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For all of us to whom Stargate Atlantis was more than just five seasons and one crap ( and shelved!) movie. This is my attempt to keep the television series storyline going beyond season five. I loved these characters, and for those who are avid fans, this is what I had hoped would happen if the actors had managed to buy the franchise, (yeah, MGM's biggest mucked up fess since it's bankruptcy) and will not include anything from the movie. I will, to the best of my rather limited abilities, bring SG-1 characters in as 'guest-stars' in each 'episode'. I'd call it something else, if something else could be found. I will bring Elizabeth Weir back, because, well, she's Elizabeth, and Atlantis isn't Atlantis without her. John Sheppard and his team will still be the focal point of this, except for when I get a rare kick to send out a minor character to try and make it in one of the chunks of spinning, liveable planets that make up the Pegasus Galaxy. (Remember Cavanagh? I've got plans. Elizabeth's threat seems a good place to start on that little matter, right?) I will try to follow the technical and scientific theories of the Stargate universe, as best I can. I, of course, do not own any of these characters, or have any claim to the Stargate franchise beyond my obsession with Atlantis, and with that as my authorization of bona-fides, I will try to stay as closely aligned to the story, characters, and their personalities as portrayed by the actors. So, the wormhole is stable, and I'll see you on Altantis.…