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A brown haired boy sat, alone, in the middle of a frozen forest. Snowflakes drifted down around his shivering form, and the forest made not a sound. He gave a few weak coughs, his skin pale white. His only piece of clothing a pair of tattered old jeans.A sound sprung up in the forest. Boots crunching in the snow. Alarmed, the boy scrambled to his feet and raced away into the snow-powdered bushes. Stars danced wildly in the boy's vision but he did not stop. He ran and ran but the foot steps followed, growing swiftly closer.The boy caught his foot painfully on a root, and with a yelp, he fell face-first into the thick snow. He lay, still, his head spinning. When the stars cleared from his vision, a young girl stood over him."Hello sir? Are you alright?"…