Un diario galáctico

Un diario galáctico

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En la mente de alguien, hay vida, vida pequeña, nada es más pequeño ni nada es más grande en este universo, hay moléculas que tienen galaxias, hay galaxias que las vemos sin compañía, solo con su red de estrellas, imaginemos una telaraña...tiene insectos atrapados, los insectos equivalen a una estrella de una galaxia,y...el centro, es el punto del corazón por lo que la telaraña si le rompes el centro deja de sostenerse...algún día el sol madurará hasta convertirse en un gigante rojo y al final un blanco enano...etc...…

(Diabolik Lovers)My StepBrothers Are Vampires

(Diabolik Lovers)My StepBrothers Are Vampires

285 5 8

Characters name Reiji sakamaki as Reiko zakami.EldestType of person Gentlemen and caring.The next isShut as Sitsuki zakami.Type of person Loner and half kindness. The thrid son isAyatollah as Reyunji zakami.Type of person Play boy.The next one isKanato as Ritsuki zakami. Type of person Always likes sweets and cute things The one and my .favourite isSubaru as Hitachi zakami.Type of person Tsundere.The last but not the least is Ruki mukami as Rukiyu zakami.Type of person Serious face and an amazing guy.The stepdauther isYui komori as Kate hayaziSky Blue eyes and blond hair Type of girl Beautiful and talented.Desricption. This is the story about a girl who adopted by a vampire but the girl didn't know that the his father is a vampire.…

Vacante De Vis in Tari Exotice

Vacante De Vis in Tari Exotice

10 0 2

In aceasta carte veti putea afla cateva informatii istorice legate despre tara respectiva pe care va veti dori sa o vizitati in viitorul apropiat s au indepartat.In primuul rand aici va voi povesti despre obiceiurile si mancarurile tradiționale din tara respectiva.In al doile rand veti putea afla aici ce obiective si monumente atât turistice cat si istorice .Iata ca am ajuns si la finaul desrierii aestei carti minunate cu ideii de vacante deosebite in tari exotice din intreaga lume !VA DORESC DISTRACTIE PLACUTA SI O VACANTA FRUMOASA PLINA DE AMINITRI DE NEUITAT ALATURI DE FAMIE PRIETENII S AU PERSOANA IUBITA SI NU IN ULTIML RAND LECTURA PLACUTA SI SPOR LA CITIT!…

ATLA: When Worlds Collide|| Zuko x Sokka Highschool!AU

ATLA: When Worlds Collide|| Zuko x Sokka Highschool!AU

157 6 3

Zuko's life may be a mess, but he'll be damned if he lets some pretty boy get away with laughing at him on his first day at a new school. Even if the term 'pretty' doesn't come close to describing how attractive he finds him. ORAfter being kicked out by his father, Zuko changes schools and moves into the apartment above his uncle's tea shop.Just because he is no longer burdened by his father's abuse dosn't mean that all will be smooth sailing from here. Confined by the unfamiliar walls of South Water Highschool, Zuko must work past many obstacles on his journey of self-discovery, friendship, and love. But before he can fill in the answers of his own identity, he has to figure out how to survive this physics project when his partners a cute piece of shit. Book One of the 'When Worlds Collide' SeriesStarted: June 2020Published: January 2021Finished: ??UneditedDisclaimer:Contains mild use of swearingPlease be aware that some chapters may mention underage use of drugs and alcohol, as well as physical and emotional abuse I will add individual warnings to any chapters that may contain the above or any other sensitive content I do not take credit for any of the characters used in the storyI only take credit for the overall plot of this story as well as my OC's Jaime Taylor and her extended family Any characters mentioned in this story that are not part of the ATLA franchise belong to me unless otherwise statedAll rights to the characters go to the creators of Avatar: the Last Airbender…

Presentation : Partie 1

Presentation : Partie 1

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Salam aleykum On se présente :Partie 1: Salam je me présente je m'appelle Nesrine. J'ai 17 ans. J'ai les cheveux bruns - chatin. Je ressemble a la photo en haut ❤️. Je suis plutot mince j'ai des formes ou il faut. J'habite dans une cité(blok B ) aek ma mère (mes parents sont divorcés)et mes 2 reufs : Younes et Moncef. Qui sont tout les deux celib haha. Younes a 19 ans et Moncef 21. De vraies bg mes freres. Mes amours, mes vies mes meilleurs amis Leila et Sofia❤️. On habite dans la même cité Sofia dans blok A et Leila dans blok C. Sofia est en couple avec un renoi et on rigole beaucoup de ca mais rien de bien mechant . Leila a ete en couple avec beaucoup de mecs mddr. Par contre moi j'ai ete en couple avec un mec mais il a dû déménager depuis plus de nouvelle. Depuis ce jour la je ne fréquente plus les mecs et ne sors plus avec. Mais un jour je rencontre quelqu'un ...…

Kau Dalam Kenangan.

Kau Dalam Kenangan.

15 0 1

Syed Afiq , siapa sahaja yang tidak kenal, satu satunya anak Tan Sri Syed Afizul dan juga satu satunya pewaris Global Kenyalang , syarikat yang amat gah dan tersenarai dalam 10 syarikat yang terkenal..Syed Afiq atau afiq seorang jejaka yang kacak dan tinggi lampai . Dia mengalami philophobia iaitu takut untuk dicintai atau mencintai . Sikapnya yang baran itu sudah menjadi perkara biasa untuk kawan baiknya 'shasya'. Syasha Afiqah , anak kepada Dato khalil .Dato khalil amat menyanyangi satu satunya puterinya. Apa saja yang diminta pasti akan diturutkan. Shasha sudah lama berkawan baik dengan syed afiq, mereka sudah seperti adik beradik kemana mana pasti bersama. Gadis yang amat brutal ,sikapnya yang kasar membuatkan hati Nick Harai mengejarnya. Perangai yang kasar tidak mampu untuk menutup kecantikannya . 'I love you Lionking'SyashaAfiqah 'I love you more bee' -SyedAfiqHari tidak sentiasa cerah seperti itulah dengan kehidupan, kehidupan tidak selalu bahagia adakala ujian yang datang menimpa . Shasha tidak percaya bahawa Afiq telah jatuh cinta dengan Inara seorang model yang terkenal di majalah. Pertemuan secara tidak segaja antara Inara dengan afiq bersama shasya satu restoran telah membuatkan hati Inara bengkak kerana melihat kemesraan itu. Tercetuslah konflik antara mereka bertiga. Masalah ditambah lagi dengan kehadiran Nik Harai Yang nekad menumbuk Syed Afiq. Mampukah Shasya Afiqah meneruskan persahabatan dia dengan Syed Afiq yang sudah lama terbina dan menerima Nik Harai dalam hidupnya ? Adakah kemenangan ini terus menjadi milik Inara? Siapakah yang akan menjadi kenangan dalam hidup Syed Afiq ?"Please darling, I tak suka you berkawan dengan Shasya, I tak nak dia rampas you! You choose me or her?! "-Inara…



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Ini cerita klasik, bukan tentang cowo badboy dan goodgrill bukan juga tentang pertemuan dengan menabrakan dirinya dengan tokoh lainnya kemudian jatuh cinta, lalu ini cerita apa?cerita biasa yang semua orang pikir akan pernah mengalaminya. Sebuah kisah seorang Resha Bulan Desrianty yang enggan berteman dengan wanita,ia pindah ke Yogyakarta ingin menemukan sudut-sudut kehangatan di Jogja bukan keramaian di Jakarta. Lalu misi utamanya mencari teman laki-laki di Jogja.-------Rizal Bintang Muhammad laki-laki biasa yang tak menonjol di sekolah, hingga Resha hadir membuat dirinya bagai pemeran utama ,Resha gadis yang tak seperti orang biasanya. Menurutnya Resha itu tokoh utama incaran banyak orang lalu kenapa harus dirinya?kenapa dengan dirinya ?kenapa Resha ingin sekali berteman dengan dirinya?padahal saya itu laki -laki yang pada umumnya.Hingga resha membuat masalah besar dalam hati saya..."Zal kalau dipikirkan nama kita seiras ya,satu jenis""satu jenis?nama ku?namamu?"iyaa, nama pertengahan kita sama-sama nama benda langit pada saat malam pada saat senja menghilang,kemudian digantikan langit gelap""Bulan dan bintang?""Iyaa Rizaalll""Ress kalau misalkan bintang menghilang dan bulan menyendiri bagaimana?""Tidak akan""ko gitu?siapa tahu malam sedang hujan, bintang kemungkinan tak muncul hanya bulan sendirian""sini aku bisikin " sontak rizal mendekatkan telinganya "Karna bulan disini tak pernah kehilangan bintang nya,karna kamu pasti tidak akan menghilang hanya karna hujan".bisik Resha"dasar anak kota"balas Rizal yang tak mampu menyembunyikan kesenangan dan semburat merah di pipinnya.…

Across The Country For Sexy Pizza

Across The Country For Sexy Pizza

1,605 41 5

"Hey you guys come look at this!" No one came to her so she turned the computer around. "Sexy pizza?" Kailah read aloud. Everyone started to snicker at the name of the restraunt. "So what website are you on and where is this sexy pizza place?" Starr asked. "Well i'm on Tumblr and it says that it's in Los Angeles California." Erizona said. "Well i've always wanted to go to California" I sighed, Then it was like a light bulb went off in my head, "Hey guys I know what we can do for the rest of the summer we can go on a roadtrip to LA! It would be so much fun! We can rent out an RV, Go sight seeing and we will have so much fun doing it! Not to mention that we can check out this Sexy Pizza place. I really want to know what makes it so sexy." Erizona thought for a second then smiled, "Yeah it would be amazingly fun! We can do whatever we want on the road! you guys I think we should do it!"Violet and her four friends are all seventeen and are tired of the same old thing everyday. Basically it's the same routine everyday of the summer. Sneak out to a party, get drunk at said party pass out in random place also at said party and wake up to the blinding sun in the morning and sneak back home. Quite frankly Violet's tired of it, so with one little exploration of Tumblr one of Vi's best friends finds a resturaunt all way on the west coast that has a pizzeria thats called Sexy pizza. Just like all the rest of her friends she snickers at the name and makes fun of it, but as she gives it a second thought she comes up with the craziest idea ever. to have a roadtrip all the way to LA! On the road they have to endore a whole lot like crazy ho-bo's RV jackers, prostitutes, and thats not even the worst of it! find out what happens in this story of crazyness! (Sorry if this sucked really bad...I am NOT good at desriptions...O.O)…

Pengobatan HNP Syaraf Terjepit | Ahli Syaraf HNP

Pengobatan HNP Syaraf Terjepit | Ahli Syaraf HNP

65 0 1

HNP singkatan dari Hernia Nukleus Pulposus. Ini adalah penyakit syaraf terjepit yang sangat menyiksa. Pengobatan HNP Syaraf Terjepit harus dilakukan oleh para ahli atau spesialis HNP. Jika anda memilih pengobatan HNP secara medis, maka terapi obat kimia dan operasi umumnya direkomendasikan. Namun kini telah hadir obat herbal spesialis HNP yang bernama Green World Nutrimax. Green World Nutrimax merupakan obat herbal berskala International yang telah teruji secara klinis mampu mengobati para penderita HNP atau syaraf terjepit tanpa operasi.Bila anda penderita HNP yang sedang mencari pengobatan tanpa operasi, kini telah hadir Green World Nutrimax sebagai obat herbal spesialis untuk mengobati berbagai jenis gangguan atau penyakit syaraf, salah satunya HNP. Nyeri punggung bagian bawah sangat menyiksa, dan andapun tidak akan bebas melakukan aktifitas. HNP bisa mempengaruhi kualitas hidup, bahkan dapat menyebabkan kelumpuhan. Operasi bukan satu-satunya pengobatan yang direkomendasikan bagi penderita HNP. Selain membutuhkan biaya yang tidak sedikit, operasi juga dapat menyebabkan efek samping. Namun dengan hadirnya Green World Nutrimax, maka penyakit HNP yang anda derita akan sembuh tanpa harus operasi.Posted by: Pengobatan HNP Syaraf Terjepit Kunnungi : http://www.obatherbalgamatluxor.com/…

Painting Stars

Painting Stars

100 5 5

Elio is a 16 Years old boy. He lives with his mum and dad.Elio's dad says al of a sudden that he wants to move houses. He looks panicked. When they pack their stuf, Elio sees a lot of paintings packet. He asks his dad why they have so much paintings. His dad looks shocked. He tells him that painting is just a hobby of him.Then one day, Elio wakes up in the night by a sound in his new house. He looks through a crack from his door to the hall, where he sees his dad walking down the stairs. He hears the door. Then he looks out of his window and sees him looking, without any color in his eyes, to the stars.When his father comes back he takes the keys and puts 1 key in a hole in the ceiling. then a hatch opens with a ladder. wow, I didn't know we had an zolder, Elio thought.Then one day when his parents go out, he manages to pick the keys. He goes to the zolder and when he gets there...he sees al paintings of people and other things. There is also a big painting where two boy's are painted on and one of them looks like himsel...what does this mean.…

Star Wars: Darth Nekemshal: Character List

Star Wars: Darth Nekemshal: Character List

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Characters: Character Name - Species - RoleOmnitikus Namore - Human - Leader of the Rebellion, Husband to Aima, Father of NekemshalAima Namore/(Turns Sith, but is killed before renamed)-- - Human - Leader of the Rebellion, Wife of Omnitikus, Mother of NekemshalNekemshal Namore/Darth Nekemshal - Human - Daughter of the Leaders of the RebellionJonn and Thew Lerann - Human - Jedi Knights, TwinsSevrina Erelen- Togruta - Mechanic, Recovers ships and weaponsJorol Gyyll - Nautolan - Mechanic, Recovers ships and weaponsDesric Vitaan - Mon Calamari - Expert Scientist and NavigatorJatt, Eeth, Ridu, Darg, T'Rani, Viera, Aurora - Human - Most Skillfull PilotsDuoquin Orura - Umbaran - Imperial Knight/Grey JediKazic Murgo - Human - Jedi Master, Teacher of StrevikStrevik Holst - Zabrak - Jedi Knight, Apprentice of Kazic, Younger Brother of Adira Adira Holst - Zabrak - Sith Hunter, Older Sister of StrevikEmperor Daos/Darth Eclissu (Covrei) - Human - Dark Lord, Leader of The Galactic Empire, Grandfather of NekemshalDarth Zevis - Human - Sith Lord, Apprentice to The Emperor DaosDarth Rakuu/Cassir Ty Min - Twi'lek - Sith Marauder, Apprentice to The Emperor DaosNikoova Zekk - Rattataki - Bounty HunterJaira Diruno - Chiss - Bounty HunterTivol Rebeyr- Twi'lek - Husband to Aayla, Friend of CassirAayla Rebeyr - Twi'lek - Wife to Tivol, Friend of Cassir…

✿ Book Cover Grunge☹ - A B I E R TO -✿

✿ Book Cover Grunge☹ - A B I E R TO -✿

10,046 556 90

Donde Mayi te hace portadas grunge/aesthetic/pale/tumblr muy cute // 🌼💕 abierto 💕🌼 //…

Crescent Moon Pack    (On Hold!)

Crescent Moon Pack (On Hold!)

1,290 34 13

Crescent moon pack The village of Crescent Moon is not ordinary. There are werewolves,were foxes,vampires,animatronics,hybrids,and humans. The humans think that werewolves,were foxes,and vampires are myths. They live among humans. The animatronics are from a place. Only one animatronic named Charlene Silver doesn't live with them. She lives with the Crescent moon pack and she goes to school. Her best friend is a werewolf named Silver. Silver is a white wolf. One human knows that Silver is a werewolf and that Charlene Silver is a animatronic. This humans name is Hazel. Most mystic creatures go to school,but make sure no human gets suspicious. The rarest were fox is a a white fox and she is a rouge.On Hold! Might not continue…