27 0 12

Seventeen-year-old Archie is part of a team of archaeologists. Based in Southeast Asia at the site of a super volcano's last eruption, the team hopes to discover evidence of ancient human habitation. When Archie finds a book of ancient tablets containing hieroglyphic inscriptions, she believes she holds the traces of a vanished society. Back at Yale University, she deciphers the tablets, and unexpectedly finds hidden "wafers". According to the tablet's inscriptions, they will transport her back in time. Yuri, her friend, is sure it's a hoax and before Archie can stop him, he pops a wafer into his mouth, and disappears. Archie does the same. They are catapulted back to the ancient city of Montoba. Here they discover evidence of amazing technical advances as well as war and environmental hazards. Living creatures have been pushed to the brink of extinction and exist hidden underground while traversing Montoba's passageways. Archie and Yuri encounter an ancient leprechaun, a gnome, a fairy, elves and a wizard. Together they vow to rescue the "lady," who is the last remaining Princess of Montoba, and one of the few remaining humans. The success or failure of their quest will affect the destiny of all mankind. They survive attacks by the Screaming Meemies, a Saber-Toothed Tiger, poisonous Shrooms, the Flying Crab, the Horned Draken, a Giant Troll, the two-headed Gorgon, and the Flying Furies, while being pursued relentlessly by the evil Scarth and his sidekick Igor. They are also aided by the loveable Tenty, the Fins, the Gryphon, the Giant Cabbage Skunk, and the Walking Ivy. They solve riddles, rescue the princess, find the hidden treasure and salvage the secrets of this ancient world. They reunite the princess with her lost love and help her achieve her destiny. At last, Archie and Yuri return to modern times to face a puzzling mystery. But it is the dreaded mountain that has the last word.…

Monóculo 33

Monóculo 33

7 0 1

Prefacio:Querido lector,¿Estás listo para adentrarte en un mundo donde la realidad se entrelaza con la magia? Donde los corazones laten al ritmo de la música y los secretos más oscuros acechan en cada esquina. Permíteme llevar tu imaginación a nuevos horizontes y dejarte cautivar por una historia llena de misterio, amistad y autodescubrimiento.Aquí encontrarás personajes inolvidables: Tadeo Zhang, un soñador perdido entre la rutina; Lya Sphaera, una estudiante de Medicina con un don especial; y Duncan Mendoza, un apasionado de la biología. Juntos, se verán envueltos en un destino que los llevará a enfrentarse a criaturas sobrenaturales y a explorar el poder de la música como nunca antes.En este mundo, lo extraordinario se esconde tras las sombras de lo común. Descubrirás hombres lobo y vampiros, hadas y demonios, todos ellos entrelazados con nuestra realidad. Pero ten cuidado, las apariencias engañan y las fronteras entre la luz y la oscuridad se desdibujan.Prepárate para un viaje emocionante, donde la diversidad y la aceptación son valores fundamentales. Encontrarás amistad, amor y desafíos que pondrán a prueba a nuestros protagonistas. Juntos, aprenderán a abrazar su verdadera esencia y a superar las barreras impuestas por una sociedad que busca encasillarlos.Así que, querido lector, toma mi mano y adéntrate en un mundo donde los sueños y la realidad se fusionan. Siente el latido de la magia en cada página y déjate sorprender por los giros inesperados que te esperan. Esta historia te invita a creer en lo imposible y a descubrir la fuerza que yace en tu interior.Bienvenido a un universo donde la música se convierte en hechizo, donde los corazones palpitan al ritmo de la aventura. Te prometo que no saldrás igual de como entraste. ¡Prepárate para sumergirte en una experiencia única!Con cariño,El autor.…

Epic Seven Triche - Epic Seven Astuce Skystone et Or Gratuit

Epic Seven Triche - Epic Seven Astuce Skystone et Or Gratuit

4 1 1

Epic Seven Triche - Epic Seven Astuce Skystone et Or GratuitNous sommes sûrs que vous êtes venus ici parce que vous étiez à la recherche de ce nouveau tricheur de l'Epic Seven Triche Astuce. À partir d'aujourd'hui, nous mettons celui-ci à votre disposition pour que vous puissiez commencer à vous amuser encore plus avec lui. Vous remarquerez bientôt qu'il fonctionnera parfaitement sur votre appareil. Vous parviendrez à mieux comprendre comment fonctionne ce Epic Seven Astuce et pourquoi il est le meilleur dans le prochain guide que nous avons écrit. Nous espérons que vous nous choisirez pour vous aider dans cette aventure.Grâce à cette tricherie Epic Seven Triche Astuce, vous êtes maintenant capable de générer tout le Skystone et l'or que vous souhaitez. Il est normal que nous les ajoutions très rapidement pour que vous ne perdiez pas de temps à attendre trop longtemps. Toutes les fonctionnalités seront ajoutées en quelques secondes. Ce Epic Seven Triche offre une protection pour que personne ne puisse dire que vous trichez grâce à la nouvelle fonction anti-ban incluse. Elle permet de garder vos données personnelles et privées cachées tout en profitant de ses avantages. Vous pouvez continuer à vous concentrer sur le plaisir de passer un moment agréable et d'atteindre les objectifs de jeu que vous avez atteints jusqu'à présent.Il est également essentiel que vous sachiez que ce Epic Seven Triche fonctionnera sur l'iOS ou l'appareil Android de votre choix. Epic Seven Triche fonctionnalités:Ajout illimité de Skystone et Orle soutien de l'iOS,Support Android,100% sécurisé avec notre protection Anti-Ban,Convivialité,Un design génial,Epic Seven Astuce a reçu des mises à jour régulières,Très rapide - générer des ressources en quelques secondes !…

Æsternia - La Chute du Gardien

Æsternia - La Chute du Gardien

56 3 4

Au lendemain d'une guerre éprouvante, les Haurniens doivent subir les conséquences de leur défaite. À présent sous la tutelle du Royaume d'Æsternia, un vent de révolte plane sur la ville.Akhiba, lui, poursuit sa quête de vengeance en dépit des événements. Cependant, sa rencontre avec un groupe de prisonniers va venir bouleverser son destin, et le leur.Au Sud des hauts-pics du Trépas de Yorgil, le royaume célèbre sa victoire qui risque d'être de courte durée. La pression religieuse et une crise économique menacent la couronne et affaiblissent son pouvoir, ce qui pourrait le mener vers l'inévitable.Un vent de changement souffle sur le continent d'Æsternia et celui-ci pourrait tout emporter sur son passage. Qu'adviendra-t-il des Haurniens et de leurs nouveaux dirigeants ? Akhiba pourra-t-il accomplir sa quête ? Quel sera le futur du roi et de son peuple ? Toutes ces questions restent en suspens tandis que la Grande Lune est sur le point de se lever, annonçant de mauvais présages qui pourraient cette fois-ci s'avérer véritables.…

The Spires of Notwithstanding

The Spires of Notwithstanding

5 1 1

JAMES RAINBANK has gone into counseling at the request of his depressed mother, in order to keep her cheques coming. His unreliable therapist, Rosamund Hamilton, makes him keep a journal of his thoughts and feelings. James sends her these as letters, with more and more insulting language, especially after he walks out on their sessions. They continue to arrive at Rosamund's house long after James vanishes. James has no answer to even the simplest of questions, which are posed at the beginning of each chapter. James' traumatised soldier friend, DAVE ENOCH, comes home from the war in Iran. Dave suggests crime as the only way forward and slowly, both are drawn into the influence of the confidant Eddie Ormorod- who under false nursing credentials has joined James' hospital staff. Eddie has tracked James' rich boss Clara for years, and plans a kidnap. DS JAZZ BHARAJ is a heartbroken detective. With her partner Smith, she is given the job of solving the suspicious suicide rates of patients at James' hospital. Soon she suspects Eddie of foul play, and puts him under surveillance. James and Dave realise that Eddie is not after money at all, but to torture and murder Clara for her "cruelty" to him years before. After fleeing the scene, James and Dave see a mysterious bus pull up. Both climb on board and buy tickets, but at the last minute James fears for his life, and he jumps off. Dave does not, and vanishes. The Police find James and gather their case against him. In despair, James begins to receive strange letters from Dave. The letters tell of marriage with children, all photographed in front of cars and places that do not exist. The photographs lead Bharaj into knowledge of Operation Croatoan, a clandestine military science project that stalled in 1944. Another dimension has been discovered, that opens to a dark and dangerous land- known only as 1965B.…

The Baba Yaga

The Baba Yaga

48 0 2

His green eyes pierced through my boring hazel ones, and for a second I was completely entranced in them before fear slithered down my throat and settled into my gut. Before I could run my head was being snapped back. His thick fingers had found a home within my dark locks as he pulled me back into his muscled torso. My scalp screamed with pain, however, I did not. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Before I could throw a string of curses his way, his gruff Russian accent had frozen me to the spot, as he whispered harshly in my ear."You stupid girl. It is impossible to run from a man like me. Do you know who I am?" My mind was telling me to not be afraid, but my quivering body betrayed me as I uttered the words that sealed my entire fate, "the Baba Yaga".____Lesya Volkov had managed to escape her dark past more times than she could count. At the age of 21, she could easily admit that she had killed more than 12 dozen men in the span of 4 years, but after one fatal mistake Lesya vowed to never kill again. However, when there's a 3 million dollar bounty set on one of the most infamous Hitman to ever live, Lesya can't pass up that kind of money. And what if that Hitman so happens to belong to the Russian Mafia, more specifically Kazimir Vasiliev, renowned as the Baba Yaga, or the Boogeyman.Kazimir Vasiliev has controlled everything from the street corner drug trade to the highest levels of government ever since he snatched the throne away from his father at 19. Now at age 26, Kazimir is the most feared man in the world, the Don of the Russian Mafia, considered the most dangerous and scariest organized crime group. But what happens when a certain somebody by the name of Lesya Volkov kills your most notorious hitman? You kill her. And if you can't? Well, then you're screwed.…

Max' Birthday Wish[♡♡Advanceshipping♥♥]{the continiuation}(photos are not mine)

Max' Birthday Wish[♡♡Advanceshipping♥♥]{the continiuation}(photos are not mine)

27 0 1

Hello everybody, um..... this will be my first book in here, so... we all know the drill, i don't care if you know it or not, i will still tellimg you guys, so lets starts!1)photos on this book is/are Not mine i found them in/on the internet2) this is gust my first book so pls forgiven me on mispell to the words3)the original Max' Birthday Wish is from eeveachu, i'm gust continuing the book he or she made, and i'm kinda get out my **** here during the world wide pandemic of COVID-194)its okay if you like it or not like it, i'm still okay with it and finally5)its kinda hurt for me that you report me for stilling or/and copying the book, but its okay for me and i will accept the punishment that will given to me. and i'm sorry that i stollen your funfiction, as i say earlier, i will face the punishment that will given to me. so lets start the info:As the previous chapter of the original that May Maple is getting Ash from Unova reagion to get back to Kanto for Max' B-Day that that will be doing on propessor Oak's lab,As May getting back from the Unova rigion, May herself meet some new friends like Iris, Cilant , David, AJ, and some more.Meanwile back at Kanto inside the Laboratory are Max, Norman, Paul, Barry, Gary, Brock, Dawn, Misty, and some more, as they preper the laboratory for the birthday boy. There are 3 days left for are heros to get in time to get back at Kanto. will they get back on time? or they will mist the celebration of max Tent Birthday? will find out soon. As the previos events to coordinators are battling in the stage, as the battle of: Umbeon V.S. Jet the Makuhita in the crius Pokémon Contest a the battle starts.…

Cooking Voyage Triche - Cooking Voyage Astuce Diamants et Pieces Gratuit

Cooking Voyage Triche - Cooking Voyage Astuce Diamants et Pieces Gratuit

1 1 1

Cooking Voyage Triche - Cooking Voyage Astuce Diamants et Pieces GratuitCe nouveau Cooking Voyage Triche Astuce est le bon choix pour vous et vous verrez à quel point vous l'apprécierez. Vous parviendrez à améliorer le temps de jeu avec celui-ci et nous vous encourageons à en lire plus à ce sujet dans le prochain guide que nous avons écrit. Nous avons compilé toutes les choses que vous devez savoir en quelques lignes qui vous donneront un aperçu de la façon dont ce Cooking Voyage Astuce fonctionne. Tout d'abord, nous allons commencer à vous parler de certaines choses concernant le jeu.Ce nouveau Cooking Voyage Triche Astuce va vous impressionner car vous obtiendrez tous les diamants et pièces nécessaires en quelques instants. Vous aimerez le fait qu'il va bien fonctionner puisqu'il n'y aura aucun problème que vous pourriez rencontrer pendant le temps que vous en bénéficiez. Améliorez votre temps de jeu global avec ce Cooking Voyage Triche et testez-le sur n'importe quel appareil que vous pouvez posséder. Qu'il s'agisse d'un iOS ou d'un Android, vous pouvez être sûr que ce Cooking Voyage Astuce fonctionnera parfaitement sur les deux.La protection est un facteur crucial que vous devez prendre en considération lorsque vous décidez quel Cooking Voyage Truc vous allez choisir à la fin. Ce Cooking Voyage Triche a une nouvelle fonctionnalité incluse qui prendra soin de vos données personnelles et privées. La nouvelle fonctionnalité Anti-Ban les gardera cachées afin que vous ne soyez jamais pris en train de tricher, par les admins en particulier. Cooking Voyage Triche fonctionnalités:Ajout illimité de Diamants et Piecesle soutien de l'iOS,Support Android,100% sécurisé avec notre protection Anti-Ban,Convivialité,Un design génial,Cooking Voyage Astuce a reçu des mises à jour régulières,Très rapide - générer des ressources en quelques secondes !…

Burning or Drowning?

Burning or Drowning?

79 5 2

Burning Or Drowning?Which would you prefer?No answer?Think I'm crazy? Maybe demented?Some call me psychotic, others say I'm mentally unstable. . . To the contrary, I'm neither. . . I prefer being called different, maybe just a little bit twisted! You see you have no answer but one is always favored more then the others and yet . . . Both are equally horrible, RIGHT?If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger. . . Can you say bull shit? If it doesn't kill you, you'd wish it did. . . because existing after an experience like that is worse then living.Burning from the outside would leave you scarred, damaged for the world to see. . . I had a dream once . . . I burned from the inside out. . .The flames consuming me from within, scorching everything in sight, it was far more excruciating then burning from the outside in. Unable to smother the fire as your blood boils, your veins burst, every organ is slowly incinerated; all while you are deteriorating in an agonizing fate worse then death, until finally I turn into a pile of worthless ash. Now with drowning one would think would be a better choice, however it's just as dreadful and twice as taunting.While you burn it harms you physically but with drowning . . . that destroys you mentally! Breaking every barrier. . . The panic. . . The struggle. . .The lack of oxygen making it's way to your lungs. . . The torture of fighting for your life but realizing you are too weak against your tormentor. . . As you are brought back to the surface gasping for air that never seems to be enough. . . Cringing at the sight of that sadistic smile you've come to despise but can't help but fear!Over and over you are pushed even further beneath the surface with no way of escaping. No matter how hard I screamed and begged to be freed! I was overpowered by a stranger who's decided to play God!So burning or drowning? Last night I died twice. . . By burning and drowning, neither one was pleasant.…

A Forge of Valor (Kings and Sorcerers--Book 4)

A Forge of Valor (Kings and Sorcerers--Book 4)

3,128 42 1

A FORGE OF VALOR is book #4 in Morgan Rice’s bestselling epic fantasy series KINGS AND SORCERERS (which begins with RISE OF THE DRAGONS, a free download)! In A FORGE OF VALOR, Kyra slowly returns from the verge of death, healed by Kyle’s love and mysterious power. As he sacrifices for her, she regains her strength—yet not without a price. She presses Alva for the secret of her lineage, and he finally reveals all about her mother. Given a chance to quest to the source of her power, Kyra must make a crucial choice: whether to complete her training or journey to help her father, who wallows in the capital dungeon, his execution pending.Aidan, Motley at his side, also strives to rescue his father, trapped in the perilous capital, while in the far corner of the kingdom, Merk, amazed by what he discovers in the Tower of Ur, braces himself against a massive troll invasion. His Tower surrounded, he must fight alongside his fellow Watchers, to defend his nation’s most precious relic.Dierdre finds herself facing a full-fledged Pandesian invasion in her embattled city of Ur. As her precious city is destroyed all around her, she has to decide whether to escape or to make a final, heroic stand. Alec, meanwhile, finds himself at sea with his cryptic newfound friend, sailing to a land he’s never been, one even more mysterious than his companion. It is here that, finally, he learns of his destiny—and of the last hope for Escalon.With its strong atmosphere and complex characters, A FORGE OF VALOR is a sweeping saga of knights and warriors, of kings and lords, of honor and valor, of magic, destiny, monsters and dragons. It is a story of love and broken hearts, of deception, ambition and betrayal. It is fantasy at its finest, inviting us into a world that will live with us forever, one that will appeal to all ages and genders. Book #5 in KINGS AND SORCERERS will be published soon.…

THE VAMPIRE GENESIS . A Strong blood rivalry .# part 1 in the blood series

THE VAMPIRE GENESIS . A Strong blood rivalry .# part 1 in the blood series

296 54 8

"THIS LOVE IS NO ORDINARY ." The kingdom of dark which is been cursed had been defeated by the kingdom of solitude Is on the verge to rise , the mocking pain of defeat had homed their hearts , they want to avenge their deaths , that they have decided to wage a war on the kingdom of Draganian .But , wait its not a story of war , but rage , revenge and ...Aa..Aa... the guardian they have sent to kill the eleventh princess ,has fallen for her .And we all know when a vampire loves , he knows no barrier. That's the thing about them .....They love not with their heart , but with their soul , they love wholly and sanely.Its a love he loved , his beloved was loved by his love .All well when the dragon bloods are regarded as the source to eternal mortality , how will she save herself from the blood thirsting freaks , the worst is even when her fate had decided to land her with the deathly -hollow prince .A love story like no other .what happens when the rival kingdoms fall for each other , there's no doubt war would end , but only to recompense the mates for the mistake .you're not allowed to fall for an other kingdom unless its your own and to what end only if you are ready to pay the price ."And love comes with a huge big price ."will the love between the two rival kingdom would be successful in blooming the flower of love in their hearts ."Nonetheless they are heartless ."Take a look on this extra ordinary story of love and rage , which would hence prove ."Everything's fair in love and in war ."©ALL COPY RIGHTS RESERVED .MATURE CONTENTS .DRAGON ACCADEMIA .THE KINGDOM OF SOLITUDE .THE DRACONIAN KINGDOM.You will witness every super natural character come alive .....…

Trouble Boys (Adaptación omega-verse)

Trouble Boys (Adaptación omega-verse)

41 3 1

Siete chicos.Siete problemas.¿Alfas - Omegas y betas?«¿Y por que te mandaron conmigo?-pregunto la psicóloga escolar.»«Me sacaron de clase por comer»«El entrenador dijo que había perdido mucho peso y me alegre»«Una maestra me encontró vomitando en los baños por tercera vez esta semana»«Le respondí al profesor que el mundo estaría mejor si yo no estuviera en el»«Dije algo como; las personas como yo, tenemos que ser inteligentes y amables. Nadie quiere a alguien feo, tonto y grosero.»«Todos se dieron cuenta que no estaba sonriendo igual que siempre.»«No tengo amigos»-Mencion de enfermedades mentales, trastornos alimenticios.La historia NO es mía es una adaptación con el permiso de la escritora original @veryepiphunny **** SI NO TE GUSTA NO LEAS***…

Love, Betrayal Or Vengeance

Love, Betrayal Or Vengeance

153 5 3

A girl who got stabbed by the man she loved more than herself, living in a village without having any idea that she's the only heir of the heavenly emperor 'The Almighty King Askra'. She's born with a weak physic and weak spirit energy, lastly was declared dead by the heavenly doctor himself. But the fact was he did it to protect that child under the order of the heavenly empress 'The Queen Vareya'. That child was left in the mortal realm to live all by herself, going through all the hardships. She was adopted by a great grandmaster of martial arts 'Viera' when she was seven year old, she was given the name 'Karia' and hence with her extraordinary skills she surpassed her teacher in just 2 years. 'Uvan' the only son of Viera grew up with her, after becoming an elementary sage (the highest rank in martial arts) they went to the journey of becoming the celestial knight together where 'He' the "celestial god" famous for his past accomplishments, who resides in the hearts of every girl in the heavenly realm. And from there begins the so called hypocritical love story which ended as a betrayal because of 'his' duplicity, despite everything he did to her the last words she left while laying on her death bed was only for him, 'Take care my love'. At the very night under heavy rain she came out of her grave but with a different soul 'A soul that belonged to the modernized era of 2090', yes! this time it wasn't 'Karia' in her body but 'Karina', with all her past life memories as Karia and Karina still intact.From a world where there is not even an ounce of magic to the world full of dragons, gods, devils, it was quite devastating for her. But apart from that she now has an overwhelming spirit power and a very strong and stable physic, well while facing some demons on her way, it only took her 1 sec to run a million miles. What were you expecting? a fight? come on that's so boring 1#^_^ #1what will happen next? who's she and will she be able to take Karia's revenge?…

Conspiracy: Population Elimination

Conspiracy: Population Elimination

90 1 37

Ebola ravages the countryside of an African country in the midst of a civil war.A woman survives not only the disease, but also soldiers burning her village and an animal attack.She finds a clinic where a doctor examines her blood and sees she has a natural immunity to the disease.The doctor is part of a group of anti-populationists who want to decrease the human population by 90%. With help from a mercenary, she's able to bring a diseased blood sample to America.Xavier Fisher (Fish) is a Harvard PhD candidate in Genetics. His professor asks Fish to help him create a vaccine for a new, more dangerous, hybrid version of the virus in the blood sample.When Fish discovers what's happening, he tries to stop the greatest catastrophe in human history from happening. The only ones helping him are DHS Analyst Danielle Lynette who believes him, FBI Special Agent in Charge Ronald Putnam who doesn't know what to believe, and Abdul Jasser a PhD candidate who disappears after a fire.Will Fish stop the greatest Weapon of Mass Destruction imagined from going off? Or, will the Anti-populationists have their great purge and reshape the course of humanity?Find out in the thriller, Conspiracy: Population Elimination. I update about once a day.…

Divine Bonds (an AI generated Love Story)

Divine Bonds (an AI generated Love Story)

11 0 4

In a world where gods and mortals coexist, tensions run high as ancient conflicts resurface. "Divine Bonds" tells the compelling story of Thalia, a headstrong mortal woman, and Orion, a powerful yet jaded god of thunder. Their fates intertwine as enemies, bound together by an ancient prophecy that promises either their salvation or destruction.Thalia, a fierce and independent warrior, harbors a deep resentment towards the gods. Years ago, her family was torn apart by their actions, leaving her with a burning desire for justice. When she learns of a secret rebellion against the divine hierarchy, she becomes determined to overthrow the gods and restore balance to the mortal realm.Orion, burdened by his own tragic past and disillusioned by his divine responsibilities, finds himself at odds with the other gods. Cynical and distant, he has lost faith in the mortal world's capacity for goodness. As the god of thunder, his powers have waned, leaving him vulnerable and seeking a way to reclaim his former glory.Fate intervenes when Thalia and Orion are thrown together on a treacherous journey to uncover the hidden truth behind the prophecy. Initially, their encounters are filled with animosity and clashes of wills as their opposing beliefs collide. However, forced to rely on each other's strengths to survive, they gradually discover unexpected layers of understanding and shared pain.As their journey progresses, Thalia begins to see glimpses of the god's vulnerability, hidden behind his hardened exterior. Orion, in turn, finds himself drawn to Thalia's unwavering determination and her ability to ignite sparks of hope within him. Their shared experiences and mutual sacrifices start to bridge the divide between them, leading to a grudging respect and eventually a powerful bond that neither can deny.…

The Vanishing Train

The Vanishing Train

2 1 1

When the luxurious train The Aurora embarks on its inaugural journey, it promises an opulent escape through the picturesque countryside. But as dusk settles and the train enters a dark tunnel, it emerges into an empty, eerie landscape, leaving its passengers-and their hopes-vanished without a trace.Enter Jennifer Pierce, a retired detective turned private investigator, drawn back into the fray by the train company's desperate plea for her expertise. As Jennifer delves into the lives of the missing passengers-a wealthy industrialist, a brilliant scientist, a diplomatic envoy, and a reclusive novelist-she uncovers a complex web of deceit, secrets, and hidden agendas.With each revelation, Jennifer realizes that The Aurora's disappearance is no random accident. The stakes are higher than she imagined when she discovers an encrypted message hinting at a covert operation threatening national security. Racing against time, Jennifer and her tech-savvy assistant, Mark, navigate a labyrinth of lies, shadowy figures, and false leads.Their pursuit leads them to a remote, secretive facility where the train and its passengers are being held captive. In a heart-stopping showdown, Jennifer confronts the mastermind behind the plot-a foreign diplomat with a dangerous agenda. As she fights to save the hostages and thwart the diplomat's plans, Jennifer must rely on her sharp instincts and resilience.The Vanishing Train is a gripping thriller that blends high-stakes intrigue with a captivating mystery. Jennifer Pierce's journey through deception and danger is a testament to the relentless pursuit of truth. With each twist and turn, the novel promises to keep readers on the edge of their seats, eagerly unraveling the secrets hidden in the shadows of The Aurora.…

Say Goodbye to Recruitment Costs with Free Job Postings in India!

Say Goodbye to Recruitment Costs with Free Job Postings in India!

10 0 2

Finding the right talent can be expensive, with recruitment agencies charging huge fees and job boards often requiring subscriptions. However, in India, a growing trend of free job posting platforms offers a cost-effective alternative to fill open positions without breaking the bank.Gone are the days when reaching qualified candidates required a significant financial investment. Today, numerous reputable websites offer free job posting options, catering to a wide range of industries and job types, making it easier than ever to connect with the talent you need.Free job boards provide several benefits. They are cost-effective, eliminating the upfront costs associated with traditional recruitment methods and allowing businesses of all sizes to tap into a large pool of potential candidates. Many free job boards have extensive databases of job seekers, increasing your chances of finding the perfect candidate. They also improve efficiency by streamlining the hiring process, enabling you to quickly post jobs, receive applications, and manage your recruitment efforts effectively.With so many options available, choosing the right free job board for your needs can be challenging. Key factors to consider include whether the platform caters to your industry and job type, the features offered (such as resume filtering or applicant tracking), and the reputation of the platform.Some popular free job boards in India include the National Career Service (NCS), a government-run platform offering free job postings and matching services; Workassist, which focuses on mid level jobs; Naukri, a leading job board with a free tier for basic job postings; and LinkedIn, where you can leverage your professional network by posting jobs for free.…

The Most Inspiring Story About Steve Jobs

The Most Inspiring Story About Steve Jobs

1 0 1

On February 24, 1955, in San Francisco, California, Steve Jobs was born. He was interested in technology and electronics. Nonetheless, he faced many difficulties and barriers in his early years. Jobs was reared by his adoptive parents, who were financially strapped.Jobs never lost sight of his goals despite his challenging circumstances. To follow his interests in technology, he left college early. Though this choice was greeted with doubt and criticism, in the end, it gave him the freedom to trust his gut and build the future he had imagined.Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne, and Steve Wozniak co-founded Apple Inc. in 1976. The company's ground-breaking devices, such as the Apple II and Macintosh, transformed the computing sector. Jobs is regarded as a visionary and an icon in the technology industry because of his vision and unwavering resolve, which drove Apple to unprecedented heights.Steve Jobs had several obstacles and setbacks in his lifetime. He lost his fight with cancer and lost his job at his own company. He persevered and never lost his heart despite these obstacles. He came back with a vengeance, turning Apple into one of the most prosperous businesses on the planet.Steve Jobs's narrative is remarkable not only for his achievements but also for his constant faith in the potential of innovation. He thought that everyone could change the world, no matter what their circumstances or background. His talks and lectures were full of wisdom and enthusiasm, encouraging many people to follow their ambitions.Even though Steve Jobs passed away in 2011, his influence is still felt today. His inventive goods, the forward-thinking concepts he stimulated, and the innumerable lives he impacted are all part of his legacy. His narrative serves as a reminder that everything is achievable with a little bit of imagination, drive, and resolve.…