How The Phoenix Broke My Heart

How The Phoenix Broke My Heart

9 2 1

Have you ever loved someone so much it broke your heart? This is my story of how my most beloved did just that.…

Say goodbye to me again

Say goodbye to me again

25 2 1

There's good in goodbyes…

For my brother

For my brother

19 2 1

An ode to kuya…



14 1 1

In your eyes are lyrical poetry, a lovely melody, a graceful dance…

Lori's Ipsum

Lori's Ipsum

13 0 1

When was the last time you experienced pure happiness?…

Road to Belle Tower

Road to Belle Tower

12 0 1

The very last poem of the Belle series. Written in the key of G.Photos courtesy of Belle…



16 1 1

I think maybe I know (From a woman's point of view).…

Pen and Makeup

Pen and Makeup

1 2 1

The more you see, the more it becomes unbelievable…

With a little bit of hope

With a little bit of hope

11 0 1

A matter of hope and a matter of courtesy of Belle…

The Bee and The Mondegreen Flower

The Bee and The Mondegreen Flower

17 3 1

The Mondegreen Flower is the last of her kindAnd she will also be the last on your mind…

Consider Yourself Forgotten

Consider Yourself Forgotten

7 0 1

When twilight comes I may not remember you at all... but…



6 0 1

A very dear friend of mine approached me crying over her womanizing ex bf. All I can do is listen to her pain. As a reminder of the things she told me, I wrote her this poem. This is for you, Sol.…

New Year's Revelation

New Year's Revelation

11 3 1

Not all deserves a fresh start. Not all needs one. If you keep restarting, you will never finish anything.…

You are beautiful

You are beautiful

31 4 2

I will not tell you you're beautiful because that will be redundant. Redundancy is boring and I don't want to bore you.…

Above and Beyond

Above and Beyond

28 3 1

You are worth more than a million diamonds put together. You are unique and you are someone that not anyone can have. You are someone that not just anyone should. Because you are someone that's above them all.Photo courtesy of Belle…

Why can't you love me?

Why can't you love me?

26 3 1

You told me I'm perfectMany would be lucky to have meNothing that you would want to changeMy passion, my character, my personalitySo then why can't you love me?....Would you rather know the truth and be hurt? or let be unknown and be hopeful? - poetic justice…

She's gone

She's gone

18 0 1

I was asked if given the chance to change something in the past, what would it be. My answer is NOTHING. Because if I change something I might not have met her. Photo and sketch courtesy of Kath M.…

Formulate Infinity with Me

Formulate Infinity with Me

19 1 1

All will soon be goneIt's the law of deteriorationEverything you once hold dearWill soon be cast in to oblivion…

is this love?
Wandering Heart

Wandering Heart

53 2 6

I saw LOVE on her way out, bags packed and was about to leave. "Where are you going? Why are you leaving me?" I blurted. "I am leaving because there's no reason for me to stay"…