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The true story of the " civil war" and how it should be called Lincoln's War, War of Southern Independence, and War of Northern AggressionThis book is loving memory President Jefferson Davis and his cabinetThis is also in honor of each Confederate solider wore the greyIn memory of the 2 MILLION SOUTHERNERS ( 1 in every 8 southern white died, which was 12.5 percent of all Southern whites, 1 in every four African Americans died, which was 25 percent of all African American Southerners along with thousands of Southerner Asian, Native American and Hispanic) who perished in the war of Northern Aggression. This is also in honor of General Winfield Scott Hancock who survived the war and General John Sedgwick who died in 1864 on May 9th. Although both of these Generals fought for the north and wore blue, Hancock and Sedgwick were decent, ethnical and good. Hancock and Sedgwick did not commit war crimes nor were they war criminals. In fact, after the war Winfield Scott Hancock spoke up against the war crimes that were done to the southBut this book is ESPECIALLY in honor CSA General and civil rights advocate Nathan Bedford Forrest:Confederate HeroAmerican legendCivil rights advocateAbolisher of the first ( non racist) KKK53 victories out of 54 battles Gone but never forgotten Once a hero always a heroRespecter and defender of women and children First with the most Rest easy and fly highJuly 13th 1821-October 29th 1877This book is also in honor of all my Pro Confederate best friends. All of you are the best and I love all of you so much 1. Jack 2. Brail3. MelaniaLyraLestrange4. ShadowCanada4. TechSummit5. ParanoidShark6. 1-800-HELL-ANGEL7. XxArkansasxX 8. -redchaos 9. ABigPJFan10. SouthernRebel4511. inkyfrosting321712. -badthingscoming 13. All of my pro Confederate friends on discord 14. nikolai1015615. JustAsBrokenAsYou…

BURN (Wattys2015?)

BURN (Wattys2015?)

188,890 20,563 506

"Poetry...is thoughts that breathe and words that burn."--Thomas Gray "Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash." --Leonard CohenPoems on the tough stuff in life. Poems on the crazy good stuff in life. Poems to make you smile, and poems to make you cry. Long poems, short poems.HIGHEST RANK: #5 in Poetry…