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In another time, far from where we first began our tale, a young Star Warrior wants nothing more than to be a hero. With the help of his teacher, maybe one day he'll learn to use a sword--while taking the time to read a few comic books along the way. Life on Star World is great--at least for some people--but there's always a real worry tugging at his heart, made constant by the nightmarish visions that visit him almost every night... A time of evil is drawing ever closer, but Blue feels anything but prepared.Elsewhen and elsewhere, a monster is being trained to despise its people and hunger for their destruction. What happens if you teach a being how to use unbridled power, and then take away everything it's learned to care for, turning something pure and gentle into something hateful and cruel? Scientifically speaking, it might be interesting to find out... Such a beast must certainly be helpful in the coming war...One warrior helps to bind both of these threads together with the distant present that must be left alone a while in favor of other times. How does this hero bind the story together? Who are they? That's all anyone's guess, at least for now.What matters is that even far away from Popstar, even apart from the Warrior of the Stars, there are still stars that shine in the Galaxy, stars whose stories are more closely intertwined with his own than we might ever imagine.(I do not own the Kirby series or any part of the Kirby series, be it locales, characters, names, trademarks, etc. etc. Nintendo/HAL Laboratory does. I own all of my OCs, locales, names, etc. Please don't take them without asking. Thanks, all. I hope you enjoy.)(Cover: @PsychicNature.)…