"When memories snow...I shovel...clear the path to drive to..." (Dinner for Two)
"And when memories melt...Could I go on break? Be back in my room, writin' speeches in my head [and] listenin' to...that clap, for me, in the dark?**" (Gangle 1)[Or;]"...Memories melt...I hear them. In the drainpipe, drippin' through the downspout as I lie awake, in [the] dark." (Gangle, Probably 24)[Or even!!]Genevieve "Gigi" Gangle and Matéo "Jax" Joan"e" wake up to a world worse* than digital.__________________*The reliability of measuring the real world's severity in today's political climate is (even today) still hotly contested by many established members of the medical, musical, and scientific community. You are encouraged to do your research before presuming the mad ramblings of the molting, tripping 21st-century equivalent of a Victorian noble gracefully (see: "artfully" and "with evident purpose, of which she feels no need to spoonfeed to her audience, the unpretentious cunt.") dying of tuberculosis as (un)objectionable fact.**No, you may not.…