Somewhere Among  (Book One)

Somewhere Among (Book One)

1 0 115

Emma Lives Somewhere Among: two countries, two languages, two time zones, and emotions she didn't know could exist together: the bliss if awaiting a new baby, the worry of moving to a new home with grandparents, Jiichan and Obaachan, as different as the sun and moon, the dread of starting a new school. Then on September 11, 2001, the whole universe seems to stop. Everyone is living somewhere among. chaos, fear, loneliness. And Emma finds, somewhere inside herself, the one thing that can never stop. Hope.…

Broken Words

Broken Words

177 9 10

Life can often be compared to the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. We begin as caterpillars, struggling to get by, suffering and suffering and suffering continuously. Until one day, we become beautiful butterfly's.That time as a caterpillar is what shapes and moulds us, what causes us to become the best, brightest and most beautiful butterflies that we can be.*********Sometimes we just need to say something, to tell someone that we're hurt and broken and aren't fine even though those poisoned lies drip from our tongues like honey. 'I'm fine.''Everything's ok.''It doesn't bother me anymore.'Speaking eases the burden, lifts the weight from our back.But sometimes all that comes out is broken words, fragments of sound.**********This is based on the bts hyyh timelines, though the characters are my own in place of the actual members, mainly because autocorrect had a break down every time I tried to type Taehyung. I'd also like to say that if you're affected by any of the issues brought up in this story (i.e. depression, abuse, neglect) then please talk to someone.It is the first book in the Broken series.1 in hyyh- 27/12/18…

Forever & Always

Forever & Always

593 0 49

(sequel to The Holiday)Sky Lancaster and her best friend Gemma Daniels two uni graduates that went on holiday to Hawaii and met their love of their lives: Louis Tomlinson and Niall Horan. With a baby on the way and a tour quickly coming, will everything stay cool or will things heat up again? Find out in Forever & Always…



1,881 179 123

ab·strac·tion/abˈstrakSH(ə)n/noun1.the quality of dealing with ideas rather than events."topics will vary in degrees of abstraction"2.freedom from representational qualities in art."geometric abstraction has been a mainstay in her work"This book is Abstraction of the Mind Poems and thoughts. Enjoy ~ • • •…

Min Yoongi

Min Yoongi

36 2 2

"How do I know you won't hurt me?""Because I would never do that to you."When Aaliyah found out her ex cheated on her and used her in his own sick game, she swore she wouldn't get into another relationship until she'd finished sixth form and A-levels. But when a certain blonde haired male shows up in her life she can't stop herself from feeling a certain way towards him. Will Aaliyah learn from her past relationship and ignore her feelings towards the button nosed cutie, or will she let him in and express her feelings but risk getting hurt again?WARNING:- contains mild language - mature themes- mentions of abuse + unhealthy relationships If any of these things disturb you then please feel free to stop reading at any time. Chapters that contain smut will have a 'smut warning' on the top for readers who are not comfortable with it.…

Puppy Love

Puppy Love

36 2 1

"Hey! That's my puppy!""Oh honey, you wish." Mira Benjaminson was never the one to have luck on her side. All she wants to do is work, and torture herself every day, with multiple jobs. Not to mention, with her financial problems at school, work, and just about everything, she's ready to dig her own grave. So to possibly stop her "bad luck", she decides to get a furry legged friend, to ease her stress, and to have some company. But when some spoilt, snooty aristocrat-like man goes for her ideal dog, she can't help but think that she should've just stayed home. Charles Chevalier seems to always have a handful of luck with him. With broad shoulders, and a strong build, with a simply unforgettable face, he is known everywhere. The single heir to his parents' business, with an endless amount of fortune, his life couldn't be better. Charming, polite, and more sophisticated than the queen of England herself, Charles Chevalier, has it all. That is, what the public thinks. He's sick of being caught up with these expectations everywhere, he's tired of being a flawless knight. He just wants to have fun again, and go back to when his parents weren't always working machines like they are today. So when his girlfriend says she wants a puppy, he can't help but be even more bummed out, that she's only using him for his green papers. And when some eccentric, funky looking hobo girl decides to claim his pick, he can't help but put his foot down on it. So, a spoilt, snooty aristocrat-like man, an eccentric, funky looking hobo girl, and a puppy. What kind of combination is that? Well, definitely not your average mix, but maybe you can expect something a little different for once. Maybe, it might even change their lives, for once.…



6 1 1

El internado.Introducción/ prólogo:Afueras de Carvill, la lluvia cae sobre un viejo e inmenso internado, sus paredes aguardan secretos oscuros, historías crueles y a cientos y cientos de adolescentes. Los cuales llegaron allí por diferentes causas, conviven día a día unos con otros, solo les preocupan son los males de amor, pero con el tiempo su única preocupación será poder encontrar la forma de salir de allí.--*flashback*Camino deprisa por el pasillo, cojo la navaja que llevaba en el bolsillo y la tiro en la primera papelera que encuentro.Abro de un golpe las puertas y me voy del instituto, se la bronca que me espera en casa, pero a estas alturas ya me da igual.*fin del flashback*Cierro los ojos, me coloco los cascos y pongo la música al maximo.A mi lado mi madre conduce decidida, no me ha dicho ni una puta palabra desde ayer. No se como a llegado a este punto.Tras tres horas de trayecto al fin para el coche, respira hondo y se dispone a hablar. La paro en seco, no quiero oír una palabra más. Cojo mis maletas, cierro de un golpe la puerta y ando hacia aquel lúgubre lugar. Alzo la vista, el lugar parece amplio, bastante antiguo para ser sinceros. Visualizo durante un rato una de las ventanas, tiene los cristales rotos y desde allí logro ver la figura de un chico, parece serio, frío, distante.Avanzo hacia la entrada y veo una gran puerta de madera con figuras extrañas talladas en ella. Toco tres veces la puerta e inmediatamente aparece una mujer anciana. Tras ella veo una inmensa habitación con dos grandes escaleras y, al final del pasillo, dos chicas.Avanzan hasta quedar tras la mujer. Entra- dice seria. Me sorprendió, la gente aquí no parece muy agradable.________No era consciente de lo que iba a pasar cuando cruzara esa puerta, tardaría en darme cuenta de los grandes secretos que cubren estas paredes.…

We scream into the void and the void screams back

We scream into the void and the void screams back

675 119 121

This is just a random, shit post type book. I have an actual art and oc book though.…

Poem a Week Challenge

Poem a Week Challenge

4,520 842 200

Hello to the Poets Pub Poem-a-Week Challenge. We are challenging all of our members to start their own collection and write a poem each week. Here we will be featuring all of the authors who are participating as well as some of their poems. We will also be providing prompts in the Pub Chatter each week to help you through out the year. If you would like to join in let us know!…

BTS Lyrics Book 2 (Hangul/Japanese Ver)

BTS Lyrics Book 2 (Hangul/Japanese Ver)

201 0 142

All of BTS's lyrics in hangul/japanese version.Romanization and English version will also be available. Please ignore any mistakes and enjoy!Feel free to request for any BTS lyrics!Album name will be in between '{ }'Please check out book 1 of hangul/japanese version for more lyrics!-------#99 btslyrics#13 minyoongi…

monotone | taehyung ff

monotone | taehyung ff

37 3 3

You're Hyesun Park, and you just moved to Korea to live by yourself in a nice, cozy apartment in the heart of Seoul. You lived in the States, but you hated it there. You were reminded of all those horrible memories that you didn't want to bring back. So, you decided to go off on your own to the place where you longed to be the most: South Korea. You loved it here; you used to come every summer when you were little, but stopped when your parents started fighting, screaming, crying because of each other. Then, ultimately, getting a divorce.Seoul was a place with a lifestyle that you adored: free, casual, independent, fun, and most of all, friends were a staple in everyday life. You hoped that you would be able to fit in with a new kind of crowd here...people that actually wanted to be friends with you.You finished university using a full scholarship for singing. You loved to sing, but you didn't like having anyone hear you. But, that was the only way you didn't have to pay for college; your family was too poor to afford any tuition.You landed a job as a composer in a company called BigHit Entertainment, a company you never heard of before. Well, you lived a pretty sheltered life back home; your family was also too poor to afford any phone bills, so neither you nor your siblings had phones. Your first day on the job, and what do you know - someone caught you singing in one of the unused dance practice rooms. He was pretty hot, and looked really fit, too. He was probably a trainee or idol under this company. But his response to you singing was one that you never would've expected...."Wanna record the background vocals for my song?"…

Book 1 - Trainee Days ||

Book 1 - Trainee Days || "My Life as The Eighth Member of BTS" Ongoing Series

139 58 53

A fan girl goes to Seoul to fulfill a promise from her past. Park Seori, a mixed personality, thinks that her life in South Korea will be normal, but little did she know, her whole life will change forever.Having a little work switch and being a trainee for BTS is just the start. Can she survive the surprises thrown at her? How will others react as she uncovers the secrets of her past? Will she learn to love herself as her journey unfolds? Will her promise be fulfilled before its too late?These questions are yet to be answered. Find out in this story of promises, dreams, bonds, and love.A/N: Currently under rewriting process.Started: March 2021O N G O I N G…

What Are The Odds?-Taehyung x Reader |DISCONTINUED

What Are The Odds?-Taehyung x Reader |DISCONTINUED

112 16 14

Violence.Gunshots.Blood.Death.Those four words, are completely irrelevant to this story.hA, bIsH yOu tHoUgHt!But for realz,This story is completely irrelevant to you, your life, and this universe. Idk why you are even reading this, but ya know,yOu dO yOuSo, this story is about you and Kim Taehyung. I don't know why I restated that even though it's in the title but oKaY Here is the real description:Y/N is just a normal girl--SIKE she's totally random and extremely weird and strange, so basically she's anything BUT normal. She also has a hard life where she struggles financially because this is a fanfiction on Wattpad. One day, her life dramatically changes all because of some tHoT that is so filled to the brim with hoe-iness(that's a word in my dictionary so stfu) that she stole someone's phone. I know right---pure evil. But because of her overwhelming bitch personality, an unnecessarily shiny, strange, and beautiful friendship was born over texts. Don't ask how, just give the tHoT that started this a sticker, read the book, regret your life choices, and break your phone or whatever from the overwhelming cringe in this book.Speaking of cringe,WARNING ⚠️ IF YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO OVERUSED MEMES, EXTREME CRINGE AND/OR FAILED HUMOR, DO NOT READ THIS BOOKalso I don't own bts or pretty much anything in the story except the character y/n and the story itself.THAT'S IT I'M DONE NOW SO BYE-MoreJamsThanJimin…

IcOnicK Bois Pt. 2

IcOnicK Bois Pt. 2

57,742 3,415 195

A continuation of my stupid PRETTYMUCH drama/meme/rant book ☕️…



77,472 2,729 101

The story of an ordinary girl, wishing for the perfect, fairy tale relationship in her life like any other girl. The choices she makes, the people she meets and circumstances challenges the perfect life that she has long pictured in her mind. Will she get her fairy tale ending?Here's a sneak peek from "Perfect" : He moved his face closer to me again. The love I had for Harry before somehow managed to sneak out through the corners of my heart again. How could I have hated someone like this? I kept my eyes fixed to Harry's lips. As his lips came nearer and nearer to me, I closed my eyes until his wet lips sealed mine.I run my fingers behind his head, moving my fingers up and down through his soft,curly hair as we kissed in the ice rink. Everytime I kiss him, I can't stop thinking of how his lips fit so well into mine. Its as though God has carved his lips in the most perfect way to fit my lips. His cheeks touched mine as our lips kissed. I wish I could just turn back the time machine and go back to the days when Harry and I were still dating. I don't wanna end this kiss. It doesn't seem like Harry wants to end it to. Plug in your headphones & start reading "Perfect". You won't regret it. :)Author's note:The main characters in this story are Adella, Harry, Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn. These characters are imaginary and they are not part of a boyband in this story.No content in this story is real or is intended to resemble the actual Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne and Zayn Malik. Thank You.…