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Everyday lyrics for you :D…

The Other Side Of The Water

The Other Side Of The Water

27 11 2

"Are you crazy?" I screamed. "Where I come from, you have to be crazy to survive," She said and smirked before stepping off of the sturdy stone and plummeting gracefully into the water, but as soon as she hit the water she was gone. I definitely didn't want to be caught by the guards so I took a deep breath and and jumped. My hair flew up behind me as I fell and my body plummeted into the water. I went under and held my breath. I tried to swim up, but I was only sinking. Suddenly I felt myself change direction and it seemed like I was being pulled to the surface. When I passed the surface of the water it seemed as though I was upside down. The water was gone now and I was free falling through the air. I screamed as I hit a cloud and put my arms out in front of me. My clothes and hair slapped against my skin harshly and my body did turns in the air. The clouds were forming beneath me and each time I passed through one it only increased my descent. I inhaled and smelled the something sweet, yet salty. It almost reminded me of the smell of rain.-I took a deep breath of fresh air and some salt water. The dull, starless night sky that I saw at the palace had turned into a beautiful star filled sunset. The clouds looked like pink fluffs if cotton candy. I turned around in the water facing where the girl from before was treading water beside me and looked off into the water. A beautiful island with a golden beach appeared to be floating off in the distance. And a pirate ship. ~Written by B.A.Schell(me) and G.C.Goderis(best friend, coauthor, and heart twin)…



26 3 2

In "Whispers of Destiny," follow the extraordinary journey of Soteria, a fearless teenage cancer patient with an irreverent charm and a direct line to God. When she crosses paths with a wealthy but broken-hearted billionaire struggling with his disjointed family, Soteria receives a divine directive to mend their fractured relationships. Unveiling her own tumultuous life story, she convinces the reluctant billionaire to let her intervene, pledging to bring harmony to his six estranged children. Disguising herself for each sibling, Soteria navigates a labyrinth of family secrets, heartbreak, and self-discovery, leaving an indelible mark on their lives. As she faces her imminent fate and grapples with unexpected love, Soteria's spiritual journey culminates in a poignant transformation, leaving behind a legacy of healing and unity for the family she touched.In this poignant tale of love, loss, and divine intervention, "Whispers of Destiny" unfolds the touching narrative of Soteria's selfless mission to heal a fractured family. Through her unfiltered candor, unshakable faith, and sacrificial efforts, Soteria becomes the catalyst for change in the billionaire's household. As she helps each sibling find their way, confronting personal demons and long-buried truths, Soteria's impact reverberates through their lives. With a heartwrenching conclusion that reflects the transformative power of love and resilience, the novel explores the intricate web of human connections and the profound influence one extraordinary soul can have on an entire family's destiny.…

To all the boys I've loved challenge

To all the boys I've loved challenge

14 2 1

Dear Nameless,Well you already know I'm nuts so God forbid this letter ever find you while initially surprised you'd probably just shake your head and say 'Oh Veronica.' Where to begin? How about with the fact that you're out of the country right now and I'm far more sad than I should be. The day you told me you'd be gone this week, I went home and cried. Like ugly sad dramatic Scarlett O'Hara cried. Even though I knew you probably wouldn't think of me at all while you were gone. Next. I'll take a few sentences to explain why you are the object of my affection. You are kind. You are smart. You are important to me. Just kidding, well not really. Seriously though, you have a heart of gold. Other people use you as a moral compass, they say things like, 'well if nameless doesn't like them no one could,' or 'if you have a problem with nameless it's probably you because he's one of the nicest people in the world.' These are direct quotes by the way and for once, I'm not exaggerating. Another thing. While I'm a neurotic control freak, you're at the opposite end of the spectrum. The "go with the flow" guy. The "let's take a nap in a hammock" guy or the "just relax It'll work out" guy. People like you need people like me and people like me need people like you. You would keep me relaxed and I would keep you motivated. But alas. I am beginning to accept that while we would be genius together It shall never be. I fear you have already (and permanently) put me in the friendzone. But you are just that terrific that if I must be resigned to the friendzone I shall be learn to be content. Because I like you so much even the thought of losing you as a friend makes me nauseated. Sincerely,Your friend and disappointed admirer.Veronica…

Rude Awakening

Rude Awakening

31 0 1

logInToDatabase(){ If {Yes - open inputResponce |____inputResponce yes|_ openingNeoPyrrhianFiles.. .. . ... .. . ... .{It's been a hundred years since Peacemaker and Fathom had used the power of Jebora's scroll to delete the Scarlet virus. Ever since then Fathom built Neo Pyrrhia, a city for Dragons and Reguns alike, where as Peacemaker disappeared. Peace and prosperity lasted for years until Jebora's scroll was used once again to start the Scroll Wars. Fathom was forced to sacrifice his body to seal away Jebora's scroll. The animus who was responsible was banished along with an illegally produced Regun he used to abuse Jebora's scrolls powers. This war caused the Energy crisis to from, as such the new leader of Neo Pyrrhia is sacrificing Reguns to ease the tension on many Dragons. A animus and several hundred Reguns left Neo Pyrrhia soon after, ever since many guerilla attacks on Neo Pyrrhian concentration camps have occurred. The Four Talons are working to neutralize the perpetrators under the new leader of Neo Pyrrhia. Recently the Resistance have shown interest in Neo Pyrrhia intelligence centres, mainly ones that regard information in Fathom and Peacemaker. A team of Golems have been prepped as well as several platoons of Promethean Hunters. Results and further news on the destruction of the Resistance will be updated here. We will keep you posted.}endLog[This is a story heavily influenced and based off of the MegaManZero games and Wings of Fire. If you want to understand some characters more or get some interesting easter eggs I recommend you read and play those games and books. And of course all credit to Tui and Keji for making both series and stories that birthed this fan story that I hope to grow soon]…

The Garden Of Lies

The Garden Of Lies

15 0 1

The parents of Joy del Francisco are not really prepared to have a child, so they decide to hire a nanny or ayah to take care of her. But one day, Joy del Francisco finds out that some of their servants and her parents have died of Dengue. And so she moves to another country. When Joy arrives in the Philippines, she meets her uncle's trusted neighbor, Mrs. Meditha at the airport. Mrs. Medita tells her about her new home and her uncle Mr. Raymond de Guzman. At first, Joy feels angry and lonely because she is away from everything that understands her until she discovers about a secret garden - one of the many gardens found on her uncles huge property. The garden was believed to have been locked for years and a key was found inside a small heart shaped box and it has a small but blurry name on it. Without any hesitation, she gets the key and immediately open the gate and renovated the secret garden and bring back it's former beauty.Joy does not tell anyone about the key and the secret garden except for Charles, a twelve year old boy who knows the secret of the plants and animals around him. He shows her how to use different garden tools and together they tried to make the secret garden alive again. Joy also finds out about her cousin Daisy, whom everyone believes she's dying. Joy brings her to the secret garden and says there is magic in it. He feels that the aura of the garden is making him strong and the beautiful view of the plants and animals co existing peacefully. He intend to surprise his father and everyone else, so they hide the biggest secret of all.…

El obsesivo protagonista masculino está celoso de mi muñeca

El obsesivo protagonista masculino está celoso de mi muñeca

198 18 2

Reencarné en una novela r19 donde el protagonista masculino se enfurecía. Lo peor fue que yo era un personaje extra llamada Katarina Lorraine que no podía escapar de la habitación y estaba destinada a morir. "No puedo morir así. Sobreviviré."Para sobrevivir, decidí darle un giro a la historia original, por un momento pensé que iba a morir. Pero, ¿obtuve el beneficio de un transmigrador?. invoqué a un muñeco que es igual al protagonista, sino que también obtuve la habilidad del mundo......¡¿El personaje extra llamada Karentina, en realidad era un munchkin?!.Usando mi poder, pude salvar a los personajes que morían en la historia original y, con un giro no intencionado, de alguna manera ayude a los personajes principales que recorren un camino de flores hacia la felicidad.Pero, ¿no es extraño su comportamiento?."Terminaremos nuestro compromiso contractual."Tan pronto como Karentina terminó de hablar, la temperatura a su alrededor descendió al punto de sentirse congelada."¿Cómo. Terminar?.""originalmente éramos socios comerciales ya que compartiamos el mismo interés, ¿verdad?."Una risa burlona brotaba de los labios de ignis mientras golpeaba la taza de té con sus dedos. A pesar de que un escalofrío recorrió toda su espalda debido a los ojos brillantes de él, no pudo echarse atrás."¿a quién vas a conocer?, ¿es él?""¡No! ¡Zion es una muñeca!"Las pupilas rojas de Ignis se estrecharon. ¿Por qué me mira así?, no estará planeando matarme. ¿verdad?. Fue cuando me preocupé."¿Dijiste que te gustan los bastardos?.""Quise decir los 'perros grandes'. La gente me malinterpretará si sigues cambiando mis palabras de esa manera."Karentina lloró"Ya sea un perro grande o lo que sea"Se le cortó el aliento ante la mirada devoradora de Ignis"Seré un perro obediente que escuchará atentamente, así que quédate a mi lado."No, ¿que clase de historia loca es esta? Simplemente torcí la historia original para sobrevivir, pero a…

Abismos de Hermanos

Abismos de Hermanos

40 3 3

Siempre pensé que escribir una novela sería el peor error de mi vida, pues me vería atado a una trama de mi propio subconsciente, y corazón a la que no quisiera darle fin, y mucho menos que nadie quisiera terminarla. La página en blanco fue un problema en estos primeros volúmenes de una serie de seis, porque en ocasiones, entraba en contradicción conmigo y con los personajes del libro. Abismos de hermanos, cuenta la historia de una familia disfuncional de monstruos en pleno siglo XXI, con reconocimiento existencial por parte de la humanidad y en un mundo donde lo nuevo desafía a lo nuevo. Percatarse de los problemas internos, enmarcarme en las descripciones copiosas y pecaminosas nunca ha sido mi fuerte, pero prometo que este redactor pretendía describir a cada uno de los personajes tal y como los había vivido. La influencia de la época, el terror, los asesinatos, la sangre, la sed de venganza y más sangre; me llevaron a escribir mi primogénito que pretende abarcar 35 capítulos cortos para hacer más afable su lectura y entendimiento. Mi estilo o no sé si pudiera llamarlo así, es raro y extraño, no quiero romper con moldes, ni pretendo imponer nuevas reglas de redacción en este género tardío para la comunidad lectora. Marcos le encantará, Víctor les dará miedo, pero sin duda alguna Luis los enamorará y le ayudará a viajar por esta historia donde el mal, la mentira, la traición, el desamor, la desconfianza, los homicidios y la sangre; juegan un papel importante en la trama."Mis vértebras lucharán hasta el cansancio, mis ojos se secarán, pero mi mente seguirá escribiendo letra a letra y con una gota de tinta si es menester, cada afluente de este río sangriento". Atentamente:El autor.…

Whispering Shadows

Whispering Shadows

2 0 1

In the chilling depths of an ancient mansion, secrets and malevolent forces lie in wait. "Whispering Shadows" is a spine-tingling horror mystery novel that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.Amelia Chase, a fearless paranormal investigator, is drawn to the cursed Victorian mansion atop a desolate hill. Legends of tragic pasts and restless spirits fuel her determination to uncover the truth. Teaming up with the knowledgeable Professor Benjamin Hartley, they embark on a perilous journey through haunted corridors and hidden rooms.As they delve deeper, they unlock the dark history of the mansion-a history intertwined with a secret society's sinister rituals and the suffering of tormented souls. The boundaries between the living and the dead blur, and the veil of shadows threatens to consume them.With each revelation, Amelia and Professor Hartley face malevolent spirits, solve cryptic puzzles, and navigate a labyrinth of secrets. Their courage and compassion are tested as they confront the darkness head-on, challenging the power of the occult and the very nature of evil.As they unravel the mysteries shrouding the mansion, Amelia and the professor must uncover the truth behind the tragedy that has trapped souls within its walls. Their journey takes them through heart-stopping encounters, ghostly apparitions, and a battle between light and darkness that will determine the mansion's fate."Whispering Shadows" is a haunting tale that explores the depths of human obsession, the resilience of the human spirit, and the enduring power of truth. Brace yourself for a chilling adventure that will leave you breathless, questioning the boundaries of the seen and the unseen.…

Magnifying Your Frequency and Expanding Your Vibration

Magnifying Your Frequency and Expanding Your Vibration

1 0 1

Magnifying Your Frequency and Expanding Your Vibration consist of many parts of getting to know yourself while manifesting your desires. The manifestation journaling allows you to answer questions truthfully while raising your frequency and vibration. Throughout the 30 days, there are several times you will write a letter to yourself, as well as your higher self, to record your progress. As you keep your eyes on the prize, you will have the ability to create a manifestation board! Every day, set your intentions on the crystal and I AM affirmations to broaden your insight. Be mindful throughout the day of synchronicity and angel numbers, and feel free to write them down and keep track of the messages that are sent to you from the Universe. Lastly, take time to write down your dreams on the Awakening Journal page! Magnifying Your Frequency and Expanding Your Vibration will help you let go of resistance and form a pattern to speak your heart's desires into existence. This book will help you set your intention to manifest what you visualize and trust your inner being. After all, everything takes time; you are energetically aligned with what you manifest. Always keep in mind that you are a magnet for miracles!!…

The Cure To His Scars

The Cure To His Scars

14 1 5

Finally it's the time to get into a fantastic story!'RICH SERIES' Second NOVELSometimes life bring you the most beautiful thing and then take that away from you, you can't stop or either make things stop from going far from you and never come back.Reyansh was busy in his life and never thought to look for his other half but God has his plans and that was Kiara.Kiara was the meaning of generous and elegance, She has a Smart brain, she always stood strong for her things, her career, and never let her self believe go down.Reyansh was someone very composed, authoritative, damn brave and fearless.He has buried pain and cruelty of his past in his heart and there's no other place for anything but trust. He never ever said ' I trust you' neither he is going to, he knows where he is and what he is doing he has his own reasons for it.But When his stoned eyes will collide with the soft ones,Which kind of storm will it bring In their lives?FOR THAT YOU HAVE TO READ THEIR BEAUTIFUL STORY! WHICH IS FULL OF Everything, RAGE TO CALM AND FROM KILLING TO SAVING.THIS IS HOW THE WEATHER WILL TURN OVER!__________________________________Their little introduction before we start ↓Kiara a girl with ambitious and passion move to Amsterdam to fulfill her desires. A Confident and Smart personality with a gentle heart but not sweet always, she can be little savage sometimes.Reyansh a billionaire businessman, A silent grumpy, handsome and cunning man. He is the boss both in legal and illegal world. No one can dare to double cross him.let's see where their story takes us!…

Brave Mikaelson ⚜ Legacies

Brave Mikaelson ⚜ Legacies

693 25 2

"My Brave Mikaelson" -Klaus MikaelsonOne of the very few last phases that his father had in describing the youngest of the Mikaelson siblings. Sean Mikaelson made the life style to observe, study, and deliver a sharp tongued insult to any individual that tried in befriending him or his sister. It was pretty much his lifestyle after the tragedies of losing half of his family two years ago. Now he and his sister are back at the Salvatore School for the Young & Gifted and have made the vow to do right by the Mikaelson name. After helping Dr. Saltzman with helping him with their latest recruit to the school. Sean's life of observation has turned more into action after his sister's sudden reunion with an old flame has now unlocked centuries old secrets lost to the supernatural world. Now his need to cut people down are now slowly degrading and the walls he has encased himself in are slowly crumbling. Sean Mikaelson has now entered a new era of heroes and villains, the chance to make friends and enemies, but having an epic love? He sees nothing like that with his careful observations and lack of timing. Can Sean Mikaelson be the strong and fearless warrior that will stand beside his sister and the people he will come to love?…

Night Quake

Night Quake

40 1 2

I gasped at the next thing that appeared. A red head showed up on my screen. She was glowing red, tearing through everything in her path with just the flick of her finger.I've never seen anyone quite like her. I've had my fair share of supers in my life but this one was different. She moved things using her mind, she seemed to have control of everything and everyone she wanted to control.Never in my life would I think I would find someone with her abilities.Abilities that were identical to mine.~~~~Vera Hayes sought out any living soul who could commune with her and her powers. She spent 15 years searching and mastering her skill. She made sure to keep it a secret, for fear of being cast out. During these years, she tried to be normal. She not only honed her supernatural abilities, but as well as her, in this case, normal abilities. She became a doctor, a professional neurosurgeon. She helped people while trying to understand what happened to her, what gave her these powers. She finally unlocked the door to the answers when she bands with the Avengers. However, on the quest to find out the truth, Captain America asks a huge favor from her.…

Another Bad Day In Beverly Hills

Another Bad Day In Beverly Hills

49 0 1

An unlikely wealthy couple in the midst of constant emotional chaos finds themselves investigating the world of embryo and organ theft, a mystery that takes them to unexpected locales with the most unusual set of characters. With a nod to the The Thin Man, Bradley Lewis takes us out of Manhattan and into the rich, dysfunctional, world of Beverly Hills. With Sheila Benniger’s pet schnoodle killed by a Sub-Zero refrigerator accident in a prequel, she is left with only her husband Dr. Brantley Benninger, the local root canal specialist, to schlep around to help investigate her amateur sleuthing hunches. Like Nick and Nora Charles, the Benningers enjoy all the perks of wealth, such as country clubs and eating in the finest Hollywood and Beverly Hills chichi locations, but unfortunately too often with Sheila’s Borgia-like parents, the Stirlings. With the help of Irv-The-Shrink, the Bennigers manage to keep their marriage alive – and want to – especially since Sheila is pregnant. The perfect-imperfect couple, Sheila and Brantley are still in love, and their elegant condo provides refuge from the strange world that the Stirlings constantly try to invade. They enter the realm of international crime, macabre murders, and police cover-ups. With lively dialogue and uniquely authentic settings, the author, a Beverly Hills resident for twenty-six years, demonstrates that he knows his subject from every angle, and exposes the extraordinary perverse insider details of wealthy families. The Benningers rub elbows with the rich and famous, while trying to solve what proves to be an off-beat, often funny, tale of mystery and socially-impaired Beverly Hills life.…

Song Lyrics (Requests Are Open)

Song Lyrics (Requests Are Open)

2,584 56 114

I'll take requests on any type of songs as long as you put the name of the song and group/singer or any infoPlease be nice this is my first story…

The Social Experiment

The Social Experiment

8 2 2

Four roommates + one idea = interesting school year. Aaliyah Pierson is the nerdy girl-next-door sweetheart. She's almost always in the background, because she doesn't like being the star. Instead, she helps others become the star. Timid, shy, but always ready to give advice. A little warning, if you get too close, you could see that she comes with a temper. Deidre Bradshaw is the "bad girl" of the group. She breaks the rules and does not care when the going gets rough. She rides a Harley, parties a lot and seems to have the worse taste in men. Kayla Anson is a flirt. She doesn't mind being called a slut. Why should she when the guys don’t mind being called manwhores? She's bubbly and fun, but don't mistake her for an airhead. Her ideas are just kind of out there. Tahlia Samson’s sarcasm practically drips off her. She can't really stay silent for long, and she always seems to find humor in a lot of things. She seems to get more creative with her insults as the days drag on. And although she thinks that she can't do anything else with her creativity, she's surprisingly more talented than she lets on. When an idea comes to Kayla in effort to help her friend be more outgoing, she convinces her group of friends to participate in an experiment. Which of their "image" can score more guys? And to make things more interesting, they would have to play a different "image" from what they're used to. So that's how sweet, push-over Liyah became the rebellious teen; bad-ass Deidre became stuck with the nerds; saucy Kayla now runs her mouth with the guys she meets; and sarcastic Tahlia has to resist the urge to puke when she flirts with a cheesy guy.…

The Executioner

The Executioner

34 1 1

Callers are genetically modified men and women of enchanting beauty with voices like slik, capable captivating and controlling their audiences when they sing their call.The Call is a Callers song and was designed for the specific purpose of keeping the citizens of District Four under control so they wouldn't join the first rebellion.Up until the Callers rebelled and joined the rebel forces the call was used for the purpose of luring members of District Four associated with the rebels to the ocean where they would then drown at the hands of the Callers. After joining the rebellion, Callers mated with both District Citizens and Fates, another species of genetic mutations, creating two subspecies known as Singers and Executioners.After the defete of the rebellion the Capital rounded up all of the originally created Callers and terminated them, leaving the two newly created subspecies to integrate with normal district citizens- despite their possible abnormalities and gifts, such as;The Call and its glowing red eyes, Premonitions, Enchanting Beauty, and, in cases of Executioners, Potentially Poisonous Lips (a trate inherited from their Fate ancestry.) It's rare for Singers and Executioners to inherit more than one of the above listed gifts, only one descendant of the Callers of Four is known to have all four gifts, and he volunteered himself as tribute for the 73rd Hunger Games.He is classified under the subspecies labeled Executioners.This Executioner is fearless in all ways but one, his weakness coming in the form of his thirteen year old sister... Will he reign Victorious or submit himself to the gore of the games?…