Handy Manny: Call Manny for Murder
I guess you could call this my first "fanfiction". To be honest, I wouldn't call myself a fan of Handy Manny. I'm a 30 year old woman. But as a mother of a four month old who loves pretty colors, I watch a lot of Disney Jr. And as a writer who rarely gets a chance to stretch her writing muscles, I spend a lot of time thinking (also criticizing and generally making fun of children's tv shows. Case in point).One day, as Disney Jr played, regardless of my infant daughter watching it, I listened in the background as a "Handy Manny School for Tools" Short came on. When I saw the talking screw driver, instead of comparing the talking tools to the talking toys on Doc McStuffins (don't get me started), I thought, "Yeah, imagine if that screwdriver was used as a murder weapon."And thus "Handy Manny: Call Manny for Murder" was born.Well, not born, per say, but it will be AWESOME.There will be a total of Seven Episodes Episodes 5 of 7 are now up!…