The Light's Path

The Light's Path

4 0 1

"False lives only last so long."This tale follows The Lightreavers, four siblings in their travels across the continent of Menione. They are entangled in political issues, relationship strains, and a blast from the past in the form of celestial messages.…

Nešťastná láska

Nešťastná láska

129 3 3

ČUS!!Já jsem Lucka ale kámoši mi říkají Lucy,teda kámoš jmenuje se Martin Carev.Je mi 19 a s Martinem bydlím už od 16 let.Moje rodina umřela při autonehodě.Ve škole jsem neměla kamarádky takže bydlím s nim ale nevadí mi to kámoš jako kámoš.Ale celý můj život se změní když poznám Karla alias Kovyho.…

The Night Shift

The Night Shift

46 0 7

*Short Story* (Complete) ☽◯☾Light from the rising sun behind the glass window shined in, beating down on her porcelain skin from where she sat on the ground. She added a handmade charm to her bracelet slowly connecting it against the middle of the chain. She smiled, slowly glancing back at me from where I sat on the metal chair in her room.…

portable sink accessories| accessories for portable sink

portable sink accessories| accessories for portable sink

4 0 1

MONSAM Enterprises has the most extensive line of Portable Science Lab Sinks in the world. As the manufacturer, we offer excellent product quality at affordable prices.…

Toon Blast Astuce - Toon Blast Triche Pieces Gratuit

Toon Blast Astuce - Toon Blast Triche Pieces Gratuit

3 1 1

Toon Blast Astuce - Toon Blast Triche Pieces GratuitSi vous cherchez ce nouveau Toon Blast Astuce Triche, vous êtes au bon endroit car nous avons exactement ce dont vous avez besoin. Grâce à cet outil, vous réussirez à passer un bon moment de jeu qui vous plaira certainement beaucoup. Dans ce guide, nous vous proposons de comprendre pourquoi il est si important d'utiliser ce Toon Blast Triche dès maintenant.Ce nouveau Toon Blast Astuce Triche va être un bel outil pour gagner les pièces nécessaires que vous aimerez. Toutes les fonctions seront ajoutées directement à votre jeu en quelques secondes et vous n'aurez pas à attendre longtemps avant de les obtenir. Vous verrez que cela va bien fonctionner et vous n'aurez jamais de problèmes avec cela. Nous vous encourageons à atteindre tous vos objectifs de jeu avec ce Toon Blast Triche et vous verrez qu'il va bien fonctionner sur n'importe lequel de vos iOS et aussi sur votre Android que vous possédez. Tous ces appareils fonctionneront parfaitement et vous parviendrez à améliorer votre jeu car vous utiliserez ce Toon Blast Astuce immédiatement.Vous pouvez être sûr que ce nouveau Toon Blast Astuce va être protégé et cela signifie que vous pouvez profiter immédiatement de la fonction anti-ban que vous souhaitez.Toon Blast Astuce fonctionnalités:Ajout illimité de Piecesle soutien de l'iOS,Support Android,100% sécurisé avec notre protection Anti-Ban,Convivialité,Un design génial,Toon Blast Astuce a reçu des mises à jour régulières,Très rapide - générer des ressources en quelques secondes !…

La injusta vida de un presidiario

La injusta vida de un presidiario

30 2 1

Para todos sentirse libre es lo más importante de nuestras vidas y ese mismo concepto lo tenía Patricio Pérez que injustamente fue encarcelado en la ciudad de Guayaquil por un delito que él no cometió y que desde el año 2007 hasta el año 2015 pagó una condena por muerte, muerte que él no participó.Fueron 8 años que pasó injustamente en una cárcel por homicidio culposo en donde en tal lugar recibió maltratos por las mismas autoridades y por los distintos presos de dicha cárcel de la ciudad de Guayaquil.…

Tune of Friendship: A Musical Celebration

Tune of Friendship: A Musical Celebration

2 0 1

Tune of Friendship: A Musical Celebration" is a story that follows the exciting collaboration between TN and Bill Kaulitz, two talented musicians who pool their skills to create a new song called "Dream of Stars". As they work together on the project, Their friendship strengthens and blossoms, revealing a special connection in both music and everyday life.After successfully completing their first collaboration, Bill invites TN to celebrate with dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant. Between laughter and lively conversations, they enjoy a delicious meal while planning future musical projects and sharing dreams and aspirations."Tune of Friendship: A Musical Celebration" is a story that celebrates creativity, friendship and a passion for music, showing how art can bring people together and create lasting bonds.…

Descendant of an Airbender (Sokka x OC/Reader)

Descendant of an Airbender (Sokka x OC/Reader)

263 7 3

Kaya has a past that she wished she didn't have. While she learns more about her past and who she is, she meets Appa and Momo, who introduce her to the GAang.I do not own the Avatar the Last Airbender franchise.…

Carbon Peeling

Carbon Peeling

3 0 1

The Carbon Peel Facial, additionally known as the "China Doll Peel Facial" (named for its porcelain doll-like end to the pores and skin) is a progressive laser-resurfacing remedy that makes use of centered mild beams to deal with pores and skin imperfections.…

Hate or Love? (Hunter Rowland)

Hate or Love? (Hunter Rowland)

1,222 51 14

Hi my name is Kimberly, life is almost perfect. Keyword ALMOST !!!! I get bullied by the one and only Hunter Rowland.…

Ireland Boarding Schools - Safe And Secure

Ireland Boarding Schools - Safe And Secure

7 0 1

Do you want your child to attend a world-class school that provides excellent preparation for university or school success? Innovative technology and creativity are found in one of Ireland's boarding schools. Visit our website to create an account.…

Poems I've Written Recently
Estrellas sin límites

Estrellas sin límites

2 0 1

"Elena siempre había soñado con las estrellas. A través de las páginas de sus libros favoritos, viajaba a mundos donde las niñas eran astronautas, científicas y exploradoras. Cada capítulo era una aventura, cada personaje un amigo que le susurraba al oído: 'Puedes hacerlo, tú también'. Inspirada por estas historias, Elena decide formar un club de astronomía en su escuela. A pesar de los desafíos y las dudas de los demás, ella y sus amigas demuestran que el cielo nunca es el límite. Este relato en Wattpad celebra la fuerza y la determinación, inspirando a otras niñas a alcanzar las estrellas, literal y metafóricamente."…

Glass Water distiller

Glass Water distiller

1 0 1

Glass Water distiller is a dual water distiller, equipped with quartz glass heater for saving energy, for easy cleaning and long life. High purity water is obtained through the secondary distillation. High quality glass distillers are used to avoid contact between water and metal part. Distillation switch is controlled through temperature controller and a reed water leveler.…

How To Wash Lyocell Fabric

How To Wash Lyocell Fabric

2 0 1 washing:1.It can be washed by machine or hand, but the elasticity of the fibers is poor, so it is better to wash lightly or not to wash strongly by hand, so as not to change the shape of the clothes and affect the size.2.When washing with detergent, it is best to wash it in cold water to keep the original color. Underwear cannot be soaked in hot water, so as not to make the protein in sweat stains solidified and adhere to clothing and appear yellow sweat stains.…

Angela The Paradox #MemoirMonth

Angela The Paradox #MemoirMonth

53 0 3

A set of narratives. A peek to Angela's life."This May we’ve decided to recognize the Memoir. All month, Wattpad will be celebrating your true stories. Whether it’s a roadtrip journal, a military memoir, or personal tales of first and last loves, we are eager to hear your story. Share your own real stories and tag them #memoirmonth to be featured. In June, we will showcase some of our favorites. Happy writing!"- Wattpad…

What Are Shining Points of Clothes Made of Spandex?

What Are Shining Points of Clothes Made of Spandex?

1 0 1 kind of fabric is the spandex?Spandex is a kind of polyurethane fiber. Because of its excellent elasticity, it is also known as the elastic fiber, which has been widely used in clothing fabrics. The main characteristics of spandex fabric are:(1)The elasticity of spandex is very high. In general, products do not use 100% polyurethane, and in most cases, 5% to 30% polyurethane is blended in the fabric, giving a rise to a variety of spandex fabrics that boast 15% to 45% of the comfortable elasticity.textile fiber…

Johanna's Story

Johanna's Story

441 31 11

Johanna's arena, her pain, her life…

The Rope Swing

The Rope Swing

64 4 4

Ojas had always managed wherever his parents took him. Alaska, Iceland. Kenya. But when he gets stuck in Oregon for a year, and he meets her, everything changes. For better or for worse.…