Legends of Sora (Book 1: Fate & Fortune)
Sora is a floating world torn by ancient disaster, where oceans are memory, lands drift like clouds, and pirates rule the air above a shadowy central core, the Darksky.Valeo wields luck easier than common sense. Breeze is a balancing act on the headsman's axe between serenity and unquenchable fury. Two urban acrobats who find solace in each others' company and a dream shared: joining up with a Corsair crew to adventure across the world like Drassiter and Fareday, the two most notorious pirates that ever lived. Those plans are thrown into overdrive at the arrival of a mysterious captain knowing more than he should about Valeo's missing family, especially when hot on his heels stalk The Fallen-keepers of the dead thought to be only legend-who seek Valeo for the secrets hidden in his heritage.With everything they've ever known now burning around them, pursued by terrifying creatures that cannot die, these two friends must adventure across the skies alongside a patchwork band of thieves, complete a 1,000-year heist gone awry, and unravel the ancient secret that just might save their world from crumbling into Darksky forever.(Wordcount: 112,000)(Book 1 of 8)legendsofsora.com…