Bittersweet Love

Bittersweet Love

2,738 123 4

IN WHICH Flora Mikaelson sacrificed herself for her husband and his family.ORIN WHICH Flora Potter starts to remember her past life while fighting a war. (I do not own Harry Potter or TVD)(I apologize for any mistakes)…

"I promise this is forever, Ronald." | Ron W. x Fem!Reader

1,967 81 41

"Y/n/n?" Ron whispered as he hugged the girl he loved for some many years."Yes, Ronald?" Y/n whispered."Promise me something." Ron whispered."What's the promise?" Y/n asked."Promise me this is forever." Ron said, pulling away from the hug."I promise this forever, Ronald. Why do you ask?" Y/n smiled softly at the boy she loved for years."Because, everyone I love, I end up losing." Ron looked at Y/n as he pulled her in for another hug.Oh, what a lie that seemed to Ron. But it was the truth.-------------------------------Go through the years and watch Ron and Y/n's relationship turn into something more than friendship, along with Hermione and Theodore's and Sabine and Blaise's.(I don't own Harry Potter, Dobby does. I do NOT support JK Rowling after I learned what she said about Trans people. It devasated me hearing that she said all of those horrible things.)PS-DHPs- ✅Cos- 📝Pos- TBAGof- TBAOotp- TBAHbp- TBADh- TBARonXFem!ReaderSome of the things in here are inspired by other books! I'll make sure to tag them in the chapters that gets inspired by them! Also there will be a lot of Gen Z references! Also Y/n is besties with Gred, Forge, Oliver, Seamus, and Dean! There's also mature language (only cause of Sabine, Rose, Y/n and Theo Lupin)This is word for word from the books! But there will be times where I change it up a bit.…



599 53 7

Do you still believe myths can save you? Foolish Creature. Let me be clear; every version of the story ends with you being slaughtered.Goblet of Fire - Deathly Hollows Narnia x Harry Potter Crossover AUcover by rrenaisseance© nevillearts. 2023…

Helpless I Tricia Robredo

Helpless I Tricia Robredo

41,021 2,339 61

"I'm so into you, I am so into you..."Janine Patricia "Patty" Robredo got accepted as an intern at Seattle Grace Hospital. Theodora Mae "Teddy" Lopez is her fellow intern. The moment Doc Tricia saw her, she just felt helpless.The Robredos…

Iskra Bogów tom 3

Iskra Bogów tom 3

2 0 1

Czytanie jest jedną z najważniejszych umiejętności każdego człowieka, ponieważ wciąż jedną z podstawowych form komunikowania się jest mowa pisana.Iskra Bogów to trzytomowy bestseller autorstwa Marah Woolf pochodzącej z Niemiec. Ta książka rozwija moją wyobraźnię, ponieważ Marah Woolf ma niesamowity talent. Tworzy światy pełne tajemnic, przygód, miłości, zdrady i przyjaźni. Jej opowieści o bogach greckich, tytanach i stworzeniach fantastycznych są barwne i pełne szczegółów. Fabuła w napięciu trzyma do ostatniej strony. Czyta się je bardzo szybko, chociaż pierwszy tom ma 446 stron, drugi 476, a trzeci najwięcej, bo aż 506, ma dosyć dużą czcionkę i format A5. Przeczytałam ją w miesiąc i 3 dni.Uderz we mnie ogniem i śnieżycą A jeśli chcesz-błyskawicami, Zrzuć mnie w otchłań lub w rozszalałe morze. Znękanemu tęsknotą i ujarzmionemu przez Erosa Zeus nie może zadać większej męki Swoim piorunem. Altgriechisches Liebesgeddicht [Wiersze miłosne] Autor nieznanyOstatnia część mówi o tym, że tylko Jess i Cayden mogą położyć kres walce bogów. Znajdziemy też odpowiedź na pytania: Czy Jessica zaufa Caydenowi nawet po zdradzie? Czy wybaczy swojej koleżance Robyn jej przewinienie?…

Meme, Myself, And I

Meme, Myself, And I

23 0 11


Sebastian Moran Appreciation Book

Sebastian Moran Appreciation Book

6,416 622 127

-100% rants about Sebastian Moran-Probably 98% of it will include the good ship Mormor-Some headcanons will probably be crack-Will probably also include random things related to Mormor and SebastianEnjoy the show~…



6,870 203 137


Am I Pretty Yet?

Am I Pretty Yet?

144 7 4

Hello everyone. My name is Nichole Renea Peters and this is my story.…

Muscle to Fall in Love

Muscle to Fall in Love

4 0 1

She wonders what a lot of things are like.…

Why I'm annoyed

Why I'm annoyed

31 0 11

This is just a book about me ranting so have fun here.…

The Bus Home

The Bus Home

9 0 1

When you have too much time to think on the way home your mind can wander into other peoples heads.…

It Came From the Woods

It Came From the Woods

12 1 2

One day when a man walks out of the woods and stumbles upon a small town he is stricken by how nice and innocent they all are. Everyone welcomes him with open arms but little do they know, James has a dark secret.…

Spiders and Seas (Heroes Come in Many Forms)

Spiders and Seas (Heroes Come in Many Forms)

436 10 4

TW: Allusions to Child Abuse (physical), Child Abuse (verbal), Violence, Allusions to Gore, InjuryPeter Parker was 6, and not a stranger to tragedy. Still, things were now going great. After the deaths of his parents, then his aunt & uncle, he was taken in by his hero: Tony Stark. Now, things are pretty much perfect. Percy Jackson was also not a stranger to tragedy, although it seemed to him that that would never cease. His mother was dead, his father a quintessential deadbeat, and his stepfather was, well, not kind seemed to be putting it lightly. Still, he treks on through his life the best he possibly can surviving from one day to the next. When the two meet, both find that their lives will completely change - how so? That remains to be seen.…

The Story

The Story

60 1 4

Mädchen und Junge können beste Freunde sein? Ja. Nein. Wenn Du jetzt darüber nachdenkst ob es doch stimmen könnte, dann lies weiter.Eine großartige Liebesgeschichte über zwei Menschen, die viele Höhen und Tiefen erleben, die es zu überstehen gilt. Doch was könnte schwieriger sein, als ein Badboy.…

At Sea

At Sea

2 0 1

Captain Akir saves lives in many different ways. However, many questions float around in her head, what if she gets caught? could she be killed? how much longer can she keep this up? ***A reworked version of Ena***…



63 4 1

***Reworked it, it's now "At Sea" (tentative title)***Ena devises a plan to keep her good friend Destrey safe. They join an eclectic crew on the sea surrounded by enemies, monsters, and adventure. Back at home Ena's mother tries to clear Destreys name by butting heads with the corrupt cops, only to find out a darker secret lies beneath her city.…