NHL Short Stories

NHL Short Stories

11,679 66 25

Just a compilation of short stories of various hockey players that may or may not reflect what's going on in my mind. I'm open to any requests!…

Blood Enemies • The Vampire Diaries [2]

Blood Enemies • The Vampire Diaries [2]

349,658 8,021 27

❝If I let myself care, all I feel is pain.❞In her short seventeen years, Lyssa Gilbert has gone through a lot, always with her twin sister Elena, right by her side. The idea of separation, impossible for them to fathom. Blood lines will be torched, replaced with battle lines, and Lyssa will learn that sometimes you can't always depend on family.DISCLAIMER : I DO NOT OWN THE VAMPIRE DIARIES OR ITS CHARACTERS…

Hockey Imagines

Hockey Imagines

108,570 816 48

Holy heck 52k!!!!!reads thank you so much!!!!❤️I apologize for not updating, I have no ideas to write about ... I'm really sorry but I'll write and post when I make something I decided to make a Hockey imagine story :) So these chapters will be players from NHL or ECHL and you :) I'll try my best to post when ever I finish the chapter and REQUESTS ARE CLOSED!!! I hope you enjoy :)…

the best list of female face claims you'll ever find

the best list of female face claims you'll ever find

881 8 200

you can't find a face to associate to your character? i got you.…



2 0 1

a story about a young girl who finds love but thinks about her future and how to make it in life before giving in to the guy she loves. she goes through so many things but refuses to give up on her dreams…

The story of tonight

The story of tonight

4 0 1

27. August, 1782 in Beaufort, South Carolina. Mitten in der Nacht entbrennt am Combahee River ein Gefecht mit den Briten und Colonel John Laurens kann nur an eines denken. An den Brief, den er am Abend zuvor erhalten hatte und den er nicht gelesen hatte. Der Brief auf dessen Umschlag in fein geschwungenen Linien gestanden hatte 'Für Laurens von A. Hamilton' // AlexanderxJohn…

Vs Battle

Vs Battle

21,481 93 200

These are battles that I have thought up with the top of my head or just find online. And don't worry I will be showing what the characters can do just in case you don't know what they can do, and of course I will be showing comparison between the characters as well.…

NHL Imagines

NHL Imagines

550,988 5,719 125

To play the game is good, to win is better, but to love the game is best of all -Unknown Just a book full of hockey imagines written by a bored girl in New York. (Who loves hockey) Cover made by: Riseoftheguardians_…



16 0 6

And here I amSeventeen years of ageSo much has happenedSo much will come…

Queen of Witches

Queen of Witches

3,740 147 19

Davina rannte soweit ihre Beine sie trugen..Sie konnte nicht mehr klar denken... hatte nur noch den einen Gedanken....Sie musste ihre Verfolger los werden..------------------------------------------------------- Was tun wenn dein Leben auf dem Spiel steht?Wahrscheinlich das, was jeder Jugendlicher tun würde, von den Problemen davon rennen.Die 19jährige Davina hat es als die Ziehtochter von dem 'König' New Orleans nicht gerade leicht , doch Familie geht über alles nicht wahr?_____________________________________•kopieren von Teilen der Geschichts geschenisse oder der ganzen Geschichte ist untersagt•(Am Anfang ist die Storyline ein bisschen holprig aber es wird in den anderen Kapiteln besser)…

Hockey One Shots

Hockey One Shots

198,858 2,287 141

One shots about your favorite players! All one shots are written by me, either by request or just because. Please read the rules before submitting a request!(NOTICE: I have this story posted on my other account (picklelovingwriter) so I am not copying or stealing anything!)…

Hockey Imagines

Hockey Imagines

66,528 941 83

CHANGE: I have changed the title and requests are open, but please try not to request a ton. I get overwhelmed very easily and I can shut down. So if you'd like one, PM me with the player, team and scenario you'd like. I'm obsessed with the NHL, it's crazy! I began loving hockey when I watched Team USA and Team Russia in a shoutout in the 2014 Winter Olympics. My favorite NHL teams are the Wild, Penguins, Lightning, Ducks and Capitals. I hope you enjoy my writing!…

Snow white

Snow white

26 1 1

Ihr denkt Snow white ist ein Märchen?Eine Geschichte?Für kleine Kinder?Falsch gedacht!Sarah Grace White, genannt Snow, lebt mit ihrer Stiefmutter Angelika und ihrem liebevollem Vater, in Moncks Corner, South Carolina.Wird es einen Prinz geben, der sie vor ihrer bösen Stiefmutter rettet? Oder verläuft doch alles ganz anders?Lest selbst, viel Spaß!…



785 40 40

We will get through this life by writing all words too afraid to sayAll written by Caroline Kirkland…

Margot Robbie Photoshoots [2008-2020]

Margot Robbie Photoshoots [2008-2020]

16,224 1,736 108

Look at actress Margot Robbie's evolution through photoshoots, magazine covers, & advertisements from 2008-2019.…

Meet The Authors Showcase Edition #1 (1 of 3)

Meet The Authors Showcase Edition #1 (1 of 3)

9,194 1,251 200

Est. 2/17/2020This addition of meet the authors is meant to allow readers to learn how their favorite stories originated. These interviews are surfaced around what went into each story. For example, what the reader struggled with writing, what inspired the idea, if they share any similarities to their MC of the story and so on. Looking for the stories promoted in these interviews? Check my profile for the meet the authors showcase reading lists.some accomplishments: reached 1K on March/ 8/ 2020 #1 in promotions march/ 14/2020 Trending on Wattpad March/18/2020 #2 in recognition, #1 in promotions and #1 in MeetTheAuthors March 22 2020Reached 2K views March 24 2020Reached 3K views on April 11 2020Reached 4K views on April 19 2020Reached 5K views on May 3rd 2020Reached 6K views on May 21 2020Reached 7K views on July 15 2021#1 in responses, #3 in meet the authors and #9 in promotions 1/22/23reached 8K views on 2/17/23reachde 9K views on 4/4/24…

Covers - Síla Photoshopu (PAUSE)

Covers - Síla Photoshopu (PAUSE)

18,507 1,840 66

Po delší době dělání coverů jen pro přátele a sebe samotnou jsem se rozhodla, že umožním tuto možnost tvorby i pro ostatní. Jestli chcete cover, stačí mi vyplnit několik bodů a napsat mi to buď do zprávy, nebo do komentáře. Doufám, že se vám bude má tvorba líbit .UPOZORNĚNÍ: MOMENTÁLNĚ PROBÍHÁ MENŠÍ PAUZA. ROZHODNĚ TO NENÍ KONEC, JEN MÁM NA MŮJ VKUS MOC OBJEDNÁVEK A MÁLO ČASU (ŠKOLA, PSANÍ, PŘIJÍMAČKY...). DÍKY ZA POCHOPENÍ, AŽ BUDE MÉNĚ OBJEDNÁVEK PAUZA SKONČÍ. :)SAMOZŘEJMĚ TO NEZNAMENÁ, ŽE NEUDĚLÁM OBJEDNANÉ COVERY, JEN V TUTO CHVÍLI NEPŘIJÍMÁM DALŠÍ OBJEDNÁVKY. :)…

I say Hi(Me in Gacha Club)!

I say Hi(Me in Gacha Club)!

3,476 189 200

Hello there.…

Bucky x Reader After Endgame Bucky

Bucky x Reader After Endgame Bucky

296 5 5

ACHTUNG SPOILER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!An jeden der Endgame noch nicht gesehen hat und sich den spaß daran nicht zerstören will.Bucky ist nach den Ereignissen von Endgame eigentlich relativ okay, wäre da nicht Steve welcher nun nicht mehr gleich alt wie Bucky ist. Und würde nicht immer diese Einsamkeit hervorkommen sobald er alleine ist. Er versucht sich selbst in ein normales leben zu begeben, was leider scheitert und weshalb man ihn fast jeden Abend in einer kleinen Bar in Brooklyn finden kann. Und da kommst dann du ins Spiel.............Ich gebe dem Reader den Namen Caroline, je nach eurer Fantasy könnt ihr ja auch euren Namen nehmen.…