Sick!Sebastian x reader

Sick!Sebastian x reader

23,865 452 14

What happens when a certain demonic butler falls ill and the only one to help him is his best friend who secretly holds feelings for the said Butler? Will secrets spill and feeling be told? Find out in this story.Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler. Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler is the property of Yana Toboso and is not my intellectual property. There is no financial gain from this, nor will any be sought. This is for entertainment purposes only. I hope you enjoy!…

In The Shadow Of Serpents

In The Shadow Of Serpents

475 18 5

Many years after leaving Hogwarts, Ominis is telling his and Mc's children the downfall of his old friend turned dark Wizard, Sebastian Sallow...This story is a continuation/inspired by my Dark Seb series over on TikTok!I plan to post a new chapter every Sunday :)…

Clark and Diana 6

Clark and Diana 6

837 35 7

The return of Darkseid threatens to tear Clark and Diana's family apart but many shocking revelations await them in another grand adventure.…

Multifandom Reader Inserts

Multifandom Reader Inserts

168,708 3,639 68

[Requests: Open(✔️) Closed ()] Sooooo I have a tendency to see a picture or a gif and make a little somewhat small imagine with it so here are the ones I have done over the past few weeks. I guess you can request but it's mainly a place to put them. I hope you enjoy! (Edit: oh my gosh they are not small and I think this is my favorite book. Hahaha)…

Son of Darkseid

Son of Darkseid

83,091 1,353 29

What would have happened if another kryptonian besides Kal-EL and Kara zor-el had been sent to earth but by a deviation were sent to the planet Apokolips,Find out in the Dav-Vel storyI do not own dc comic.…

It Started With A Whisper
War Of Apokolips ( Justice League And Teen Titans vs Darkseid)

War Of Apokolips ( Justice League And Teen Titans vs Darkseid)

1,349 20 8

It's been 2 years since batman and superman found supergirl. It's also been a while since Darkseid turned Kara into a killing machine and ever since then Darkseid has been making evil clones of supergirl waiting for the right time to send them to Earth to cause destruction. Will the teen titans and the Justice league put away their differences and defeat Darkseid and the evil clones.…



442,825 5,928 77

short stories of our favorite Oppas.😘…

Soccer/Football Imagines

Soccer/Football Imagines

1,481,514 21,261 200

Original soccer/football imagines I have reached the maximum of 200 chapters on this story. So, if you want to keep reading my works, go to Soccer/Football Imagines Part 2 for more footballer imaginesSuggestions open…

The Unholy Trinity

The Unholy Trinity

4,208 90 20

Damian Wayne, the Devil's Spawn (quite literally!), + Raven, the Queen of Darkness, + Billy, the Champion of Magic, and their drunk uncle John Constantine travel back in time, dragging the whole universe into chaos and mayhem.Darkseid hadd won. Earth was no more. They will try saving everyone one more time. There will be a lot of burning and death. Most characters won't understand what is going on, untill it happens. When it does, it will be too late to get away.Hell hath no fury like an Unholy Trinity scorned!…

Trials of the Moonlight

Trials of the Moonlight

3,260 210 22

When he is drawn to a mysterious force outside of Arendelle, Jack Frost is discovered by the four guardians of childhood, who believe he is the missing fifth guardian. However, to prove himself as one of them, he must complete three tests given to him by the Moon. (Sequel to "Jack Frost")…

17+8, Mert x İrfan

17+8, Mert x İrfan

6,643 555 17

'Ne garip bir çelişki lan bu?'…

Clark and Diana 2

Clark and Diana 2

6,393 141 7

A familiar threat reemerges, allowing Clark and Diana to settle their differences with Bruce while also discovering what the next stage of their relationship will be.…

En Eskiden Beri, Baism

En Eskiden Beri, Baism

1,035 114 3

bu benim hikayemdi...Barış Alper x İsmail Yüksek…

Justice League : War of the Motherboxes
Tales of Dark Destiny

Tales of Dark Destiny

1,227 37 12

will you forgive and love someone who gave you, your biggest trauma?…

Superman: Man of Tomorrow

Superman: Man of Tomorrow

9,641 437 59

A threat arises from space and there is only one man who can stop him, Clark Kent. Clark hasn't revealed himself to the world yet but to save it, he must. In time, he will be known as "Superman".…

Colour Me Red [COMPLETED]

Colour Me Red [COMPLETED]

4,732,719 178,513 35

Nick Abel, the tattooed police officer, the heartbreaker and the beast. He took me over and ruined me from day one. "You're mine." He'd growl in to my ear. "Now, show me you want me too." I did want him, Even when he was my father's best friend. ______________He was void of many emotions. Red for angerRed for passionRed for furyRed for possessiveness Red for love. He was only waiting for me to Colour Him Red.In the Eye Of Nick Abel- on RADISH NOW!…

A Princess Pride is her Title : The Most Beloved Princess

A Princess Pride is her Title : The Most Beloved Princess

1,078,316 57,195 56

Princess Emerald is the 38th Princess of the Kingdom of Larksen. The King, her father, can only recognized his 12 sons and their biological sisters or 6 princesses.Sadly, she is not one of them.As a woman reincarnated from an unreasonable monarchy, Emerald was angry and sad but later she has able to let go of her anger and want to strive for her own good. Without the support of her father, without the love of her mother, Princess Emerald is slowly becoming the most beloved princess of the Kingdom of Larksen.<>(This story is plagarized and translated without permission in tagalog. Still waiting for wattpad management action.)…