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Eros Ivanov, one of the twin sons of the Lycan King (and Caspian's younger brother) meets his match in a psychopathic ex-convict.Tequila: I have no problem admitting why I'm here. I'm in prison because I'm psychopathic (so they say) and set a world record for the most murders in history. 299 proven, 136 unproven(so they say). Yeah, I was a serial killer and I enjoyed it while it lasted.Now, the government wants to send me to school and have me stay with my crack-ass mother.Fine, but don't be mad when you find her dead body. I told you I didn't like her.When my eyes catch sight of him, I swear the world just seems clearer. The finest guy- no man, I have ever seen. He intrigues me and when I'm around him, his presence suffocates me and leaves my heart racing in anticipation.I know he's not human but that just excites me even more.But I can't be with him. I can't drag him into my problems.I can't ruin his life, so I have to stay away.For his sake.Eros: I honestly regret ever helping Cassandra, because now she has it in her head that we're meant to be. All I did was pick up the book she dropped and now she believes we're soulmates.She's like a leech that won't come off.The only woman I want is my aresthai.Ever since my mother told me what it was, I had yearned for my other half, the person that would compliment me.She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen, unknowingly pulling me in and turning me to mush every time she smiled. But, she wants nothing to do with me. She keeps distancing herself, not letting me get close to her so I can understand her.I want to be there for her. But she's won't let me in.And I don't know why.…