87 0 7

Prolog Totul incepuse intr.o zi de iarna .Nicki impreuna cu parintii ei stateau la masa si mancau in noul lor apartament .Dintr-o data se auzi soneria .Mama fetei pe nume ,,Onika '' se duse sa deschida usa .In fata usii era un agent imobiliar imbracat la costum inalt si bine facut .Acesta îi spuse :-Buna seara doamna ,ma scuzati ca va deranjez la o ora asa de tarzie ,dar am niste vesti rele! -Ce s.a intamplat ? -In ultimele doua luni ale acestui an ,nu ati platiti creditul pentu apartamnent ,asa ca va rog sa eliberati apartamentul pana maine dimineata .Onika se intoarse la masa si le povesti sotului si fiicei ei situatia in care se aflau . Ne avand ce face si.au impachetat lucrurile si au plecat din apartament. Acum cei 3 nu mai aveau nimic inafara de unul pe altul ......Va urma !…

Undertale Comics- [Book Two]

Undertale Comics- [Book Two]

506,606 10,151 182

[Disclaimer: I do not own any of these comics, nor do I own Undertale. I only am putting them into a book so people can read them.]So. You guys might want a reason for why there's a second Undertale Comics Book. Well ya see, I reached the limit of Parts in the first one. So yeah.And I'm carrying on because I have way too many Undertale Comics stuff on my phone, and I really want to carry on because yeah, it's something to do.Mettaton wasn't here again to write a fabulous introduction so yeah, you just had me.…

| Little Zombie Demon | Child! Y/N x Platonic! Demon slayer cast |

| Little Zombie Demon | Child! Y/N x Platonic! Demon slayer cast |

13,084 500 16

As you lay on your death bed or.. death road you guess, you hope to be reincarnated into somewhere loving, somewhere that you could experience as little emotions as you possible and not be a crybaby. But what you didn't expect is to be reincarnated into the Demon Slayer world.. -ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈damn that's so fucking cliché-[ ALL DEMON SLAYER CHARACTERS AND BOOK COVER IS NOT OWNED OR MADE BY ME! ]…

BLSC #15 : The Dark Romance

BLSC #15 : The Dark Romance

2,908,834 128,551 44

BLSC #15Lucas VectonDark and Dangerous are the perfect words to describe Lucas in everyway. He's a businessman and a mafia. He doesn't hesitate to kill someone if they mess up with him. He never thought one day he met a girl who will tame him and make him get down on his knees beggingCrystal LemiereCarrying the Lemiere last name makes her special in everyway. She might be a sheep outside but she's a wolf inside. She's a tough girl and no one messes with her easily. She has a lot of special skills that will surprise someone a guy name Lucas Vecton"Do you think I'm scared of you just because you hold a gun in front of me? I'm not scared of you Mr. Vecton. Oh , I don't need to introduce myself right?" Crystal smirked at Lucas…

TAMING APOLLO | completed

TAMING APOLLO | completed

144,364 3,777 55

[ A Y E A R A F T E R H I S G O D C O M P L E X ]Gayle Lovegrove is starting over. The wayward waitress has given up her high-profile life and sure-fire future to become a waitress in a small town far away. So what happens when she finds a naked man in her apartment, claiming he knows her from another life? I'll tell you what; long, lingering dances in the dark, strange encounters and hard hitting cases to find out why she keeps having weird dreams about creepy dark creatures, flying men and a best friend she never knew.…

Femme fatale in the Devil's territory

Femme fatale in the Devil's territory

1,127,748 38,015 43

She was the Devil in heels, heroine for blood, she was toxic and dangerous. With fire in her eyes and poison in her heart she never loved, never gave a damn about anything, but money and power. She was as harmless as a hungry panther. She would kill and win, that was all that mattered, no love, no affection...A true Femme Fatale..Dangerous was her middle name and everyone knew it, but man always seemed to be addicted to her. Well, this happens until she kills in the wrong territory. Rogue Armstrong thought she could win here, but she was wrong, this was Ryan Kingsley's territory. Is Rogue going to win or is she going to loose something far more important than money? Ryan is the King of his territory, a boss, a ruler. The police is afraid of him and everyone obeys his will, except for an evil female who decides to kill in his territory and not obey any of his rules. Now.. what is he going to do with her? How is he going to eliminate a woman who makes him mad, yet gives him peace when she's beside him?WARNING ⚠️:Don't read if you're uncomfortable with crime and other dark things. 18+…

Bad School Girl

Bad School Girl

40,555 1,397 29

Dari sekolah gue belajar bagaimana pertemanan itu dari Calum.Dari sekolah gue tahu gimana rasanya ciuman pertama dari Zayn.Dari sekolah gue tau gimana rasanya jadi populer dari Kendall dan fansclub-nya.Dari sekolah gue bisa kenal orang yang cuek tapi ternyata peduli dari Luke.Dari sekolah gue belajar belain kebenaran dari Harry yang nge-bully Calum.Dari sekolah gue belajar jatuh cinta dari Michael yang menjadi pacar pertama gue.Dari sekolah gue terlahir sebagai bad girl...Start : 11-10-15End : 24-02-16…

Women in Motosport

Women in Motosport

597 165 57

Motosports are full of men. Hopefuly, some women take part of this wonderful sport. I wanted to create this book to show us that women can be in motosports too.…

My Man's Scandal [ZhanYi ver]

My Man's Scandal [ZhanYi ver]

52,224 4,005 34

A/N: This story is a remake version from my story in AFF site: https://bit.ly/3lU7i7q (Infinite's Woohyun x Sunggyu). I should update my ongoing story but it's not going well I feel demotivated. And this one is just a remake so it takes lesser time to do plus I suddenly have a mood on this. I actually planned a remake of this story for another cp (KitSing) but that gets abandoned for now as it took major changes rather than this one (ZhanYi/YiZhan) so yeah. I hope you enjoy this.20/11/2020: Ranked #2 in wangxiao (out of 832 stories) 🙏_________Synopsis:[Present - February 2020]I'm Wang Zixuan, a 23 years old vocal trainer at XueHua Entertainment for two years already. I got many appreciations by the company in spite of my young age, even got a sponsored car and apartment for myself, paying off my achievement in those two years. My life can't ever get happier until last 18 months ago, a guy appeared at the company and introduced as a new song producer, he melted my cold heart. His name? I don't think it's important now.My boring life started to change its cycle with his presence. I never thought I will fall for him. I realize my cold heart that I thought never able to love someone because of my father who cheated on my mother, already melted by this guy. He's warm and kind, very different from my father. When I realized I like him, I try to get his heart. Luckily after my bold and constant flirting coated with sincerity, he began to enjoy my company which leads us to a marriage, yes. Marriage. I'm married to him for already 14 months by now. We live just fine and full of happiness for a year even though without a child. I can say everyone in the company was jealous of us, I swear with my life.But it's just one year. A sweet one year and I never know or imagine our first anniversary we celebrated will be the first and last to be celebrated. Not until the return of him two months ago. Yes, you heard me. Him. My man's scandal, aka my husband's ex-boyfrien…

Untitled Dream

Untitled Dream

14,876 827 35

Disebalik identiti yang diselindungnya, ada janji yang dipegang. Dari jauh dia perhatikan si bidadari hatinya, mengumpul keyakinan untuk menyembuh parut di jiwa itu. Cintanya pada 2 beradik itu mengatasi rasa takut yang dia hadapi. Dia sedia menggalas tanggungjawab di antara kasih persahabatan dengan cinta pertamanya.Kehidupan aku berubah saat mereka pergi selamanya dari sisi aku. Siang malam aku mempersoal tiap kejadian. Ada tika aku ingin memisahkan nyawa dan jasadku dengan sendiri. Separuh hati berharap ada keajaiban dan separuh lagi mahu terus tenggelam dengan kesedihan. Dia hanya inginkan abang dan insan dicintai dalam diamnya untuk kembali.Rasa hatinya tidak setanding lelaki itu, padanya lelaki itu lebih layak menerima sekeping hati gadis misteri itu. Kerna dia tahu jatuh bangun lelaki itu saat kehilangan separuh dirinya. Melihat mereka bahagia, sudah cukup membuatkan dia tersenyum juga.Siapa antara mereka yang memilik mimpi tak bernama? Yang telah pergi atau yang telah kembali? Berbicara tentang kasih 2 darjat iaitu persahabatan dan cinta pertama? Happy reading ❤️…

Lured By The Billionaire King

Lured By The Billionaire King

15,058 705 62

"He was her Dark Fairytale and She was his Twisted Fantasy. Together they made magic."Ria had a rough life living in the city. Her dream is to become an interior designer but she ends up doing a menial job. One day she received an offer that would resolve her future career. She decided to take the risk but she didn't expect her decision would lead her to the world of unknown creatures with a mysterious smoking hot Gorgon King. He plunders her dream leaving her heart beating faster, her body sweating, and between her thighs that damn feeling that something is about to burst! Constantly awakens her every single night he visits her dream. Can Ria handle everything when things come to light?…

Lonely Knight

Lonely Knight

47 12 5

Ini merupakan novel karangan pertamaku. Bersinopsis tentang seorang pria bernama "Ian" yang tersesat di suatu dunia digital bernama "Nusantara". Dengan keadaan amnesia total Ian terus berusaha mencari dan mengungkapkan jati dirinya yang tersembunyi di balik luasnya petualangan dirinya di dalam dunia tersebut."Author akan mengusahakan memberikan 1 bab tambahan setiap 5-10 hari sekali."…

Oh my god...|Scream 5&6|

Oh my god...|Scream 5&6|

37,259 560 39

Rosaline James-Macher daughter of Leslie Macher (sister of the infamous serial killer Stu Macher) and a police officer named Cameron James, everything changed on a night in her town woodsboro.…

Not Good Enough - Bad Naruto

Not Good Enough - Bad Naruto

39,669 3,602 28

Naruto, bocah malang yang tidak menahu tentang apapun, terpaksa menerima kebencian semua orang didesa bahkan termasuk keluarganya sendiri yang mengacuhkan dan memperlakukan dirinya seperti hewan. Berbeda dengan Naruto, saudara kembarnya, Menma cukup beruntung karena bisa mendapatkan cinta dari semua orang dan keluarganyaSelama bertahun-tahun diperlakukan tidak adil membuat Naruto sadar akan rasa sakitnya dan tidak segan untuk membagikannya ke seluruh duniaWARNING!!!-Amburadul, gaje, typo-alurnya dark/suram dll (sesuai judul)-adegan kekerasan dan aksi brutal yang diceritakan secara gamblang serta beberapa adegan dewasa-minus rasa kemanusiaan-tidak menutup kemungkinan ada beberapa part yang filler (karena serial asli pun banyak episode fiiler nya)_________________________________________Note: semua karakter milik Masashi Kishimoto, saya hanya meminjamnyaSelamat membaca....…

Seeing Blind

Seeing Blind

93,276 1,841 187

She should have died. But instead, a green-eyed man saved her.Alana Thomas and Dean Winchester begin hunting together. He's her sight and she's his tuned hearing. Together, the two of them are a force to be reckoned with. Then, Dean's father goes missing and desperate to find him, Dean ropes in his brother who'd left the life. Now, the three are on a quest to find a man on a long journey for revenge. And that is where their story begins. *I don't own Supernatural. All credit goes to Eric Kripke. I only own Alana and her story.*…



48 10 6

Nu sunt genul de fată care să creadă în ceva fără sens, dar și când o fac înseamnă că ceva s-a întâmplat în viața mea. In cazul acesta, eu nu cred în destin pentru că viitorul ține de pașii pe care tu ai de gând să îi faci și de alegerile ce îți pot asigura o viață ușoară ,sau nu. Tot timpul am fost forțată de împrejurări să recurg la fapte calculate pentru a nu da cu bâta-n baltă. Nu știam însă că de la o petrecere nevinovată, la care am fost forțată să merg, o singură privire îmi poate da toate principiile despre viitor la o parte la fel de ușor ca o frunză purtată de vânt. Am învățat că nu tot ce zboară se mănâncă, că fiecare pierdere e doar un pretext pentru adevăratul scop și că EL e un adevărat artist al suferinței ce încă nu Și-a găsit adevăratul scop. Eu am încercat și am luptat.. dar el?…

The Billionaire crazy Wife

The Billionaire crazy Wife

100,760 3,176 80

"Do you Mrs Chantel McCarty take Mr Dominic Winfrey as your lawfully wedded husband till death do you apart?" The priest ask the average woman glaring at the man on a retro suit. If look could kill, then Dominic would be unconscious right now.The priest made to ask again but the woman replied."No, I don't" her replied shocked everyone epecially her parents."As the matter fact, I know nothing about this motherfucker" she paused and look back at the priest whose eyes was widened like that of a watermelon."But who cares, I don't have damn right to make ma own decision. I'm sure Mr Demonic... oh sorry.. I meant to say Dominic, would say Yes, so I guess you should proceed Mr Priest, there's no need for you to ask since you know you can't do a damn thing to stop this wedding.. Gawd! my foot is killing me" She reach down and took off her heels. When she was done she took a deep breath and smiled to everyone in the hall not noticing the Dominic cold glare on her. His blood was boiling."Mr Dominic Wing...""Yes I do" Came a cold voice from Dominic as he glare at the Priest who shuddered in fear. Poor him."I now p..pro..noun you both a..as Hus..band a..and wife" The priest stammer as his hand shaking. The wife was crazy and the husband was damn scary.✯✯✯Being the most feared and ruthless Billionaire, Dominic Winfrey have a lot of rivals. Due to the pressure from his family to settle down and in order to protect his company from hostile take over, he have no choice but to proposed a marriage to the McCarthy family first daughter.The two families decided to merge for business collaboration. Unfortunately for him, Chantel McCarthy wasn't that type of a submissive woman. In fact she is the opposite of a perfect wife. Soon, series of comic events escalates in between them.✿✿✿✿Wanna find out the drama between these two?What happened when an unexpected feeling came between them?…

Twilight {-Remus Lupin x Reader-}

Twilight {-Remus Lupin x Reader-}

3,605 109 12

❛Y-You know?❜ He stammered, eyes wide, as if he expected me to pull a pitchfork out of my back pocket.❛Uh-huh.❜❛And you're not... you're not scared?❜❛You're wearing fluffy socks with little turtles on them, forgive me for not trembling in fear.❜{--}A werewolf, or occasionally lycanthrope, is an individual who can shape-shift into a wolf with the transformations occurring on the night of a full moon. They are depicted as ugly, dangerous creatures who should be avoided and feared.Well, you exactly wouldn't call Remus Lupin 'dangerous' and definitely not 'ugly'. If you cast your eyes upon the boy, he most definitely would not strike fear into your heart or send chills up your spine.Unless you took his chocolate, that is.{--}One night, under the light of the full moon, Y/n L/n, a Hufflepuff girl with secrets of her own, crept out of her room that night and stumbled upon a group of Animagi attempting to calm a werewolf. Upon seeing this, she made use of her 'secret' and found herself becoming a member of the infamous Marauders.Want to know more? Read the goddamn fanfic!WARNING: This story contains canon-fuckery, which is mostly unintentional (like Regulus and Tonks being in the wrong school year). I'm too lazy to go back and change it so... deal with it.…

( Editing ) Anime x reader One shots

( Editing ) Anime x reader One shots

29,872 621 53

One shot book…

Creepy Pastas: Almas de Sangue

Creepy Pastas: Almas de Sangue

1,736 60 30

O novo livro para a serie CreepyPastas, com novas histórias de deixar com medo. sendo elas diferentes, mas com o mesmo estilo. Contendo também contos da DeepWeb, Fatos estranhos e Fatos Reais.Todos Direitos Reservados.…