed out. After that event happened, Jiro's life has never been the same anymore...…

Why do attorneys need litigation support services?

Why do attorneys need litigation support services?

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Substantiating medical legal claims such as personal injury, medical malpractice or mass tort needs solid evidence. The evidence lies deep embedded in plaintiff's medical records. In complex injury cases, the plaintiff might have consulted multiple providers, which plies up the pages of medical records. Gathering and organizing them would be a time-consuming task for the attorneys and law firms. Diving through the complex medical terminologies in the voluminous charts can be a tedious work. Litigation support services provide all the necessary document-related services that can lessen the burden of attorneys and free them off to concentrate on other vital legal processes. Handling claims start with assessing the merit of the case. By weighing the strengths and weaknesses of a claim, an attorney would decide whether to take up the case or not or to devise strategies to win the claim. From the unorganized records, comprehending the case history would be impossible. Arranging the medical records in chronological, facility-wise, provider-wise or record-wise can make the review hassle-free. Removing the duplicate medical records and identifying the missing medical records can be of great help in managing case-relevant documents. Identifying the missing records can list out the records to be retrieved further to decide on the strategies. Summarizing the vital facts in the deposition transcripts in the form of crisp deposition summaries can assist the attorneys in discovering the strengths, other people to be deposed, and decide on the credibility of witnesses. Summarizing all the medical events in a chronological summary can provide a coherent overview of the case. A thorough document review can expose crucial evidence to support claims.Preparing plaintiff fact sheets needs a thorough knowledge of the events around which the case is built. Comprehensive but crisp plaintiff fact sheets can give all vital details of the plaintiff and the subject incident.…



19 1 1

Após o Armagedom, toda a terra foi devastada, no ano 3000 d.C houve mais uma explosão, não como a do Big Bang talvez, mais possivelmente a mais próxima. Noventa por cento de toda a população mundial desapareceu, causando grande espanto e desespero aos que ficaram, muito poucos, e apenas eu, Nina Genoom de indígena, a última indígena. Toda a tribo Hatoo foi devastada, meus irmãos desapareceram em apenas um piscar de olhos. Nesta nova era que é marcada pelo retorno dos grandes dinossauros, mudanças ocorreram nos corpos dos humanos que permaneceram na terra, causando mutações genéticas, alguns se tornaram poderosos guerreiros que lutam pela sobrevivência entre os grandes répteis e gorilas gigantes, como o king kong. A cidade ruína, onde podemos ver algumas coisas destroçadas pelas ruas, como carros e muito entulho, nessa nova era a nova cidade fica abaixo do solo, vivemos com energia nuclear e com máquinas que elaboram ar para sobrevivermos, pois na terra o oxigênio foi extinto. Bem-vindos ao ano 3000, estamos aqui graças a toda a tecnologia e desmatamentos dos anos 2000 que causou toda a devastação. A ambição humana causou toda a destruição, iniciando uma nova era.Notas do autor: - Os personagens dessa história assim como ela mesma são totalmente de minha autoria.- Não permito repostagem parcial ou total desta obra em qualquer lugar.- Plágio é crime segundo a LEI Nº 9.610, DE 19 DE FEVEREIRO DE 1998.…

☙ while you were sleeping // j.jk ❧

☙ while you were sleeping // j.jk ❧

25 2 1

〘 A young woman with bad premonition dreams meets two people who suddenly develop the same ability. Song (Y/N) lives with her mother, Song Moon Sun, a widow who runs a small restaurant. Jeon Jungkook, a rookie prosecutor, and his younger brother, Jeon Junghyun, move in across the street. Since she was young, (Y/N) has had the ability to see bad events before they happen, but she is often unable to do anything about it. One day, Jungkook has a strange premonition dream about an accident involving (Y/N) and Jung Hoseok, a ruthless attorney who used to be Jungkook's tutor. Jungkook decides to interfere in the course of events and ends up saving the lives of (Y/N) and Kim Taehyung, a young police officer. When Jungkook, (Y/N) and Taehyung then start having dreams about one another, they realize that their lives are now somehow entwined. But can the three discover the reason that they were brought together, and can they prevent the people closest to them from getting hurt? 〙!!!Based off of the Korean drama "While You Were Sleeping"!!! "While You Were Sleeping" is a 2017 South Korean drama series directed by Oh Choong Hwan. It is not related to the 1995 American film by the same title starring Sandra Bullock. The script is written by Park Hye Ryun, who previously worked with Suzy on her acting debut in the television drama "Dream High" (2011) and with Lee Jong Suk in the dramas "I Hear Your Voice" (2013) and "Pinocchio" (2014).…

CRYO - Volume 1 - Nova Era #Wattys2017

CRYO - Volume 1 - Nova Era #Wattys2017

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A tempos a vida na Terra vem tentando tomar forma, desde muito tempo atrás os primeiros indícios de vida na terra já eram capazes de nos surpreender com suas diversidades, porém como todos sabemos nem sempre a sobrevivência está ligada aos mais incríveis e sim aos mais fortes e adaptados, mas como tudo faz parte de um ciclo a Terra não fica de fora deste fato e então ela sempre passa por um processo de glaciação que demora em média cerca de 100,000 (cem mil) anos onde apenas 10 mil anos são tempos em que a Terra se aquece e então este período é denominado de interglacial e se vocês não sabem este é o período ao qual nos encontramos neste exato momento. Porém a ação do homem está fazendo com que a Terra aqueça mais do que deveria em um curto período de tempo, o que está causando graves catástrofes naturais e pode vir a causar uma nova Era do Gelo precoce, e é baseado nesta hipótese que esta estória se passará, em um breve futuro onde por conta da interferência do homem no meio ambiente o homem sofre as consequências de suas ações e é apanhado desprevenido pela vingança mortal da Terra, então espero que gostem ;) .…

Renascida das Cinzas

Renascida das Cinzas

12 1 1

Phoenix Marrot é como uma caixinha de surpresas, nunca sabemos o que tem dentro dela. Phoenix perdeu a mãe cruelmente aos oito anos de idade, o que não agradou muito a jovem, que sentia uma grande inveja da mãe devido a sua beleza inigualável e não aceitava o fato de perde-la tão cedo. Mas devido ao falecimento da mesma, Phoenix passou anos e anos vivendo com seu pai, um homem frio e rude que escondia sua vida particular de Phoenix e que agredia fisicamente e sexualmente a jovem, que nunca entendeu o motivo para tamanho ódio vindo do pai. E isso fez com que o caráter da pequena Phoenix fosse construído e a mesma se tornasse uma garota rude e ignorante com um ácido humor negro, tendo como conseqüência a sua ida para um convento na Noruega. Noah Clearwater perdeu o pai ainda jovem, sua mãe, que nunca aceitou a morte do marido, passou anos de sua vida cuidando o máximo de Noah para que ele não tivesse o mesmo destino que a mesma, que era uma costureira que passava horas no fundo de sua casa costurando roupas para o garoto e sua irmã gêmea, que fazia de tudo para transformar a vida de Noah um inferno, já que a mesma era a garota mais popular de sua escola e Noah, um nerd que ninguém sabia da existência. Mas tudo muda quando um longo desejo de vingança vem a tona, Phoenix foge de seu convento e consegue voltar para a Inglaterra graças a ajuda de sua colega de dormitório, uma garota ninfomaníaca e homossexual que fazia questão de ficar com todas as garotas do convento. Assim que descobre sobre a fundação do novo colégio de seu pai, Phoenix muda seu nome e se inscreve, mas a mesma não esperava que se tornasse a dupla de Noah Clearwater na aula de inglês e tivessem que passar cada hora de seu dia com o nerd. A vida de Phoenix e Noah estão interligadas, e esse é apenas o começo. Bullying, hots, vingança e amizade são as palavras que descrevem corretamente esse romance eletrizante entre Phoenix Marrot e Noah Clearwater.…

Isabella Rosamaki My Hero Academia

Isabella Rosamaki My Hero Academia

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Whimsicott more commonly known as the Cougar was one of the tailed beasts. Centuries of being regarded as a mindless monster and sought after as a tool for war caused whimsicott to hate humans. After being sealed into Isabella Rosamaki, whimsicott attempts to maintain its cynical perspective about the world, but with Isabella's insistence on treating it with respect, the Cougar overturns its hatred and willingly strives to use its power for the world's salvation.whimsicott is a character in the Isabella series, and one of the Tailed Beasts, formerly sealed inside Isabella Rosamaki Often regarded with fear and hate because of its power, whimsicott endured centuries of being sought after and as used as a weapon with many regarding it as a being that had no emotions or feelings. This in turn caused whimsicott to develop a strong, undying grudge against humanity and often fight his hosts for control of their bodies.After being sealed into Isabella following its release from its previous host, Isabella's mother, Hanayuki Rosamaki, whimsicott again sought control of its host, occasionally succeeding in situations where Isabella was driven to the point of anger or rage. This allowed whimsicott to manifest itself and gave Isabella the ability to cause incredible damage while under whimsicott's influence.However, in recent times, with Isabella having learnt to control whimsicott while treating it with respect, whimsicott overcame its hatred and resolved to help Isabella in regards to the two of them fighting together in the Fourth Shinobi World War──────────────────────…

Teenage Zodiacs

Teenage Zodiacs

27,673 2,606 188

Be prepared to cringe...…

Thomas Marvelli Provides Excellent Treatment Of Eye Related Diseases

Thomas Marvelli Provides Excellent Treatment Of Eye Related Diseases

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Thomas Marvelli is a popular Ophthalmologist, working at Marvel Eye Center. He is M.D. from Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine, Maywood, IL. He loves his job as a ophthalmologist and has maintained a good patient relationships. He offers a wide range of services related to eye including:LASIK Surgery: This type of surgery is used for reshaping the cornea of eye thus improving the visual acuity. It helps patients to reduce dependency on glasses. The surgery is painless and patients over 18 years are eligible for it. Dr. Thomas uses the most exceptional laser technology to treat his patients.Cataract Surgery: In the eye, a clouding of the lens is known as cataract. The patients affected with this seem that they are looking through a fogged-up window. Cataract is divided into four types- secondary, traumatic, congenital, and radiation cataracts. Diabetic Ophthalmology: This type of technique is used to treat the patients affected with diabetic retinopathy. It is caused by change in blood vessels of the retina and results in blindness in adults. Diabetic retinopathy is divided into two types- macular edema and peoliferative retinopathy. Receiving proper care, controlling blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels can help to slow down the growth of this disease.Pediatric Ophthalmology: It is concerned with visual development, eye diseases, and vision care in children. Thomas Marvelli has over 29 years of experience and provides excellent treatment for making children free from these type of diseases. Pterygium Surgery: Pterygium is a non-cancerous growth of the thin tissue over the eye's white part. It is founded in the people who exposed to sunny, dusty, and sandy environments. Refractive Surgery: This technique is used for those patients who cannot or don't want LASIK surgery. Come to Dr. Marvelli if you are looking for a well qualified eye surgeon. He has gone through a number of surgeries of this type.…

Grey's Anatomy Episodes

Grey's Anatomy Episodes

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Nobody knows where they might end up ....... oh suppose you'll never know .................. The medical drama series focuses on a group of young doctors at Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital, who began their careers at the facility as interns. One of the young doctors and the show's namesake, Meredith Grey, is the daughter of a famous surgeon. Grey struggles to maintain relationships with her colleagues, particularly the hospital's one-time chief of surgery, Richard Webber, due to a pre-existing relationship between them - Webber and Meredith's mother had a personal relationship when Meredith was young…

Omul de Zahăr

Omul de Zahăr

232 0 13

O scurtă nuvelă fantastică unde opera,misticismul și taina sunt unicile cămeri de rezonanță în care se răsfrang asurzitor toate emoțiile și sentimentele inumane.Subiectul principal este în nenumăraturi randuri evidențiat prin viciile omenești,care necesită o amplă descriere și limpezire în așa fel încat subconștinentul cititorului să acționeze sub principiul universului imperfect și spre explotarea idealismului lumesc.Personajul principal trece printr-un proces teribil de metamorfoză,începand de la temeri și halucinații,închipuri a unor universuri paralele sau a cronologiilor diferite prin intermediul dulciurilor-așa-numitele droguri-sursa principală a aluziilor și terminand cu sinuciderea socială sau inchipuirea vehementă a unui Rege de Dulciuri,cu amenintarea directă adusă în adresa eroului nostru-moartea și tratatul secret încheiat cu însuși Diavolul.Va invit deci sa mergeți pas cu pas,prin aceasta transformare colosala atat a lumii interioare supusa unor lacune și chinuri nesfarșite cat și schimbarea propriu-zisă a mediului-de la o furnică inocentă și pana la un gigant ierbivor,de la o biata vaduva și pana la un criminal experimentat,de la un fir de iarba și pana la veninul artificial,de la oxigenul vital și pana la aerul toxic insuflat in plămani.Deci,pana la urmă totul devine inutil,personajul se simte de prisos pe aceasta planeta a frumosului și artificialului,care se zdrobește încontinuu într-o pulbere și un haos total!!!…

Between us

Between us

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”Asta e viața ta , și ea se termină cu fiecare minută .” Samuel Barrett Laden Curling . Fugară , apostrofată , arogantă , dependentă și pe deasupra o manipulatoare desăvârșită . Fuge de acasă la vârstă în care ar trebui să-ți faci griji pentru balul de absolvire , ca în scurt timp să își scrutinizeze viața în ceea ce numește ” Aventură” . Eliberată , atinsă de fiecare secundă pe care o trăiește , devine însuși focul vieții ei cât și a celor din jur. Stupefiată , atrasă și îmiresmată de clipele pe care le trăiește , îi place să stăpânească impasul . Se regăsește în răscruci de drumuri , mai mult ca încântată să fie ea cauza problemelor. ”Mă calcă pe coadă legile sociale cum că ar trebui sa-ți pese „ce spune lumea” , sau ce dracu „ vrea lumea să faci”. ” Samuel Barrett , atent și regăsit în fiecare decizie care o face , a crescut cu ideile unui viitor de care e imposibil să nu facă parte o societate . El e societatea sa , e un pește ce înoată atât de reușit printre oameni . Se simte în largul său cu cei apropiați , găsind ceva sacru în sânul familiei. Sperând că viitorul îi rezervă fericirea . Problema e una , fericirea lui e plecată mai bine de cinci ani , și după cât se prevestește orizontul , nu râvnește deloc să se întoarcă. Umilit în copilărie , practic călcăt în picioare în fața lumii sale , Sam nu pierde legătura absolut cu nimeni . Se înrădăcinează și menține privirea în oamenii ce au fost foarte dornici de a-l înjosi , atâta timp cît avea cine își bate joc. Totul pentru ea. Totul pentru a spera că se va întoarce . Din prima privire ce i-a adresat-o a fost inghițit în totalitate de ea. Într-un final , după cinci ani , întoarcerea furtunoasă și amintirile cândva prăfuite ale lui Sam se trezesc. Și tot la ce se poate gândi ,când o vede pentru prima dată după tot acest timp, este ...” Am așteptat prea mult ca să mă vezi. ” . Și va face orice ca să nu-l mai vadă doar ca prietenul cel mai bun al fratelui ei.…

Brilliance Cosmocare - Instant Glow Vitamin C Serum Formula VitC

Brilliance Cosmocare - Instant Glow Vitamin C Serum Formula VitC

2 0 1

Introducing Brilliance Cosmocare's Instant Glow Vitamin C Serum, your ultimate solution for radiant and luminous skin. Developed by Dr. Ashok Patel, this serum combines the power of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Hyaluronic Acid to offer exceptional benefits, specifically designed for Indian skin. Vitamin C, a potent antioxidant, is at the heart of this serum, working to brighten your complexion, fade dark spots, and even out skin tone to reveal a naturally healthy glow. Vitamin E complements the formula with its nourishing and protective properties, safeguarding your skin from environmental stressors while promoting a youthful and revitalized look.The addition of Hyaluronic Acid, known for its extraordinary moisture-locking ability, ensures deep hydration, leaving your skin plump, supple, and fresh. Triethanolamine is carefully integrated to enhance the serum's effectiveness, promoting optimal absorption for maximum results. Dr. Ashok Patel and Brilliance Cosmocare have designed this serum for the unique needs of Indian skin, making it a trusted ally in your journey to achieve a luminous complexion. Incorporate Brilliance Cosmocare's Instant Glow Vitamin C Serum into your skincare routine and let your radiance shine effortlessly.Get 20% off Brilliance Cosmocare Instant Glow Vitamin C Serum Formula VitC. Don't miss this chance to keep your skin safe and healthy this summer.Order Now and Save 20% (Offer valid for a limited time only) Check out our website for more information - https://brilliancecosmocare.com/…