It was not Peter's plan to fall for his best friend and her pretty boyfriend Aiden, when he knocked on Olivia's door bloody and looking for a fresh start, but things rarely turn out the way he wants them to.------------------------ "Can you throw me my bag? Or you know boxers and a shirt?" He yelled through the door once he had himself under control again. "Treasure, it seems there is a naked man in our shower," a voice said. It was a nice voice, deep and melodic and directly on the other side of the door. "It's Peter, would you grab his bag from the kitchen and hand it to him. I'm busy!" She replied. "Well, if it's Peter," the man said. Peter was pretty sure it was Aiden, the boyfriend she was living with. He sounded amused more than anything else. Peter listened to the noises outside the door, but he couldn't really hear Aiden's footsteps, so the knock a few moments later startled him so badly he cursed. "Were you listening?" Aiden asked. "I got your bag, you wanna open the door?" Peter took a breath and opened the door a crack, held out his hand for his bag. "Thanks." "I'm Aiden," he said as he handed the bag over. "I'm naked," Peter replied.…