My life my world me

My life my world me

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A inside look of my life…

Depths of a Black Hole

Depths of a Black Hole

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4038 was the year the Earthen sky split open. The once complete blue pureness of the world above the living was spattered with a large black dot making it resemble a ruined painting. People were scared of the black hole fearing the idea of a vast nothingness as their hungry neighbor; a neighbor threatening to eat them whole and drag them into the unknown that was the sole base of a person's fear.The fear that squeezed the human race like a snake squeezes it prey didn't last long. After numerous calculations and in depth studying, scientists discovered that the black wasn't growing nor would it be getting anywhere close enough to consume the planet. They thought they were safe. The human race was out of harm's way. But it wasn't the black hole that would be threatening them, it was what the darkness had brought with it. Those born from a black hole and the darkness within it. Those were the creatures they should have feared.…

Is CIO Views Magazine Legit or Scam?

Is CIO Views Magazine Legit or Scam?

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CIO Views Magazine stands out as a reputable source for technology and business leaders, providing in-depth insights and analysis. Built on transparency and credibility, the publication boasts a solid five-year history, positive client feedback, and addresses concerns head-on. The magazine invites scrutiny and offers key statistics to affirm its legitimacy.In the contemporary digital era, where an abundance of publications floods the internet, discerning the authenticity of any magazine, particularly one focused on the C-suite and technological advancements like CIO Views Magazine, becomes paramount for both readers and contributors. Amid whispers and online searches wavering between "legit" and "scam," it's time to provide clarity on the standing of CIO Views Magazine.The Essence of CIO Views Magazine:CIO Views Magazine serves as a beacon for leaders in the technology and business sectors, delivering in-depth insights, interviews, and analysis tailored to the interests of CIOs, CEOs, and other executive positions. With its rich content and reputable contributors, CIO Views has solidified its position as a valuable resource for professionals striving to stay ahead in the fast-paced world of technology and business.Transparency and Credibility: The Core Values of CIO Views:Transparency and credibility are at the core of any legitimate publication, and CIO Views Magazine takes pride in open and transparent communication with its readers and contributors. Every article, feature, and interview is meticulously curated to ensure it offers value and authenticity, setting it apart from misleading or fraudulent operations lacking such integrity.CIO Views exclusively operates through a single website:…



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AUDIO-LOG# 1.Hello my name is Cassius and this is the first of manny audio-recordings i paln to make. After many sleepless-nights of sitting at my desk blankly staring at NASA's satellite-feed: I have determined two things. One that I am incredibly-tired and require far more sleep then i am currently getting, which is none. And secondly my search for extraterrestrial-life-forms residing in the cold-dark-vacuum of space might perhaps be the biggiest waste of time sense watching Nicolas cage's "Left behind" I've always received ridicule from my fellow class-mates at school for not growing out of the hole "alien-phase" thing. From "freak" "weirdo" "nerd" I've been called it all and sometimes they refuse to even acknowledge my existence! Thankfully do to over-exposure and lack of further examination these statements all blend together to form a vocabulary of words you use to societally ostracize people that do not fit in. Regardless of my place in the social-ladder I will to continue to observe any changes or anomalies in the live-feed. Today makes my 3rd day of observation and so far my search remains as pointless as attempting to teach a penguin not to walk funny. Maybe i am crazy, as only a crazy person would stay up three-nights in a row in a attempt to find large-headed-little-green people form another planet. Maybe it is hopeless, and maybe my search is nothing but a by-product of my blatant insanity. With all of that being said I've seen nothing unusual in the live feed other then the empty darkness of space along with a Bitish-badger who's name is Reginald baked-inside of a shepherd's pie-space-ship soaring across all of space shouting 'Tally ho good sir!'. Or perhaps that is a hallucination produced by my sleep-deprived-brain, yes most likely that is the case. I will update you on any further developments Cassius sighing off.…

A Frenchman's Walk in Ireland by The Chevalier De Latocnaye

A Frenchman's Walk in Ireland by The Chevalier De Latocnaye

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Jacques-Louis de Bougrenet De La Tocnaye (1767-1823) was a minor French aristocrat, who fled France at the revolution along with thousands of others. He took refuge in Britain and, with no occupation, depended on the hospitality, not always generous, of various English and Scottish gentlemen. To occupy his time, and in the hope of making some money, he wrote an account of his travels, Promenade autour de la Grande Bretagne, "A Tour around Great Britain." This was a modest success and stimulated him to produce similar accounts of wanderings in Ireland and Scandinavia. The Irish volume, Promenade d'un Français dans l'Irlande, is the only one which has been translated into English, published under the title A Frenchman's Walk in Ireland in 1917. His journey, in 1796 and 1797, took him around the island in a clockwise direction, with a brief sojourn in Scotland during the winter. He walked almost the whole time, staying mainly in the houses of the Ascendancy when he had a letter of introduction, and in wretched inns and worse peasant hovels when this failed. As Britain was at war with revolutionary France at the time, he often found it useful to pretend to be Scottish, and conversed with people of all ranks of society; he even seems to have learned a little Irish. His observations are sympathetic and penetrating, and he always tries to see the good in everyone he meets, and to explain the country's defects on misgovernment rather than the innate inferiority of the Irish, which was the usual attitude of English visitors at the time.…